2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-136
Yenik Pujowati

AbstrakKemiskinan tentunya bukanlah masalah sosial yang hanya dialami oleh negaranegaraberkembang seperti Indonesia, namun dialami juga oleh negara-negara maju sepertiamerika. Di Indonesia kemiskinan terus menjadi masalah sosial yang fenomenal sepanjangsejarah Indonesia. Kemiskinan telah membuat jutaan anak-anak indonesia tidak bisamengenyam pendidikan yang berkualitas, kesulitan membiayai kesehatan, kurangnyatabungan dan tidak adanya investasi untuk masa depan, kurangnya akses ke pelayananpublik, kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan, kurangnya jaminan sosial dan perlindunganterhadap keluarga, menguatnya arus urbanisasi kekota, dan yang lebih parah,kemiskinan menyebabkan jutaan rakyat memenuhi kebutuhan pangan, sandang dan papansecara terbatas. Ada dua kondisi yang menyebabkan kemiskinan bisa terjadi, yaknikemiskinan alamiah dan karena buatan. Kemiskinan alamiah terjadi antara lain akibatsumber daya alam yang terbatas, penggunaan teknologi yang rendah dan bencana alam.Kemiskinan "buatan" terjadi karena lembaga-lembaga yang ada di masyarakat membuatsebagian anggota masyarakat tidak mampu menguasai sarana ekonomi dan berbagaifasilitas lain yang tersedia, hingga mereka tetap miskin. Maka itulah sebabnya para pakarekonomi sering mengkritik kebijakan pembangunan yang sering terfokus pada pertumbuhanketimbang pemerataan.Kata Kunci: Kemiskinan, Pelayanan Publik, Kebijakan PembangunanAbstractPoverty is certainly not the only social problems experienced by developing countries such asIndonesia, but experienced by the developed countries like the United States. In Indonesia,poverty continues to be a social problem that is phenomenal in the history of Indonesia.Poverty has made millions of children Indonesia can not get an education of quality,difficulty to finance health care, lack of savings and investments for the future, lack of accessto public services, lack of jobs, lack of social security and protection of the family, thestrengthening of urbanization kekota, and worse, poverty causes millions of people to meetthe needs of food, clothing and shelter are limited. There are two conditions that causepoverty can happen, namely poverty because of natural and artificial. Poverty naturallyoccur partly as a result of limited natural resources, the use of low technology and naturaldisasters. Poverty "artificial" occurred because the institutions that exist in the community tomake some community members are not able to master the economic means and variousother facilities available, so they remain poor. So that is why economists are often criticizeddevelopment policies are often focused on growth rather than equity.Keywords: Poverty, Public Service, Policy Development

2021 ◽  
pp. 154041532110015
Oscar Yesid Franco-Rocha ◽  
Gloria Mabel Carillo-Gonzalez ◽  
Alexandra Garcia ◽  
Ashley Henneghan

Introduction: The number of cancer survivors is increasing in Colombia, and health policy changes are necessary to meet their unmet needs and improve their health outcomes. Similar trends have been identified in developed countries, and positive changes have been made. Methods: We conducted a narrative review to provide an overview of Colombia’s social structure, health care system, and health care delivery in relation to cancer, with recommendations for improving cancer survivorship in Colombia based on the model of survivorship care in the United States. Results: We proposed general recommendations for improving cancer survivors’ care including (1) recognizing cancer survivorship as a distinct phase of cancer, (2) strengthening methods and metrics for tracking cancer survivorship, (3) assessing and monitoring cancer symptoms and quality of life of cancer survivors, (4) publishing evidence-based guidelines considering the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of Colombian population and cancer survivors’ specific needs. Conclusion: These recommendations could be used to inform and prioritize health policy development in Colombia related to cancer survivorship outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 393-414
Paweł Dybel

Psychoanalysis and patriarchalism. Comments on the emancipation claim of Freud’s theory within the history of psychoanalysis in Poland 1900–1939: The article is a polemic with how Eli Zaretsky captures the role of Freud’s psychoanalysis in transforming the self-knowledge of modern societies in his Secrets of the soul. According to Zaretsky, in Central European countries, Poland included, psychoanalysis then served in the democratization of social life and led to the destruction of the patriarchal order; while in Western countries it became medicated, becoming a tool of social control. The author considers both of these claims to be problematic. In the first case, this is due to the limited social impact of Freud’s theory until 1939, in the second, basing this theory on patients’ personal unconscious, it supported their release from the influence of tradition and served them in making free life decisions. This was because in the period up to 1939, in the countries of Central Europe, the second industrial revolution was not as advanced as in the developed countries of Western Europe and the United States. So only in these last countries has psychoanalysis become socially popular and one has witnessed the dynamic development of the psychoanalytic movement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (06) ◽  
pp. 828-832 ◽  
Laxmi V. Ghimire ◽  
Fu-Sheng Chou ◽  
Narayan B. Mahotra ◽  
Sharan P. Sharma

