Distance Education from Religions of the World

Clint P. Rogers ◽  
Scott L. Howell

nternationally, religious institutions are developing distance learning for a variety of reasons and purposes. The religious applications of distance learning comprise three main areas: extending the reach of theological education (primarily for the training of clergy), expanding opportunities for higher education from religious-sponsored universities and colleges, and facilitating other lifelong learning opportunities for members of the laity. Although Amos noted in 1999 that “little has been written and published on distance education in North American theological education” (p. 126), that is still the case today. Despite an expanding usage of distance learning by religious institutions, there has been little published on any of these international efforts. Accordingly, this article is a synthesis of original research, the authors having contacted leaders and academics from international institutions affiliated with major world religions to discover more about their various applications of distance learning.

2011 ◽  
pp. 2511-2516
P. Clint Rogers ◽  
Scott L. Howell

nternationally, religious institutions are developing distance learning for a variety of reasons and purposes. The religious applications of distance learning comprise three main areas: extending the reach of theological education (primarily for the training of clergy), expanding opportunities for higher education from religious-sponsored universities and colleges, and facilitating other lifelong learning opportunities for members of the laity. Although Amos noted in 1999 that “little has been written and published on distance education in North American theological education” (p. 126), that is still the case today. Despite an expanding usage of distance learning by religious institutions, there has been little published on any of these international efforts. Accordingly, this article is a synthesis of original research, the authors having contacted leaders and academics from international institutions affiliated with major world religions to discover more about their various applications of distance learning.

P. Clint Rogers ◽  
Scott L. Howell

Internationally, religious institutions are developing online learning for a variety of reasons and purposes. The overall interaction of religion and the Internet has been varied (Dawson & Cowan, 2004). However, as Christopher Helland (2007) observes, “[By 2006] this medium has been embraced by most of the world religious traditions, to the point that not having Internet representation is a rarity for a religious organization, even if it is luddite in its beliefs and practices” (Introduction ¶4). The religious applications of formal online education comprise three main areas: extending the reach of theological education (primarily for the training of clergy), expanding opportunities for higher education from religious-sponsored universities and colleges, and facilitating other lifelong learning opportunities for members of the laity. It remains the case that “little has been written and published on distance education in North American theological education” (Amos, 1999, p. 126). Despite an expanding usage of online learning by religious institutions, there has been little published on any of these international efforts. Accordingly, this paper is a synthesis of original research, the authors having contacted leaders and academics from international institutions affiliated with major world religions to discover more about their various applications of online learning.

P. Clint Rogers ◽  
Scott L. Howell

<P>Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Baha'i, Jewish, and Christian organizations are all experimenting with distance education for various reasons and to different extents, due to religious, economic, and political factors. Religious institutions worldwide are not only turning to the World Wide Web (WWW) to place information concerning religious beliefs and provide virtual services for their constituents but are also getting more involved in formally educating their members at a distance. This paper will document some of these educational efforts and the reasons behind the expanding use of distance education by several of the major religious institutions for training, edifying, and educating their religious adherents.</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> distance education; distance learning; religion; religious education and training; religious institutions; theology</P>

Rita Alegria ◽  
Susana Vaz Freitas ◽  
Joana Rocha

Speech-language pathologists/therapists have been using a different service delivery model known for almost 40 years as telepractice, so they can meet the growing demand for assessment, intervention, consultancy, and also distance learning in their scope of practice. As far as the authors could review, the literature highlights a number of benefits for students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders, as well as evidence for the delivery of professional services at a distance within the clinical and educational settings. There are few studies regarding the effectiveness of telepractice intervention in this field. To their knowledge, there are no European Portuguese studies. The chapter illustrates up to date international applications of telepractice and distance learning in speech-language therapy services. It has currently increased in order to respond to the world crisis related to COVID-19 in which social self-isolation and personal dislocations are being implemented, forcing this professional to adapt to this new reality.

