2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Maksym Voichuk

Purpose. The aim of the article is defining theoretical approaches and conceptual bases to the concept of inclusiveness in the economy in order to form new methodological approaches to the study of economic processes at the meso and micro levels. Methodology of research. The methods generally accepted in economics were used in the course of the research, in particular: monographic, system and structural (to determine the meaning of the concept of economic inclusion in the context of cyclical economic development). Findings. The analysis and systematization of theoretical approaches to the definition of the category “inclusion” in the economy are carried out. It is established that the process of inclusion in the economy is a tool to increase people`s participation in the creation, distribution, and consumption of economic goods. The necessity of distinguishing between the concepts of “inclusive growth” and “inclusive development” on the basis of the theory of economic cycles is substantiated. It is determined that economic inclusion is a tool for achieving the priorities of sustainable economic development. It is proved that the use of inclusion as an operational tool of the sustainable development paradigm is aimed at ensuring long-term and sustainable results of economic development at the micro and meso levels. Originality. The necessity of deepening the scientific discourse of economic inclusion, which requires localization and application of the principles of descending governance, is substantiated. For the first time, it is proposed to make a clear distinction between the processes of inclusive growth and inclusive development, which, in contrast to existing approaches, expands the theoretical and methodological basis for the study of economic inclusion at different levels of the economy. Practical value. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of integrating inclusive approaches to development strategies and forming practical tools for inclusive development and supporting inclusive growth of micro and meso economic entities by government agencies and representatives of business structures. Key words: inclusiveness, sustainable development, inclusive growth, inclusive development.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 322 (8) ◽  
pp. 91-102
Nataliia Patyka ◽  
Oleksii Bulavka

The purpose of the article is is to determine strategic guidelines and priority directions of sustainable socio-economic development of rural communities and territories in the conditions of power decentralization and self-government reform in Ukraine. Research methods. The techniques of the abstract-logical method, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and comparison were used to generalise the study's theoretical and methodological aspects. In analytical studies, some economic and statistical methods were used to diagnose the trends in the development of rural communities and territories in the context of decentralization of power (comparative analysis, averages and relative values, statistical groupings, trend analysis, graphical method, index analysis, etc.)—some forms of abstract-logical tools allowed to formulate intermediate and final conclusions and proposals. Research results. It is proved that the sustainable development of rural communities and territories presupposes the unity and balance of its four components: economic, social, ecological and institutional. The economic component should be based on obtaining the maximum aggregate income while maintaining and increasing the working aggregate capital and production volumes of competitive products; social - on creating the optimal social conditions and improving the quality of human life as the primary value of the society; ecological - on the balance of biological and natural systems, the integrity of the biosphere and ecosystem and their ability to self-reproduction; institutional - on strengthening the institution's role in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of rural communities and territories. Together, they constitute strategic guidelines for sustainable socio-economic development of rural communities and territories and provide specific priority directions. Scientific novelty. In the article, the complex of strategic guidelines and priority directions of sustainable socio-economic development of rural communities and territories in power decentralization and self-government reform at the primary level on four components have been improved (economic, social, ecological and institutional). This will substantiate the methods and mechanisms of implementation of state policy to ensure its. Practical significance. The defined and substantiated strategic guidelines and priority directions set out in the article can be taken into account in developing effective targeted government policy aimed at sustainable socio-economic development of rural communities and territories in Ukraine. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 22.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 2988
Cui Wang ◽  
Yingyan Zhang ◽  
Conghu Liu ◽  
Fagang Hu ◽  
Shuling Zhou ◽  

In view of the coordination of economy, society, and environment in the process of the rapid development of the regional economy, this study proposes the evaluation method of sustainable development of a regional economy on the basis of emergy. The study also constructed an evaluation index system of sustainable development of regional ecological economy from four aspects, namely, structural, functional, and ecological efficiency, and sustainable development index. The objective was to comprehensively evaluate the quality and environmental friendliness of regional economic development. On this basis, this study measured and evaluated the sustainable development of the ecological economy in Anhui Province by using emergy to analyze the statistical data of the economic development of Anhui Province, China, from 2010 to 2018. The study also provides targeted decision-making suggestions for the sustainable and high-quality development of the Anhui economy. Furthermore, this study provides a measure and evaluation method for the sustainable development of the regional economy and effective policy recommendations, which have important theoretical and practical significance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3(72)) ◽  
pp. 171-181

