A Theoretical Technology Adoption Rate Model

Jeanne C. Samuel

This article proposes a hypothetical model for determining rate of diffusion of an innovation in a system. The model modifies Everett Rogers’ S-curve using an index created from Gartner’s hype cycle phases. Rogers’ model for technology innovation adoption demonstrates that cumulative technology diffusion in a system from zero through the late majority adopters’ phase forms a curve resembling the letter “S”. Hype cycles analyze the five emotional stages technology adopters go through from over-enthusiasm (hype) though disappointment until it plateaus (beginning of mainstream adoption). When numbers assigned to the phases of adoption from the hype cycle are used as multipliers and applied to the cumulative adoption data of an innovation (Rogers’ S-curve), the “S” becomes a “J”. With the J-curve you can determine the rate of innovation diffusion in an organization.

2021 ◽  
Natalija Kostrikova ◽  

The author of the thesis: MBA, MProf Natalija Kostrikova. The title of the thesis: Opportunities for blockchain technology adoption in the economy of Latvia in the context of Baltic States region. The hypothesis of the thesis: It is possible to facilitate digitalisation of the economy of Latvia through blockchain technology adoption. The aim of the thesis: to develop recommendations for facilitating blockchain technology adoption in the economy of Latvia based on investigation of global blockchain technology adoption factors and scenarios with a focus on Baltic States region analysis. To achieve the aim, the following tasks are set: 1. to outline a framework for blockchain technology adoption assessment through the lenses of innovation theories, technology adoption models and the concept of knowledge economy; 2. to analyse blockchain related policies, public opinions and regulatory developments in the European Union and Baltic States; 3. to analyse blockchain technology adoption trends worldwide and in the Baltic States; 4. to develop and analyse scenarios for blockchain technology adoption in the economy of Latvia. To achieve the aim of the thesis, the research is structured in four chapters with sub–sections. The first chapter outlines the theoretical research of blockchain technology, knowledge economy, innovation theories and aspects of innovation diffusion process and underlying innovation adoption factors. As a result, innovation adoption and technology acceptance models are summarized. The second chapter studies blockchain related policies and regulatory developments – blockchain technology innovation planning documents and relevant regulatory enactments of the European Union and Latvia. In the third chapter, blockchain technology innovation and adoption worldwide and in Baltic States is analysed in various areas of applications and geographical tendencies and success factors are investigated. In the fourth chapter, blockchain technology adoption factors and scenarios are determined based on international experience and international expert survey involving 82 respondents from 30 countries; blockchain adoption factors and scenarios in the economy of Latvia are assessed through AHP analysis based on expert opinions of seven renowned national experts; and recommendations for facilitating blockchain technology adoption in Latvia are developed. As a result of the thesis, a blockchain technology adoption assessment matrix and recommendations for facilitating blockchain technology adoption in the economy of Latvia have been developed with the aim of strengthening the global competitiveness of the economy of Latvia. At the end of the thesis the main conclusions, research results and recommendations for facilitating blockchain technology adoption in the economy of Latvia are formulated. The volume of the thesis for acquiring the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Business (Ph.D.) is 184 pages. The work contains 15 tables, 50 figures, 12 appendices, 323 information sources.

Ari Surachmanto ◽  
Prahastiwi Utari ◽  
Andre N Rahmanto

The Ministry of Agriculture has designed a planting calendar technology so that farmers can carry out the cultivation using the technical guidelines. But at the operational level the adoption rate of the planting calendar technology is still relatively low. This paper aims to describe how the process of adoption of agricultural technology innovation, especially regarding the planting calendar occurs in farmers in Cimanuk sub-district, Pandenglang, Banten. location-based rice specific and know the level of adoption. The results of the study illustrate that the adoption of the planting technology innovation in the Cimanuk sub-district is influenced by the needs of the farmers themselves to the planting calendar technology itself. In addition, the nature of farmers' cosmopolitanism also influences how the adoption of the calendar planting technology is among them. On the other hand, agricultural extension workers have actually worked well in providing material related to planting techniques as guided by the planting calendar, and generally farmers in the Cimanuk Pandeglang sub-district gave a positive appreciation. It's just that the habits and the strength of their traditional farming patterns have occupied the highest position in their mindset in farming.

