scholarly journals Implementasi Seni Baca Irama Al Qur’an (Nagham) Dalam Metode Pembelajaran Tahsin Al-Qur’an

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 98-112
Albadi ◽  
Wido Supraha ◽  
Hasbi Indra

Abstrak Metode pembelajaran tahsin Al-Quran merupakan sebuah proses belajar seseorang agar bisa membaca Al-Quran dengan baik dan benar. Dengan adanya metode tahsin Al-Quran ini maka akan selalu  lahir generasi-generasi yang mampu membaca Al-Quran dengan tartil, dan dampaknya secara langsung akan menunjang dan membantu fokus pemerintah di dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan itu sendiri. Salah satu metode supaya pembelajaran tahsin Al-Quran itu berjalan menarik adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan Naghom maqomat (Seni Irama baca Al-Quran). Salah satu maqomat yang menarik itu adalah irama bayati. Dari tanah Arab ke seluruh penjuru dunia, nagham telah menjadi teman setia bagi tajwid Al-Qur’an, kemudian umat Islam bisa membaca Al-Qur’an dengan versi murattal dan versi mujawwad. Walaupun muncul perbedaan pendapat tentang boleh atau tidaknya nagham dalam membaca al-Qur’an, akan tetapi perbedaan pendapat -yang sudah tua- tersebut bermuara pada sikap kehati-hatian dari ulama madzhab Maliki akan tercemarnya kemurnian Al-Qur’an. Tujuan daripada penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengembangan metode tahsin dengan pendekatan maqamat bayati. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan cara eksperimen. Ringkasan dari penelitian ini adalah menjabarkan tentang sebuah  metode tahsin baru yang mudah, menarik dan menyenangkan serta mudah dipelajari. Kesimpulannya adalah menghasilkan sebuah metode baru yang dapat meningkatkan daya minat orang untuk belajar tahsin Al-Quran. Abstract The method of learning tahsin Al-Quran is a learning process for someone to be able to read the Koran properly and correctly. With the existence of this method of tahsin Al-Quran, generations will always be born who are able to read the Al-Quran with tartil, and its impact will directly support and help the focus of the government in achieving its own educational goals. One method to make the learning of the Al-Quran tahsin run interesting is to use the Naghom maqomat approach (the art of reading the Al-Quran). One of the interesting maqomats is the baby rhythm. From the land of Arabia to all corners of the world, nagham has become a loyal friend to the recitation of the Al-Qur'an, then Muslims can read the Al-Qur'an in the murattal version and the mujawwad version. Even though there are differences of opinion about whether or not nagham is allowed to read the Qur'an, the difference of opinion - which is old - leads to the caution of the Maliki school of thought that the purity of the Al-Qur'an is tainted. The purpose of this research is to determine the development of the tahsin method with the maqamat bayati approach. The method used is a qualitative research method by means of experiments. The summary of this study describes a new tahsin method that is easy, interesting and fun and easy to learn. The conclusion is to produce a new method that can increase people's interest in learning tahsin Al-Quran.

Leo Agustino

Abstract This article discusses the policy learning process in managing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) within Indonesia and asks several questions regarding the policies formulated and implemented, as well as how the government "learns" and handles the pandemic. Furthermore, this study used a qualitative research method supported by literature discourse methods and online interviews, as well as a policy learning theory-based analysis. According to the results, the Indonesian government has learned a lot from other countries, however, the country has been rather slow in anticipating the pandemic, causing a minimal sense of crisis and urgency. In addition, the low level of trust and seriousness in the government has implications for a less harmonious relationship between the center and the regions. Also, the inter-institutional coordination and the inaccuracy of actors in handling the pandemic is an unresolved problem, therefore, the distribution location expands continually and the infection curve never slopes. Keywords: Policy Learning; Handling; COVID-19; Policy

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-180
Sumaya Khan Auntu

The conflict between flat and spiky world is a source of ongoing discourse. There is an abundance of literature explaining how the flat world mocks itself with the spikiness throughout. There is a lack in constructing trust-based relationships, connecting capabilities and amplifying innovation and learning across the spikes. The paper will focus on exploring the real status of the world whether it is flat or spiky on the context of female tea worker of Bangladesh along with analyzing the natural and social scenario of environment and job field of female tea worker in which they are suppressed and their level of consciousness about their rights and privileges. The paper will follow the research question-How do the arguments of flat and spiky worlds fit when tested from the perspective of female tea garden worker of Bangladesh? Furthermore, the paper uses qualitative research method to build arguments beyond the gaps that existing literature provides.

Nur Faidati ◽  
Muhammad Khozin ◽  
Gerry Katon Mahendra

This study focuses on the efforts made by the government to make MSMEs survive and their products accessible to consumers in this pandemic era. The real problem for MSMEs in this pandemic era is rebuilding a sluggish economy due to a number of policies that require people to be at home to reduce the spread of the Covid-19. The research method used in this research is descriptive exploratory qualitative research method. This study uses a desk study and interview technique. Desk studies are carried out through secondary data tracking. Interviews were conducted with regional apparatus organizations (OPD) which handle MSMEs and MSMEs’ actor. From the research conducted, it is known that SiBakul Jogja Free Shipping is enough to be the answer to reviving the economy for MSMEs who are still struggling through the Covid-19 pandemic to get their market back, without visiting consumers or making conventional transactions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (09) ◽  
pp. 474-477
Ian Mc Coog, Ed.D.

