2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 104-116

Depending on geographical location, the development of Georgian economy was directly related to the efficient use of transit function. For Georgia, as a transit function, the importance of transportation infrastructure is important in the formation of its geo-economic positioning strategy. The acquisition, realization and development of Georgia›s transport potential began in the 90s of the 20th century. Nevertheless, complex research and analysis on the possibilities of development of transit function of the country in Georgian economic literature is not practically investigated yet. Morover, there are not identified determinants on the development of the sector, and their impact on the economic development of the country is not defined either. The study aims to analyze capabilities of Georgia›s transit potential and to determine its influence on economic development of the country in the process of integration of modern world economy. The following objectives are derived: • Identification of significant stimulant determination of development of transport / logistics field and its effectiveness; • Establishment of transit / logistics potential for economic development of the country. The objective of the research is the transport and logistics sector in the Member States of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Caucasus and Central Asian countries as an important instrument of economic development of the country. The research is subject to comparative analysis of the targeted and consequential indicators of transport and logistics sector in the member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The theoretical foundation of the research is the works of various Georgian and foreign researchers about the study. The survey was based on the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, Eurostat, National Statistics Office of Georgia, Georgian and Foreign Professionals, Georgian and Foreign Marine Ports, Railway and Motor Operators, as well as the laws of Georgia. The work is based on analysis and synthesis, quantitative, qualitative, groupings, and medium-size, graphic expression, indexing, comparison, regression and correlation methods. The scientific innovation of the research is the attempt to conduct a complex examination of transit capabilities in Georgia, as a result of which: • Using the Panel Data Analysis Method is reasonable as the development of the transport / logistics sector is a very positive role in the socio-economic development of the country, the main determinant of which is the infrastructural investment. • Panel examinations and econometric calculations for member and partner countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with transit function and sea exit confirmed that investments in the transport/logistics infrastructure of these countries are the most efficient. The paper can be used to overcome the challenges of successful transit systems in Georgia and its successful integration into the world economy. Consequently, the findings and recommendations of the research topic are appropriate for the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, the Parliament of Georgia and other sectoral authorities, non-governmental organizations, scientific organizations and other stakeholders. In the process of teaching geo-economics, «international economy», «world economy» and their neighboring disciplines.

2018 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 08026
Olga Borisenko ◽  
Dmitry Sukharev ◽  
Marina Fomina ◽  
Nataly Kondakova

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of economic globalization in China and as a factor of cultural security. A philosophical analysis of the social aspect of China’s regional development. J. Sigurdson, like many researchers, analyzes economic, political factors, technological innovations, regional development programs of China. Our attention was drawn to the fact that he is one of the few Western researchers who analyze social problems. J. Sigurdson gives an analysis of Chinese society in the context of the development of technological systems. He notes that the creation of clusters, the use of new technologies contribute to the development of the social infrastructure of modern Chinese society. It is worth noting that his analysis is based on the historical information approach. In this case, we are not interested in ascertaining the facts presented by him, but in describing the role of innovation systems in the development of the social sphere of Chinese society. Thus, the relevance of this article is due to the need to analyze Western research on the social factor of regional changes in China. The entry into globalization processes and the perception of the economic opportunities of the modern world in China is refracted through traditional culture and allows not only to preserve its own values, but also to successfully adapt them to the realities of the present day on one hand and spread it outside on the other. China plays an important role in the modern economic development of the world. The main task of the Chinese strategy for the development of clusters was to ensure that the results met not only the economic development of the country, but also the rise of the social, cultural component. The Chinese government is aware of the depth of existing problems in society, and how we see new promising plans for the development of China’s economic system. In the artical, we allows us to view modern China not only as a simple element of the world economic system, but rather as one of the leading subjects of economic globalization, actively participating in the world economy and making a significant contribution to the development of the modern world. In our view, it is the integrity of the domestic political and foreign policy course of the country’s development that allowed the Chinese economy and culture to become a visible and important element of the world economy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 64-90
E. N. Smirnov ◽  
V. N. Kirillov

Main objective of the article – assessment of problems and opportunities of speeding up of world economic growth in the context of the crisis phenomena and turbulence in economy. Complication and reformatting of the economic relations between the countries represents serious challenges for modern economic dynamics. Methodological approach of the authors is based on assessment of the defining influence of new factors on delay of economic activity and economic development. The thesis about the defining impact of international trade on economic growth is called into question. It was analyzed the value and a role of the international companies as growth catalysts in the conditions of new technological revolution. It is established that risks of development of the world economy continue to increase, and the main of them – in decline in labor productivity in the developed countries, uncertainty concerning interest rates and economic policy of the states, the universal growth of sovereign and corporate debt of the states. It is shown that China has the increasing problems with the growth; however the flexibility of its economic policy allows to connect additional mechanisms of speeding up of social and economic development. In the European Union economic growth depends on the solution of problems of consolidation of the budgetary process, decrease in a debt, and in general – on reforming of the existing model of social and economic development. Prospects of economic dynamics will depend in many respects on stability of trade relations between the countries, and on the effective international cooperation directed to overcoming imbalances of the modern world economy. Opportunities and problems of an exit of developing countries to a trajectory of sustained economic growth in the conditions of digitalization and digital transformations in the world economy are estimated. Aggravation of a problem of inequality in the conditions of digitalization of the world economy is possible to overcome, however a number of measures in the sphere of industrial, innovative and regulatory policy is necessary. Also at the international level serious reforms in the sphere of financial regulation and taxation are necessary. The conclusions received as a result of the research have important practical importance as overcoming the problems stated above and also trade political differences between the countries will make economic growth steady and inclusive.

