Word Recognition in Multitalker Babble Measured with Two Psychophysical Methods

2005 ◽  
Vol 16 (08) ◽  
pp. 622-630 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
Christopher A. Burks ◽  
Deborah G. Weakley

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the relationship between psychometric functions for words presented in multitalker babble using a descending presentation level protocol and a random presentation level protocol. Forty veterans (mean = 63.5 years) with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing losses were enrolled. Seventy of the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 words spoken by the VA female speaker were presented at seven signal-to-babble ratios from 24 to 0 dB (10 words/step). Although the random procedure required 69 sec longer to administer than the descending protocol, there was no significant difference between the results obtained with the two psychophysical methods. There was almost no relation between the perceived ability of the listeners to understand speech in background noise and their measured ability to understand speech in multitalker babble. Likewise, there was a tenuous relation between pure-tone thresholds and performance on the words in babble and between recognition performance in quiet and performance on the words in babble.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000348942199527
Gabriel Dunya ◽  
Fadi Najem ◽  
Aurelie Mailhac ◽  
Samer Abou Rizk ◽  
Marc Bassim

Objective: The effect of hearing aid use on the evolution of presbycusis has not been well described in the literature, with only a handful of publications addressing this topic. This paper aims to evaluate the long-term use of amplification and its effect on pure-tone thresholds and word recognition scores. Method: Monaurally fitted patients were followed with serial audiograms. Data was collected from hearing aid centers. Seventy-seven patients with presbycusis met the inclusion criteria and participated in the present study. The progression of hearing loss in both pure tone thresholds and word recognition scores were compared between the hearing aid ears (HA), and the non-hearing aid ears (NHA). Pure tone thresholds were analyzed by comparing the pure tone average at the initial and last audiograms. Word Recognition Scores (WRS) were analyzed using the model of Thornton and Raffin (1978), and by comparing the change in the absolute values of WRS from the initial to the last audiogram between the HA ear and the NHA ear. Results: No significant difference in pure-tone thresholds between the HA ear and NHA ear was found at the last audiogram ( P = .696), even after dividing the patients into groups based on the duration of amplification. Both methods of analysis of patients’ WRS showed a statistically significant worsening in NHA ( P < .05). Conclusion: The present study supports the previously defined auditory deprivation effect on non-fitted ears, which showed worsening of word recognition over time and no effect on pure tone average. It provides an additional argument for the counseling of patients with presbycusis considering amplification, and highlights the importance of bilateral amplification in preserving the residual hearing of hearing impaired patients.

1992 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-167 ◽  
Mark C. Ely

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of timbre on musicians' intonational acuities during a listening and a performance task. Nine saxophonists, nine clarinetists, and nine flutists from The Ohio State University School of Music participated in the listening and performance segments of this experiment. The performance data consisted of subjects' intonational deviations from recorded examples, and the listening data consisted of subjects' correct and incorrect responses to in-tune or out-of-tune tone pairs. The relationship between subjects' abilities to perform in tune and detect intonation problems, and the effects of timbre on subjects' abilities to perform in tune and detect intonation problems were assessed. Results revealed a low correlation between subjects abilities to play in tune and their abilities to detect intonation problems. Results also indicated that timbre had a significant effect on subjects' abilities to detect intonation problems, but not on their abilities to play in tune. Although there was no significant difference between instrument groups' abilities to detect intonation problems, a significant difference was found between these groups' abilities to play in tune across all timbres. Subjects played significantly more flat than sharp when matching other instrument timbres.

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (07) ◽  
pp. 405-423 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson

Background: Since the 1940s, measures of pure-tone sensitivity and speech recognition in quiet have been vital components of the audiologic evaluation. Although early investigators urged that speech recognition in noise also should be a component of the audiologic evaluation, only recently has this suggestion started to become a reality. This report focuses on the Words-in-Noise (WIN) Test, which evaluates word recognition in multitalker babble at seven signal-to-noise ratios and uses the 50% correct point (in dB SNR) calculated with the Spearman-Kärber equation as the primary metric. The WIN was developed and validated in a series of 12 laboratory studies. The current study examined the effectiveness of the WIN materials for measuring the word-recognition performance of patients in a typical clinical setting. Purpose: To examine the relations among three audiometric measures including pure-tone thresholds, word-recognition performances in quiet, and word-recognition performances in multitalker babble for veterans seeking remediation for their hearing loss. Research Design: Retrospective, descriptive. Study Sample: The participants were 3430 veterans who for the most part were evaluated consecutively in the Audiology Clinic at the VA Medical Center, Mountain Home, Tennessee. The mean age was 62.3 yr (SD = 12.8 yr). Data Collection and Analysis: The data were collected in the course of a 60 min routine audiologic evaluation. A history, otoscopy, and aural-acoustic immittance measures also were included in the clinic protocol but were not evaluated in this report. Results: Overall, the 1000–8000 Hz thresholds were significantly lower (better) in the right ear (RE) than in the left ear (LE). There was a direct relation between age and the pure-tone thresholds, with greater change across age in the high frequencies than in the low frequencies. Notched audiograms at 4000 Hz were observed in at least one ear in 41% of the participants with more unilateral than bilateral notches. Normal pure-tone thresholds (≤20 dB HL) were obtained from 6% of the participants. Maximum performance on the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 (NU-6) in quiet was ≥90% correct by 50% of the participants, with an additional 20% performing at ≥80% correct; the RE performed 1–3% better than the LE. Of the 3291 who completed the WIN on both ears, only 7% exhibited normal performance (50% correct point of ≤6 dB SNR). Overall, WIN performance was significantly better in the RE (mean = 13.3 dB SNR) than in the LE (mean = 13.8 dB SNR). Recognition performance on both the NU-6 and the WIN decreased as a function of both pure-tone hearing loss and age. There was a stronger relation between the high-frequency pure-tone average (1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz) and the WIN than between the pure-tone average (500, 1000, and 2000 Hz) and the WIN. Conclusions: The results on the WIN from both the previous laboratory studies and the current clinical study indicate that the WIN is an appropriate clinic instrument to assess word-recognition performance in background noise. Recognition performance on a speech-in-quiet task does not predict performance on a speech-in-noise task, as the two tasks reflect different domains of auditory function. Experience with the WIN indicates that word-in-noise tasks should be considered the “stress test” for auditory function.

