2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (10) ◽  
pp. 2114-2119
Оlga G. Kmet ◽  
Nаtaliia D. Filipets ◽  
Taras I. Kmet ◽  
Yurii M. Vepriuk ◽  
Kateryna V. Vlasova

The aim: Was to study enalapril effect on protein peroxide oxidation and lipids of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats with neurodegeneration pattern. Materials and methods: The experiments were conducted on nonlinear albino male rats 0,18-0,20 kg of the body weight. Modeled neurodegeneration was simulated by intraperitoneal introduction of scopolamine hydrochloride during 27 days in the dose of 1 mg/kg. Enalapril was introduced intraperitoneal in the dose of 1 mg/kg. Results: In rats with modeled scopolamine-induced neurodegeneration in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus under enalapril effect, the content of products, reacting with 2-thiobarbituric acid and proteins of a neutral and major character, decreases, which is indicative of a reduced intensity of lipid and protein peroxide oxidation. Morphologic the number of cells with karyopyknosis signs decreases and a relative staining density of the neuron tigroid substance increases, which is indicative of inhibition of the progress of the cerebral neurodestructive processes under conditions of scopolamine-induced damage. Conclusions: The obtained results are indicative of enalapril ability to improve the examined indices, which is the evidence of increased processes of antioxidant protection and possibility to inhibit neurodegeneration development in case of scopolamine induced lesion of the brain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-24
I. Ushakov ◽  
Vladimir Fyodorov

Purpose: Comparative assessment of radiation-induced changes in neurons of the cerebral cortex after a single and fractionated exposure to ionizing radiation in doses of 0.1 – 1.0 Gy. Material and methods. The study was carried out in compliance with the rules of bioethics on 180 white outbred male rats at the age of 4 months. by the beginning of the experiment, exposed to a single or fractionated exposure to γ-quanta of 60Co in total doses of 0.1; 0.2; 0.5 and 1.0 Gy. Neuromorphological and histochemical methods were used to assess morphometric and tinctorial parameters of nerve cells, as well as changes in the content of protein and nucleic acids in neurons in the early and late periods of the post-radiation period. Using one-way analysis of variance, a comparative assessment of neuromorphological indicators under various modes of radiation exposure is given. Results: In the control and irradiated animals throughout their life, undulating changes in the indicators of the state of the neurons of the brain occur with a gradual decrease by the end of the experiment. Despite a number of features of the dynamics of neuromorphological parameters, these irradiation regimes do not cause functionally significant changes in the neurons of the cortex. However, in some periods of the post-radiation period, the changes under the studied irradiation regimes were multidirectional and did not always correspond to age control. Significant differences in the response of neurons to these modes of radiation exposure in the sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex have not been established. Conclusion: No functionally significant radiation-induced changes in neurons were found either with single or fractionated irradiation. At the same time, different modes of irradiation in general caused the same type of changes in neurons. However, in some periods of observation, changes in neuromorphological parameters under the studied irradiation regimes were not unidirectional and differed from age control, which indicates a possible risk of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system against the background of other harmful and dangerous factors.