Tomasz Dołęgowski ◽  
Serhii Hushko ◽  
Volodymyr Kulishov

We examine the main trends of world economic development. The characteristic feature of the modern world is the acceleration of globalization development, caused by the achievements of scientific and technological progress. The increase in possibilities of global problem solving is accompanied by their exacerbation and degree of openness of public systems in conditions of modern globalization. We consider the interaction of international economic agents, the formation of interconnections, the inevitability of transition to a new and more progressive model of economic development – metaeconomy and the problems which are potentially able to cause negative consequences of the financial sector redistribution. There is a growth of social inequality in the world, resulting in increasing income disparities, which intensifies the migration process and thereby creates new problems as a result of the coexistence of people belonging to different civilizations, cultures and value systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 118-124
Mykola Palinchak ◽  
Olena Zayats ◽  
Viktoria Bokoch

The number of actors that affect the distribution of the competitive force in the global economy is growing, and the spheres of economic competition or cooperation are expanding to build up the competitive force. The article emphasizes the significant impact of international economic integration on the sustainable economic development of the world economy. It also shows that the study of the competitive force of interstate integration groupings is highly relevant today, as international economic integration plays a fundamental role in the development of trade and competitive relations between countries. The paper offers the methodology for competitiveness grouping of Member States of the international integration groupings in order to assess the global competitive force of trade and economic groupings in the world economy. The purpose is to investigate the Integrated Competitive Force Index of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2019 in order to analyze the attractiveness of APEC in terms of the global competitive force. It is also important to determine the attractiveness of APEC competitive environment according to 12 criteria on the basis of the research, which, in turn, allows for a better understanding and ranking of interstate integration groupings according to their competitive forces. Result. Based on the data of the Global Competitiveness Report 2019 on the competitiveness of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Member States (APEC), the Integrated Competitive Force Index of APEC as an interstate integration grouping has been calculated. The Index will help to assess economic integration or disintegration processes in the global economy. The article proves the necessity of the annual integrated competitive force ranking of international integration groupings. Practical implications. The introduction of the new Integrated Competitive Force Index of interstate integration groupings will help competition policymakers to decide which processes of economic integration or disintegration should be preferred in order to build up their competitive force in the global economy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 139-147
S. S. Serafimovna ◽  
S. E. Andreevna

Introduction. The paper is devoted to the review of the current state of economic cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Korea under the influence of the main trends in the development of the world economy in 2019. There is presented the analysis of the achieved results of Russian-Korean cooperation, taking into account the complications of the internal economic situation in each country. The prospects of development of mutual economic cooperation in the context of continuing unfavorable trends of protectionism and trade wars in the world are assessed.Materials and methods. The study uses expert, statistical and comparative analysis, analysis of the empirical data, as well as the methods of induction, deduction, analogy, generalization.Results. As a result of the analysis, the key features of economic cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Korea at the present stage were identified, an assessment of the current state of trade and investment relations between the two countries is given; the prospects of further development of bilateral trade and economic relations are analyzed with consideration to the foreign policy factors and the situation in the world economy.Discussion and conclusion. As the presented study showed, at present the most important sphere of interaction between countries is foreign trade. Traditionally, bilateral trade is the determinant in the relations between Russia and the Republic of Korea. The urgent task for both countries is to formulate a coordinated strategy for the long-term economic cooperation taking into account the challenges that the global and national economies face, and to achieve the level of “strategic partnership” in the bilateral relations in the near future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 151
Anton Stolitnii ◽  
Vitalii Makhinchuk

The purpose of the article is to reveal the newest and priority tendencies towards formation of the directions of encouraging the development of the world economy under globalization. The subject of the research is the priorities for the development of the economy of the USA and some European countries. Methodology. On the basis of the scientific literature analysis, the current economic situation of the USA and some European countries was analyzed and the strategic priorities and goals of the world economic development were determined, as well as the dialectical method, the method of scientific abstraction and the method of system analysis were used. The studies have shown that in order to implement foreign experience there is a number of key economic problems, which impede the development of the economy. It was found that a complex structural transformation of the world economy is needed to increase the share of the high-tech and innovative sectors. Practical implication. A comprehensive analysis of the status and determinants of economic development of the USA and some European countries from the perspective of the threats and risks associated with crisis situations in the modern world was made. The basic principles of the formation and implementation of the economic development strategy based on the harmonization of strategic priorities and strategic goals of the USA and the EU were determined, as well as the need to reform the economic sector in order to build promising areas of the economy was substantiated. Value / originality. The conducted research revealed the state of development of the economic system of the USA and some European countries.

