scholarly journals The Effect of Prolanis Exercise Activities on Decreasing Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Mellitus Patients

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-57
Fitria Silvia ◽  
Mappeaty Nyorong ◽  
Miskah Afriany ◽  
Lucia Lastiur

Diabetes exercises are physical exercises designed according to age and physical status and are part of the treatment of diabetes mellitus. When a person does physical exercise in the muscles of the body, the heart system and blood circulation and breathing are activated. Therefore, the body's metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance and acid base must adjust. Muscles will use free fatty acids and glucose as a source of energy or energy. When physical exercise begins glucose originating from muscle-muscled glycogen when physical exercise starts being used as a source of energy. Assessing the effect of the implementation of prolanis exercise activities on reducing blood sugar levels in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Puskesmas Padangmatinggi in 2019. This type of research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental design that designs using one group pretest-posttest, when this study was conducted in January-April year 2020. The population in this study were all patients with diabetes mellitus who follow prolanis gymnastics in Padangmatinggipuskesmas with purposive sampling technique, namely the determination of the sample by specifying specific characteristics consisting of 15 intervention / experimental groups and 15 control groups 15 people The results showed that there was an effect of the application of prolanic exercise activities to reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes at Padangmatingi Public Health Center in Padangsidimpuan with a P-Value of 0.007, and there were differences in blood sugar levels in the intervention and control groups with a P. Value of 0,000.

2019 ◽  
Ernawati . ◽  
Agus Sustiyono ◽  
Mulyati .

Background: DM (Diabetes Mellitus) is a chronic/chronic metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) caused by insufficient amounts of insulin or insufficient amounts of insulin, sometimes even more effective, this condition is called insulin resistence. Objective: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of ma’tsurat dhikr therapy in reducing blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara Hospital Serang in 2018. Methods: The number of samples of this study was 34 respondents and the method was quasi-experimental. The data was analyzed by independent T-Test. The respondents of experimental group received DM exercise and morning-evening dhikr intervention, while the control group only received DM exercise intervention. Results:The results of the study showed that ma’tsurat dhikr affects significantly on the decrease of bloods ugarlevelsinpatienntswithtype2DMatdr.DradjatPrawiranegara Hospital Serang with p value<0.005. Conclusion: Intervention of ma’tsurat dhikr can be recommended for type 2 DM patients with elevated blood sugar levels in patients.

Putu Indah Sintya Dewi ◽  
Ni Made Dwi Yunica Astriani ◽  
I Made Sundayana ◽  
Made Mahaguna Putra ◽  
Ni Kadek Ita Ariani

Benson relaxation is relaxation that combines relaxation respon techniques and belief system. This study aimed to analyze the effect of benson relaxation therapy on blood sugar levels in patiens with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the working area of Buleleng public health center III, utilized one group pretest-posttest design. The sample size was 40 respondents selected using nonprobability sampling technique. Data were collected using observation sheet, then alayzed using paired sample t-test. The result obtained p value of 0.001 (there was an effect of Benson Relaxation Therapy on Blood Sugar Levels in Patiens with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Working area of Buleleng Health Center III. Keywords: Benson relaxation; blood sugar ABSTRAK Relaksasi Benson merupakan relaksasi yang menggabungkan antara teknik respon relaksasi dan sistem keyakinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh terapi relaksasi benson terhadap kadar gula darah penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Buleleng III, menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design. Besar sampel yang digunakan yaitu 40 responden yang dipilih dengan teknik nonprobability sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan lembar observasi, lalu dianalisis dengan paired sampel t-test. Hasil mendapatkan nilai p = 0,001 (ada pengaruh terapi relaksasi benson terhadap kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Buleleng III. Kata kunci: relaksasi Benson; gula darah; diabetes

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 241-247
Ninik Ambar Sari ◽  
Ceria Nurhayati ◽  
Sri Anik Rustini

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a condition in which the body tissue doesn’t respond to the action of insulin. Type 2 DM can cause complications if it doesn’t managed properly, good DM management behavior for patients needs to be done by maintaining a healthy diet and stress will increase blood sugar levels. This study uses analytic cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling of 60 respondents. Data processing using the SPSS program with the Spearman Rho test. Results: a correlation between stress level and fasting blood glucose level of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with a correlation value of 0.544, which is located between 0.4 - <0.6, is in the medium category. While the statistical test for diet obtained a significant number or ρ = 0.002 then Ho is rejected, H1 is accepted.