А. М. Романюк ◽  
Г. Ю Будко

ОСОБЛИВОСТІ МАСОМЕТРИЧНИХ ПОКАЗНИКІВ ТА МОРФОЛОГІЧНИХ ЗМІН ГОЛОВНОГО МОЗКУ СТАТЕВОЗРІЛИХ ЩУРІВ В УМОВАХ ВПЛИВУ НА ОРГАНІЗМ СУЛЬФАТІВ МІДІ, ЦИНКУ ТА ЗАЛІЗА - З метою вивчення масометричних показників щурів та їх головного мозку за умов довготривалої дії (упродовж 90 діб) на організм сульфатів міді, цинку та заліза було проведено експеримент на 48 білих статевозрілих щурах-самцях масою 200-250 г віком 5-7 місяців. Застосовували анатомічні, статистичні та загальноприйняті методики мікроанатомічного методу дослідження. Встановлено, що комбінований вплив на організм сульфатів міді цинку та заліза чинить на головний мозок досить виражений токсичний ефект, що негативно позначається на масометричних показниках загальної маси щурів та маси головного мозку. Це свідчить про розвиток у головному мозку явищ гострого набряку з ознаками геморагічної інфільтрації. Ступінь вираження набряку зростає та досягає максимальних показників наприкінці експерименту.<br />ОСОБЕННОСТИ МАСОМЕТРИЧЕСКИХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ И МОРФОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИЗМЕНЕНИЙ ГОЛОВНОГО МОЗГА ПОЛОВОЗРЕЛЫХ КРЫС В УСЛОВИЯХ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ОРГАНИЗМ СУЛЬФАТОВ МЕДИ, ЦИНКА И ЖЕЛЕЗА - С целью изучения масометрических показателей крыс и их головного мозга в условиях длительного действия (в течение 90 суток) на организм сульфатов меди, цинка и железа был проведен эксперимент на 48 белых половозрелых крысах-самцах массой 200250 г в возрасте 5-7 месяцев. Применялись анатомические, статистические и общепринятые методики микроанатомического метода исследования. Установлено, что комбинированное воздействие на организм сульфатов меди и цинка и железа оказывает на мозг достаточно выразительный токсический эффект, что отрицательно сказывается на массометрических показателях общего веса крыс и веса головного мозга. Это свидетельствует о развитии в головном мозге явлений острого отека с признаками геморрагической инфильтрации, степень выраженности которого максимальна в конце эксперимента.<br />FEATURES OF MASS INDICES AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN ADULT RAT BRAIN UNDER THE INFLUENCE ON THE BODY OF COPPER SULFATE, ZINC AND IRON - To study the performance of rats and their mass brain in long acting (for 90 days) on the body of copper sulfate, zinc and iron, an experiment was conducted on 48 white adult male rats weighing 200-250 gram, aged 5-7 months. There was applied anatomy, statistics and conventional techniques microanatomical research method. It was established that the combined effect on the body of copper and zinc sulphates and iron in the brain has enough expressive toxicity, which affects performance on the total weight of the rats and brain weight. This testifies to the development of brain edema, acute phenomena with signs of hemorrhagic infiltration. The severity of edema increases and reaches maximum performance at the end of the experiment.<br />Ключові слова: головний мозок, солі важких металів, відносна маса, коефіцієнт цефалізації.<br />Ключевые слова: головной мозг, соли тяжелых металлов, относительная масса, коэффициент цефа- лизации.<br />Key words: brain, salts of heavy metals, relative mass, ratio cephalization.

Biologija ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
Svitlana Tsekhmistrenko ◽  
Nataliia Rol ◽  
Maksym Fedorchenko

The study is devoted to the study of the flow of peroxidation processes in various organs and tissues of the body of rabbits of the New Zealand breed in the age aspect. We used blood plasma and homogenate of the brain, the heart, the liver, and the longest back muscle selected after slaughter, from birth to 90-day-age at intervals of 15 days. The content of total lipids and secondary lipid peroxidation products – TBA-reactive substances and enzymes of the antioxidant system were thoroughly studied in the prototype. The presence of high content of common lipids and TBA- reactive substances in blood plasma and liver tissues of rabbits at one day and 15 days of age was established, which pointed to active process of peroxide oxidation of lipids. An increase in the content of TBA- reactive substances was noted in the heart of rabbits with 2.24 mmol/g tissue in one-day animals to 4.85 mmol/g tissue in 90-day-old animals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-116
Indah Permata Sari ◽  
Muhammad Ichwan ◽  
Yahwardiah Siregar

D-galactose is aldohexose which occurs naturally in the body, including in the brain which is found in lactose disaccharides in honey, beets and milk products. Needed in the body for lactose formation during the process of lactogenesis. Provision of large amounts of D-galactose can cause oxidative damage to various tissues and organs. The purpose was to see changes in body weight in male rats after being given a D-galactose injection. Samples using male mice aged 8 weeks with a weight of ± 30 grams, the number of samples was 6 mice swiss webster strain. intra-peritoneal injection of D-galactose is given for 6 weeks every day (150 mg / kg / bb). The results of this study indicate that the statistical analysis is significant p <0.05 (p = 0.016). The conclusion after being given injection of D-galactose for 6 weeks every day intra peritoneally was found D-galactose had an effect on the weight gain of male mice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-210
Maria Victória Branco Flores ◽  
Tuany Eichwald ◽  
Analú Mantovani ◽  
Viviane Glaser ◽  
Carine Raquel Richter Schimitz ◽  