1992 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 471-478 ◽  
Jeffery Allen ◽  
Paul Blanton ◽  
Douglas Johnson-Greene ◽  
Candice Murphy-Farmer ◽  
Alan Gross

This investigation was designed to assess the relationship between a validated personality characteristic, need for achievement (nAch), and performance on measures of behavioral fluency. To infer this relationship, 50 neurologically intact college undergraduates were administered a questionnaire assessing nAch and a battery of tests including a short form of the WAIS and measures of behavioral fluency (i.e., verbal fluency). Statistical analysis indicated that subjects high on nAch obtained higher scores than subjects low on nAch on the measures of figural fluency and the WAIS Verbal Scale. No significant difference on verbal fluency was seen between the two groups. Secondly, the group high on nAch also had a higher mean Verbal IQ but not a higher mean Performance IQ as measured by a short form of the WAIS than did subjects scoring low on nAch.

2011 ◽  
Vol 22 (07) ◽  
pp. 393-404 ◽  
Elizabeth D. Leigh-Paffenroth ◽  
Saravanan Elangovan

Background: Hearing loss and age interfere with the auditory system's ability to process temporal changes in the acoustic signal. A key unresolved question is whether high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss (HFSNHL) affects temporal processing in the low-frequency region where hearing loss is minimal or nonexistent. A second unresolved question is whether changes in hearing occur in middle-aged subjects in the absence of HFSNHL. Purpose: The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to examine the influence of HFSNHL and aging on the auditory temporal processing abilities of low-frequency auditory channels with normal hearing sensitivity and (2) to examine the relations among gap detection measures, self-assessment reports of understanding speech, and functional measures of speech perception in middle-aged individuals with and without HFSNHL. Research Design: The subject groups were matched for either age (middle age) or pure-tone sensitivity (with or without hearing loss) to study the effects of age and HFSNHL on behavioral and functional measures of temporal processing and word recognition performance. These effects were analyzed by individual repeated-measures analyses of variance. Post hoc analyses were performed for each significant main effect and interaction. The relationships among the measures were analyzed with Pearson correlations. Study Sample: Eleven normal-hearing young adults (YNH), eight normal-hearing middle-aged adults (MANH), and nine middle-aged adults with HFSNHL were recruited for this study. Normal hearing sensitivity was defined as pure-tone thresholds ≤25 dB HL for octave frequencies from 250 to 8000 Hz. HFSNHL was defined as pure-tone thresholds ≤25 dB HL from 250 to 2000 Hz and ≥35 dB HL from 3000 to 8000 Hz. Data Collection and Analysis: Gap detection thresholds (GDTs) were measured under within-channel and between-channel conditions with the stimulus spectrum limited to regions of normal hearing sensitivity for the HFSNHL group (i.e., <2000 Hz). Self-perceived hearing problems were measured by a questionnaire (Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit), and word recognition performance was assessed under four conditions: quiet and babble, with and without low-pass filtering (cutoff frequency = 2000 Hz). Results: The effects of HFSNHL and age were found for gap detection, self-perceived hearing problems, and word recognition in noise. The presence of HFSNHL significantly increased GDTs for stimuli presented in regions of normal pure-tone sensitivity. In addition, middle-aged subjects with normal hearing sensitivity reported significantly more problems hearing in background noise than the young normal-hearing subjects. Significant relationships between self-report measures of hearing ability in background noise and word recognition in babble were found. Conclusions: The conclusions from the present study are twofold: (1) HFSNHL may have an off-channel impact on auditory temporal processing, and (2) presenescent changes in the auditory system of MANH subjects increased self-perceived problems hearing in background noise and decreased functional performance in background noise compared with YNH subjects.

