An Investigation of the Critical Factors for Evaluating the Public Value of e-Government

2015 ◽  
pp. 1130-1150
Kanishka Karunasena ◽  
Hepu Deng ◽  
Kushanthi Sajeewani Harasgama

This chapter aims to investigate the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government in Sri Lanka. A comprehensive review of the relevant literature on the scope of e-government, the sources of public value creation, and the kinds of public value is conducted for developing the theoretical framework of the study. Using the qualitative data collected from Sri Lanka, a thematic analysis is performed for identifying the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government. The analysis reveals that the quality of public information online, functionalities of electronic services, provision of information and services through e-enabled counters, user orientation of public service delivery, improving organisational efficiency, openness and responsiveness, enhancing trust, ensuring confidentiality of citizens' information, achieving social equity, and environmental sustainability are critical for evaluating the public value of e-government.

Kanishka Karunasena ◽  
Hepu Deng ◽  
Kushanthi Sajeewani Harasgama

This chapter aims to investigate the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government in Sri Lanka. A comprehensive review of the relevant literature on the scope of e-government, the sources of public value creation, and the kinds of public value is conducted for developing the theoretical framework of the study. Using the qualitative data collected from Sri Lanka, a thematic analysis is performed for identifying the critical factors for evaluating the public value of e-government. The analysis reveals that the quality of public information online, functionalities of electronic services, provision of information and services through e-enabled counters, user orientation of public service delivery, improving organisational efficiency, openness and responsiveness, enhancing trust, ensuring confidentiality of citizens’ information, achieving social equity, and environmental sustainability are critical for evaluating the public value of e-government.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 169-190 ◽  
Hepu Deng ◽  
Kanishka Karunasena ◽  
Wei Xu

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose and validate a public value-based framework for evaluating the performance of electronic government (e-government), leading to the identification of the critical factors in creating public value through e-government in developing countries. Design/methodology/approach A comprehensive review of the related literatures is conducted for developing a public value-based framework. A survey of e-government users is conducted, and the survey data are analysed using structural equation modelling. Findings This study shows that information quality, e-services functionalities, user orientation, efficiency and openness of public organisations, equity, citizens’ self-development, trust, and environmental sustainability are the critical public values of e-government in developing countries. It reveals that the use of the public value concept is effective in evaluating the performance of e-government in developing countries. Practical implications This study provides a comprehensive investigation of the e-government performance for better understanding the value of e-government in developing countries. The findings can guide the development of e-government in developing countries. Originality/value This is the first study in testing and validating a public value-based framework for evaluating the performance of e-government in developing countries. It demonstrates how the concept of public value can be adopted for evaluating the performance of e-government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Masato Kawabata ◽  
Clifford J. Mallett

AbstractEnjoyment is an important psychological construct in many life domains. Despite the importance of the construct, conceptual clarity in what enjoyment is remains elusive. The elusive understanding of enjoyment is probably caused by conceptual ambiguity of the construct and a confusion in the public usage between hedonic and eudaimonic qualities of positive feelings. The hedonic quality of positive feelings (e.g., fun) reflects the simple attainment of desires; whereas the eudaimonic quality of positive feelings (e.g., joy) reflects fulfilling or realizing one’s true nature through full functioning of one’s ability. To better understand this important construct of enjoyment, we conducted a focused review of relevant literature. In the first section, relevant literature was reviewed to identify conceptual ambiguities contributing to why enjoyment has remained an elusive construct in research. In the second section, an operational conceptualization of enjoyment was proposed from integrative perspectives to overcome the identified issues. We proposed operationally conceptualizing enjoyment as a proactive behavioral and psychological process towards the eudaimonic or hedonic qualities of positive feelings. In this process, the individual appraises the situation in a positive way and commits oneself to savoring the situation and engaging in the task to have positive feelings of joy and fun. We explained why the operational conceptualization is important and useful from theoretical, empirical, and practical perspectives. In doing so, we also proposed possible future research directions with the operational conceptualization of enjoyment.

Dk Nurrahimah Pg Japar ◽  
Noor Hazwani Awang Matkasim ◽  
Nor A'shiqeen Haji Rabaie ◽  
Nur Izzah Hasna Farihin @ Hamiza Hamdani ◽  
Nurhazimah Haji Ahmad

The provision of reliable and accurate data through a competent communication tool encourages the significantly competitive public sector and nurtures a prosperous society. The chapter discusses the optimization of digital assets, specifically, allocating accessible two-way communication between the government and its stakeholders which can lead to far-sighted information processing and resourceful decision-making. Simultaneously, it aims to recognize and suggest solutions to the prevailing strains towards the digitalization of operations in the said industry. Accompanied by a thematic analysis of data collected from literature, a qualitative in-depth interview was deployed with a relevant agency to gain enlightenment of the public service in its real context. The results of the study present an essence of the advanced process sophistication, the comprehensiveness, and flexibility of the IT system, the reuse of knowledge, as well as the quality of customer orientation response capabilities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-49
Krzysztof Chochowski

Hunting in Poland is experiencing a kind of renaissance today and is undoubtedly a public matter. The purpose of hunting is a public goal, because it is: protection, preservation of diversity and management of populations of game animals; protection and shaping the natural environment for the improvement of living conditions of animals; obtaining the highest possible personal condition and quality of trophies and the appropriate number of populations of particular species of animals while maintaining the balance of the natural environment; meeting social needs in the field of hunting, cultivating tradition and propagating ethics and hunting culture.This article presents considerations regarding access to public information in the context of hunting law. It indicates the public administration bodies obliged to provide it, as well as entities that can apply for it. In addition, the competences of the above mentioned bodies and the resulting public tasks in the area of broadly understood hunting were defined.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (01) ◽  
pp. 62-82 ◽  
Jean Marie Ip-Soo-Ching ◽  
Suzanne Zyngier ◽  
Tahmid Nayeem