Topicality. The guiding vision of a stable market economy in Ukraine is accelerating the transition to the introduction of the principle of inclusiveness in market conditions, which, in the context of broadening the overall employment of the population, is an increase in access to education, entrepreneurship, services for young people, women, people in less developed regions and those with disabilities. Implementation of the country's strategic priorities for the transition to sustainable development should take place by ensuring inclusiveness, in particular through agricultural land use. An important task of promoting the principles of inclusiveness is to assess its impact on specific target groups.The introduction of inclusiveness in terms of economic development has a long-term perspective, covering social interests and the rational use of resources. The main focus is on productive employment as a means of reducing the stratification of society by income and raising the standard of living of less well-off people.Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to analyze the definition of the inclusiveness of nature use as an economic category in the context of land use, namely the development of inclusive activity. Disclosure of the characteristics of the inclusive approach to land use and outline its benefits. Formulation of the intrinsic features and objectives of the inclusive economy, in particular inclusive agricultural land use. Justification of the scientific principles of the implementation of the principles of organizing the inclusion of land use in agricultural activities.Research results. The concept of inclusiveness in the context of nature use in generalized form and in accordance with land use is developed in the part of expanding the attraction of as many members of society as possible. Improved conceptual-categorical apparatus of the study of "inclusiveness", in particular inclusive growth, inclusive economy, inclusive activity in the context of land use, inclusive ecological agriculture. The relationship between these categories is determined. Formed general scientific principles of inclusive development, principles of inclusive agricultural land use: systematic and complex, adequacy and flexibility, objectivity and accuracy, efficiency, purposefulness, scientific, priority of economic interests of the state. The principles of inclusive agricultural land use are determined on the basis of generally accepted conditions that form the basis of inclusive development and determine its directions and priorities. The advantages of creating ecologically clean lands and conducting ecologically oriented agriculture as one of the directions of development of inclusive nature management in Ukraine are grounded.Conclusion. It is substantiated that, despite a number of literature and discussion of this topic, there is no single definition of the concept of inclusive growth. In the article the genesis of inclusiveness is investigated and the preconditions of the emergence of "inclusive economy" are determined. It is determined that the basic principles under the influence of which the concept of "inclusiveness" was formed are from the theoretical and methodological foundations of sustainable development, "green economy", social economy, and innovation economics. The market component of inclusive land use has been identified and theoretically grounded, which is to involve individual and individual peasant farms in order to organize activities and processes of rational land use, which includes individuals from all walks of life and psychophysical possibilities, through the expansion of: access to land resources; possibilities of land use grouping; the availability of special technical equipment for all individuals; opportunities for obtaining or improving qualifications in the field of ecologically oriented agriculture.

