Introduction: We started from Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, the onion model of achievement motivation according to Schuler & Prochaska, and the 5-factor personality theory by Costa & McCrae. The study aimed to analyze the predictive power of achievement motivation and personality traits on general self-efficacyand domain-specific career decision self-efficacy. We expected the more significant relationship of stable personality characteristics with general self-efficacy than with specific-domain career decision self-efficacy. Methods: 690adult participants (university students and working adults) completed a career decision self-efficacy questionnaire,and 268of them a general self-efficacy scale. All participants also fulfilled an achievement motivation questionnaire and afive-factor personality theory questionnaire. Results: All five personality traits, combined with four dimensions of achievement motivation (dominance, confidence in success, self-control, and competitiveness) explain 61% of general self-efficacy variability. Extraversion, agreeableness, andconscientiousness with six achievement motivation dimensions (dominance, engagement, confidence in success, fearlessness, competitiveness, and goal setting) explain 42.5% of career decision self-efficacy variability. Discussion: Stable traits and achievement motivation dimensions had more significant predictive power on general self-efficacy than on domain-specific career decision self-efficacy. For further research, there is a suggestion about a theoretically and empirically integrated model of dispositional and social-cognitive approaches.