1980 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-238 ◽  
Richard H. Wilson ◽  
June K. Antablin

The Picture Identification Task was developed to estimate the word-recognition performance of nonverbal adults. Four lists of 50 monosyllabic words each were assembled and recorded. Each test word and three rhyming alternatives were illustrated and photographed in a quadrant arrangement. The task of the patient was to point to the picture representing the recorded word that was presented through the earphone. In the first experiment with young adults, no significant differences were found between the Picture Identification Task and the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 materials in an open-set response paradigm. In the second experiment, the Picture Identification Task with the picture-pointing response was compared with the Northwestern University Auditory Test No. 6 in both an open-set and a closed-set response paradigm. The results from this experiment demonstrated significant differences among the three response tasks. The easiest task was a closed-set response to words, the next was a closed-set response to pictures, and the most difficult task was an open-set response. At high stimulus-presentation levels, however, the three tasks produced similar results. Finally, the clinical use of the Picture Identification Task is described along with preliminary results obtained from 30 patients with various communicative impairments.

S. B. Rathna Kumar ◽  
Madhu Sudharshan Reddy. B ◽  
Sale Kranthi

<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> <span lang="EN-IN">The present study aimed to develop word lists in Telugu for assessing speech recognition threshold which might serve as equivalent and alternative forms to the existing word lists. </span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> <span lang="EN-IN">A total of two word lists were developed using compound words with each list consisting of 25 words. Equivalence analysis and performance-intensity function testing was carried out using two word lists on a total of 75 native speakers of Telugu who were equally divided into three groups.  </span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> <span lang="EN-IN">The results revealed that there was no statistically significant difference (p&gt;0.05) in the speech recognition performance between three groups for each word list, and between two word lists for each group. Hence, the two word lists developed were found to be equally difficult for all the groups and can be used interchangeably. The performance-intensity (PI) function curve showed semi-linear function, and the subjects reached the beginning of the plateau at 3 dBSL where they reached more than 90% speech recognition score for two word lists, and reached 100% speech recognition score at 6 dBSL. The 50% speech recognition score which corresponds to SRT was obtained at less than 1.5 dBSL for two word lists suggesting good agreement between PTA and SRT. </span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> <span lang="EN-IN">The findings of the study are similar to the findings of existing word lists in Telugu. Thus the developed word lists in the present study can be considered equivalent and alternative forms to existing word lists in Telugu.</span></p>

2018 ◽  
pp. 425-443
Miriam Alkubaidi

There has been a widespread utilization of the English language in Saudi Arabia, due to which it is necessary for Saudi citizens to gain an adequate grip on this language. This study aimed to conduct a comparative evaluation between the writing strategies and writing performance shown by Saudi EFL students. Seventy-four female undergraduates between 21 and 25 years and having Arabic as their first language were recruited for this study. The writing samples of the participants were typed into the computer so that no inconsistency takes place based on the students’ writing skills by the researcher. Descriptive statistics were then used to ascertain the level of strategy use of the participants. These students were divided into two groups, based on high and low writing proficiencies. It was found that there was no significant difference in writing performance of these students. The students, who demonstrated a higher level of writing proficiency while writing stood at a percentage of 47.3%; whereas, students demonstrating a low level of writing proficiency stood at a percentage of 44.6%. Furthermore, most of the students used drafting strategies as compared to ‘before-writing’ strategies. More frequent use of ‘before-writing’ strategies is encouraged. Further research is needed regarding the relationship between writing strategy application and the writing performance of these learners

S KhoshKesht ◽  
A Yaghoobzadeh ◽  
N Dehghan-nayeri‏

Introduction: The success of an organization is determined by its human ‎resources. Work engagement leads to higher productivity and performance of the organization. Leaders seek to understand the impact of ‎their leadership style on work engagement. This is even more important in educational organizations but research in this area is insufficient. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between department ‎manager’s leadership styles and faculty member’s work engagement in some Iranian universities of medical ‎sciences‎. Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical correlational study. 149 people including faculty members and department managers with at least 6 months of work experience were selected through the convenience sampling method. Data collection tools included ‎a demographic questionnaire, a multi-factor leadership questionnaire, and a Schaufeli & Bakker work engagement questionnaire whose validity and reliability were examined. ‎Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 16. Result: A total of 114 faculty members with 13.42 ± 9.75 and 35 department managers with 19.91 ± 8.67 work experience participated in this study. Faculty members reported high work engagement. There was a positive and significant relationship between work engagement and interactional (P = 0.010) and transformational leadership (P = 0.001). ‎There was a significant difference between manager’s and employee’s views on the interactional ‎and transformational leadership (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Managers can promote job engagement by selecting the proper leadership style, and the advantages can be leveraged to boost organizational productivity.

Nelson E. Lucero

Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) of instruction had become an option of schools, parents, and learners to access education. Despite its implementation for several years, research on its delivery and students’ academic performance was not endeavored. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the relationship of Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) program and performance of the students. The respondents of the study were 30 students from nine elementary schools in the Division of Digos, Davao del Sur. Results showed that most of the respondents enrolled in the Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) were male, at age 11, and were laborers. Most of them were low performers. The respondents rated the Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) implementation as moderate. It further revealed that there was no significant difference in the level of implementation of Alternative Delivery Mode in terms of gender and age but it showed significant relationship between the level of implementation of the program and the performance of the students. Intensification of Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) was recommended. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0720/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

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