scholarly journals The Solar Renewable Energy System Study with A Capacity of 1300 W Utilizing Polycrystalline Photovoltaic

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 005-011
Armin Sofijan

Solar energy is one of the alternative energy that is environmentally friendly and cheapraw materials and available throughout the year as a substitute for conventional energy whose raw materials are getting thinner and have a bad impact on the environment such as air pollution, noise and hazardous waste for the environment over a long period of time, solar energy has great potential as an independent solar power plant, which offers solutions to provide electricity to meet electricity needs, especially in areas not yet covered by the electricity grid of the National Electric Company. The 1300 W solar power plant is planned to use polycrystalline solar panels with a capacity 100 WP, combined with battery components and inverters, it can generate AC current for daily electricity needs. The greater the electrical load, the faster the battery life. This research shows that it takes 60 polycrystalline solar panels for 12 hours, 26 Solar Chargers 15 A, 9 batteries with a capacity of 150 Ah, and 15 Inverters 1300 W.

Kilat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-271
Sugeng Purwanto

ABSTRACT Renewable energy is potential alternative energy to replace the central role of fossil energy which has been going on since the early 20th century. The solar power plant is alternative energy, especially for households and industry, and can be designed as a hybrid power plant consisting of solar panels, batteries, an automatic transfer switch (ATS), and a grid. This research will focus on developing ATS based on a microcontroller. It functions to regulate the load supply automatically from the three sources of electrical energy, like solar panels, batteries, and grid while the microcontroller functions to monitor the transfer of power from the solar power plant to grid and voltage movements in the system so that current and voltage data can be recorded from time to time to improve system reliability, effectiveness, and efficiency of the tool. ATS components consist of MCB, magnetic contactor, timer H3CR, relay, 2000VA inverter, solar charge controller 100A, NodeMCU ESP8266 IoT, and battery 12V 100AH. This research is conducted in one year to produce ATS based on a microcontroller that can automatically regulate the supply of loads from the three sources of electrical energy with a good level of efficiency and stability.  Keywords: solar power plants, hybrid power plants, an automatic transfer switch.  ABSTRAK Energi baru terbarukan merupakan energi alternatif yang potensial untuk menggantikan peran sentral dari energi fosil yang telah berlangsung sejak awal abad ke 20. PLTS merupakan salah satu energi alternatif penyedia energi listrik untuk rumah tangga dan industri serta dapat dirancang sebagai sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid (PLTH) yang terdiri dari panel surya, baterai, sistem pengaturan beban atau ATS (automatic transfer switch) dan jaringan PLN. Peneltian difokuskan pada pengembangan sistem ATS berbasiskan mikrokontroler. ATS berfungsi untuk mengatur suplai beban secara otomatis dari ketiga sumber energi listrik yaitu panel surya, baterai dan PLN sedangkan mikrokontroler berfungsi memonitor perpindahan daya dari PLTS ke sumber PLN dan pergerakan tegangan pada sistem sehingga dapat dilakukan pencatatan data arus dan tegangan dari waktu ke waktu sehingga dapat meningkatkan keandalan sistem, efektifitas dan efisiensi alat. Komponen ATS terdiri dari MCB, magnetic contactor, timer H3CR, relay, inverter 2000VA, solar charge controller 100A, NodeMCU ESP8266 IoT, dan baterai 12V 100Ah. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dalam periode satu tahun menghasilkan ATS berbasiskan mikrokontroler yang dapat mengatur suplai beban secara otomatis dari ketiga sumber energi listrik dengan tingkat efisiensi dan kestabilan yang baik. Tim penelitian ini tediri dari 3 orang dan berasal dari program studi teknik elektro, IT PLN.  Kata kunci: pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid, pengaturan suplai beban.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 108

