Used Products Return Pattern Analysis Using Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation

This chapter examines the used products return service quality perceived by the end users and their corresponding willingness-to-return with respect to the used products in their possession. The chapter starts with an introduction about the issue of return quantity encountered at the used product collection stage. Then, related studies dealing with returns quantity are discussed in the background section. Next, the focal problem of this chapter is stated in the problem statement section. A detailed description about the approach (i.e., agent-based modelling and simulation) can be found in the proposed methodology section. Right after this, three simulations, with each one linked to a specific used products return scenario, are conducted in the experimental study section. The potential research directions regarding the main problem considered in this chapter are highlighted in the future trends section. Finally, the conclusion drawn in the last section closes this chapter.

This chapter examines how to control the extreme events happening when a complex adaptive logistics system is implemented in used product remanufacturing, particularly in the used products transhipment stage. The chapter starts with an introduction about the necessity of introducing the complex adaptive logistics system. Then, the related studies dealing with similar issues are discussed in the background section. Next, the focal problem of this chapter is stated in the problem statement section. A detailed description about the approach (i.e., the agent-based modelling and simulation) can be found in the proposed methodology section. Right after this, an illustrative simulation example is discussed in the experimental study section. The potential research directions regarding the main problem considered in this chapter are highlighted in the future trends section. Finally, the conclusions drawn in the last section close this chapter.

This chapter aims at enhancing the scientific knowledge in reverse transportation by focusing on how returns in reverse systems can be effectively transported to offshore destinations. The authors argue that transportation action requires the seaport terminal actors to implement a set of coordination mechanisms. These mechanisms should coordinate both the physical flows (the movements of returns) and the commercial interests (control, services, etc.) because it has a direct impact on the performance of the reverse system. The chapter starts with an introduction about the issue of transhipping the remanufacturable used products to their offshore destination. Then, the related studies dealing with the similar problems are discussed in the background section. Next, the focal problem of this chapter is stated in the problem statement section. A detailed description about the approach (i.e., agent-based modelling and simulation) can be found in the proposed methodology section. Right after this, an illustrative example is explained in the experimental study section. The potential research directions regarding the main problem considered in this chapter are highlighted in the future trends section. Finally, the conclusion drawn in the last section closes this chapter.

This chapter concentrates on the batch order picking for remanufactured product distribution. The chapter starts with an introduction about the issue of secondary sales channels that arise in the remanufactured product redistribution phase and the delivery-oriented service strategy in remarketing. Then, the related studies in the literature are discussed in the background section. Next, the focal problem of this chapter is stated in the problem statement section. A detailed description about the approach (i.e., ant system and MAX-MIN ant system) can be found in the proposed methodology section. Right after this, an illustrative numerical example is discussed in the experimental study section. The potential research directions regarding the main problem considered in this chapter are highlighted in the future trends section. Finally, the conclusion drawn in the last section closes this chapter.

This chapter addresses the collected used products transportation issue (i.e., used products are first transported from a set of collection points to a sorting centre and then returned to a facility for remanufacturing). The chapter starts with an introduction about the importance of transporting these collected returns in used products remanufacturing. Then, the related studies dealing with this issue are discussed in the background section. Next, the focal problem of this chapter (by considering timing and fuel consumption constraints) is stated in the problem statement section. A detailed description about the authors’ approach (i.e., first, formulating the targeted problem as a multiple travelling salesmen problem and then employing genetic algorithms to solve it) can be found in the proposed methodology section. Right after this, an illustrative example is explained in the experimental study section. The potential research directions regarding the main problem considered in this chapter are highlighted in the future trends section. Finally, the conclusion drawn in the last section closes this chapter.

This chapter focuses on the multi-objective methodology to establish an evaluation model for returned components and products. The chapter starts with an introduction about the issue of remanufacturability and the importance of the product information technology. Then, the related studies dealing with similar problems in the literature are discussed in the background section. Next, the focal problem of this chapter is stated in the problem statement section. A detailed description about the approaches (i.e., fuzzy logic and Bayesian approaches) can be found in the proposed methodology section. Right after this, an illustrative example is explained in the experimental study section. The potential research directions regarding the main problem considered in this chapter are highlighted in the future trends section. Finally, the conclusion drawn in the last section closes this chapter.

This chapter discusses the scheduling of the reusable components’ reprocessing operations after the used products are disassembled and classified. The chapter starts with an introduction about the issue of scheduling disassembly operations and the scheduling in remanufacturing cells encountered at the used products post-disassembly stage. Then, related studies dealing with similar problems are discussed in the background section. Next, the focal problem of this chapter is stated in the problem statement section. A detailed description about the approaches (i.e., the fuzzy logic and the fuzzy MAX-MIN ant systems) can be found in the proposed methodology section. Right after this, an illustrative example is explained in the experimental study section. The potential research directions regarding the main problem considered in this chapter are highlighted in the future trends section. Finally, the conclusion drawn in the last section closes this chapter.

Kasper P.H. Lange ◽  
Gijsbert Korevaar ◽  
Inge F. Oskam ◽  
Igor Nikolic ◽  
Paulien M. Herder

Carole Adam ◽  
Charles Bailly ◽  
Julie Dugdale

Australia is frequently hit by bushfires. In 2009, the ''Black Saturday'' fires killed 173 people and burnt hectares of bush. As a result, a research commission was created to investigate, and concluded that several aspects could be improved, in particular better understanding of the population actual behaviour, and better communication with them. The authors argue that agent-based modelling and simulation is a great approach to provide tools to improve mutual understanding: let managers test communication strategies, and let residents understand the managers' perspective. Concretely, they extended an existing simulator with a theoretically-grounded communication model based in social sciences; they added user interactivity with the model and investigated gamification to turn it into a serious game to involve the general public. The authors present the results of first experiments with different communication strategies, providing valuable insight for better communication with the population during such events. Finally, they discuss future extensions and generalisation of this simulator.

Organizacija ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 255-269 ◽  
Michal Halaška ◽  
Roman Šperka

AbstractBackground and Purpose: Agent-based modelling and simulation (ABS) is growing in many areas like, e.g., management, social and computer sciences. However, the similar trend does not seem to occur within the field of business process management (BPM), even though simulation approaches like discrete event simulation or system dynamics are well established and widely used. Thus, in our paper we investigate the advantages and disadvantages of agent-based modelling and simulation in the field of BPM in simulation experiments.Design/Methodology/Approach: In our research, we investigate if there is a necessity for ABS in the field of BPM with our own simulation experiments to compare traditional and ABS models. For this purpose, we use simulation framework MAREA, which is a simulation environment with integrated ERP system. Our model is a complex system of a trading company selling computer cables. For the verification of our model, we use automated process discovery techniques.Results: In our simulations, we investigated the impact of changes in resources’ behavior on the outcome of company’s order to cash process (O2C). Simulations experiments demonstrated that even small changes might have statistically significant effect on outcomes of the processes and decisions based on such outcomes. Simulation experiments also demonstrated that the impact of randomly distributed fluctuations of well-being have a diminishing tendency with the increasing number of sales representatives involved in the process.Conclusions: Our research revealed several advantages and disadvantages of using ABS in business process modelling. However, as we show, many of them were at least partially addressed in the recent years. Thus, we believe that ABS will get more attention in the field of BPM similarly to other fields like, e.g., social sciences. We suggested areas in BPM simulations, e.g., modelling of resources, be it human or technological resources, where there is a need for ABS.

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