AbstractBackground:Kawasaki disease is an acute vasculitis of childhood and is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in the developed countries.Methods:Data from hospital discharge records were obtained from the National Kids Inpatient Database for years 2009 and 2012. Hospitalisations by months, hospital regions, timing of admission, insurance types, and ethnicity were analysed. Length of stay and total charges were also analysed.Results:There were 10,486 cases of Kawasaki disease from 12,678,005 children hospitalisation. Kawasaki disease was more common between 0 and 5 years old, in male, and in Asian. The January–March quarter had the highest rate compared to the lowest in the July–September quarter (OR=1.62, p < 0.001). Admissions on the weekend had longer length of stay [4.1 days (95 % CI: 3.97–4.31)] as compared to admissions on a weekday [3.72 days (95 % CI: 3.64–3.80), p < 0.001]. Blacks had the longest length of stay and whites had the shortest [4.33 days (95 % CI: 4.12–4.54 days) versus 3.60 days (95 % CI: 3.48–3.72 days), p < 0.001]. Coronary artery aneurysm was identified in 2.7 % of all patients with Kawasaki disease. Children with coronary artery aneurysm were hospitalised longer and had higher hospital charge. Age, admission during weekend, and the presence of coronary artery aneurysm had significant effect on the length of stay.Conclusions:This report provides the most updated epidemiological information on Kawasaki disease hospitalisation. Age, admissions during weekend, and the presence of coronary artery aneurysm are significant contributors to the length of stay.

Jane M. Hoey

The newly developing countries desire not only political independence but also economic progress for their people—a progress which they can see, and are now aware of, in the rest of the world. The role of the developed countries is to extend aid to the needy. Moral foundations underlie the donor's contributions, but they are more than that, they are the means for acquiring support for international aid in the donor's country. The United States must assume the leader ship among' the free nations in granting aid; she must accept this role because of her economic achievements and technologi cal advantages. Donators of such aid should take cognizance of the complementary character and interrelatedness of economic and social development. For economic development, however much it is sought, is not an end in itself, rather the aim is the well-being and happiness of the individual. Such a goal neces sitates economic aid accompanied by social aid. Social welfare can also be a vehicle to achieve peace, inasmuch as people-to- people relationships generate brotherly love—the only lasting foundation for peace.—Ed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-9
E.G. Potapchik ◽  

In Russia disputes on the need to abandon Compulsory Health Insurance (CHI) and return to the tax-based financing are yet to subside. At present, after the statement of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin about the possibility to establish a state health care corporation, discussions on the issue have only escalated. Purpose. To conduct a comparative assessment of the public health financing model impact on the access and structural characteristics of health care delivery in the developed countries. Material and methods. Assessment of the potential impact of public funding models on the health system performance is carried out by analyzing variations in the main indicators of financial access, health care uptake and health status of the population, achieved in the developed countries with different health financing models. Results. Health care expenditures in countries with CHI are higher than in countries with the tax-based financing model. In countries with CHI the share of administrative expenses is slightly higher than in countries with the tax-based financing system. The share of spending on preventive care is slightly higher in countries with the tax-based financing system. There is a slightly lower level of outpatient and inpatient care uptake in countries with the tax-based financing system compared to countries with CHI. The premature mortality rate in countries with CHI is slightly lower than in countries with the tax-based system. Conclusion. The obtained data indicate that there are no significant differences in the access and structural characteristics of medical care in the health care system of the developed countries with different financing models. The main difference remains the level of health expenditures. In countries with CHI, the level of health expenditures is higher than in countries with the tax-based financing, which is largely due to the existence of a separate source of funding. The level of administrative costs in countries with CHI is also higher than in countries with the tax-based system.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 425
Neşide Yıldırım