Terbatasnya energi fosil di Indonesia menyebabkan adanya pengembangan energi baru terbarukan. Energi terbarukan merupakan energi non-fosil yang berasal dari alam. Pemanfaatan energi surya bisa dilakukan dengan membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS). Perencanaan PLTS menggunakan sistem on grid, sistem masih terkoneksi dengan jaringan PLN. Sistem dimanfaatkan sebagai backup untuk aliran listrik. Sistem akan bekerja secara otomatis ketika aliran listrik PLN terputus dengan memanfaatkan panel ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch). Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya sistem on grid ini cocok diterapkan di perumahan dengan memanfaatkan atap sebagai ruang untuk menyerap energi matahari. Sistem ini jika dipasang bersamaan dengan PLN akan mengurangi pengeluaran biaya listrik. Penerapan sistem atau prinsip kerja PLTS Grid Tie System ini dapat dijalankan dengan sistem kelistrikan PLN. Dalam sistem ini, jaringan listrik PLN berperan sebagai penyalur atau penghubung arus listrik yang berasal dari panel surya yang dialirkan pada beban. Dengan begitu pada siang hari, penggunaan listrik dapat memanfaatkan energi listrik dari sinar matahar dan pada malam hari karena tidak ada sinar matahari menyebabkan tidak ada produksi listrik dari solar panel, maka dapat tetap menggunakan arus listrik yang berasal dari PLN. Perencanaan dilakukan dengan pemilihan komponen PLTS, beban yang dibutuhkan 900Watt, lama waktu penyinaran efektif 10 jam/hari. kemudian melakukan perhitungan komponen PLTS, menentukan tata letak penempatan panel surya dan panel ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) yang digunakan untuk membackup apabila jaringan listrik PLN terputus. Dari hasil pengukuran arus, tegangan dan daya di dalam rumah pada jam 07.00 sampai dengan 17.00 pada waktu cuaca cerah, yaitu sebelum Grid Tie Inverter dihubungkan ke jala-jala dihasilkan daya rata-rata, P=606,105Watt dan setelah Grid Tie dihubungkan ke jala-jala, P=292,63 Watt. Jadi penghematan daya beban di rumah yang dihasilkan sebesar 52 % dalam satu hari. Limited fossil energy in Indonesia has led to the development of new and renewable energy. Renewable energy is non-fossil energy that comes from nature. Utilization of solar energy can be done by building a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). PLTS planning uses an on-grid system, the system is still connected to the PLN network. The system is used as a backup for electricity. The system will work automatically when the flow of PLN electricity is cut off by utilizing an ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) panel. This on-grid solar power plant system is suitable for residential use by utilizing the roof as a space to absorb solar energy. This system if installed together with PLN will reduce expenditure of electricity costs. The application of the system or the working principle of the PLTS Grid Tie System can be run with the PLN electrical system. In this system, the PLN electricity network acts as a distributor or connector for the electricity that comes from the solar panels that are flowed to the load. That way during the day, the use of electricity can take advantage of electrical energy from the sun and at night because there is no sunlight it causes no electricity production from solar panels, it can still use the electric current that comes from PLN. Planning is done by selecting the PLTS component, the load required is 900 Watt, the duration of effective irradiation is 10 hours / day. Then calculate the PLTS components, determine the layout of the placement of the solar panels and ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) panels which are used to back up when the PLN electricity network is interrupted. From the results of measuring currents, voltages and power in the house at 07.00 to 17.00 when the weather is clear, that is, before the Grid Tie Inverter is connected to the grid, the average power is generated, P = 606.105Watt and after the Grid Tie is connected to the grid mesh, P = 292.63 Watts. So, the resulting load power savings at home is 52% in one day

Solar tracking devices are quite effective for collecting maximum solar radiations but for vastly spread solar energy collection plant, their usage is suppressed due to large cost involvement. The best alternative to this problem is adjustment of tilt angle at most appropriate position. In this study monthly optimum tilt angle have been identified for a solar power plant setup-able site Kalth (φ 30.85046˚, L 77.06153˚), situated at Himachal Pradesh, India. For diffuse radiation estimation, an isotropic model has been used. By considering the impracticality involved in monthly tilt angle adjustment, various annual adjustment models have been formulated for two, three and four annual adjustments. In order to estimate the increment in solar insolation by adopting these models, Performance Enhancement (PE) have been computed from the conventional method of setting the solar collector tilt equal to latitude angle. The results show that PE is maximum for monthly optimum tilt angles followed by M-4 which is a three annual adjustment model. Based on PE requirement, any of the proposed models can be selected for setting up solar energy collection plant at suggested site.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 480-497
Dmitriy S. Strebkov ◽  
Yuriy Kh. Shogenov ◽  
Nikolay Yu. Bobovnikov

Introduction. An urgent scientific problem is to increase the efficiency of using solar energy in solar power plants (SES). The purpose of the article is to study methods for increasing the efficiency of solar power plants. Materials and Methods. Solar power plants based on modules with a two-sided working surface are considered. Most modern solar power plants use solar modules. The reflection of solar radiation from the earth’s surface provides an increase in the production of electrical energy by 20% compared with modules with a working surface on one side. It is possible to increase the efficiency of using solar energy by increasing the annual production of electric energy through the creation of equal conditions for the use of solar energy by the front and back surfaces of bilateral solar modules. Results. The article presents a solar power plant on a horizontal surface with a vertical arrangement of bilateral solar modules, a solar power station with a deviation of bilateral solar modules from a vertical position, and a solar power plant on the southern slope of the hill with an angle β of the slope to the horizon. The formulas for calculating the sizes of the solar energy reflectors in the meridian direction, the width of the solar energy reflectors, and the angle of inclination of the solar modules to the horizontal surface are given. The results of computer simulation of the parameters of a solar power plant operating in the vicinity of Luxor (Egypt) are presented. Discussion and Conclusion. It is shown that the power generation within the power range of 1 kW takes a peak value for vertically oriented two-sided solar modules with horizontal reflectors of sunlight at the installed capacity utilization factor of 0.45. At the same time, when the solar radiation becomes parallel to the plane of vertical solar modules, there is a decrease in the output of electricity. The proposed design allows equalizing and increasing the output of electricity during the maximum period of solar radiation. Vertically oriented modules are reliable and easy to use while saving space between modules.

