Виталий Вячеславович Аксёнов ◽  
Николай Михайлович Агарков ◽  
Александра Игоревна Сурнина

Заболеваемость раком яичников в России в последнее время остается на высоком уровне. В мире более ста тысяч женщин умирают вследствие протекания данного заболевания. За последнее десятилетие заболеваемость острым эндометритом также неуклонно возрастает. Острый эндометрит обладает полиморфизмом симптомов, лабораторных и ультразвуковых изменений и вследствие этого тяжело поддается диагностике и дифференциальной диагностике. В условиях стационара обследованы 100 пациенток с раком яичников II-III стадии и 90 пациенток с диагнозом острого эндометрита. Им выполнялось ультразвуковое исследование. Полученные результаты подвергались обработке и математико-статистическому анализу, включающему расчёт показателей дезинтеграции, сетевое моделирование, математическое ранжирование. Изучение ультразвуковых изменений кровотока в маточных и яичниковых сосудах и венах у 100 заболевших раком яичников и 90 заболевших острым эндометритом дал возможность выделить ведущие дифференциально-диагностические аспекты. Характеристики дезинтеграции, в одном ряду со средними значениями локального кровотока, объективизируют дифференциацию рака яичников и острого эндометрита. В согласовании с дифференциально-диагностической значимостью ультразвуковых характеристик артериального кровотока в маточных и яичниковых сосудах построена сетевая модель дифференциальной диагностики рака яичников и острого эндометрита по более приоритетным переменам, собственно, что разрешает уменьшить размер и время обследования пациента и постановки верного диагноза The incidence of ovarian cancer in Russia has recently remained at a high level. In the world, more than a hundred thousand women die as a result of the course of this disease. The incidence of acute endometritis has also been steadily increasing over the past decade. Acute endometritis has a polymorphism of symptoms, laboratory and ultrasound changes and, as a result, is difficult to diagnose and differential diagnosis. 100 patients with stage II-III ovarian cancer and 90 patients with acute endometritis were examined in the hospital. They performed an ultrasound examination. The obtained results were processed and subjected to mathematical and statistical analysis, including the calculation of disintegration indicators, network modeling, and mathematical ranking. The study of ultrasound changes in blood flow in the uterine and ovarian vessels and veins in 100 patients with ovarian cancer and 90 patients with acute endometritis made it possible to identify the leading differential diagnostic aspects. The characteristics of disintegration, along with the average values of local blood flow, objectify the differentiation of ovarian cancer and acute endometritis. In accordance with the differential diagnostic significance of the ultrasound characteristics of arterial blood flow in the uterine and ovarian vessels, a network model for the differential diagnosis of ovarian cancer and acute endometritis is constructed according to higher priority changes, which actually allows reducing the size and time of the patient's examination and making the correct diagnosis

David Ratliff

Acute limb ischaemia is defined as a decrease in the arterial blood flow, over a period of minutes to days, which threatens the viability of the limb. Presentation is within 2 weeks of the onset of symptoms. Chronic limb ischaemia (presentation >2 weeks after the onset of symptoms) can be divided into critical ischaemia—a potential threat to limb viability, with ischaemic rest pain, ischaemic ulcers, or gangrene—and non-critical ischaemia, which may be symptomatic (typically with claudication) or asymptomatic. This chapter discusses limb ischaemia, including differential diagnosis, context, approach to diagnosis, specific clues to the diagnosis, key diagnostic tests, treatment and therapy, prognosis, and how to handle uncertainty in the diagnosis of the symptom.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Aybike Tazegül ◽  
Özlem Seçilmiş Kerimoğlu ◽  
Feyza Nur İncesu ◽  
Nasuh Utku Doğan ◽  
Setenay Arzu Yılmaz ◽  

During pregnancy, masses that are larger than 5 cm and appearing in the Doppler ultrasonography as having increased blood flow, echoes of heterogeneous density, and containing solid components are suspicious for malignancy; however, differential diagnosis of decidualized endometriomas should also be considered. The patient was an 8 weeks pregnant primigravida. The ultrasonographic evaluation showed a cystic mass of size 65 × 57 mm in the left ovary that was well circumscribed, heterogeneous, with highly dense internal echo, and containing a solid component of size 8 × 14 mm. In the 12th week, the ultrasonographic examination revealed an increase in the size of the mass and increased arterial blood flow in the mass. The patient underwent surgery. It was observed that both ovaries were adherent in the Douglas pouch and that the left ovary contained an endometrioma of size 8cm. While the capsule was being peeled, lesions of soft density, with irregular surfaces, and with adhesion in the Douglas pouch were observed. The results of the frozen section revealed decidualized endometrioma and decidual structures. Even in pregnant women when adnexal masses are encountered and the ultrasonography, Doppler, MRI, and CA 125 level analysis still do not favor endometriosis, decidualized endometrioma should be considered in the differential diagnosis.

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Xenia Descovich ◽  
Giuseppe Pontrelli ◽  
Sauro Succi ◽  
Simone Melchionna ◽  
Manfred Bammer

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 353
Jayasree Nair ◽  
Lauren Davidson ◽  
Sylvia Gugino ◽  
Carmon Koenigsknecht ◽  
Justin Helman ◽  

The optimal timing of cord clamping in asphyxia is not known. Our aims were to determine the effect of ventilation (sustained inflation–SI vs. positive pressure ventilation–V) with early (ECC) or delayed cord clamping (DCC) in asphyxiated near-term lambs. We hypothesized that SI with DCC improves gas exchange and hemodynamics in near-term lambs with asphyxial bradycardia. A total of 28 lambs were asphyxiated to a mean blood pressure of 22 mmHg. Lambs were randomized based on the timing of cord clamping (ECC—immediate, DCC—60 s) and mode of initial ventilation into five groups: ECC + V, ECC + SI, DCC, DCC + V and DCC + SI. The magnitude of placental transfusion was assessed using biotinylated RBC. Though an asphyxial bradycardia model, 2–3 lambs in each group were arrested. There was no difference in primary outcomes, the time to reach baseline carotid blood flow (CBF), HR ≥ 100 bpm or MBP ≥ 40 mmHg. SI reduced pulmonary (PBF) and umbilical venous (UV) blood flow without affecting CBF or umbilical arterial blood flow. A significant reduction in PBF with SI persisted for a few minutes after birth. In our model of perinatal asphyxia, an initial SI breath increased airway pressure, and reduced PBF and UV return with an intact cord. Further clinical studies evaluating the timing of cord clamping and ventilation strategy in asphyxiated infants are warranted.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (8) ◽  
pp. 2779-2789 ◽  
Claus Christian Pieper ◽  
Winfried A. Willinek ◽  
Daniel Thomas ◽  
Hojjat Ahmadzadehfar ◽  
Markus Essler ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 940-950 ◽  
Samuel Dambreville ◽  
Arlene B. Chapman ◽  
Vicente E. Torres ◽  
Bernard F. King ◽  
Ashley K. Wallin ◽  

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