Virginia Satir (1916-1988) is one of the first experts who has worked in the field of family therapy in the United States. In 1951, she was one of the first therapists who has worked all members of the family as a whole in the same session. She has concentrated her studies on issues such as to increase individual's self-esteem and to understand and change other people's perspectives. She has tried to make problematic people compatible in the family and in the society through change. From this perspective, change and adaptation are the two important concepts of her model. This is a state of being and a way to communicate with ourselves and others. High self-confidence and harmony are the first primary indicator of being a more functional human. She starts her studies with identifying the family. She uses two ways to do this; the first one is the chronology of the family that is history of the family, the second one is the communication patterns within the family. With this, she updates the status of the family. Updating is the detection of the current situation. The detection of the situation, in other words updating, constitutes the very essence of the model that she implements. In this study, communication patterns within the family are discussed for the updating, the chronological structure has not been studied. The characteristics of family communication patterns, the model of therapy that is applied by Satir for these patterns and the method which is followed in the model are discussed. According to her detection, the people who face with problems, use one of those four patterns or a combination of them. These communication patterns are Blamer, Sedative/Accepting, distracter/irrelevant and rational. Satir expresses that these four patterns are not solid and unchanging but all of them “can be converted”. For example, if one of the family members is usually using the soothing (sedative/accepting) pattern, in this case, it means that he/she wants to give the message that he/she is not very important in the inner world of the individual itself. However, if such a communication pattern is to be used repeatedly by an individual, he/she must know how to use it. According to Satir, this consciousness may be converted to a conscious gentleness and sensitivity that is automatically followed to please everyone. This study was carried out by using the copy of Satir’s book, which was originally called “The Conjoint Family Therapy” and translated into Turkish by Selim Ali Yeniçeri as “Basic Family Therapy” and published in Istanbul by Beyaz Yayınları in 2016. It is expected that the study will provide support to the education of the students and family therapists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 8896
Xiuping Han ◽  
Xiaofei Wu ◽  
Jiadong Wang ◽  
Hongwen Li ◽  
Kaimin Cao ◽  

The current status of the research of Ballistocardiography (BCG) and Seismocardiogram (SCG) in the field of medical treatment, health care and nursing was analyzed systematically, and the important direction in the research was explored, to provide reference for the relevant researches. This study, based on two large databases, CNKI and PubMed, used the bibliometric analysis method to review the existing documents in the past 20 years, and made analyses on the literature of BCG and SCG for their annual changes, main countries/regions, types of research, frequently-used subject words, and important research subjects. The results show that the developed countries have taken a leading position in the researches in this field, and have made breakthroughs in some subjects, but their research results have been mainly gained in the area of research and development of the technologies, and very few have been actually industrialized into commodities. This means that in the future the researchers should focus on the transformation of BCG and SCG technologies into commercialized products, and set up quantitative health assessment models, so as to become the daily tools for people to monitor their health status and manage their own health, and as the main approaches of improving the quality of life and preventing diseases for individuals.

1995 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-42 ◽  
J. Warren Salmon

The ever-increasing ownership of health service providers, suppliers, and insurers by investor-owned enterprises presents an unforeseen complexity and diversity to health care delivery. This article reviews the history of the for-profit invasion of the health sector, linking corporate purchaser directions to the now dominant mode of delivery in managed care. These dynamics require unceasing reassessment while the United States embarks upon implementation of national health care reform.

2002 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-70 ◽  
Jong-il Kim

The total factor productivity (TFP) growth controversy and the recent economic crisis raise many questions about the future growth of East Asia. Our analysis of historical experiences shows that low TFP growth in the East Asian newly industrialized economies (NIEs) is a natural pattern of growth at the initial phase of industrialization. Empirical evidence shows that East Asian NIEs in recent decades have been proceeding toward an efficiency-based growth as developed countries did some time ago. The history of Latin America, however, indicates that the reform of old-fashioned institutions is needed if East Asia is to follow the path of the developed countries.

T. M. Luhrmann

The introduction lays out what we know about the social context of schizophrenia from the epidemiological literature: that risk of schizophrenia is particularly high for immigrants from predominantly dark-skinned countries to Europe; that risk increases with lower socioeconomic status at birth and even at parent’s birth; that risk increases with urban dwelling and seems to increase the longer time is spent in cities; that risk increases as ethnic density in the neighborhood declines. The chapter presents a history of the way schizophrenia has been understood in the United States, and the diagnostic complexities of serious psychotic disorder. It then discusses what ethnographers have observed so far about the social conditions which may shape the experience of psychosis: the local cultural interpretation of mental illness; the role and presence of the family; the structure of work; and the basic social environment. This becomes the ground for our case studies.

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