scholarly journals Analisis Pengaturan Hukum Acara Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Doni Budiono

In carrying out its business, businessmen often establish a debt agreement. Debt agreements are a common thing between creditors and debtors. However, at times, it may cause a dispute between debtors who are negligent and unable to pay their debts to creditors. One of the eff orts to overcome the unpaid debt is through Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations petitioned by the debtors or the creditors. Bankruptcy is the general seizure of all the assets of a bankrupt debtor whose management and settlement is carried out by the Curator under the supervision of the Supervisory Judge. On the other hand, Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) is the settlement of the debt, also aiming to establish a peace off er that includes off ers of partial payment or whole payment of the debt to the creditors. Bankruptcy and PKPU in its implementation have been regulated in Indonesian Law Number 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations, Herziene Indonesisch Reglement (HIR), Reglement of De Rechtsvordering (Rv), Buitengewesten Rechtsreglement (RBg), and further stipulated in the Civil Law Procedure-Draft. In Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligation’s procedural law arrangements contained in various regulations and in the Civil Law Procedure-Draft, there are shortcomings that need to be analyzed to provide a legal basis for Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations procedural law arrangements. Considering the upcoming legalization of the Civil Law Procedure-Draft, this study will analyze several important points that can be used as a reference for the Civil Law Procedure-Draft. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 237-250
Bernadette M Waluyo

The Indonesian Supreme Court, in response to the information era, modernizes the civil procedural rules at the district court level.  This is done by issuing Supreme Court Regulation no. 1 of 2019 re. Administration of Justice at Civil Law Courts and Electronic-Court Proceedings. Undoubtedly, modernization of existing rules on the administration of justice is much needed.  On the other hand, these changes may violate a number of procedural civil law principles.  The author argues, from a civil procedural law perspective, that the above Supreme Court regulation violates the basic principle of transparency of court proceedings and physical attendance at court proceedings. 

V. Кroitor

The article studies the issue of scientific and practical validity of applying ethical principles of society as regulatory factors of civil law of Ukraine. Taking into account the lack of validity of ethical principles of society as regulatory factors, the author attempts to make a correlation between the content of such principles of civil law as fairness, integrity and reasonableness, on the one hand, and ethical principles of the society, on the other hand. The author of the paper proves that it is inappropriate to apply the provisions of morality as regulatory factors for the regulation of civil relations. The conclusion on the objection to the civil regularity of ethical principles of society is based on several theses. Firstly, moral rules are not formalized, which creates a threat of arbitrary interpretation of their content. Secondly, ethical principles do not have a definite source of origin. Thirdly, the fundamental ethical rules have already been taken into account in the content of the principles of fairness, integrity and reason, which in turn create competition between the two types of regulatory factors. Unreasonable duplication of regulatory requirements reduces the functionality of the law, complicates the perception of its requirements. The competition between the principles of law and the ethical principles of society must be eliminated by refusing to give the latter the function of regulatory factors. The author of the paper does not deny the possibility of taking into account the ethical principles of society while regulating the relations that have been neglected by the "official law".

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 275-285
Ludwik Florek

Temporary employment is based on a modified employment relationship. Its essence is to recognize the entity using the employee’s work as the employer user. This allows him to be relieved of some of the duties of the employer who takes over the temporary employment agency. This makes it easier for employers to hire an employee in the short term. This also creates additional jobs. On the other hand, this entails the development of a legal basis for such employment. There may also be doubts as to who is in charge of certain obligations of the employer.

Japanese Law ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Hiroshi Oda

Japanese law is part of the Civil law (Franco-German) legal system. There have been discussions on the ‘Japanese legal consciousness’, but now, it is agreed that there is no such ‘uniqueness’ of Japanese law. On the other hand, the approach of the courts in interpreting statutes and their role in interpreting contracts may represent some unique aspects of Japanese law.

Schaffstein Silja

This chapter analyses and compares the application of the res judicata doctrine in common and civil law countries. Res judicata is the principle that a matter may not, generally, be relitigated once it has been judged on the merits. The doctrine of res judicata is well established in common law jurisdictions, and allows for several res judicata pleas, namely the plea of cause of action estoppel, issue estoppel, former recovery, or abuse of process. On the other hand, the doctrine of res judicata in civil law countries recognises only one plea. In France, for instance, the doctrine of res judicata is referred to as ‘autorité de chose jugxée’. A judgment obtains ‘autorité de chose jugée’ when it is rendered, whether or not a means of recourse is available against the judgment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-324
Haidar Adam