Yuliia Daus ◽  
Valeriy Kharchenko ◽  
Igor Viktorovich Yudaev ◽  
Vera Dyachenko ◽  
Shavkat Klychev

The object of research in the chapter is the solar power plant as the source of additional economically expedient power supply of the electrical energy consumer. The purpose of this research is to analyze the options for the layout of solar power plant, taking into account the solar energy potential of the district, the design features of the proposed location, the load curve of the consumer, and the cost of the generated electrical energy. The chapter presents the results of calculation and selection of the parameters of solar power plant elements on the roof of the consumer's production building. The chapter presents the results of research of the dependence of the cost of the electricity generated by the solar power plant on the number of installed panels, which in order to increase the realized solar energy potential of the district also allows adding photoelectric modules and accumulating devices in the layout of the operating station at tariff growth. The chapter presents the results of researching these areas, that are conducted by the authors and which are completely original.

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 10003 ◽  
Jaka Windarta ◽  
Ardhito Pratama ◽  
Denis ◽  
Agung Nugroho

Indonesia is a country that is geographically located right in the equator and variously advantage and the wide for the use of solar energy. Indonesia has a relatively high radiation level, which is 4.80 kWh / m2 / day. Cemara Island is a tourist place but does not have electricity from PLN because access to its location is still difficult to reach. So from that chosen the planning system for the use of electrical energy using solar energy. However, economic analysis is needed so that the estimated weaknesses of the off-grid solar system can be estimated so as to reduce the risk of losses. The testing of each component in the Solar Power Plant system also needs to be done to determine the condition and quality of the components to be used. The economic analysis of the Cemara Island Solar Power Plant System with an initial investment of Rp 52,553,000, in scenario 1 uses interest at 6%, then in scenario 2 without using interest. Through calculations by looking for the value of COE (Energy Cost), NPC (Net Present Cost) and BEP (Break-Even Point), so that costs can be calculated by the manager with the number of 11 managers per month.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 1018 ◽  
Brady Bokelman ◽  
Efstathios E. Michaelides ◽  
Dimitrios N. Michaelides

The concept of a geothermal-solar power plant is proposed that provides dispatchable power to the local electricity grid. The power plant generates significantly more power in the late afternoon and early evening hours of the summer, when air-conditioning use is high and peak power is demanded. The unit operates in two modes: a) as a binary geothermal power plant utilizing a subcritical Organic Rankine Cycle; and b) as a hybrid geothermal-solar power plant utilizing a supercritical cycle with solar-supplied superheat. Thermal storage allows for continuous power generation in the early evening hours. The switch to the second mode and the addition of solar energy into the cycle increases the electric power generated by a large factor—2 to 9 times—during peak power demand at a higher efficiency (16.8%). The constant supply of geothermal brine and heat storage in molten salts enables this power plant to produce dispatchable power in its two modes of operation with an exergetic efficiency higher than 30%.

Rido Octa Pratama ◽  
Machmud Effendy ◽  
Zulfatman Zulfatman

Solar energy is energy which can be harnessed conveniently and free. However, its conversion result may not be easily obtained. Based on the previous research, solar power plant is a source of renewable energy, utilizing solar energy. Solar power plant converts solar energy into electricity using Photovoltaic (PV) or solar cells. Even though solar power plant is considered as better energy alternative, it presents problems and weaknesses. In this case, the problems are related to insufficient power generation with low power efficiency, high oscillation and very slow power tracking. Hence, in order to solve these problems, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) has been utilized. Combination method of P&O-fuzzy and IC-fuzzy is employed to its design. Moreover, combined algorithm may result better power from conventional algorithm due to appropriate performance of duty cycle according to system design, with efficiency result of 79%-85.6%, tracking in searching output power of 0,0055s - 0,008s, low oscillation and maximum power generated by combined algorithm of 1028 watt.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Nadyanti Larasati ◽  
Amien Rahardjo ◽  
Hanindito Titah Prameswara ◽  
Faiz Husnayain

Currently, renewable energy is under review so that its use can be more widespread in the future. One of the renewable energy sources that are commonly used is solar energy through solar cell technology that can convert solar energy into electrical energy and then becomes one of the components that makes up the solar power plant. The use of the solar power plant can be interconnected with distribution networks in electric power systems, both medium-voltage networks and low voltage networks. In this study, a 3 MWp capacity of solar power plant was conducted with the medium-voltage network system of X City. This interconnection study consisted of power flow and short circuit studies using ETAP 12.6.0 software. The results of the power flow study show the voltage level of each bus has increased by 0.293%-0.926% after interconnection with the solar power plant system, with a value that still matches the SPLN 1:1978 standard of 90% to 105%. Besides, the results of short circuit study show the value of the three-phase short circuit fault current experienced a change in value that is not too significant, with an increase of 1-37 A and a decrease of 1-5 A, with a value that is still according to the protection component rating standard of 25 kA.

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