AbstractThe discipline of knowledge management (KM) considers knowledge as potentially the most valuable organisational asset that must be shared among staff and stakeholders and even communities in order to yield considerable returns and benefits. However, in a real-world context, managers in industries such as high technology, manufacturing and finance jealously guard their valuable knowledge and prevent other entities from gaining access to this resource. Open cases of knowledge sharing among stakeholders such as staff, customers, business partners, competitors and the public are rare. Therefore, the philosophical premise of KM — knowledge must be openly shared — is often unrealised. Knowledge of environmental sustainability is a valuable resource for ecotourism operators because they operate in natural environments such as the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and Sipadan Marine Park in Malaysia, and depend on the quality of these environments for their ongoing success. This research provides evidence that knowledge dissemination in the form of environmental sustainability knowledge can be openly shared among staff, customers, competitors and the public, thereby linking KM and environmental education. This article provides an interpretivist analysis of knowledge sharing by innovative ecotourism operators in Australia and South East Asia (Malaysia and Thailand). Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 14 executives, field observations and analysis of company documents. Results from this research found that ecotourism managers are passionate believers of environmental sustainability and benevolently share their valuable organisational knowledge and beliefs with all stakeholders.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-6 ◽  
Tracy Harkison ◽  
Alison McIntosh

Noting rising statistics relating to incarceration and reoffending, there has been increased attention given to analysing the delivery, effectiveness and challenges of hospitality training and employment programmes for rehabilitating prisoners. The stigma of having a criminal record and being unreliable and untrustworthy remains a significant barrier for prisoners in gaining employment. This stigma may be compounded by a prisoner’s lack of skills, education, social problems and poor (physical and mental) health. However, there are now an increasing number of prisons around the world offering qualifications in catering, or a hospitality social enterprise such as a jailhouse café; for example, the Verne café and The Clink restaurants in the U.K. Our research sought to fill a gap in understanding about how the public feel about such initiatives, which aim to give prisoners a second chance. Using the case study of the very successful annual ‘Gate to Plate’ event in Wellington, our research gained various perspectives on the use of this prison event as a social model of rehabilitation through hospitality training. Specifically, we used thematic analysis [1] to analyse public information sources about the event. Sources included newspaper articles, trade magazines, social media, information taken from the New Zealand Department of Corrections website, independent reviews of the event, and a radio interview with one of the inmates. Since 2012, local industry chefs and minimum-security prisoner-cooks from Rimutaka prison have teamed together to produce fine dining cuisine for the annual ‘Wellington on a Plate’ festival – a festival designed to showcase the region’s food and beverages. The inmates are usually experienced in cooking and working towards a cooking qualification. During the ‘Gate to Plate’ event as part of the Wellington festival, Rimutaka prison hosts 160 paying members of the public and more than 60 stakeholders over three nights. After clearing security and a briefing, guests experience a glimpse of ‘life inside’ and are served a three-course dinner in the Staff Training College followed by a question and answer session with the prisoner-cooks. The event is an innovative way to show the public the work happening to rehabilitate prisoners, and an opportunity to break down the negative stereotypes of offenders. Our research revealed three common themes in the content of the public information sources we analysed. The themes were: ‘breaking the stereotypes’; ‘pride and passion to make a difference’; and ‘training for rehabilitation’. The first theme emerged from comments by chefs, journalists and other guests on their change in attitude toward a more positive perception of prisoners as a result of attending the event, suggesting that this type of initiative may enable transformation in terms of social identity. The second theme saw inmates commonly discussing their passion and desire to ‘make a difference’ for themselves; a fresh start. Thus, the passion of volunteering in such an event can provide a sense of new meaning for a new future. The third theme related to common positive reports of the importance of in-prison training and qualifications for rehabilitation. While this paper makes no claim about the effectiveness of the ‘Gate to Plate’ event as a reforming rehabilitation practice for prisoners, there is mounting evidence worldwide to suggest that in-prison training and post-release employment programmes can successfully assist prisoners to remain custody free post-release (e.g. [2]). As such, we encourage further research to examine how hospitality training and employment may provide a positive opportunity to change lives through enabling a second chance. This research was presented at the CHME (Council of Hospitality Management Education) conference in May 2019 at the University of Greenwich in England. Corresponding author Tracy Harkison can be contacted at: [email protected] References (1) Braun, V.; Clarke, V. Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology 2006, 3 (2), 77–101. (2) Cale, J.; Day, A.; Casey, S.; Bright, D.; Wodak, J.; Giles, M.; Baldry, E. Australian Prison Vocational Education and Training and Returns to Custody among Male and Female Ex-prisoners: A Cross-jurisdictional Study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 2019, 52 (10), 129–147.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 64-69
Olha Tykhenko ◽  
Nataliia Bavrovska

Without cadastral information, it is difficult to make any decisions about land. But in order for the system of state land cadastre to work effectively, it is necessary that the information in it is up-to-date, complete and reliable. The article analyzes in detail the existing legislative and regulatory acts and draws conclusions from the methodological principles of keeping the state land cadastre in the part concerning the consideration of factors of influence on the quality of land accounting. The status of agricultural land use was monitored and land conservation measures recommended. The authors have analyzed in detail the public information on the soil cover of Ukraine, which is displayed on the Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine. The necessity of enrichment of the cadastre with new information and indicators is investigated, which allows to solve a wider range of problems regarding the use of land as a spatial basis and the purpose of development of the multifunctional cadastre.

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