Putu Indah Sintya Dewi ◽  
Ni Made Dwi Yunica Astriani ◽  
I Made Sundayana ◽  
Made Mahaguna Putra ◽  
Ni Kadek Ita Ariani

Benson relaxation is relaxation that combines relaxation respon techniques and belief system. This study aimed to analyze the effect of benson relaxation therapy on blood sugar levels in patiens with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the working area of Buleleng public health center III, utilized one group pretest-posttest design. The sample size was 40 respondents selected using nonprobability sampling technique. Data were collected using observation sheet, then alayzed using paired sample t-test. The result obtained p value of 0.001 (there was an effect of Benson Relaxation Therapy on Blood Sugar Levels in Patiens with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Working area of Buleleng Health Center III. Keywords: Benson relaxation; blood sugar ABSTRAK Relaksasi Benson merupakan relaksasi yang menggabungkan antara teknik respon relaksasi dan sistem keyakinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh terapi relaksasi benson terhadap kadar gula darah penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Buleleng III, menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design. Besar sampel yang digunakan yaitu 40 responden yang dipilih dengan teknik nonprobability sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan lembar observasi, lalu dianalisis dengan paired sampel t-test. Hasil mendapatkan nilai p = 0,001 (ada pengaruh terapi relaksasi benson terhadap kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Buleleng III. Kata kunci: relaksasi Benson; gula darah; diabetes

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 363-367
Untung Halajur ◽  

Diabetes mellitus is a group of symptoms that arise in a person caused by an increase in blood glucose levels due to reduced insulin secretion are progressive background by the retention of insulin. Gymnastics diabetic foot is needed in the management of diabetes mellitus, regular physical exercise can lower blood sugar levels. To examine the effect of diabetic foot gymnastics to decrease blood sugar levels in patients with Diabetes Mellitus as type 2 Clubs Prolanis Sanang Barigas BPJS Palangkaraya. Method This study is a quantitative research study design Preexperimental Design, the design of the study one-group pre-post-test design. The number of respondents 30 people. Retrieving data using a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS. Statistical test using the Wilcoxon Signed RankTest. Results Statistical test results obtained Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test average value (mean) pretest / before gymnastics at 6:06 and posttest leg / foot after gymnastics at 18.93 while the value of the probability p value or sig. (2-tailed) 0.00 <0.05 (0.00 less than 0.05) so that Ho refused and Ha accepted which means there is a significant difference between random blood sugar levels before and after exercisefeet. Conclusion regular physical exercise and the effect on blood sugar levels drop as in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in prolanis club Sanang barigas BPJS Palangkaraya. so that exercisers diabetic foot is needed in the management of diabetesmellitus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1686-1690
M. Zakky Febriyan ◽  
I Isytiaroh

AbstractDiabetes mellitus is a condition of increasing blood sugar levels that exceed 140 mg/dl. The purpose of this case study is to describe the application of giving diabetic foot exercises to reduce blood sugar levels in the body in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The design of this scientific paper uses a case study method with 2 clients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus with blood sugar above 140 mg. /dl in Poncol Village and in Karangsari Village, Batang Regency. The intervention carried out was giving diabetic foot exercises for 4 days and once a day. Evaluation was carried out to determine the decrease in blood glucose using a glucometer. The results of the study showed a decrease in blood sugar in both clients, for client 1 there was a decrease in blood sugar from 220mg/dl to 135mg/dl and for client 2 there was a decrease in blood sugar from 250mg/dl to 137mg/dl. The conclusion of this case study shows that diabetic foot exercises can reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Suggestions for health workers are expected to teach diabetic foot exercises to reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Keywords: blood sugar, diabetes mellitus, foot exercise AbstrakDiabetes mellitus merupakan kondisi kenaikan kadar gula darah yang melebihi 140mg/dl. Tujuan dari studi kasus ini adalah menggambarkan penerapan pemberian senam kaki diabetik untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah dalam tubuh pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Rancangan karya tulis ilmiah ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan subjek 2 klien yang menderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan gula darah diatas 140mg/dl di Desa Poncol dan di Desa Karangsari Kabupaten Batang. Intervensi yang dilakukan adalah pemberian tindakan senam kaki diabetik selama 4 hari dan dilakukan satu kali sehari. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui penurunan glukosa darah menggunakan alat ukur glukometer Hasil studi menunjukan adanya penurunan gula darah dalam tubuh pada kedua klien, untuk klien 1 mengalami penurunan gula darah dari 220mg/dl menjadi 135mg/dl dan untuk klien 2 mengalamai penurunan gula darah dari 250mg/dl menjadi 137mg/dl. Simpulan studi kasus ini menunjukan bahwa senam kaki diabetik mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Saran bagi tenaga kesehatan diharapkan mengajarkan senam kaki diabetik untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Kata kunci : diabetes mellitus, gula darah, senam kaki

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 471-482
Zulfian Zulfian ◽  
Muslim Daud Tarmizi

