Youth and the Labor Market in Canada Since the Great Recession
In Canada, recent data show a marked improvement in the youth unemployment rate for the first time since the last recession, although their participation in the labor force remains below the expected thresholds. In the context of a historically low unemployment rate, this chapter aims to dig deeper into the data to understand how youth has fared in the labor market since the last recession compared to the older people, and mainly in the area of gender disparities. In this context, the authors analyze the unemployment and the participation rates by age and by sex. Furthermore, they provide an insight on the youth regional unemployment rates.
2021 ◽
Vol 7
pp. 160-178
Labor Market and Household Debt in Asia Pacific Countries: Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Data Analysis
2019 ◽
Vol 10
pp. 1950011
2014 ◽
Vol 28
pp. 167-188