How to Develop Intelligent Agents in an Easy Way with FAIA

2012 ◽  
pp. 313-333
Jorge Roa ◽  
Milton Pividori ◽  
Ma. De los Milagros Gutiérrez ◽  
Georgina Stegmayer

In Artificial Intelligence courses, the development of intelligent agents is a common practical work. However, it is a programming extensive and consumed time practice that much of the time the student cannot solve in full and in time. In this work the authors present FAIA, a framework to develop intelligent agents giving a partially design solution. With FAIA the teacher and student will have benefits. On the one hand, it helps to guide in the correct design and learning process. On the other hand, it helps in the teaching and evaluation process.

Jorge Roa ◽  
Milton Pividori ◽  
Ma. De los Milagros Gutiérrez ◽  
Georgina Stegmayer

In Artificial Intelligence courses, the development of intelligent agents is a common practical work. However, it is a programming extensive and consumed time practice that much of the time the student cannot solve in full and in time. In this work the authors present FAIA, a framework to develop intelligent agents giving a partially design solution. With FAIA the teacher and student will have benefits. On the one hand, it helps to guide in the correct design and learning process. On the other hand, it helps in the teaching and evaluation process.

1974 ◽  
Vol 156 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-14
Francis J. Roberts

Historically, the American school has been regarded as an essential vehicle by which the child can prepare for adult success. Despite substantial theoretical argument that childhood learning can both prepare children for later schooling and also be an interesting process in itself, the schools, led more often by “people-activists” rather than “scholar-activists,” have tended on the one hand to be uninteresting or on the other hand to lack depth and substance. The paper argues that every child has a right to an interesting school and goes on to propose that, in its best sense, an interesting school is a place which respects the child's interest in a learning process that is deep and filled with intellectual and emotional substance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-71
Raquel Borges Blázquez

Artificial intelligence has countless advantages in our lives. On the one hand, computer’s capacity to store and connect data is far superior to human capacity. On the other hand, its “intelligence” also involves deep ethical problems that the law must respond to. I say “intelligence” because nowadays machines are not intelligent. Machines only use the data that a human being has previously offered as true. The truth is relative and the data will have the same biases and prejudices as the human who programs the machine. In other words, machines will be racist, sexist and classist if their programmers are. Furthermore, we are facing a new problem: the difficulty to understand the algorithm of those who apply the law.This situation forces us to rethink the criminal process, including artificial intelligence and spinning very thinly indicating how, when, why and under what assumptions we can make use of artificial intelligence and, above all, who is going to program it. At the end of the day, as Silvia Barona indicates, perhaps the question should be: who is going to control global legal thinking?

Comunicar ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 12 (23) ◽  
pp. 25-30 ◽  
Juan-Bautista Romero-Carmona

This paper tries to show a brief but profound view about new languages of communication introduced at school. On the one hand, the musical language included in the curriculo and the other hand the technological language spread in our society in order to transmit the importance of new technologies as well as the different posibilities that they offer to the teaching-learning process inside the educational area focusing on the musical educational one. Con este artículo se pretende dar una visión superficial, pero cargada de intencionalidad, sobre algunos de los nuevos lenguajes de comunicación que se han implantado en la escuela. Por un lado, el lenguaje musical recogido en el currículo y por otro, el lenguaje tecnológico extendido en nuestra sociedad. Se intenta transmitir la importancia que tienen las nuevas tecnologías, así como las diferentes posibilidades que ofrecen para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje dentro del ámbito educativo, centrándonos de manera especial en el campo de la educación musical.

Michael Banton

The first theories of race were attempts to explain why the peoples of Europe (or sometimes particular peoples within Europe) had developed a higher civilization than the peoples of other regions. They attributed inequality in development to different biological inheritance, undervaluing the importance of the learning process. Between the world wars social scientists demonstrated how many apparently natural differences, and attitudes towards other groups, were not inherited but learned behaviour. They asked instead why people should entertain false ideas about members of other groups. As the twentieth century comes to an end, it is claimed on the one hand that processes of racial group formation can be explained in the same terms as those used for explaining group phenomena in general. On the other hand it is maintained that the only possible theories are those explaining why, in particular societies and at particular times, racism assumes a given form.

Deniz Yaman

In the 1980s and 1990s, there were indispensable elements for the science fiction movies: cyborgs. This half-biologic and half-machine species had fully developed intelligence. And there was such a future fiction that appeared in these films that, on the one hand, raised admiration for the technologies that have not yet emerged, and on the other hand raised serious future concerns. The purpose of this study is to discuss the interaction of fear, artificial intelligence, and humans. And it is also aimed to research the way of representation of this interaction via aestheticization. Because of this, The Lawnmower (1992) has been chosen and analyized within the context of Production of Space Theory by Lefebvre. The Lawnmower has an importance about the imagining of dystopic and aesthetic way artificial intelligence technology would affect human life in the near future.

