Study on Internal Layout of UK's Day Care Unit for Older People

2014 ◽  
Vol 507 ◽  
pp. 7-10
Da Ke Wei ◽  
Hong Jin ◽  
Hong Yuan Mei

This study focuses on the internal layout of premises of UKs day care unit for older people, including possible combinations of rooms and spaces, access and circulation. All day units require a minimum of a dining/activity space, a kitchen, (a) toilet (s) and storage space, these rooms and spaces are combined into the basic type of premises. Depending on the aims of the unit, the number of places provided, and users' needs, many of the disadvantages associated with basic premises can be overcome if the premises have extra spaces. From the above analysis we can see that, in existing day unit premises, the number and type of rooms and spaces and how they are grouped together vary considerably, ranging from simple to complex arrangements. Also, the relationships between rooms and spaces in layouts for all day unit premises need to be pondered over, including distances between key rooms/spaces, the relative location of spaces in terms of their functions, the relationship between private and public spaces and the views within and between rooms, and from external windows. In addition, access and circulation of a day unit need to be considered carefully, including access to the day unit premises and the reception space and internal circulation.

1997 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-64 ◽  

In response to recent community care policies in Britain, co-ordinated, needs-led models of care have been introduced into day care services for older people. Whilst their introduction has prompted detailed consideration of the changes required in the organisation and management of these services, less attention has been paid to their implications for the design of day care premises. Yet design factors impinge on all aspects of service delivery and any shortcomings in design may undermine the effective delivery of new models of care. This article uses findings from recent research to explore how design factors may facilitate or constrain service delivery, focusing on two aspects of the new models of care – that services should meet the needs of individual users and be locally-based.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Artur Jasiński

The coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and its immediate impact on all aspects of human life have changed the way we use public space in our cities. People have been forced to adopt social isolation measures and wear masks. Street life has ground to a halt and public transport use has plummeted, while social facilities such as restaurants, clubs and cinemas have been closed. The relationship between private and public space has been reversed: public space has become deserted while private space, one of luxury, has been available only to the richest. The behaviour and interactions between people in public space have also changed. The paper analyses the above phenomena and raises questions about the future of metropolitan public spaces after the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. Ar-1-Ar-17
عبد الباقي غازي حسين ◽  
عبير قاسم جبر ◽  

The adoption of the study of the urban environment and comparing it across its different time stages gives us the possibility to understand the transformations in it and the possibility of benefiting from and reflecting them in local architecture as well as to know the importance of contextual relations to make the added part be compatible with the whole. And since the transformation takes place in the relationships as well as in the elements that make up the urban environment. therefore, the research is specialized in studying the transformation in the relationship between the private and public space in the local housing unit and according to this perspective the research problem was defined as (lack of integration of knowledge about the impact of transformations in the relationship between space Private and public of the local housing unit on the urban and built environment of our contemporary cities) Where the research took the method of analytical descriptive study by reviewing, discussing and analyzing the characteristics of models of housing units that represent the local traditional style and models of modern and contemporary housing units and a comparison between them, then focusing on the relationship that the private and public spaces are connected to in both cases to reach the desired result. The research concluded that the transformation in the relationship between the private and public space in the local housing unit was strongly reflected in the properties of the elements (the housing unit) and the surrounding space (the part level), and this transformation resulted in the overall transformation on the level of the urban environment as a whole as it consists of combining these elements together. (All level).

2006 ◽  
Vol 76 (6) ◽  
pp. 359-366 ◽  
Rodríguez-Rodríguez ◽  
Ortega ◽  
López-Sobaler ◽  
Aparicio ◽  
Bermejo ◽  

This study investigated the relationship between the intake of antioxidant nutrients and the suffering of cataracts in 177 institutionalized elderly people (61 men and 116 women) aged ≥ 65 years. Dietary intake was monitored for 7 consecutive days using a "precise individual weighing" method. Subjects, who during their earlier years were exposed by their work to sunlight, had a greater risk of suffering cataracts (OR = 3.2; Cl: 1.1–9.3, P < 0.05) than those who worked indoors. A relationship was found between increased vitamin C intake and a reduced prevalence of cataracts (i.e., when comparing those above P95 for vitamin C intake with those below P5; (OR = 0.08; Cl: 0.01–0.75, P 0.05). Among subjects with cataracts, 12.1% had vitamin C intakes of < 61 mg/day (P10) and only 2.2% had intakes of > 183 mg/day (P95) (p < 0.01). Subjects who consumed > 3290 μg/day (P95) of lutein were less likely to have cataracts (OR = 0.086; Cl: 0.007–1.084; p < 0.05) than those whose consumption was < 256 μg/day (P5). In men, high intakes of zeaxanthin seemed to provide a protective effect against the problem (OR = 0.96; Cl: 0.91–0.99; p < 0.05). The results suggest an association exists between exposure to sunlight and the development of cataracts, and that vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin offer some protection against this disorder.

