On the Imperative Solicitude for Evolvability Evaluation in Value Management

Kim Maes ◽  
Peter De Bruyn ◽  
Gilles Oorts ◽  
Philip Huysmans

A rapidly changing market environment is forcing contemporary organizations to continually adapt themselves. This causes the need for organizational structures, processes as well as their supporting information systems (IS) to adapt accordingly. Nevertheless it is striking to note that few value management practices explicitly incorporate evolvability as an important criterion for their evaluation of information technology dependent strategic initiatives (ITDSI). In this paper, the authors try to make a contribution regarding this issue. They explore some possibilities for assessing the evolvability of an information technology (IT) application. In addition, a set of five specific management guidelines is proposed to guide organizations, which are willing to address this issue, in their efforts. This should enable an organization to more easily select and deploy evolvable information systems, enhance its overall alignment with its environment and obtain a competitive advantage. The relevance of our approach is demonstrated by showing how it fits within the enterprise goals, IT goals and enabling practices as defined by the COBIT framework.

Evon M.O. Abu-Taieh ◽  
Jeihan M. Abu-Tayeh ◽  
Alia Abu-Tayeh

Information Technology project management lingers between science and art. Many will not dwell on such a thought, and define the information technology project manager as the one person that gets the information technology project done. This paper introduces 74 best practices and traits for the novice information systems project manager. The 74 personal traits and best practices were collected from 35 project managers and are based on personal experiences on a number of IT projects. This article provides an interactive platform for the information system technology project manager by catering to their needs for practical insights toward efficient and individually tailored project management.

2000 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51 ◽  
Peter Adman ◽  
Lorraine Warren

This paper examines a practical adaptation of the ETHICS methodology used in redesigning an information technology (IT) support service in an academic setting. The purpose of the project was to design appropriate organizational structures and functions and an accompanying information system (IS), to increase the effectiveness of the existing service. A participative sociotechnical approach was adopted for the entire design process which was carried out by the practitioners themselves. The staff's views were elicited during informal participatory group sessions as well as in one-to-one informal discussions. While ETHICS was the overall guiding methodology for the design, QUICKethics was used as a complementary means of analysing the requirements of the new IS. This paper describes the methodology used and the design process; it reflects on the adaptation and its match with the ETHICS methodology, exploring the claimed association with the viable systems methodology and concludes with suggestions for further research.

Franklin Kharisma GENTA ◽  
Sugiyanto SUGIYANTO ◽  
Gijanto Purbo SUSENO ◽  

Information Technology Strategic Planning is a derivative of an institution's Strategic Plan (Renstra). The purpose of this research is to find the need for Information Systems and Information Technology (IS / IT) for institutions with a case study method of the Strategic Plan "XYZ College" The research begins with an analysis of the “PT XYZ” external and internal business environment to determine the five forces model and critical success factors. Next is an analysis of the external and internal IS / IT environment in order to determine world technology trends and the current application portfolio of institutions. The next stage is the strategic process (IS, IT, and IS / IT management. The final stage is to determine the institute's future IS / IT applications. The results achieved are recommendations for the IS / IT application portfolio that "PT XYZ" should have.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
P. M. Govindakrishnan ◽  
A. N. Ganeshamurthy ◽  
N. K. Krishna Kumar ◽  
F. Beggi ◽  
S. Bhaskar ◽  

Soil health information is still not widely used in decision making in agriculture. One of the reasons is the lack of a simple and effective method for selection of soil health indicators that have direct relevance to management decisions. A framework for soil health indicators selection and developing location-specific management practices that improve soil health are presented. The framework involves selection of a minimum data set of soil health indicators based on ‘DUS(Soil)’ criteria. In this framework ‘D’ represents Distinctness (indicators representing distinct functional soil processes), ‘U’ represents Utility (amenability for amelioration of the status of the indicator or altering its impact through management practices) and ‘S’ represents Simplicity (amenability for measurement in the field/small laboratories using simple protocols). This study also outlines a method for developing management guidelines for farmers based on the status of the selected soil health indicators. This involved classifying the status of each of the indicators into three classes. Thereafter, taking cognizance of the agroecological context, suitable field management schedules were developed for each class of the indicators, based on literature and local expert knowledge. The use of this framework was demonstrated by developing management guidelines for a coarse textured soil with optimum pH, low soil carbon, poor in water stable aggregates (highly slaking), optimum porosity and poor in soil macro fauna in Mandla district, Madhya Pradesh, India. The study showed that the framework is flexible, generic as well as simple and is useful to develop site-specific management guidelines logically, to overcome the soil quality constraints.

Sergii Medushevskiy ◽  

Urgency of the research. With the development of information technology and new management practices, there has been a convergence and often a merger of quality management and information technology practices. At present, concepts based on the integration of quality management systems and automated information systems are becoming increasingly important.Actual scientific researches and issues analysis.In the process of researching specialized scientific and technical litera-ture, modern trends and problems of introduction of information technologies in the quality management system were analyzed.Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. An unsolved problem is to ensure the quality of use of automated infor-mation systems at a pharmaceutical enterprise integrated into an enterprise quality management system based on the requirements of the international GMP standard and the Guidelines ST-N MOH 42-4.0: 2016 “Medicines. Good manufacturing practice".The research objective. The purpose is to systematically analyze the methodological foundations of quality assurance, through the introduction and use of AIS, aimed at creating favorable conditions for improving the efficiency of the quality management system in the pharmaceutical industry.The statement of basic materials. The issues of construction and improvement of quality management system based on existing technologies for automated production are considered. The structure of the computer quality management system and the mechanisms of its information support are determined. The methods of integration of specialized software systems are alsoanalyzed and the concept of integration of them into the quality management system is proposed.Conclusions.Based on the critical analysis, a number of unresolved problems related to the development, implementation and use of automated information systems based on international standards were separated, as well as the scientific hypothesis of the effective implementation and use of automated information systems integrated into the quality management system of the pharmaceutical enterprise was put forward.