Abstract: This article discusses about dissenting opinion and concurring opinion in the decision of the Constitutional Court. Law enforcement can be done through the Constitutional Court in the form of law judicial review. The issue of dissenting opinion is regulated through Law No. 24 Year 2003 and Constitutional Court Regulation No. 6 of PMK Year 2005 concerning Procedural Law of Tests of Act. The phrase used in the Constitutional Court Law is “the different opinion of the judiciary members". The different opinion, according to Jimly, is divided into two namely dissenting opinion and concurrent opinion. A verdict is considered concurring if there is an argument by a member of the panel of judges that is different from that of the other members of the judiciary but it does not affect the difference of the decision. On the other hand, a decision is said to be dissenting if the opinion of a member of the panel of judges is different from that of the majority of the other members of the panel of judges and the difference is not merely in the case of reasoning but to touching on the verdict. Keywords: Dissenting opinion, concurring opinion, the court constitution’s decision. Abstrak: Penegakan hukum dapat dilakukan melalui pengadilan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam bentuk pengujian terhadap undang-undang. Masalah dissenting opinion diatur melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2003 dan Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 6 PMK Tahun 2005 tentang Hukum Acara Pengujian Undang Undang. Frase yang dipakai dalam UUMK adalah “pendapat anggota majelis hakim yang berbeda”. Pendapat yang berbeda menurut Jimly, dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu dissenting opinion dan concurrent opinion. Suatu putusan dianggap sebagai concurring apabila terdapat argumentasi anggota majelis hakim yang berbeda dengan mayoritas anggota majelis hakim yang lain, namun tidak berimbas pada perbedaan amar putusan. Di sisi lain, suatu putusan dikatakan dissenting, jika pendapat suatu anggota majelis hakim berbeda dengan pendapat mayoritas anggota majelis hakim yang lain dan sampai menyentuh pada amar putusan. Kata Kunci: Dissenting opinion, concurring opinion, putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Alimin Mesra

Abstract: Biological identity verification before marriage from a fiqh standpoint. This article treats falsifying biological identity for marriage as an important phenomenon that should be responded to academically. By way of analyzing discourse concerning this subject, this article reveals that weaknesses in how civil law and citizenry are administrated, if not fixed, will give rise to more such cases of it. On the other hand, the theory that love is the biggest motivation for falsifying biological identity is taken into account to clarify why this violation occurs. The conclusion reached in this article is to accommodate for the capacity to verify biological identity—when deemed necessary—before marriage. The author reinforces this idea by drawing upon several hadiths, applying al-maqâshid al-syâri‘ah theory, as well as calling to expand classical fiqh to the context of solving this contemporary problem.Keywords: biological identity, verification, contemporary problem, classical fiqh, contextualisationAbstrak: Verifikasi Identitas Biologis Menjelang Perkawinan dalam Perspektif Fikih. Artikel ini meletakkan fakta pemalsuan identitas biologis dalam perkawinan sebagai fenomena yang penting direspons secara akademis. Melalui analisis wacana atas berita yang terkait, tulisan ini menyingkap bahwa ada sejumlah kelemahan pada sistem administrasi keperdataan dan kependudukan yang jika tidak dibenahi akan melahirkan kasus-kasus serupa. Di sisi lain, teori bahwa cinta adalah motivasi terbesar untuk melakukan sesuatu dimanfaatkan untuk menjelaskan mengapa pelanggaran itu dilakukan. Kesimpulan yang direkomendasikan adalah mengakomodasi kebolehan melakukan verifikasi identitas biologis—jika dianggap perlu—sebelum perkawinan. Penulis menguatkan gagasan ini dengan melakukan kontekstualisasi atas beberapa hadis, penerapan teori maqâshid al-syarî’ah serta ajakan untuk mengembangkan fikih klasik dalam rangka mengatasi problematika kontemporer.Kata Kunci: verifikasi, identitas biologis, problema kontemporer, fikih klasik, kontekstualisasiDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v12i1.963

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-112
Umi Cholifah

           The digital era is utilized by many institutions in facilitating consumers to transact. One of them is transaction for zakat. However, zakat is a worship commanded by Allah. Then, the use of digitizing zakat should also be submissive and obedient to the rules established by Allah. On the other hand, in the Islamic rules there is something very important which can be used to approach contemporary issues comprehensively. It is also the objectives of Islamic law contained in each rule. It is namely maqāsid as-syari’ah. Through descriptive normative study, this paper will offer concepts of maqāsid as-syari’ah which can be applied in zakat on digital finance. Finally, this study aims to explore the concepts of legality and strengthening strategies for zakat on digital finance based on maqāsid as-syari’ah. The results of this study is some verses that have the basic word zakat are in the first reference to explore the legal content of zakat on digital finance. From the legal basis, it appears that in legal concept, the provisions that exist in zakat on digital finance must be in accordance with the rules of zakat in Islam. As for steps to strengthen zakat in terms of two aspects, there are the scope of legal objectives and the subject. Abstrak         Era digital dimanfaatkan oleh banyak lembaga dalam memfasilitasi konsumen untuk bertransaksi. Salah satunya adalah transaksi zakat. Namun, zakat merupakan ibadah yang diperintahkan oleh Allah. Oleh karenaitu, penggunaan digitalisasi zakat juga harus tunduk dan patuh pada aturan yang ditetapkan oleh Allah. Di sisi lain, di dalam aturan Islam terdapat sesuatu yang sangat penting yang biasa digunakan untuk mendekati masalah kontemporer secara komprehensif. Hal ini juga merupakan suatu tujuan hukum Islam yang terkandung dalam setiap aturan, yang disebut dengan maqāsid as-syari'ah. Melalui studi normative deskriptif, tulisan ini menawarkan konsep maqāsid as-syari'ah yang dapat diterapkan dalam zakat pada keuangan digital. Akhirnya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi konsep legalitas dan memperkuat strategi  zakat pada keuangan  digital berdasarkan maqāsid as-syari'ah. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah beberapa ayat yang memiliki kata dasar zakat ada dalam referensi pertama untuk mengeksplorasi konten hukum zakat pada keuangan digital. Dari dasar hukum, tampak bahwa dalam konsep hukum, ketentuan yang ada dalam zakat pada keuangan digital harus sesuai dengan aturan zakat dalam Islam. Adapun langkah-langkah untuk memperkuat zakat dalam dua aspek yaitu  ruang lingkup tujuan hukum objek dan subjek.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 220
Lisiane Beatriz Fröhlich ◽  
Jonathan Iovane De Lemos