2020 ◽  

Background: The relationship between oral health and general health is gaining interest in geriatric research; however, a lack of studies dealing with this issue from a general perspective makes it somewhat inaccessible to non-clinical public health professionals. Purpose: The purpose of this review is to describe the relationship between oral health and general health of the elderly on the basis of literature review, and to give non-clinical medical professionals and public health professionals an overview of this discipline. Methods: This study was based on an in-depth review of the literature pertaining to the relationship between oral health and general health among the older people. The tools commonly used to evaluate dental health and the academic researches of male elderly people were also reviewed. And future research directions were summarized. Results: Dental caries, periodontal disease, edentulism, and xerostomia are common oral diseases among the older people. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the leading causes of missing teeth and edentulism. Xerostomia, similar to dry mouth, is another common oral health disease in the older people. No clear correlation exists between the subjective feeling of dryness and an objective decrease of saliva. Rather, both conditions can be explained by changes in saliva. The General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) are the main assessment tools used to examine oral health and quality of life in the older people. The GOHAI tends to be more sensitive to objective values pertaining to oral function. In addition, oral health studies in male elderly people are population-based cohort or cross-sectional studies, involving masticatory function, oral prevention, frailty problems, cardiovascular disease risk, and cognitive status. Conclusion: It is possible to reduce the incidence of certain oral diseases, even among individuals who take oral health care seriously. Oral health care should be based on the viewpoint of comprehensive treatment, including adequate nutrition, good life and psychology, and correct oral health care methods. In the future, researchers could combine the results of meta-analysis with the clinical experience of doctors to provide a more in-depth and broader discussion on oral health research topics concerning the older people.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Catur Hary Wibawa

Abstract This research aims to reveal 1. the condition of older people who lives in Plosokerep Shleter, 2. the psychological condition of older people in Plosokerep Shelter, 3. the social condition of older people in Plosokerep Shelter, 4. the relationship of physical condition experienced by older people with their functional disabilities in Plosokerep Shelter, 5. the relationship of psychological condition experienced by older people with their functional disabilities in Plosokerep Shleter, 6. to know the relatonship of social condition experienced by older people with their functional disabilities in Plosokerep Shelter. The research method used is explanatory-analytic correlational design, to examine the relationship of factors: Physical (X1 variable), Psychological (X2), and social (X3) with older people functional disabilities (Y variable) descriptive survey used explanatory-analytic correlational design. Data collection carried out through questionnaire. Research data analysis used descriptive statistic technique with Spearman test statistic. The result showed that: 1. some older people in Plosokerep shleter have high physical condition and the rest of them in the low physical condition category, 2. from the psychological condition some of older people are in high category, 3. Social condition experienced by older people who live in shelter are in high category, 4. The relationship of physical condition experienced by older people in the shelter with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant, 5. the relationship of psychological condition experienced by older people in shleter with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant, 6. the relationship of social condition experienced by older people in the shelter with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant, 7. the relationship of Physical, psychological and social condition together with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant.Keywords: physical, psychological, and social condition, functional disabilities, older people Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: 1. Mengetahui kondisi fisik lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 2. Mengetahui kondisi psikologis lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 3. Mengetahui kondisi sosial lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 4. Mengetahui hubungan kondisi fisik yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 5. Mengetahui hubungan kondisi psikologis yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 6. Mengetahui hubungan kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah disain korelasional eksplanatori-analitis, yaitu untuk menguji hubungan antara faktor-faktor: fisik (variabel X1), psikologis (X2), dan sosial (X3) dengan disabilitas fungsional lanjut usia (variabel Y)survey deskriptif dengan menggunakan disain penelitian korelasional eksplanatori-analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan teknik Statistik deskriptif, dengan statistik uji Spearman.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1. Sebagian lanjut usia di shelter pengungsian Plosokerep memiliki kondisi fisik kategori tinggi, dan sebagian lagi berada dalam kondisi fisik kategori rendah, 2. Dilihat dari kondisi psikologis, sebagian besar lanjut usia berada dalam kategori tinggi, 3. Kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian, sebagian besar juga berada dalam kategori tinggi, 4. Hubungan kondisi fisik yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan, 5. Hubungan kondisi psikologis yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan, 6. Hubungan kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan, 7. Hubungan kondisi fisik, psikologis, dan sosial secara bersama-sama dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan.Kata kunci:  disabilitas fungsional, kondisi fisik, psikologis, dan sosial, lanjut usia

O. A. Zadorozhna ◽  
T. P. Shyianova ◽  
M.Yu. Skorokhodov

Seed longevity of 76 spring barley gene pool samples (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. distichon, convar. distichon: 56 nutans Schubl., two deficience (Steud.) Koern., two erectum Rode ex Shuebl., two medicum Koern.; convar. nudum (L.) A.Trof.: one nudum L. та subsp. vulgare: convar. vulgare: nine pallidum Ser., three rikotense Regel.; convar. coeleste (L.) A.Trof.: one coeleste (L.) A.Trof.) from 26 countries, 11 years and four places of reproduction was analyzed. Seeds with 5–8% moisture content were stored in chamber with unregulated and 4oC temperature. The possibility of seed storage under these conditions for at least 10 years without significant changes in germination has been established. The importance of meteorological conditions in the formation and ripening of seeds for their longevity is confirmed. The relationship between the decrease of barley seeds longevity and storage conditions, amount of rainfall, temperature regime during the growing season of plants is discussed.

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