A Simple Method of Calculating Safety Vibrating Velocity for Single-Layer Masonry Structures in Blasting Construction

2013 ◽  
Vol 353-356 ◽  
pp. 1907-1913
Xin Ying Ai ◽  
Li Hua Xu ◽  
Jia Li Yu

Blasting-induced seismic wave imposes cyclic loadings on adjacent buildings and structures with a combined loading mode of tension, compression, bending, shear and torsion, and it leads to flaking of floated coat, wall cracking, developing of original cracks, etc. This paper presents a blasting case study for the excavation of Wucun tunnel in Xiamen Success Avenue. Field monitoring and numerical calculation of a typical brick masonry structure are adopted to analyze the relationships among the maximum structural displacement, peak vibration velocity of blasting-induced foundation vibration and the change rate of crack width. On the basis of the study above, a method of calculating the safe vibrating velocity for single-layer masonry structure is proposed. Meanwhile, a suggested value of the safe vibrating velocity for single-layer masonry structure is given. All the research results can be useful for the similar construction and research.

Complexity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Fenghui Dong ◽  
Zhipeng Zhong ◽  
Jin Cheng

This paper conducts a numerical simulation of the antiseismic performance for single-layer masonry structures, completes a study on crack distributions and detailed characteristics of masonry structures, and finally verifies the correctness of the numerical model by experimental tests. This paper also provides a reinforced proposal to improve the antiseismic performance of single-layer masonry structures. Results prove that the original model suffers more serious damage than the reinforced model; in particular, longitudinal cracks appear on bottoms of two longitudinal walls in the original model, while these cracks appear later in the reinforced model; a lot of cracks appear on the door hole of the original model, and no crack appears in the reinforced model till the end of seismic waves; seismic damage of walls in the reinforced model is obviously lighter than that in the original model; dynamic responses at all observed points of the reinforced masonry are obviously less than those of the original model. Strains at all positions of the reinforced model are obviously smaller than those of the original model. From macroscopic and microscopic perspectives, the computational results prove that the reinforced proposal proposed in this paper can effectively improve the antiseismic performance of the masonry structure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-320
Asep Saefullah

Tulisan ini membahas fenomena penyebaran kitab-kitab cetak keaga­maan di Jawa Barat, khususnya di Sukabumi dan Cianjur. Jenis kitab ini biasanya menggunakan tulisan Arab dengan bahasa Sunda dan menggu­nakan aksara Pegon. Kitab-kitab cetak dari jenis-jenis itu diproduksi dan direproduksi, dan masih digunakan sampai hari ini. Oleh karena itu, fenomena ini dapat disebut sebagai “living tradition”. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melacak dan merekam kitab-kitab yang diproduksi (disalin atau dikarang) dan direproduksi (dicetak atau digandakan) dengan metode seder­hana, yakni fotocopi dan pencetakan tradisional seperti stensil, sablon, dan "cetak toko". Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memetakan dan merevisi kategorisasi kitab-kitab tersebut dari kajian terdahulu berdasarkan jenis karya, seperti karangan asli, tuqilan, terjemahan, syarḥ (penjelasan), khulasah (ringkasan) yang lain, dan juga berdasarkan bahasa dan aksara yang digunakan. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga mengamati lembaga-lembaga atau individu-individu yang masih mereproduksi buku-buku (kitab-kitab) keagamaan sederhana seperti perusahaan percetakan atau pesantren yang menerbitkan kitab-kitab tersebut. Pada akhir artikel ini, ada beberapa saran dalam upaya untuk melestarikan kitab-kitab cetak dan karya-karya tersebut.Kata kunci: kitab, jenis karya, pencetakan tradisional, Sunda, Pegon, Jawa Barat This paper discusses the phenomenon of the spreading of religious printed books (kitabs) in West Java, especially in Sukabumi and Cianjur, which are characterized by the use of Arabic writing in Sundanese (or known as Pegon script). The printed books (Kitabs) of those types are produced and reproduced, and are still used to this day. Therefore, this phenomenon can be called as a “living tradition”. Data collection was conducted by tracing and recording religious books (kitabs) that are pro-duced (rewritten or compossed) and reproduced (printed or duplicated) with a simple method, known as photocopying and traditional printing such as stencils, screen printing, and “shop printing”. This paper aims to map and revise the categorization of these Kitabs from previous studies based on the types of works including original essays, tuqilan (quotations), translation, sharh (explanation), khulaṣah (summary), or the other, and also based on the language and the script used. In addition, this paper also observes the institutions or individuals that are still reproducing these printed religious books such as the printing company or pesantren that publish such kitabs. At the end of this article, there are some suggestions in attempts to preserve those printed kitabs and the works.Keywords: Kitabs, type of work, traditional printing, Sunda, Pegon, West Java