RESUMOO presente estudo tem como objetivo geral compreender em qual dos planos dos atos processuais – existência, validade ou eficácia – reside o defeito que acomete a sentença de mérito prolatada com a preterição do(s) litisconsorte(s) necessário(s) unitário(s). A partir dos resultados obtidos com a pesquisa, constatou-se que, para o alcance de uma conclusão satisfatória a seu respeito, é imprescindível a verificação do momento em que é alegada a preterição do(s) litisconsorte(s) necessário(s) unitário(s). Assim, concluiu-se que, na eventualidade de a alegação ocorrer anteriormente ao trânsito em julgado, o defeito estará situado no plano da validade, tratando-se de uma nulidade absoluta. Por outro lado, após o trânsito em julgado, o que remanesce é o vício no plano da eficácia. Dessa forma, observa-se que a atual legislação processual civil não é incorreta, mas incompleta e carente de precisão. Isso porque, apesar da superlativa importância da definição do momento em que se está analisando o vício, o Código de Processo Civil de 2015 é omisso com relação a esse aspecto, potencializando as dúvidas a respeito do tema. Por fim, verificou-se que, devido à gravidade do defeito que acomete essa sentença – oriunda, sobretudo, da ofensa aos princípios constitucionais –, é possível que qualquer interessado o alegue. Além disso, pelos mesmos motivos, as vias processuais admissíveis para combater esse vício são variadas, podendo ser manejada a ação rescisória, a impugnação ao cumprimento de sentença, a querela nullitatis insanabilis ou, ainda, qualquer outro meio idôneo e compatível com a situação concreta.Palavras-chave: Litisconsórcio necessário unitário. Sentença de mérito. Inexistência. Invalidade. Ineficácia. ABSTRACTThe purpose of the present study is to understand in which of the plans of procedural acts – existence, validity or efficacy – is situated the defect that affects the judgment of merit prolated with the pretermission of the necessary unitary collegitimate. From the results obtained with the research, it was verified that, in order to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion about it, it is essential to verify the moment when is alleged the omission of the necessary unitary collegitimate. Thus, it was concluded that, if the claim occurs before it is formed the res judicata, the defect is situated in the validity plan, being an absolute nullity. On the other hand, after the res judicata is formed, what remains is the inefficacy. Therefore, it was verified that the current civil procedural law is not incorrect, but incomplete and lacking precision. This is because, in spite of the superlative importance of defining which moment the defect is being analyzed, the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code of 2015 do not consider this aspect, potentializing doubts about the issue. Finally, it was discovered that, because of the severity of the defect that affects this veredict – originated, principally, from the offense to the constitutional principles – it is possible that any interested subject of the process can claim it. Besides that, for the same reasons, it is admitted the use of several procedural means to combat this decision, like the rescissory action, the enforcement’s impugnment of the judgment, the querela nullitatis insanabilis or any other suitable procedural means and compatible with the specific situation.Keywords: Necessary unitary joinder of parties. Judgment of merit. Inexistence. Invalidity. Inefficacy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-304
Muhammad Syarief Hidayatullah

In Indonesia, there are two Islamic community organizations, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah. Hilal mar'i height reference held by these two organizations is different. In determining hilal mar’i height, NU is based on the disk under the moon, while the Muhammadiyah reference is on the moon's disk. This research becomes more interesting when looking at astronomical theory in general which explains that the moon will remain in the shape of a whole round disk regardless of any phase and when calculating the movement of the moon (altitude, azimuth, elongation, parallax, etc.) which will refer to the midpoint the moon disk. On the other hand, the differences in the reference to the hilal mar’i height perspective NU and Muhammadiyah have not been clearly described, and the basic reasons or theories underlying the use of the hilal hilal height reference. The legal basis used by NU and Muhammadiyah in relation to the hilal height reference refers to the syar'i propositions. However, differences in the definition of the new moon makes the two organizations have different ways of determining the beginning of the month.

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