Liubov Vasylyshyna ◽  

Substantiation of theoretical and methodological principles and practical recommendations for ensuring a high level of environmental safety of territories in the context of decentralization reform. Defining approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of "environmental safety", analysis of the state of environmental safety in the regions of Ukraine, development of possible measures and activities to ensure a high level of environmental safety in decentralized areas. Method. The study of theoretical approaches to the interpretation of environmental safety was carried out using the methods of analysis and synthesis. Statistical and graphical methods, as well as the method of comparison were used to analyze the level of environmental safety in the regions of Ukraine. A structurally logical method and a method of formalization were used to develop measures and directions to ensure a reliable level of ecological safety of territories. Results. The study allowed to single out certain aspects of the concept of "environmental safety", in particular, it is established that it is a system of certain measures, a component of national security, an integral part of environmental protection, a component of the production process, a certain degree of danger. Based on the generalization of different points of view, it is proposed to use a comprehensive approach to the interpretation of environmental safety. It is proposed to use the volumes of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from stationary sources of pollution as the main criterion that measures the level of environmental safety of territories, as well as on the basis of which environmental recovery measures are developed. Based on the calculation and analysis of relative indicators per unit area and per capita, the regions of Ukraine with the highest level of environmental danger are identified. The system of the basic measures and directions of activity on increase of level of environmental safety of the united territorial communities which are contained in ecological programs of their sustainable development is developed. The concept of waste management, which is used in the EU countries and is aimed at ensuring the environmental safety of the territories, and also allows to solve the most pressing environmental problems of the inhabitants of a particular area, is justified to adapt to domestic practice. Scientific novelty. The definition of environmental safety is defined as a result of interaction and coordinated interaction of measures for the use, protection and restoration of the environment, which achieves ecological balance that ensures sustainable socio-economic development of relevant territories – countries, regions, districts, united territorial communities. The use of absolute and relative criteria for the analysis of the level of environmental safety by regions of Ukraine is substantiated. Measures and directions of activity on maintenance of a high level of environmental safety of territories in the conditions of decentralization are developed. Practical significance. The conducted research on the issues of increasing the level of environmental safety of territories gives an opportunity to realize the catastrophic consequences in case of inefficient management of these processes. Achieving a high level of environmental safety is that the latter is one of the components of the concept of sustainable development, thus ensuring the socio-economic development of territories. Key words: environmental safety, ecology, ecological balance, territory, region, decentralization, territorial reform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 6443
Weiyi Yu ◽  
Hong Hu ◽  
Bindong Sun

Urban parks are critical for sustainable urban development. They are of theoretical and practical significance for analyzing the visual landscape of recreational spaces from the perspective of the elderly. This analysis can be used for exploring new methods for optimizing recreational space layouts to improve the physical and mental health of the elderly in parks, thus realizing the sustainable development of urban society. Taking Ziyang Park in Shangrao Central District of Jiangxi Province, China, as an example, starting from the visual characteristics of the elderly, this study quantitatively calculated the landscape viewability, total view ratio, and water view ratio for the elderly in each recreational space using Python Scripting for ArcGIS. We briefly express the elderly suitability of the visual landscape for each recreational space through a weighted synthesis of the calculation results. Our findings show that, in Ziyang Park, the elderly suitability of the visual landscape for recreational spaces is not only low overall, but also gradually decreases from the interior to the exterior of this park. Moreover, this spatial distribution may be caused by the location of zoning, surface elevation, and road slopes, as well as the individual characteristics of each recreational space. Finally, we discuss the requirements of the elderly for some geographical factors, along with the feasibility of using ArcGIS 3-D analysis to optimize the layout of the park recreational space, with the aim of providing a new research perspective and an effective reference method for designing layouts of such spaces that are favorable for the elderly to better guarantee the sustainable development of urban society.

AI and Ethics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Aimee van Wynsberghe

AbstractWhile there is a growing effort towards AI for Sustainability (e.g. towards the sustainable development goals) it is time to move beyond that and to address the sustainability of developing and using AI systems. In this paper I propose a definition of Sustainable AI; Sustainable AI is a movement to foster change in the entire lifecycle of AI products (i.e. idea generation, training, re-tuning, implementation, governance) towards greater ecological integrity and social justice. As such, Sustainable AI is focused on more than AI applications; rather, it addresses the whole sociotechnical system of AI. I have suggested here that Sustainable AI is not about how to sustain the development of AI per say but it is about how to develop AI that is compatible with sustaining environmental resources for current and future generations; economic models for societies; and societal values that are fundamental to a given society. I have articulated that the phrase Sustainable AI be understood as having two branches; AI for sustainability and sustainability of AI (e.g. reduction of carbon emissions and computing power). I propose that Sustainable AI take sustainable development at the core of its definition with three accompanying tensions between AI innovation and equitable resource distribution; inter and intra-generational justice; and, between environment, society, and economy. This paper is not meant to engage with each of the three pillars of sustainability (i.e. social, economic, environment), and as such the pillars of sustainable AI. Rather, this paper is meant to inspire the reader, the policy maker, the AI ethicist, the AI developer to connect with the environment—to remember that there are environmental costs to AI. Further, to direct funding towards sustainable methods of AI.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 319 (5) ◽  
pp. 46-56
Olha Kovalenko ◽  
Liudmyla Yashchenko