ABSTRACT: CORRELATION BETWEEN TIME BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS (GDS) WITH SERUM CREATININE LEVELS IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS AT DR.H. BOB BAZAR, SKM  HOSPITAL LAMPUNG SELATAN Background of study: Diabetes mellitus is a disease condition characterized by increased blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia and a disturbance in the body's metabolism. Based on Rikesdas data, the number of sufferers shows a very significant increase in the prevalence of diabetes, from 6.9% in 2013 to 8.5% in 2018. With this data, Indonesia is the 6th rank DM sufferer in the world. In this diabetic patient, if it is not handled seriously it will trigger complications such as weakening of the kidney function which can be seen from the examination of serum creatinine levels and this is a sign of the onset of complications from diabetes.Purpose: To be able to find out the relationship between current blood sugar levels (GDS) and serum creatinine levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus sufferers at Dr.H Bob Bazar Hospital, SKM South Lampung in 2020. Research Method: This type of research is correlative analytic with cross-sectional using method purposive sampling and random sampling of 201 samples of type 2 DM patients who met the inclusion criteria. Data collection began in December 2020. The data used were secondary data in the form of medical records. Data were evaluated with the test Spearman. Research Results: In this study, Obtained research sample amounted to 201 sufferers of type 2 diabetes with The mean time blood sugar level (GDS) was 227.08 in the standard deviation assessment was 69.84 with the lowest GDS level was 120 and the highest was 392. and The mean serum creatinine level of type 2 DM patients from 201 respondents was 1.42 in the standard deviation assessment was 0.43 with the lowest serum creatinine level was 0.60 and the highest was 2.45. The results of the correlation Spearman showed that the value of p =0.000 and the value of r= + 0.416, because the value of p= 0.000 <0.05 so that it can be stated that Ha is accepted and Ho is declared rejected or there is a significant correlation, with r =0.416 it means that the strength of the correlation is moderate positive between sugar levels blood flow (GDS) with serum creatinine levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Conclusion: This study concludes there is a significant correlation between blood sugar levels (GDS) and serum creatinine levels in type 2 DM patients with a p-value = 0.000. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Current Blood Sugar (GDS), Serum CreatinineINTISARI: HUBUNGAN KADAR GULA DARAH SEWAKTU (GDS) DENGAN KADAR KREATININ SERUM TERHADAP PENDERITA DIABETES MELITUS TIPE 2 DI RSUD DR.H.BOB BAZAR, SKM LAMPUNG SELATAN Latar Belakang: Diabetes melitus ialah kondisi penyakit yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar glukosa darah atau hiperglikemia serta adanya gangguan dalam metabolisme tubuh. Berdasarkan data Rikesdas jumlah penderita menunjukkan adanya peningkatan angka prevalensi diabetes yang amat signifikan, yakni dari 6,9% pada tahun 2013 menjadi 8,5% pada tahun 2018. Dengan data tersebut peringkat ke-6 penderita DM di dunia diduduki oleh Indonesia. Pada penderita diabetes ini, andaikan tidak ditangani secara serius maka akan mencetuskan komplikasi seperti melemahnya fungsi ginjal dapat dilihat dari pemeriksaan kadar kreatinin serum dan menjadi tanda timbulnya penyakit komplikasi dari diabetes.Tujuan: Untuk dapat mengetahui Hubungan Kadar Gula Darah Sewaktu (GDS) dengan Kadar Kreatinin Serum terhadap penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 di RSUD Dr.H Bob Bazar, SKM Lampung Selatan tahun 2020. Metode Penelitian: Jenis Penelitian ini adalah analitik korelatif dengan metode cross sectional menggunakan purposive sampling dan random sampling sebanyak 201 sampel pasien DM tipe 2 yang memenuhi kriteria inkulsi. Pengambilan data dimulai pada bulan Desember 2020. Data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder berupa rekam medik. Data dievaluasi dengan uji Spearman. Hasil Penelitian: Didapatkan sampel penelitian berjumlah 201 penderita DM tipe 2 dengan rata-rata kadar gula darah sewaktu (GDS) didapatkan sebesar 227.08 dalam penilaian standar deviasinya ialah 69.84 dengan kadar gula darah sewaktu (GDS) terendahnya ialah 120 dan yang tertingginya ialah 392. dan rata-rata kadar kreatinin serum penderita DM tipe 2 dari 201 responden didapatkan sebesar 1.42  dalam penilaian standar deviasinya ialah 0.43 dengan kadar kreatinin serum terendahnya ialah 0.60 dan yang tertingginya ialah 2.45. Hasil korelasi Spearman  didapatkan nilai p=0.000 dan nilai r=+0.416, karena nilai p=0.000 <0.05 sehingga dapat dinyatakan Ha diterima dan Ho dinyatakan ditolak atau terdapat korelasi yang bermakna, dengan r=0.416 dapat diartikan kekuatan korelasi sedang positif antara kadar gula darah sewaktu (GDS) dengan kadar kreatinin serum terhadap pasien DM tipe 2.Kesimpulan: Terdapat  korelasi yang bermakna antara kadar gula darah sewaktu (GDS) dengan kadar kreatinin serum terhadap pasien DM tipe 2 dengan p-value= 0.000. Kata Kunci: Diabetes Melitus, Gula Darah Sewaktu (GDS), Kreatinin Serum

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