Abjadia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Zenib Mohamed

<p>يشير مصطلح تكنولوجيا المعلومات إلى مجموعة المعرفة العلمية والتكنولوجية والهندسية والأساليب والفنون اللازمة لتحويل المدخلات إلى المخرجات، ومن هنا ازداد اهتمام المنظمات بتكنولوجيا المعلومات، وذلك نظراً لدورها الناجح والكبير في الجوانب الإدارية المختلفة، حيث أسهمت في إحداث تغييرات كبيرة وهامة، تمثلت في تخفيض تكاليف العمليات الإنتاجية وتحسين مستويات الأسعار، وزيادة السرعة في الانجاز وتحسين الجودة مما أسهم في زيادة القدرة التنافسية لهذه المنظمات. ويهدف هذا البحث للتعريف بتكنولوجيا المعلومات وأهميتها في دعم التطوير التنظيمي، ومعرفة مراحل تكنولوجيا المعلومات وأهم الخصائص التي تتميز بها، وكذلك معرفة علاقة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والأداء المنظمي، ومعرفة أهم أدوار نظم المعلومات على مستوى المنظمة، ومعرفة أن نظم المعلومات هي سر نجاح كل منظمة. ونستنتج أن امتلاك تكنولوجيا المعلومات واستثمارها أصبح من المعايير الهامة التي يقاس على أساسها تطوُّر البلدان وزيادة قُدرتها التنافسية كما تلعب تكنولوجيا المعلومات دوراً أساسياً في بناء وتطوير وتحسين أداء نظم المعلومات في المؤسسة ولها الآن الدور الأساسي في إعادة تشكيل المؤسسات، بحيث تفرض هذه التكنولوجيا أهمية تطوير نموذجاً إدارياّ يتميز بالانفتاح والمرونة والقُدرة على التكيُّف مع التطوُّرات التقنية.</p><p>Information technology refers to the range of scientific, technological and engineering knowledge, methods and arts which are needed to transform inputs into outputs. Hence, the organizations' interest toward information technology has increased due to their success and significant role in the various administrative aspects; contributing to significant changes, improving price levels, increasing speed of delivery and improving quality. It contributes in increasing competitiveness of these organizations. The aim of this research is to introduce information technology and its importance in supporting organization development, information technology stages knowledge and its main characteristics, as well as knowledge of the relationship of information technology and organization performance, knowledge of the important roles of information systems at the level of the organization. It is concluded that the acquisition and investment of information technology has become an important criterion on which the development of countries and their competitiveness are measured. Information technology plays an essential role in building, developing and improving the performance of information systems in the enterprise and now it has become the key role in restructuring institutions. Administratively, it is characterized by openness, flexibility and adaptability to technical developments.</p><p>Istilah Teknologi Informasi mengacu pada pengetahuan ilmiah, teknologi, teknik, metode dan seni yang diperlukan untuk mengubah input menjadi output. Oleh karena itu, minat organisasi (lembaga) terhadap teknologi informasi terus meningkat karena peran teknologi informasi dianggap berhasil dalam berbagai aspek administratif, berkontribusi signifikan terhadap perubahan, memperbaiki nilai jual, meningkatkan kecepatan dan kualitas pengiriman, dan berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan daya saing organisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini memperkenalkan teknologi informasi dan urgensinya dalam mendukung pengembangan organisasi, menampilkan pengetahuan tentang tahapan teknologi informasi dan karakteristik utamanya, serta pengetahuan tentang hubungan teknologi informasi dan kinerja organisasi, dan peran penting sistem informasi di tingkat organisasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perolehan dan investasi teknologi informasi telah menjadi kriteria penting karena perkembangan negara dan daya saingnya bisa diukur. Teknologi informasi memainkan peran penting dalam membangun, mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kinerja sistem informasi di perusahaan atau lembaga pendidikan dan sekarang memiliki peran kunci dalam restrukturisasi institusi. Secara administratif, teknologi informasi dicirikan oleh keterbukaan, fleksibilitas dan kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap perkembangan teknis.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1and2) ◽  
Shyju P. J. ◽  
Rinzing Lama

In this study, the authors makes an attempt to understand the aspirations of the new generation employees in tour operation business and allied areas. It is being attempted with the presumption that the takeover of information technology seeded the concept of micro enterprises in tourism which functions with the business model of low investment and good turnover. The focus was in identifying employee specific factors of encouraging and discouraging in nature in the fast growing tourism sector, especially job attrition and the dynamics of human resource management practices. Factor Analysis, independent sample t-test, multiple regression have been used to establish various relationships. The findings of the study are considered to be relevant since it quantitatively establish the dynamics of employment in tourism in India.

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