scholarly journals System Testing using Black Box Testing Equivalence Partitioning (Case Study at Garbage Bank Management Information System on Karya Sentosa)

Yudie Irawan ◽  
Syafiul Muzid ◽  
Nanik Susanti ◽  
Rhoedy Setiawan
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 77
Welda Welda ◽  
Desak Made Dwi Utami Putra ◽  
Ayu Manik Dirgayusari

Notary Office / PPAT I Gusti Rai Daniel Ari Putra, SH., M.Kn. is a Land Deed Making Official who makes deeds related to land. In carrying out this work, records are still carried out manually, namely still using a recording system in the book which consists of a file monitoring management process, payment for services, and does not provide information regarding the reporting of files that have been completed. This results in each service requiring time from the time the application is submitted to the completion of the file, besides that proof of payment for services can be lost if not recorded. Based on these problems, needed a system to facilitate the management of the file being executed and facilitate business processes that exist in this study created a system with the title Design of Information System File Management in the Office of Notary / PPAT which include data management of the applicant, the data in the file status request , payments and report. This research process uses a linear sequential model method, starting from determining needs, analyzing needs and designing CDM and PDM for the next steps. Furthermore, the authors build and design a system using the PHP programming language and MySQL as a database. The final result of this research is a file management information system at the Notary Office I Gusti Rai Daniel Ari Putra, SH., M.Kn. and testing has been carried out on the system using black box testing whose results are in accordance with the system design.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Hendri Hendri ◽  
Jimmi Walter Hasiholan Manurung ◽  
Rifqi Audi Ferian ◽  
Wahyu Faharrudin Hanaatmoko ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti

Black-box testing is very important because this technique is able to identify errors in functions, interfaces, data models, and access to external data sources. In implementation problems often arise when testers are never sure whether the software being tested has actually passed the test. This happens because there may be several execution paths that have never been tested. Testers must make every possible input data combination for testing. The selection of input data to find errors is a problem for testers because it has a high probability, so the test case design can automatically become a solution. In this implementation the application to be tested using black-box testing is the Mosque Management Information System. The Mosque Management application will be tested using black box testing where the test is only intended to see if the program matches the function desired by the program without knowing the program code used. To produce test case designs automatically in black box method software testing with equality partition technique. Equivalence Partitions technique is a test based on entering data on each form in the mosque management information system, each menu will be tested and grouped according to function whether it is valid or not.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-202
Hayu Andarwati ◽  
R. Rizal Isnanto ◽  
Ike Pertiwi Windasari

Abstract - Documents handling at Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Kabupaten Pati was done manually and was not computerized. Because of that, it is needed to build documents management information system to automate the document control activity at department include the function of documents recording, documents making, and documents tracking. For gaining the purpose, a research must be done. That research used Framework for Application System Thinking (FAST) with eight phase, that is scope definition, problem analyst, requirement analyst, logical design, decision analyst, physical design and integration, construction and testing, and also installation and delivery. This research was implemented by using PHP, HTML, and Javascript as programming language and MySQL as database. System testing was done by using black box testing method.The result from this research is documents management information system.

Philippe Lorino

Pragmatist inquiry involves a group of inquirers who face a break in their experience and pursue existential motives. They must continuously build reciprocal intelligibility. The felicitous outcome requires reciprocal trust, transforming the group of inquirers into a temporary community. The community dimension of inquiry is illustrated through a case study: the implementation of an integrated management information system in an electricity company. It identifies the roles of two types of communities: communities of practice, characterized by common practice, and communities of inquiry, characterized by the diversity of practices but an agreed general concern. The concept of community of inquiry was initially sketched by classic pragmatist authors and later developed by organization scholars, particularly in the field of public management. It is related to Follett’s view of “group organization” as the basis of democratic life and Latour’s concept of “matter of concern.”

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 420
Rumiari Rumiari ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Muhammad Chiar

<strong>Abstract<em>.</em> </strong>The management weakness of facilities and infrastructure in implementing the application of the State Property Management Information System (SIMAK BMN) is the cause of lack of optimal management of facilities or infrastructure or the application of SIMAK BMN by the school principal in empowering education staff and stakeholders within the madrasa. The purpose of this study was to describe the management of application-based infrastructure and State-Owned Management Information System (SIMAK BMN). The approach used in this study was qualitative research with a type of case study research. The stages in this study consisted of field, field and data processing. Data analysis takes place together with the process of collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results obtained in this study were (1) Planning of facilities and infrastructure made by madrasas provides an overview of the planning of needs achieved in the purpose of education; (2) Organizing application-based facilities and infrastructure SIMAK BMN in  MTsN 1 Singkawang shoed a positive tendency to implement mechanisms, tasks and organizing functions that are conveyed to all teachers; (3) The implementation of SIMAK BMN application-based facilities and infrastructure at MTsN 1 Singkawang showed a tendency to be less than optimal; (4) Monitoring of application-based facilities and infrastructure SIMAK BMN at MTsN 1 Singkawang showed the tendency to carry out internal reconciliation, external reconciliation and pertangungjawban through semester reports. Therefore, it can be concluded, the management of facilities and infrastructure based on the application of the State Owned Management Information System (SIMAK BMN) at MTsN 1 Singkawang was an attempt to curb the recording of application-based infrastructure through the management of Property Management Information System functions. Country (SIMAK BMN).

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