Potrauminis augimas yra teigiami psichologiniai padariniai po traumos, kurie pasireiškia savęs suvokimo, požiūrio į pasaulį ir tarpasmeninių santykių pokyčiais (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 1996). Pozityvūs procesai po traumos dar tik pradedami tyrinėti, todėl nėra žinoma, kokios yra potrauminio augimo (PTA), trauminio įvykio intensyvumo ir potrauminio streso sutrikimo (PTSS) sąsajos. Siekiant įvertinti ryšius tarp trauminės patirties ir PTSS bei PTA, buvo ištirti 104 studentiško amžiaus jaunuoliai, per savo gyvenimą patyrę bent vieną trauminį įvykį. Tako analizės modelis parodė, kad subjektyvus trauminės patirties intensyvumasyra veiksnys, reikšmingai prognozuojantis tiek PTSS, tiek PTA. Kuo reakcija į trauminį įvykį yra stipresnė, tuo labiau išreikšti PTSS ir PTA požymiai. Nustatytas nestiprus teigiamas ryšys tarp PTSS ir PTA parodė, kad, norėdami geriau suprasti, kaip jaučiasi asmenys po traumos, turime atsižvelgti ir į teigiamus (PTA), ir į neigiamus (PTSS) traumos padarinius. Pagrindiniai žodžiai: trauma, potrauminis stresas, potrauminis augimas.RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRAUMA EXPOSURE, POSTTRAUMATIC GROWTH AND POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDEREvaldas Kazlauskas, Irma Šimėnaitė, Danutė Gailienė
SummaryObjectives: The notion that traumatic experiences may have an impact on human mind is very old. Recent developments in psychotraumatology shifted the approach to a trauma from a purely negative to a more positive perspective. Research confirmed that traumatic events may lead not only to posttraumatic stress or other disorders, but also to positive changes. The present research was based on the concept of Posttraumatic Growth developed by Calhoun and Tedeschi (1996), which is widely known in the field of traumatic stress. Although the number of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) research is growing rapidly, little is known about Posttraumatic Growth predictors. The present research was designed to find out the links between Posttraumatic Growth, Posttraumatic Stress and initial reactions to the traumatic event. We set up two goals of the study: 1) evaluation of how initial traumatic reactions predict PTG, and 2) assessment of links between PTG and PTSD.Methods: A group of 104 university students exposed to at least one life-time traumatic event participated in the study. The average time gap between exposure to a traumatic event and the time of research was 43 months. The intensity of initial reactions to a traumatic event was measured using a 10-item selfrating inventory developed by the authors of the present study. The Subjective Traumatic Experience (STE) inventory consisted of items covering cognitive, emotional and physiological reactions to a traumatic event. Posttraumatic Growth was measured using the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PGI) developed by Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996). Previous research showed satisfactory psychometric properties of the Lithuanian version of PGI (Gailienë & Kazlauskas, 2005). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder was measured using the Lithuanian version of Impact of Event Scale – Revised (IES-R). A recent validation of the IES-R on Lithuanian population showed its good psychometric properties (Kazlauskas et al., 2006).