scholarly journals Pilihan Kode dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar di Sekolah Dasar di Jawa Tengah (Code Choices in Teaching and Learning Activities in Elementary Schools in Jawa Tengah)

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Suryo Handono

Kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan berbagai topik memunculkan variasi penggunaan bahasa pengantar. Penggunaan bahasa itu belum terungkap secara empiris. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan bahasa pengantar di sekolah dasar di Jawa Tengah, variasi, pola pemakaian, dan faktor-faktor yang menentukan penggunaannya. Penyediaan data menggunakan metode pengamatan langsung dengan teknik simak. Melalui analisis sosiolinguistik diperoleh hasil bahwa bahasa yang digunakan terdiri atas bahasa Indonesia dengan ragam formal dan nonformal, serta bahasa Jawa. Variasinya berwujud tunggal bahasa, alih kode, dan campur kode. Pola penggunaannya bersumber pada bahasa Indonesia yang kemudian dilakukan alih kode dan campur kode dengan bahasa Jawa, Inggris, atau Arab. Faktor yang menentukan penggunaannya adalah ketepatan, kemantaban, dan kenyamanan; pemahaman murid; peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa murid; dan pengenalan istilah dalam bahasa aslinya. Teaching and learning activities with various topics bring up variations in the use of the language of instruction. The use of language has not been revealed empirically. This paper describes the language of instruction in the form of code choice performed by teachers of elementary schools in Jawa Tengah, variations, usage patterns, and factorsfor the choice. Data were collected by using the method of direct observation with refer to technique. Through sociolinguistic analysis, it was found that there are there major codes to choose, i.e. formal Indonesian, nonformal Indonesian, and Javanese. The variations were single code, code switching, and code mixing. The pattern of its used originates in Indonesian, which then switched or mixed to or with Javanese, English or Arabic. The factors determining the choices were accuracy, stability, and convenience; students understanding; improvement of students language skills; and the introduction of terms in the original language.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Diyah Atiek Mustikawati

This study aimed to describe a form of code switching and code mixing specific form found in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom as well as determining factors influencing events stand out that form of code switching and code mixing in question.Form of this research is descriptive qualitative case study which took place in Al Mawaddah Boarding School Ponorogo. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been stated in the previous chapter that the form of code mixing and code switching learning activities in Al Mawaddah Boarding School is in between the use of either language Java language, Arabic, English and Indonesian, on the use of insertion of words, phrases, idioms, use of nouns, adjectives, clauses, and sentences. Code mixing deciding factor in the learning process include: Identification of the role, the desire to explain and interpret, sourced from the original language and its variations, is sourced from a foreign language. While deciding factor in the learning process of code, includes: speakers (O1), partners speakers (O2), the presence of a third person (O3), the topic of conversation, evoke a sense of humour, and just prestige. The significance of this study is to allow readers to see the use of language in a multilingual society, especially in AL Mawaddah boarding school about the rules and characteristics variation in the language of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Furthermore, the results of this research will provide input to the ustadz / ustadzah and students in developing oral communication skills and the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies in boarding schools.   

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Diyah Atiek Mustikawati

This study aimed to describe a form of code switching and code mixing specific form found in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom as well as determining factors influencing events stand out that form of code switching and code mixing in question.Form of this research is descriptive qualitative case study which took place in Al Mawaddah Boarding School Ponorogo. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been stated in the previous chapter that the form of code mixing and code switching learning activities in Al Mawaddah Boarding School is in between the use of either language Java language, Arabic, English and Indonesian, on the use of insertion of words, phrases, idioms, use of nouns, adjectives, clauses, and sentences. Code mixing deciding factor in the learning process include: Identification of the role, the desire to explain and interpret, sourced from the original language and its variations, is sourced from a foreign language. While deciding factor in the learning process of code, includes: speakers (O1), partners speakers (O2), the presence of a third person (O3), the topic of conversation, evoke a sense of humour, and just prestige. The significance of this study is to allow readers to see the use of language in a multilingual society, especially in AL Mawaddah boarding school about the rules and characteristics variation in the language of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Furthermore, the results of this research will provide input to the ustadz / ustadzah and students in developing oral communication skills and the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies in boarding schools.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Rinita Rosalinda Dewi ◽  
Mufid Hidayat ◽  
Cik Suabuana

Value education is a conscious and planned effort to help students recognize the values that must be used as a guide in behaving and behaving in everyday life. The purpose of this research was to determine the value education strategy as forming the personality of students in schools, especially at the elementary school level. SDN Nagreg 04 is one of the elementary schools that instill value education as a way of shaping the personality of students so that they become personal benefits for others. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods and uses data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Based on research results show that the value education strategy as forming the personality of students in schools can be started from the curriculum and tools such as syllabus and lesson plans, plan various programs that can support the process of value education to students, integrated with teaching and learning activities, and through collaboration between schools, parents, and society.