O Manganês (Mn) é um metal essencial para o organismo. É distribuído no ambiente e utilizado em processos industriais. Apesar de essencial, é neurotóxico à exposições cumulativas, causando uma desordem neurológica, o Manganismo. O estudo avaliou o efeito da administração subaguda de Mn sob a forma de cloreto e acetato de Mn, sobre a função mitocondrial e parâmetros oxidativos no encéfalo, bem como o acúmulo deste metal no encéfalo e tecidos periféricos de ratos adultos. Os ratos receberam 6 mg/kg de Mn i.p. na forma de cloreto ou acetato de Mn, 5 dias/semana por 4 semanas. O grupo controle recebeu solução salina 0,9% pela mesma via de administração e mesmo período. Foi mensurada a concentração de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e grupamentos NPSH, a atividade dos complexos I e II da cadeia respiratória no encéfalo e/ou estruturas cerebrais, bem como o peso corporal e a concentração de Mn e Fe no soro, encéfalo, tecido renal e hepático. Foi observada uma diminuição no ganho de peso corporal dos animais que receberam o Mn, um aumento na concentração/depósito de Mn no soro, encéfalo e tecido renal, tanto na forma de cloreto e acetato de Mn, quando comparados com o grupo controle. Além disso, houve um aumento significativo no conteúdo de NPSH no encéfalo e, embora não significativo, uma tendência de aumento da concentração de TBARS, no grupo que recebeu cloreto de Mn. Ainda, foi verificada uma inibição na atividade do complexo I no estriado dos animais expostos ao cloreto de Mn. Não houve diferença entre os grupos nas atividades do complexo I e II no encéfalo e hipocampo. Em conjunto, os dados indicam que a exposição ao Mn em baixas doses contribui para o desenvolvimento de estresse oxidativo e disfunção mitocondrial no SNC, com aparente predileção de dano ao estriado.Palavras-chave: Manganês. Exposição subaguda. Parâmetros oxidativos. Função mitocondrial. MANGANESE SUBACUTE INTOXICATION IN ADULT WISTAR RATS: EVALUATION OF OXIDATIVE PARAMETERS IN CNS AND METAL DEPOSITION IN DIFFERENT TISSUES ABSTRACT: Mn is an essential metal to the organism. It is distributed in the environment and used in industrial processes. Although essential, it is neurotoxic to cumulative exposures, and can cause a neurological disorder, called Manganism. This study evaluated the effect of subacute Mn as chloride and acetate of Mn administration on mitochondrial function and oxidative parameters in adult rat brain, as well as the accumulation of this metal in the brain and peripheral tissues. The rats received 6 mg/kg of Mn i.p., as Mn chloride or Mn acetate, 5 days/week for 4 weeks. The control group received 0.9% of saline solution in the same way of administration and in the same period. It was measured the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and NPSH groups, the activity of mitochondrial complex I and II in brain and/or in the brain structures, as well as the body weight and the concentration of Mn and Fe accumulation. It was observed a decrease on body weight gain in animals exposed to Mn and an increase of concentration/deposit of Mn in serum, brain and kidney, in the both Mn chloride and acetate form when compared to the control group. In addition, there was a significant increase in brain NPSH content and, although it was not significant, a trend of increasing on TBARS concentration in the group that received Mn. Besides that, a significant inhibition of complex I activity was observed in the striatum of the animals exposed to Mn. There was not difference between groups on complex I and II in the brain and hippocampus. Together, these data indicate that exposure to Mn at low doses contributes to the development of oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the CNS, with apparent predilection of striatum damage.Keywords: Manganese. Subacute exposure. Oxidative parameters. Mitochondrial function.

Brian A. Crum ◽  
Eduardo E. Benarroch ◽  
Robert D. Brown

Neurological disorders of the brain, spine, and peripheral nervous system are examined. Symptoms and signs related to disorders of the cerebral cortex may lead to alterations in cognition and consciousness. Unilateral neurologic symptoms involving a single neurologic symptom commonly localize to the cerebral cortex. Abnormalities of speech and language are localized to the dominant cerebral hemisphere, whereas abnormalities of the nondominant hemisphere may lead to visuospatial deficits, confusion, or neglect of the contralateral side of the body. The hypothalamus is important in many functions that affect everyday steady-state conditions, including temperature regulation, hunger, water regulation, sleep, endocrine functions, cardiovascular functions, and regulation of the autonomic nervous system. Cortical and subcortical abnormalities may also lead to visual system deficits, usually homonymous visual defects of the contralateral visual field. Sensory levels, signs of anterior horn cell involvement, and long-tract signs in the posterior columns or corticospinal tract suggest a spinal cord lesion.