Nguyen Huu Cuong ◽  
Le My Phong

Distance and online education are popular training modes in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and open education. Accreditation is one of the approaches that many countries across the world have implemented to assure the quality of higher education, including distance learning programs. This study investigates the rationale and future directions for quality assurance and accreditation of distance education programs in Vietnam. First, the paper presents concepts of distance education, and quality assurance and accreditation of distance education. Second, the research reviews experiences of implementing quality assurance and accreditation for distance education from several countries in the world. Next, the paper analyses the rationale for conducting accreditation of distance education programs in our country. Finally, the study proposes three groups of recommendations for the national quality assurance organization, accreditation agencies and higher education institutions to be able to implement the quality assurance and accreditation of distance education in Vietnam successfully. Keywords Quality assurance; Accreditation; Distance education; Online learning; Higher education References [1] UNESCO, Distance education in Asia and the Pacific: country papers, Volume III (Singapore - Vietnam), 2009. www.unesco.org/education/pdf/53-23c.pdf.[2] UNESCO, Open and distance learning: trends, policy and strategy considerations, 2002. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001284/128463e.pdf.[3] Owusu-Boampong, A. & Holmberg, C., Distance education in European higher education – the potential, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, International Council for Open and Distance Education and Study Portals B.V, 2015.[4] Australian University, Distance learning Australia, 2018. http://www.australianuniversities.com.au/distance-learning/.[5] Darojat, O., Nilson, M. & Kaufman, D., Quality assurance in Asian open and distance learning: policies and implementation, Journal of Learning for Development, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2015) 1. [6] Jung, I. & Latchem, C., Quality assurance and accreditation in distance education and e-learning: models, policies and research, Routledge, London, 2012.[7] Wang, Qi., Quality assurance - best practices for assessing online programs, International Journal on Elearning, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2006) 265. [8] Friedman, J., 10 facts about accreditation in online degree programs, U.S.News & World Report, February 9, 2017. https://www.usnews.com.[9] U.S. Department of Education., Accrediting agencies recognized for distance education and correspondence education, 2018. https://www2.ed.gov. [10] The Australasian Council on Open, Distance and e-learning (ACODE), Benchmarks for technology enhanced learning, ACODE, Canberra, 2014.[11] Bollaert, L., NVAO’s accreditation of online education in a nutshell, 2015. https://www.nvao.net.[12] Henderikx, P. & Ubachs, G., Quality assurance and accreditation of online and distance higher education, 2017. https://www.unic.ac.cy.[13] Stella A. & Gnanam, A., Quality assurance in distance education: The challenges to be addressed, Higher Education, Vol. 47, No. 2 (2004) 143.[14] Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), Code of practices for open and distance learning, MQA, Kuala Lumpur, 2013.[15] COL, DEMP & UNESCO, Quality assurance toolkit for distance higher education institutions and programmes, COL, Vancouver, 2009.[16] Vietnamnet, Mở đào tạo từ xa sẽ không cần cấp phép, 2017. http://vietnamnet.vn. [17] Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Quality assurance of online learning: discussion paper, TEQSA, Melbourne, 2017. [18] Nhân dân Điện tử, Phát triển đào tạo từ xa đúng hướng, 2017. http://www.nhandan.com.vn.[19] Nguyễn Hữu Cương, Một số kết quả đạt được của kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục đại học Việt Nam và hướng triển khai trong tương lai, Tạp chí Quản lý giáo dục, Tập 9 Số 8 (2017) 7.[20] Cục QLCL - Bộ GD-ĐT, Danh sách các CSGD đại học; các trường cao đẳng, trung cấp sư phạm, đã hoàn thành báo cáo tự đánh giá, được kiểm định, 2018 (dữ liệu cập nhật đến ngày 31/8/2018).[21] Cục QLCL - Bộ GD-ĐT, Danh sách các chương trình đào tạo được đánh giá/công nhận, 2018 (dữ liệu cập nhật đến ngày 31/8/2018).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (Extra-C) ◽  
pp. 315-326
Iryna Dorozh ◽  
Oksana Bielykh ◽  
Lyudmyla Blyznyuk ◽  
Lidiia Tovkun ◽  
Nadiia Kotsur

The purpose of the study is to establish the pattern of institutional and national challenges for teacher education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, by conducting regression analysis and research of regulations of the world, to identify challenges for teacher education and the ability to provide quality education in the context of distance learning. Research methods: systematization; comparative analysis; generalization; regression analysis. Results. After conducting a regression analysis, it was found that the value of the coefficient of determination shows that the regression model by 60% reflects the direct dependence of the availability of emergency distance education in 30 countries, based on the results of access to personal computers among students and the current cost of education. It has been established that countries such as Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Norway and Luxembourg have a favorable climate for emergency distance education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 353-362
Halyna Ponomarova ◽  
Alla Kharkivska