In the philosophical tradition, phenomenology is a means by which random, raw phenomena are categorized into what can be called human experience. Phenomenology is a school of thought within ontology which focuses on the nature of existence. Edmund Husserls view of phenomenology proposed that to understand the world, one should examine the lens through which he/she experiences the world as opposed to attempting to examine the world itself. The application of this idea first expanded to the discipline of psychology by researchers such as Amedeo Giorgi and Clark Moustakas and more recently has been more widely applied to the social sciences as a whole.Possessing an understanding of the philosophy and psychology traditions behind phenomenology greatly increases a researchers ability to implement it as a qualitative research method.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-140
Luthfiyah Zulfaini Silalahi ◽  
Alya Putri Dumayanti ◽  
Radhiatul Yusra ◽  
Nurul Shadrina Husna ◽  
Chairunnisa Lubis

The implementation of a scientific approach is something that needs to be studied more deeply in order to create an active and efficient learning process. This study aims to determine the implementation of learning plans and the application of the scientific approach by science teachers. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method which is also known as naturalistic research. The result of this study is that the science teacher understands the theoretical scientific approach, and is equipped with a plan in the RPP document which is prepared before the lesson takes place. In the process of applying the scientific approach, it takes a longer time to carry out observations, where the media displayed is limited to the use of simple paper, due to the limited supporting learning media such as LCD projectors, and so on.

Audrey Runtukahu ◽  
Ferdinand Kerebungu ◽  
Yoseph Santie

The problem in this study is about the perception of pinokalan village community regarding the assistance of Kota Tanpa Kumuh Program (KOTAKU) where they are concerned about the inability of the opportunity to receive this assistance and the purpose of this research is to know and describe the perception of pinokalan village community in the implementation of KOTAKU program. In this study using qualitative research method with observation and interview data collection techniques. And the results of this study show that the perception of the people of Pinokalan Village that we do not receive assistance kotaku program from the government when our environment is organized and not worth our stay because of the densely populated conditions and only a few residents of our village who get assistance in the form of home improvement, roads and drainage but it is an assistance from PNPM not from KOTAKU and the government only chooses milih residents for i kut in socialization therefore we as other pinokalan community do not know and only know from others that socialization has been implemented about KOTAKU in Pinokalan Village. In the PROGRAM KOTAKU Pinokalan village is used as a companion village when compared to other villages that get assistance from KOTAKU Pinokalan Village can be said to be more eligible to get assistance from this KOTAKU program

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Dian Pratama ◽  
Wulan Ruhiyyih Khanum ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of life. One of the things that has been affected is the achievement of the SDGs which has been hampered by this pandemic. The condition that has been deteriorated due to the pandemic should not be used as an excuse to achieve the SDGs, in this case the role of youth is very important to achieve SDGs, especially in the post-pandemic period. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data used are primary and secondary data that have been collected, processed, made conclusions, and then interpreted. This study aims to design a character education system for the younger generation in their role in achieving the SDGs. The results of the interpretation of data that have been collected and then processed in the research process, make a proposal for "FAST Generation". These concepts are some of the main characteristics that youth must have in their role in achieving the SDGs in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. FAST Generation is a character that must be possessed by youth in achieving the SDGs. Youth with character will make the world safer, more prosperous, and more focused, so that the achievement of the goals contained in the SDGs will be easier.

2019 ◽  
Lutfiani Dwi Oktavia

Social media is no longer a taboo for Indonesian people, young and old all using social media, for example, Instagram. Instagram users have reached 56 millions and become the fourth largest country in the world beat Russia, Turkey, Japan, and United Kingdom (according to april 2019 sources). The writing of this article aims to describe the form of utilization from the Instagram account @ruang_bimbingan_konseling. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research method with uses data in the form of words and produces descriptions in the form of words. The results of this study show Instagram can be a medium for informing all information about guidance and counseling in the form of photos and videos. Instagram can be a solution in overcoming the lack of information about guidance and counseling, which raises the stigma to the public about guidance and counseling is the school police or just dealing with bad boys.

Al-Burz ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Ghulam Qasim Arif

 This research paper shows the evolution in language teaching approach and multiple perspectives of communicative language teaching (CLT). Researcher has tried to elaborate the different aspects of CLT. How CLT affects classroom environment. Through qualitative research method, researcher tried to explore the data about the different factors of CLT affecting the language learning process. Researcher tried to analyze different principals of CLT to understand all the perspectives relating language learning process.    

Dessyana Nasution And Masitowarni Siregar

The aims of this study are to know the Teachers’ Strategies on Teaching Reading Comprehension of Recount Text at Grade X of SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat. It was conducted by using qualitative research method. The subjects of this study are two English teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat. The two teachers taught at Grade X. They chosen as the subject which were observed and interviewed. The writer used two instruments, they were observation and interview. This study found that the teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Empat used appropriate strategy in teaching reading comprehension of recount text and using the media to make the students be motivated and interested in learning. The teachers guided and managed the students in comprehending the material. The teachers' reason in using strategies is because the students get difficulties in comprehending the material if the teachers were used the traditional teaching strategies. The implementation of the strategy adapted by the teachers with the material, the indicator, the purpose of learning on the syllabus and curriculumn. All of the students were active and motivated in teaching and learning process. They were also brave to share the idea, asked the teacher when they found the problem on learning the material and answer the question that given by the teacher.

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