2004 ◽  
pp. 113-122
L. Kabir

This article considers the basic tendencies of development of trade and economic cooperation of the two countries with accent on increasing volumes and consolidating trade and economic ties in Russian-Chinese relations. The author compares Russian and Chinese participation in the world economy and analyzes the counter trade from the point of view of basic commodity groups.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (20) ◽  
Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolosov ◽  
Elena Alexandrovna Grechko ◽  
Xenia Vladimirovna Mironenko ◽  
Elena Nikolayevna Samburova ◽  
Nikolay Alexandrovich Sluka ◽  

The advent of "world economic transition" and the formation of a multipolar world is closely linked, according to experts, with loss of globalization advances, which strengthens regionalism, increases diversification and fragmentation of the modern world, creating risks and threats to the world development. In this light studying the spatial organization of the global economy becomes more important, and at the same time that complicates the choice of priorities in the research activities of the Department of geography of the world economy, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State Lomonosov University in 2016-20, requiring a new research “ideology”. The article summarizes some ideas expressed by the department staff. It specifies that concept of territorial division of labor, as well as the defined set of key actors in the world economy and common assumptions regarding their contributions to its development needs a significant revision. The above firstly concerns giant developing countries, in particular rapidly growing China – a kind of locomotive entraining other developing states. Further, the impact of multinationals on the overall architecture and the territorial organization of the global economy becomes more and more tangible. This phenomenon requires the creation of a new scientific area of concern – the corporate geography as a tool to thoroughly investigate the transnational division of labor. Changes in the balance of acting forces are closely related to changes in industry composition and spatial organization of the global economy. The article raises the issues of development of such processes as tertiarization of the economy, reindustrialization and neoindustrialization, the latter being understood as an evolutionary transition to a knowledge-intensive, high-tech, mass labor-replacing and environmentally efficient industrial production. Basing on preliminary research from the standpoint of a relatively new methodological approach – formation of value chains – the vector of "geographical transition" " in their creation from developed to developing countries was designated. This means increasing complexity of the territorial structure of the world economy and an increase in the importance of semi-periphery. A spatial projection of globalization processes in the form of emerging “archipelago of cities”, which consolidates the international network of TNCs as the supporting node frame of the global economy requires close attention and analysis. The need of comprehending the study scope in the field of geography of the world economy in medium Atlas Information Systems (AIS), which in terms of functionality belong to the upper class of electronic atlases, is noted.

2019 ◽  
pp. 28-53
Igor Martins Oliveira ◽  
Luiz Andrei Gonçalves Pereira

Na era globalização, a economia mundial tem vivenciado um processo de reestruturação produtiva, intensificando os fluxos nos territórios inerentes às interações espaciais de recursos, de bens e de serviços que circulam entre os mercados nacionais e internacionais. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as dinâmicas socioespaciais dos fluxos de comércio internacional do estado de Minas Gerais por meio da logística das redes de importações e de exportações de frutas, no período de 2000 a 2017. Como resultado, identificou-se que, no mercado externo de frutas, Minas Gerais se relaciona comercialmente com 88 países, sendo 52 nas redes de exportação e 36 na rede de importação. Na operacionalização dos fluxos no comércio global, a logística de transportes foi realizada através dos modais rodoviário, marítimo e aéreo, configurando-se como um elemento geográfico, visto que as transações comerciais demandam o gerenciamento da fluidez, do planejamento e da organização dos diferentes territórios.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Logística, Comércio Internacional, Fruticultura. ABSTRACTIn the era of globalization, the world economy has undergone a process of productive restructuring, intensifying flows in the territories inherent to the spatial interactions of resources, goods and services that circulate between national and international markets. The objective of this work is to analyze the sociospatial dynamics of the international trade flows of the state of Minas Gerais through the logistics of import and export fruit networks, from 2000 to 2017. As a result, it was identified that in the market Minas Gerais has a commercial relationship with 88 countries, 52 in export networks and 36 in the import network. In the operationalization of flows in global trade, transport logistics was carried out through the road, sea and air modalities, being configured as a geographic element, since commercial transactions demand the management of the fluidity, planning and organization of the different territories.KEYWORDS: Logistic, International Trade, Fruticulture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 375-385
Mikhail S Komov

In modern conditions of development of integration processes in the world economy, special importance is attached to the transport sector. The formation of a single transport space (STS) in the regions creates additional opportunities for the economic development of the integrating countries. At the same time, the literature does not pay enough attention to the definition of the essence of the single transport space and the classification of integration associations according to the degree of its development. Therefore, there is a need to develop such a classification. The article substantiates the expediency of classification of integration associations according to the degree of development of a single transport space. The author's formal-logical classification is developed, which is based on three basic types of a single transport space: transport and logistics type provide a positive multiplier of integrated economic growth for all participating countries; innovative-logistic and customs-logistic types cause polarization in the action of the multiplier of integrated economic growth (in particular, both positive and negative growth rates of GDP values of the participating countries are possible); industrial and logistics type provide a zero multiplier of integrated economic growth for all participating countries. The conclusion is made about the possibility of unification and harmonization of transport space in the practice of integration associations on the basis of the developed classification.

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