Nurul Huda ◽  
Budi Suharjo ◽  
Ani Suryani

Although Indonesia has the largest rubber plantation in the world, the productivity is still very low. About 85% of the plantation belongs to the majority of farmers whose adoption level of cultivation technology is still low. This study aimed to determine the internal and external characteristics that greatly affect the level of farmers' adoption of technology in rubber cultivation to come up with the formulation of development strategy in the management of rubber plantation in Teweh Tengah Sub-district, Barito Utara regency. Processing and data analysis was done by analysis of descriptive and inferential statistics using the percentage distribution tables, Chi-square statistical analysis, correspondence analysis and logit analysis. Descriptively, the technology adoption rate of rubber farmers was categorized as 54% low, 40% moderate and 6% high. A Chi-Square test showed a correlation between the level of adoption by gender, age, course/training, Information Seeking activities of cultivation technology, Extension Support, Farmer Group Support, and Government support. The analysis result of Logit Method of Stepwise showed that there were two characteristics of internal and external variables that influenced the adoption rate of rubber cultivation technology: Support of Farmer Groups and Activities of Seeking for Cultivation Technology Information. A strategy for the development of rubber plantation Management should be based on growth, strengthening and development of farmer groups. The support of farmer groups can foster the process of increasing the information and skills for farmers. Development strategy included establishment and institutional development. improvement and development of information for farmer groups.Key words: Logit Regression, Rubber Plantation, Technology Adoption, farmer group

Tugrul U. Daim ◽  
Nima Behkami ◽  
Nuri Basoglu ◽  
Orhun M. Kök ◽  
Liliya Hogaboam

Renatus Mushi ◽  
Said Jafari

Voluntariness in technology adoption and use is vital in promoting technology diffusion and use in organisations. Various technology adoption models have been proposed to explain the adoption of technologies in different settings, such as organizational and individual, as well as in the voluntary and mandatory contexts. Recently, uptake of mobile phones in achieving organisational targets has been increased in developing countries and Tanzania in particular. This is due to the notable improvements in both hardware performance and sophistications. In organisation context, not all users are willing to use technology as required. In such circumstances, they are mandated to use it in order to fulfil their working duties. This leads to poor uptake of technology and results to unclear understanding regarding to their attitudes towards using it. While some studies have discussed the impact of voluntariness in using traditional desktop computer systems and thin client computing, mobile phone technology has not received the deserved attention. Discussing voluntariness in using mobile phone technology in organisations in relation to other technologies is essential especially due to its usage in both working and private purposes. This paper describes the voluntary aspects of using mobile phones in performing activities of the firms in Tanzania and compares it with desktop and thin client technologies. Also, it proposes possible ways of handling such situation in order to improve its use. Among others, the paper has analysed mandotoriness on usage of mobile technology. Further, it highlights key areas which should be addressed in order to improve the usage of mobiletechnology in organisations and eventually cover the gap caused by such mandatory situations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 546-553
Ristina Siti Sundari ◽  
Andri Kusmayadi ◽  
Budhi Wahyu Fitriadi

 Almost people like any fishes, but some do not like the fish rancid even after processing. Catfish shredded is one of the processed processes. Turmeric, ginger, lemon, tamarind, vinegar, starfruit is often used to eliminate the fishy smell, but it still has taste left by itself. Community service was conducted to empower them and cope with the fishy smell problem. So that modified to the new variance beside the original product. Dan largen market share. Women Farmer Group for fisheries processing produces the object due to extension and implementation to adopt the technology innovation about catfish shredded processing to eliminate rancid on a fish odor. We hope this engagement and empowerment will become sustainable and spread out to other women farmer groups and animal products based on our research to raise economic circles. The group had a pre-test and post-test to measure the understanding and innovation adoption level. This engagement resulted in two variances of catfish by original and rancid free enriched with antioxidant of oregano leaf. The other result is that this new variance has more voluminous than the original in the same weight.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 308-329 ◽  
Syed M Amir ◽  
Yonggong Liu ◽  
Ashfaq A Shah ◽  
Umer Khayyam ◽  
Zafar Mahmood

Climate change caused by global warming, and the growing scarcity of nonrenewable energy sources, have driven Pakistan to shift from a traditional energy consumption pattern to a renewable-energy-use pattern. The per capita energy consumption in rural Pakistan is very low, especially in rural areas heavily relying on traditional energy sources. This paper presents the extent of biogas technology adoption by Pakistani rural households and the factors affecting their decision to adopt the technology in three selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The data were collected by interviewing 480 respondents by using a pretested and designed questionnaire. The results show that the household adoption rate of biogas technologies is low. The factors affecting the adoption decision of households included household income, access to credit, cultivated land area, the number of cattle in the household, education, and family size. The study also found fundamental barriers to the household adoption of biogas technologies, such as a lack of proper technical services by implementing organizations and insufficient governmental support. The authors make recommendations based on the findings to increase the adoption rate of biogas technologies in rural Pakistan.

Omar Ali ◽  
Jeffrey Soar

Increasing the adoption of Information Technology (IT) is one potential means for strengthening national economies through enhancing productivity; there is a need for theoretical models to assist the development of national strategies to achieve this end. Theories for adoption models at the entity and the firm level used in Information Systems (IS) literature are discussed in this chapter. A detailed study of the major theories was undertaken along with reviews that compare more than one theory. Independent and dependent variables and the empirical literature are considered in this analysis.

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