Discussion on Application of 3D Printing Technology in Package Printing

2015 ◽  
Vol 731 ◽  
pp. 300-303 ◽  
Chen Fei Zhao ◽  
Dan Hui Wu

The principle of 3D printing technology is based on the basic principle of ink-jet printing. The application of 3D printing in packaging printing is discussed, including printing history, development present situation, the principle, equipment, the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing. The application of 3D printing in digital printing machine manufacturing and in offset printing plate making and screen plate making is studied. This paper is of great significance for the transformation of the printing industry.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (14) ◽  
pp. 3911
Yanling Zheng ◽  
Xu Huang ◽  
Jialiang Chen ◽  
Kechen Wu ◽  
Jianlei Wang ◽  

Carbon material is widely used and has good electrical and thermal conductivity. It is often used as a filler to endow insulating polymer with electrical and thermal conductivity. Three-dimensional printing technology is an advance in modeling and manufacturing technology. From the forming principle, it offers a new production principle of layered manufacturing and layer by layer stacking formation, which fundamentally simplifies the production process and makes large-scale personalized production possible. Conductive carbon materials combined with 3D printing technology have a variety of potential applications, such as multi-shape sensors, wearable devices, supercapacitors, and so on. In this review, carbon black, carbon nanotubes, carbon fiber, graphene, and other common conductive carbon materials are briefly introduced. The working principle, advantages and disadvantages of common 3D printing technology are reviewed. The research situation of 3D printable conductive carbon materials in recent years is further summarized, and the performance characteristics and application prospects of these conductive carbon materials are also discussed. Finally, the potential applications of 3D printable conductive carbon materials are concluded, and the future development direction of 3D printable conductive carbon materials has also been prospected.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1295
Jae-Young Lee ◽  
Cheong-Soo Choi ◽  
Kwang-Taek Hwang ◽  
Kyu-Sung Han ◽  
Jin-Ho Kim ◽  

Ink-jet 3D printing technology facilitates the use of various materials of ink on each ink-jet head and simultaneous printing of multiple materials. It is suitable for manufacturing to process a complex multifunctional structure such as sensors and printed circuit boards. In this study, a complex structure of a SiO2 insulation layer and a conductive Cu layer was fabricated with photo-curable nano SiO2 ink and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)-sinterable Cu nano ink using multi-material ink-jet 3D printing technology. A precise photo-cured SiO2 insulation layer was designed by optimizing the operating conditions and the ink rheological properties, and the resistance of the insulation layer was 2.43 × 1013 Ω·cm. On the photo-cured SiO2 insulation layer, a Cu conductive layer was printed by controlling droplet distance. The sintering of the IPL-sinterable nano Cu ink was performed using an IPL sintering process, and electrical and mechanical properties were confirmed according to the annealing temperature and applied voltage. Then, Cu conductive layer was annealed at 100 °C to remove the solvent, and IPL sintered at 700 V. The Cu conductive layer of the complex structure had an electrical property of 29 µΩ·cm and an adhesive property with SiO2 insulation layer of 5B.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Habibi Santoso ◽  
Henra Nanang Sukma

Abstrak: Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bermitra dengan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri di Depok. Pada kegiatan pembelajaran dan praktek sangat sering mengalami kesulitan mendapatkan komponen tertentu yang jarang didapat atau dijual di pasaran. Hal ini tentunya dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan mesin 3D Printing, karena guru-guru dapat membuat sendiri komponen dengan menggunakan mesin ini. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan pada guru-guru mengenai mesin 3D printing. Pelaksanaan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat kali ini dilakukan secara daring/online dalam bentuk Webinar dengan diskusi, tanya jawab, dan praktek, angket awal digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh para peserta guru memiliki pengetahuan tentang teknologi 3D printing. Hasilnya 100% guru-guru belum mengetahui teknologi mesin 3D Printing. Setelah pelatihan didapatkan hasil angket akhir menunjukan bahwa keberhasilan memberikan pemahaman pengetahuannya mengenai teknologi 3D printing bertambah. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari jawaban peserta dari dari segi kebermanfaatan 83,3% setuju dan 16,7 tidak setuju, dari tingkat kepahaman peserta menjawab  66,7% dan 33,3% tidak setuju.Kata Kunci: 3D Printing, guru, KomponenAbstract:  This Community Service (PKM) activity is in partnership with a State Vocational High School in Depok. In learning and practice activities, it is very often difficult to get certain components that are rarely obtained or sold in the market. Of course, this can be overcome by using a 3D Printing machine, because teachers can make their own components using this machine. The purpose of this service is to provide training to teachers regarding 3D printing machines. The implementation of this community service activity was carried out online in the form of a Webinar with discussions, questions and answers, and practice, the initial questionnaire was used to find out how far the teacher participants had knowledge of 3D printing technology. The result is that 100% of the teachers do not know about 3D Printing machine technology. After the training, the results of the final questionnaire showed that their success in providing an understanding of their knowledge about 3D printing technology increased. This can be seen from the participants' answers in terms of usefulness 83.3% agree and 16.7 disagree, from the level of understanding participants answered 66.7% and 33.3% disagreeKeywords: 3D Printing, teacher, Component

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Hyeunwoo Choi ◽  
Anna Seo ◽  
Jongmin Lee

Currently, research based on the technology and applications of 3D printing is being actively pursued. 3D printing technology, also called additive manufacturing, is widely and increasingly used in the medical field. This study produced custom casts for the treatment of mallet finger using plaster of Paris, which was traditionally used in clinical practice, and 3D printing technology, and evaluated their advantages and disadvantages for patients by conducting a wearability assessment. Mallet finger casts produced using plaster of Paris, when incorrectly made, can result in skin necrosis and other problems for patients. These problems can be mitigated, however, by creating casts using 3D printing technology. Additionally, plaster casts or ready-made alternatives can be inconvenient with respect to rapid treatment of patients. In contrast, 3D-printed casts appear to provide patients with appropriate treatment and increase their satisfaction because they are small in size, custom-made for each patient, and can be quickly made and immediately applied in clinical practice.

Micromachines ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Han Zhang ◽  
Long Huang ◽  
Mingyue Tan ◽  
Shaoqing Zhao ◽  
Hua Liu ◽  

Not satisfied with the current stage of the extensive research on 3D printing technology for polymers and metals, researchers are searching for more innovative 3D printing technologies for glass fabrication in what has become the latest trend of interest. The traditional glass manufacturing process requires complex high-temperature melting and casting processes, which presents a great challenge to the fabrication of arbitrarily complex glass devices. The emergence of 3D printing technology provides a good solution. This paper reviews the recent advances in glass 3D printing, describes the history and development of related technologies, and lists popular applications of 3D printing for glass preparation. This review compares the advantages and disadvantages of various processing methods, summarizes the problems encountered in the process of technology application, and proposes the corresponding solutions to select the most appropriate preparation method in practical applications. The application of additive manufacturing in glass fabrication is in its infancy but has great potential. Based on this view, the methods for glass preparation with 3D printing technology are expected to achieve both high-speed and high-precision fabrication.

Mohd Nazri Ahmad ◽  
Ahmad Afiq Tarmeze ◽  
Amir Hamzah Abdul Rasib

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 470
Jarosław Kotliński ◽  
Karol Osowski ◽  
Zbigniew Kęsy ◽  
Andrzej Kęsy

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