The object of the research is the history of development and the didactic foundations of distance education. To implement the research, a complex of theoretical and empirical methods was used: theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological, methodological and specialized (subject) literature on the problem under study. In the course of the research, the following results were obtained: the world experience in the development of distance learning was studied; clarified and concretized the content of the concepts of "distance learning" and "distance learning"; the author's interpretation of the concept of "distance learning" is given; based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, the principles of organizing distance learning were identified and supplemented; the experience of using distance learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine has been studied and systematized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-31

Promising areas for improving the education system, and with the advent of coronavirus online mode has become critical in education, in this regard are at home. Schools have started using Zoom software, and the role of the modular learning environment has grown significantly. At the same time, many problems were identified, such as the lack of Internet access for students from rural areas or disadvantaged families, which has become an obstacle to learning and access to educational materials. In response, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has made a number of recommendations for distance learning. Modern distance education is an extensive system of knowledge transfer at a distance using various tools and technologies, the result of which is the receipt by users of the necessary information for its successful implementation in practice. There are a variety of ways to disseminate knowledge today: mailing books, writing assignments, audio and video discs, telephone consultations, and virtually limitless possibilities of the World Wide Web. The use of distance learning methods allows to provide educational services of various kinds in remote areas, to teach without interruption from the main activity, to teach people with disabilities, to have access to educational resources of the world through the use of modern electronic communications. In today's world, education plays a key role in people's lives, which makes it necessary to constantly develop teaching methods, including distance learning. The coronavirus pandemic has revealed many shortcomings of distance education, as well as the absolute unpreparedness of students and educational institutions for this form of education. That is why it is important to develop this industry now in order to further provide comfortable education for both Ukrainian and foreign students and to ensure that in the future the education system will be ready for situations similar to the coronavirus pandemic. The article is written to assess the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, its necessity, analysis of the requirements for distance learning materials. Prospects of technologies of multimedia representation of researched objects, processes, phenomena, adequate modeling of the subject area, and their realization.

2021 ◽  
Vol I (81) ◽  
pp. 129-144
Konon Bagrii ◽  

Today, the system of higher education around the world continues to take measures to effectively organize educational activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. All METHODS OF TEACHING AT HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS Issue I (81), 2021 131 countries of the world had to face unexpected difficulties in connection with the introduction of self-isolation. The higher education system was "on the front lines" with a large number of people. The closure of higher education institutions and the emergency transition to distance learning have led to obvious problems, mainly due to insufficient technical equipment, lack or poor preparation of both teachers and students to work in the new environment. These and other problems pose another challenge to the higher education system in a critical situation. At the same time, along with the obvious challenges and problems, the new format of distance learning provides a wide range of opportunities and prospects for change and improvement of educational systems, for which the critical situation creates forced conditions. The article substantiates the importance of effective distance learning in higher education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and outlines the main problems of the individual in the relationship "teacher-student" in quarantine. The current stage of informatization of society cannot be imagined without the introduction of information and communication technologies in all parts of the education system, educational institutions and government. These technologies are especially relevant in quarantine, as they allow you to implement distance learning. It is also important that distance education expands and renews the role of the teacher, makes him a mentor-consultant who should coordinate the cognitive process, constantly improve the courses he teaches, and increase creativity and skills in accordance with innovations and innovations. During distance education, there is also a positive impact on higher education: increasing their creative and intellectual potential through self-organization, the desire for knowledge, the use of modern information and telecommunications technologies, the ability to make responsible decisions. The analysis of the research devoted to distance educational process, has allowed to reveal its other basic features, in particular: orientation on independent cognitive activity; significant potential opportunities for distance learning to intensify educational and cognitive activities; the possibility of organizing open learning, expanding the audience of consumers of educational services; integration of world educational services; reduction, under certain conditions, of material costs for the organization and implementation of the learning process.

Khaleel Bader Bataineh ◽  
Mohammed Salem Atoum ◽  
Lama Ahmad Alsmadi ◽  
May Shikhali

Jordan, like other countries in the world, is facing the Coronavirus pandemic and is making a great effort to continue education in Jordanian schools and universities through distance education. To evaluate this novel experience, this study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of distance education in Jordanian universities in light of the Coronavirus pandemic and identifying the obstacles faced by university students. To reach the research objectives, a questionnaire was developed by the researchers followed by semi-structured interviews. A sample of 1000 students was selected randomly from public and private universities. The results revealed that the majority of the Jordanian university students are not pleased with this distance learning experience as most of the students encountered some obstacles such as internet speed, technological difficulties, and online content design.

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