2013 ◽  
Vol 694-697 ◽  
pp. 2295-2298
Qing Zhao

To refer to Book of Changes and the complicated aspects of artificial intelligence, the paper holds that artificial intelligence study is a two-sided being. On the one hand, artificial intelligence study is a “conflicted” being, which concerns the universally acknowledged argument “Can Machines Think?” and the “conflicts” of diverse probing approaches, taking Symbolism, Connectionism and Behaviorism for instance. On the other hand, artificial intelligence study is a “compromised” being, which implies that a variety of factors function spontaneously and together, regarding the communication of science and philosophy, the cooperation of the related disciplines, the transformation of theories and practice, the unity of computer and man as well as the facilitation of scientists’ research and the participation of society.

2010 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 439-456
Reut Yael Paz

This article is a review-essay of Frank Degenhardt's Zwischen Machtstaat und Völkerbund. Erich Kaufmann (1880–1972), published in 2008. While this review discusses Degenhardt's achievements, it pays much attention to the different academic contexts this research implies: On the one hand this review-essay contextualizes Degenhartds' own research endeavors, and discusses howZwischen Machtstaat und Völkerbundis part and parcel of the growing historical analysis in international law both in Germany and elsewhere. On the other hand, it pays attention to Erich Kaufmann's historical context both on a personal and professional level. Furthermore, this review-essay examines Degenhardt's book dedicated to Kaufmann's contributions to international law in light of Kaufmanns' Jewish German identity that was a lifelongLeitmotivreflected both in his theoretical and practical work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Mohammad Irmawan Jauhari

Penelitian tentang internalisasi toleransi pada lembaga pendidikan penting dilakukan sebagai salah satu cara deradikalisasi kaum muda dan membuat mereka lebih toleran terhadap sesama. Internalisasi toleransi jika dilihat dari taksonomi Bloom memberikan gambaran di wilayah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan, domain kognitif siswa SMKN 1 Grogol Kediri terkait materi toleransi, mereka memiliki basic kognitif yang baik dikarenakan proses pembelajaran yang baik dan memiliki bekal pengalaman bertoleransi dalam lingkungan yang majemuk. Domain afektif, para guru memberikan pengakuan terhadap siswa akan rasa nyaman pada minoritas, sehingga semua murid dengan latar belakang yang berbeda (horisontal dan vertikal) bisa berkembang menjadi lebih baik. Domain psikomotorik mengedepankan adanya pembiasaan dan keteladanan. Siswa SMKN 1 Grogol Kediri dibiasakan untuk bertoleransi, menghargai perbedaan, dan mendapatkan keteladanan dari para gurunya. Baik ketika bergaul dengan sesama maupun dengan orang lain. Sebagai rekomendasi penelitian yang akan datang, bullying merupakan persoalan tersendiri. Di satu sisi ia jelas sikap anti toleran, namun di sisi lain, ia adalah bentuk pergaulan para siswa.Kata kunci: internalisasi, toleransi, afektif, perbedaan                      Research on internalizing tolerance in educational institutions is important as one way to de-radicalize young people and make them more tolerant of others. Internalization of tolerance when viewed from Bloom's taxonomy provides an overview in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor areas. The results of the study mentioned, the cognitive domain of students at SMK 1 Grogol Kediri related to tolerance material, they have a good cognitive basis because of a good learning process and have a stock of tolerant experiences in a plural environment. In the affective domain, teachers give recognition to students about being comfortable with the minority, so that all students with different backgrounds (horizontal and vertical) can develop better. The psychomotor domain emphasizes habit and exemplification. Students of SMK 1 Grogol Kediri are accustomed to tolerating, respecting differences, and getting an example from their teachers. Good when hanging out with others and with others. As a recommendation for future research, bullying is a problem in itself. On the one hand he is clearly anti-tolerant, but on the other hand, he is a form of association of students. internalization, tolerance, affective, differenceKeywords: internalization, tolerance, affective, difference

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 77-86
Stoyko Petkov

The article discusses the rapidly evolving capabilities and growing presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based systems through which synthetic media content is created. Although many organizations use the ability to generate synthetic media content for legitimate use, at the same time, there has been an increase in published manipulative and misleading media content intended for fraud, extortion or other unethical purposes. Artificially created content is useful, on the one hand, for projects in which it is used for voice recovery or missing information, and on the other hand it is dangerous when it is used to replace objective reality or to spread disinformation.

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