Novi Andri Nurcahyono ◽  
Astri Sutisnawati ◽  
Iis Nurasiah

The purpose of this Workshop is to help teachers with regard to improving teaching and learning activities and school management and their implementation in the 2013 curriculum in Elementary Schools. Participants in this activity were elementary school teacher representatives in Limbangan Village, Sukaraja District, Sukabumi Regency and all KKN students in Limbangan Village, Sukaraja District, Sukabumi District. The workshop was conducted in 3 stages, namely the prefix stage, the core stage, and the final stage. The results obtained after the workshop were the commitment of teachers to implement MBS in the learning process with the 2013 curriculum in their respective schools. The difficulties experienced by teachers related to the development of learning evaluation in the 2013 curriculum. In this workshop, it was also found the fact that most teachers indirectly applied MBS in their respective schools.�Tujuan dari Lokakarya ini adalah membantu guru berkenaan dengan peningkatan kegiatan belajar mengajar dan manajemen sekolah serta implementasinya pada kurikulum 2013 di Sekolah Dasar. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini yaitu perwakilan guru SD/sederajat yang terdapat di Desa Limbangan Kecamatan Sukaraja, Kabupaten Sukabumi dan seluruh mahasiswa KKN di Desa Limbangan Kecamatan Sukaraja Kabupaten Sukabumi. Metode Lokakarya dilakukan dalam 3 tahap, yaitu tahap awalan, tahap inti, dan tahap akhir. Hasil yang didapat setelah pelaksanaan lokakarya adalah komitmen guru untuk mengimplementasikan MBS pada proses pembelajaran dengan kurikulum 2013 di sekolah masing-masing. Kesulitan yang dialami guru terkait pengembangan evaluasi pembelajaran di kurikulum 2013. Pada lokakarya ini juga ditemukannya fakta bahwa sebagian besar guru secara tidak langsung telah menerapkan MBS di Sekolah mereka masing-masing.

Mayske Rinny Liando ◽  
Tirsa Vira Rondonuwu

The teaching of second language or the third make sociolinguistic problem. For most Indonesian people, Indonesian language is the second or third language. The teaching of of Indonesian language is integrated in Indonesian language subject that starts from elementary to high school. Indonesian language is a main language in Indonesian especially in education institutes. It is undebieble fact that students use another language at Gonzaga Junior High School Tomohon because of the influence of social and culture background. Code mixing is caused by some factors, namely (1) subject, (2) describing, (3) daily routine in teaching and learning activities in Junior High School Catholic Gonzaga Tomohon has been the main issue in their research.This research is aimed to explain about kinds of code mixing and factors that cause the code mixing in teaching and learning activities by Junior High School Students Catholic Gonzaga Tomohon.Theories used for this research is the theory of speech community, bilingual  theory , theory of code and  code mixing. This research is a descriptive qualitative. The research data is done with the following method of observation technic. The data in this research is the student speech that contains code mixing. The data analysis that use is qualitative analysis with equal method.The result of this research shows that speech act of the students in Gonzaga Junior High School of Tomohon found code mixing. The form of code mixing that using are Indonesian, English and Manado Malay. Based on the result of this research can concluding that kinds of code mixing are code mixing in lexical form, frasa form and clausa form. The factors of code mixing are namely, describing and daily routine. Key words: code mixing, teaching and learning activities, Indonesian language, sociolinguistic

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-94
SM.A. Hari Mahardika ◽  
Jhowilyn Zaldivar

The two main problems in Tangerang Regency are poverty and deterioration in the quality of the environment, to overcome this, Tangerang Regency develops and implements the Gerbang Mapan, one of its programs is the Pesisir Mengajar program. The aims at the program to increase public awareness through education and dissemination of information specifically in primary schools on coastal environmental conservation issues. Learning activities are aimed at providing a new atmosphere in the teaching and learning process of elementary schools in the coastal areas of Tangerang Regency. Until now, this program has been able to recruit 60 volunteers and reach 30 coastal elementary schools. The official slogan of the program is: "Informal Schools in Formal Classes". This program is able to provide a positive experience in the formation of student character. The values instilled in students, such as caring for the environment and personal hygiene, are evident in their actions. The students develop the habit of throwing garbage in its place and awareness of protecting the environment, a sign of increasing students' sense of responsibility towards the environment. This program produces educated and enthusiastic members of the community to preserve the coastal environment. Keywords: Pesisir Mengajar, extra school education, ICM and Tangerang Regency

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Rafhi Febryan Putera ◽  
Zahratul Qalbi

This research is motivated by the initial reflection of researchers who conduct observation of teaching and learning activities in Paninjauan Elementary Schools elementary schools, that the civic education learning was dominated by the teacher using conventional learning method in learning low when the daily test exam and the final exam semeseter. The purpose of this study is to describe how learning planning, learning implementation, and learning outcomes. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach and a quantitative approach with four stages, namely learning planning, learning implementation, learning observation, and learning reflection. The subjects used in this study were grade IV students of SDN 11 Paninjau Agam Regency. From the data analysis, it was found that the Group Investigation (GI) type of cooperative learning model was proven to improve student learning outcomes. This can be seen from the percentage of completeness learning Cycle I of 58.6 and in the second cycle increased to 72.25.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Syafrizal Syafrizal ◽  
Nurhaeda Gailea ◽  
Fitriani Pratiwi