The purpose of the article is to improve approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovative activities of the food industry and its individual subsectors to identify prospects for development and problems that can hinder the sustainable development of this area of production and the country as a whole. Research methods. The article uses the methods of theoretical generalizations and comparisons, which made it possible to comprehensively consider and generalize methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovation in industries. When systematizing the calculated data by the intensity of innovation costs, the methods of statistical classification and grouping were used. To achieve the goal of the study, the methodology for assessing the level of manufacturability of industries has been improved (the OECD methodology is taken as a basis), which made it possible to re-evaluate the effectiveness of innovative activities in sub-sectors of the food industry with an emphasis on the computerization of production. Research results. The article presents a methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of innovation in the food industry. The study is based on the OECD methodology for assessing the manufacturability of industries, which is to calculate the weighted average cost intensity of R & D. The application of this approach to the food industry has confirmed the too low level of its innovative manufacturability. It was found that due to the lack of relevant statistics on R&D expenditures, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of innovation in certain sectors of the food industry. It is proposed to solve this problem with the help of capital investment indicators, which are invested in the software of industries and are directly related to the level of computerization of technological processes. The obtained indicators of the intensity of software costs are ranked in descending order and divided into three groups according to the level of computerization, which characterizes the efficiency of innovation, as its level increases profits and profitability in industries. This will contribute to the goals of sustainable development of the country (including goals 2 and 9) and increase the competitiveness of the food industry. Scientific novelty. A methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of innovative activities of sub-sectors of the food industry in Ukraine is proposed, which will contribute to the formation of a new look at the research methodology of this area of knowledge. Practical significance. Designed for professionals in the field of food industry economics, scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions. The results of the study can be used by experts to assess the level of manufacturability of industries. Tabl.: 3. Refs.: 30.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 37-46
Rita I. Batyaeva ◽  
Tat’yana G. Shelkunova ◽  
Irina Yu. Khetagurova ◽  
Tamara G. Khetagurova ◽  

The article provides an overview of the effects of the resonant impact of clusters on the ability of mountain areas to adapt to the modern realities of the technological level, as well as the ability to apply innovations, attract investment in the agro-industrial and tourist cluster. A panel of indicators is presented that provides correct comparability of achievements and reflects information for aggregation by various parameters of the economic and geographical indicators of the region: the national environmental rating of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District; indicators of sustainable development of the Russian Federation and the North Caucasus Federal District; investment risk of the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District; the main economic and social indicators of the RSO-Alania. It is established that the geoinformation study of the use of a multicomponent indicator of the state of mountain territories is the basis for determining the vector of their further socio-economic development and justifying appropriate management decisions to stabilize economic development. The peculiarity of the approach is the selection of criteria that will be used in the development of mechanisms for the sustainable development of mountain territories according to the target indicators, in accordance with the UN resolution "Transforming our world in the field of sustainable develop-ment for the period up to 2030".

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-40
S.A. Abenov ◽  

This article examines the socio-economic development of monotowns in Kazakhstan on the example of Zhezkazgan city. The authors analyzed the satisfaction of citizens with the living conditions in monotowns, as well as identified the problems of sustainable development and prospects for socio-economic transformation of this region. The results of the study showed that the main problem of a monotown is its dependence on the city-forming enterprise. At the same time, respondents expressed a high desire to migrate to other regions (78% of respondents).

2012 ◽  
Vol 04 (04) ◽  
pp. 56-66 ◽  
Firdaos ROSLI ◽  
En Ning HWA

Since independence, Malaysia has pursued inclusive development for all its economic and social long-term plans. The success of its past national plans for economic development can be assessed by the progress of its Millennium Development Goals. The country now faces greater challenges in achieving inclusive economic and social development before it could become a high income nation by 2020. The authors suggest that inclusive development can also be incorporated in regional frameworks and programmes.

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