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
pp. 102240
Baris Gunes ◽  
Turgay Cosgun ◽  
Baris Sayin ◽  
Oguz Ceylan ◽  
Atakan Mangir ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Weiwei Li ◽  
Weiqing Liu ◽  
Shuguang Wang ◽  
Dongsheng Du

The improvement effect of a new strengthening strategy on dynamic action of masonry structure, by installing prefabricated concrete walls on the outer facades, is validated by shaking table test presented in this paper. We carried out dynamic tests of two geometrically identical five-story reduced scaled models, including an unstrengthened and a strengthened masonry model. The experimental analysis encompasses seismic performances such as cracking patterns, failure mechanisms, amplification factors of acceleration, and displacements. The results show that the strengthened masonry structure shows much more excellent seismic capacity when compared with the unstrengthened one.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 537-549 ◽  
Justice A. Tambo ◽  
Tobias Wünscher

AbstractFarmers are innovators and experimenters and not just adopters of introduced technologies. The innovations developed by farmers could complement the highly promoted externally driven technologies in addressing the numerous challenges facing agriculture. The aim of this paper was to identify outstanding innovations developed by smallholder farmers in northern Ghana, and prioritize the high potential ones for further scientific validation or dissemination. Using an innovation contest that rewards farmers' creativity, we identified 29 promising innovations. Additionally, 19 innovations were scouted through a household survey. The innovations are largely extensive modifications of existing practices or combinations of different known practices in unique ways to save costs or to address crop and livestock production constraints. While some of the identified innovations can be recommended or disseminated to other farmers, most of them may require further validation or research. However, validating all of these innovations will be very expensive and time-consuming. We propose the multi-criteria decision-making analysis (MCDM) as a simple method to prioritize farmers' innovations. Using this method, we find that among the most promising innovations are those involving the control of weeds, pests and diseases using plant residues and extracts, and the treatment of livestock diseases using ethnoveterinary medicines. We briefly explain the six most highly ranked innovations. This case study from northern Ghana provides further proof that smallholder farmers develop diverse and spectacular innovations to address the myriad challenges they face, and these need to be recognized and promoted. We also conclude that contest and MCDM are useful methods that can be applied in unearthing and prioritizing farmer innovations, respectively.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 485-492 ◽  
He Ma ◽  
Hailiang Wang ◽  
Chuang He ◽  
Zuyuan Zhang ◽  
Xiao Ma

Masonry 2014 ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 152-181
Julia E. Mathias Manglitz ◽  
K. Vance Kelley ◽  
Mark Hodges

Kybernetes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Hamed Fazlollahtabar ◽  
Navid Kazemitash

Purpose However, due to the huge number of studies and on the other hand to be new and creative, the represented models and methods – as the two main parts of this field – have been got more complicated, which consequently have been turned into unpractical research studies for the realistic situations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the representation of a novel and simple method to deal with the aforementioned gap. Design/methodology/approach To this end, Fazl-Tash method have been proposed, in which a thorough and complete model including 114 criteria and a simple technique to rank and select the best supplier have been presented. Sustainability and resiliency are considered in collecting criteria effective on supplier selection. Findings The method was carried out in a case study in an industrial company. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated in comparison with other conventional approaches. Originality/value As selecting the supplier plays a crucial role to bring some important advantages for companies, such as coping with the cost and time problems and influencing the majority of contemporary markets’ requirements, in recent years, there have been representing more effective studies in the supplier selection literature.

Structures ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 2192-2207 ◽  
Liborio Cavaleri ◽  
Giuseppe Ciraolo ◽  
Marco Filippo Ferrotto ◽  
Goffredo La Loggia ◽  
Carlo Lo Re ◽  

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