<p><em>The objectives of research are to investigate the frequency of teacher’s code switching and code mixing, the function of teacher’s code switching and code mixing in EFL Classroom, and teacher and students’ attitude toward it. This research focuses on analyzing EFL teacher’s utterances at 10<sup>th</sup> grade and by using Poplack, Musyken and Wardhaugh theory. The method of this study is case study. The data of the research is in the form of written recording utterances during teaching and learning process in the classroom, interview and questionnaire. Based on the analysis of the data, reveals that there are three major conclusions about teacher’s code switching and code mixing in EFL classroom. First, code switching and code mixing exist in EFL classroom. Second, the use of code switching and code mixing in EFL classroom has various functions includes topic switch, affective, repetitive, directive and phatic function, as proposed by Sert (2005) and Apple </em><em>and</em><em> Musyken (2006). Third, the data from the questionnaire reflects the positive attitude toward the use of code switching and code mixing along teaching and learning activities in the classroom. While both teacher and students agreed that code switching and code mixing can promote better understanding and be effective to make students understand their teacher’s practice instructions and material explanation. </em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Sri Rudiawati

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar melalui penerapan pembelajaran model STAD dan Role Playing terhadap siswa Kelas VI SDN Sintung Timur Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016.  Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas tiga suiklus. Pengumpulan data berupa hasil tes formatif, lembar observasi kegiatan belajar mengajar. Didapatkan bahwa prestasi belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I sampai siklus III yaitu, siklus I (68,18%), siklus II (77,27%), siklus III (86,36%). Kesimpulan bahwa penerapan model STAD dan Role Playing dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar Siswa kelas VI SDN Sintung Timur Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016.Abstract:  The purpose of this study would like to know the improvement of learning achievement through the application of STAD and Role Playing model learning to the students of Class VI SDN Sintung Timur in School Year 2015/2016. This study used a classroom action research of three cycles. Data collection in the form of formative test result, observation sheet of teaching and learning activities. It was found that students' learning achievement increased from cycle I to cycle III that is, cycle I (68,18%), cycle II (77,27%), cycle III (86,36%). The conclusion that the application of STAD and Role Playing model can improve the learning achievement of grade 6 students of SDN Sintung Timur in the academic year 2015/2016.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-218
Sari Amfusina ◽  
Ririn Rahayu ◽  
Iba Harliyana

Research entitled "Locus, Illocution, and Perlocution Speech Acts in Indonesian Language Teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Nisam". This study aims to describe the locus, illocution, and percocutionary acts of speech in Indonesian language teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Nisam. This research approach is a qualitative approach. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were in the form of speeches by Indonesian language teachers which took place at SMA Negeri 1 Nisam. The data sources of this study were Indonesian language teachers who taught in class X IPS 1, X IPS 2, X IPA I, XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2, XII IPA 1, and XII IPS 3 in SMA Negeri 1 Nisam. Data collection is done through the technique of recording, listening, and note taking. The data analysis technique of this study used descriptive notes. The results of this study indicate that Indonesian Language teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Nisam actively use several types of speech acts in the process of teaching and learning activities. The speech acts used by Indonesian language teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Nisam consist of three types, namely locution, illocution, and perlocution. First, the speech acts used by Teacher A contain locus and illocutionary speech acts. Second, the speech acts used by teacher B contain locus and illocutionary speech acts. Third, the speech acts used by teacher C contain acts of locution, illocution, and perlocution. Abstrak Penelitian yang berjudul “Tindak Tutur Lokusi, Ilokusi, dan Perlokusi  pada Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA Negeri 1 Nisam”. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tindak tutur lokusi, ilokusi, dan perlokusi pada guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA Negeri 1 Nisam. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang berlangsung di SMA Negeri 1 Nisam. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang mengajar di  kelas X IPS 1, X IPS 2, X IPA I, XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2, XII IPA 1, dan XII IPS 3 di SMA Negeri 1 Nisam. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik rekam, simak, dan catat. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan catatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru Bahasa Indonesia di SMA Negeri 1 Nisam secara aktif menggunakan beberapa jenis tindak tutur dalam proses kegiatan belajar-mengajar. Tindak tutur yang digunakan guru Bahasa Indonesia di SMA Negeri 1 Nisam terdiri atas tiga jenis yaitu lokusi, ilokusi, dan perlokusi. Pertama, tindak tutur yang digunakan oleh guru A mengandung tindak tutur lokusi dan ilokusi. Kedua, tindak tutur yang digunakan guru B mengandung tindak tutur lokusi dan ilokusi. Ketiga, tindak tutur yang digunakan guru C mengandung tindak tutur lokusi, ilokusi, dan perlokusi. Kata Kunci: Tindak Tutur, Lokusi, Ilokusi, Perlokusi 

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