1964 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-24 ◽  
Dorothy E. Woolley ◽  
Paola S. Timiras

ABSTRACT Ovariectomy, hypophysectomy and administration of oestradiol, progesterone, testosterone or methylandrostenediol altered water or electrolyte concentrations in plasma, liver, cerebral cortex, brain stem and cerebellum in the rat. High daily doses of the steroids (500 μg/100 g body weight) increased plasma sodium levels. Oestradiol, followed by progesterone, then testosterone and methylandrostenediol, was most effective in producing hypernatraemia. Lower doses of oestradiol (10–200 μg/100 g body weight) did not change plasma sodium concentrations. Plasma potassium was increased by ovariectomy and decreased by low doses of oestradiol in ovariectomized, but not in hypophysectomized, rats. All doses of oestradiol lowered per cent plasma water in intact adult male rats and ovariectomized adult females, but not in hypophysectomized rats. High doses of the steroids, especially of oestradiol plus progesterone, raised concentrations of water, sodium, potassium and chloride in the liver, whereas water, sodium and potassium concentrations remained constant in brain. Each of the steroids elevated brain chloride concentrations. Of the brain areas analyzed, the cerebral cortex most consistently showed increased chloride after injections. Testosterone and progesterone, followed by oestradiol and then methylandrostenediol, were most potent in increasing brain chloride concentrations. Because the sex hormones have previously been shown to alter brain excitability, it is postulated that some of these alterations may be correlated with concomitant changes in brain anionic concentrations.

2010 ◽  
Vol 105 (4) ◽  
pp. 517-525 ◽  
María J. M. Alférez ◽  
Javier Díaz-Castro ◽  
Inmaculada López-Aliaga ◽  
María Rodríguez-Ferrer ◽  
Luis Javier Pérez-Sánchez ◽  

Despite Fe deficiency having been widely studied, the sequence of events in its development still remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the effects of nutritional Fe-deficiency development on haematological parameters, Fe bioavailability and the enzymes involved in oxidative defence in recently weaned male Wistar albino rats. Control (C) and Fe-deficient (ID) groups were fed the AIN-93 G diet with a normal Fe level (45 mg/kg diet) or with a low Fe level (5 mg/kg diet), respectively, for 20, 30 or 40 d. At day 20 serum Fe, serum ferritin and the saturation of transferrin decreased drastically, decreasing further in the course of Fe-deficiency development for the saturation of transferrin. The development of Fe deficiency did not affect plasma thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance production, or catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities in erythrocyte cytosol. Fe deficiency diminished hepatic Fe content and CAT and GPx activities in hepatic cytosol only at day the 20. However, in spite of the minor Fe deposits in the brain of ID rats, the CAT and GPx activities in the brain cytosolic fraction did not differ in any of the studied periods v. control rats. These results show that brain is a tissue that does not seem to depend on Fe levels for the maintenance of antioxidant defence mechanisms in the course of nutritional Fe deficiency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 590-596
I. M. Velichko ◽  
S. V. Lelevich ◽  
V. V. Lelevich ◽  

Background. Cases of combined consumption of surfactants (alcohol and opiates) in both the adult population and adolescents are quite common at present. An important role in the functional activity of the central nervous system is played by neuroactive amino acids, the level of which changes under the influence of psychotropic substances.Purpose. To study the content of neuroactive amino acids in the cerebral cortex, striatum, hypothalamus, midbrain and cerebellum in acute alcohol and morphine intoxication, as well as the complex administration of these substances.Material and methods. The experiments were carried out on white outbred male rats. Using the HPLC method in different parts of the brain, the levels of neurogenic amino acids were determined in acute alcohol and morphine intoxication, as well as their complex administration in different sections.Results. Acute complex morphine-alcohol intoxication is accompanied by manifestation of excitation processes in the striatum and hypothalamus, as well as inhibition in the midbrain. Alcohol-morphine intoxication leads to an increase in the content of GABA in all brain regions studied except the hypothalamus.Conclusion. Morphine-alcohol intoxication is accompanied by a decrease in the glycine content in the striatum, as well as an increase in its concentration in the midbrain and the level of glutamate in the hypothalamus. Alcohol-morphine intoxication leads to an increase in GABA levels in the cerebral cortex, striatum, midbrain and cerebellum.

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