1980 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 285-289 ◽  

Twelve cultivars belonging to two species of Brassica were used to determine the nature and degree of interrelationships among yield components and some plant growth characters, and their contribution to yield. Nine characters were studied and simple, partial, and multiple correlation coefficients were computed. Results indicated that pod length, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, and seed weight per pod were positively and linearly associated with seed yield per plant and that these four component characters of yield were also interrelated with plant height. The percentage of oil in the seeds was positively correlated with seed weight, but negatively with number of seeds per pod. Late maturity was found to be undesirable because it reduces number of pods per plant.

2020 ◽  
S. Kalauni

Abstract This research aims to determine the relationship between yield and yield components of French bean using multivariate statistical techniques. The study was conducted at Horticulture Research Station, Dailekh, Nepal for consecutive three year of 2016-2018. In this study, six French bean genotypes were used. The following measurements and observations were made: germination (%), pod length (cm), pod diameter (mm), individual pod weight and number of seeds pod-1, number of dry pods plant-1, dry pod yield plant-1 and dry pod yield (t/ha), 100 seed weight (g) and seed yield (t/ha). Highly significant and positive correlation was recorded between seed yield and individual pod weight (r=0.659***), number of seed pod-1 (r=0.548**) and pod length (0.459*). Conversely, pod diameter showed a negative and non-significant (-0.025) correlation on seed yield. Based on simple regression analysis, linear regression of individual pod weight, number of seed pod-1 and pod length leads to an increase in the seed yield (t/ha) by 0.188, 0.285 and 0.103 units respectively. From the path coefficient analysis maximum positive direct effect on seed yield was recorded by number of seeds pod-1 (0.767) followed by 100 seed weight (0.530) and individual pod weight (0.429). Also, stepwise multiple linear regression analysis revealed that three traits including individual pod weight, 100 seed weight and number of dry pod plant-1 with R2 = 68.22% showed their overall contribution towards seed yield. The rest of the variance (R2 = 31.78%) was contributed by the variables that were not included in the study. Results concerning four statistical methods showed that individual pod weight appeared to be most effective contributor of seed yield followed by the number of seed pod-1, 100 seed weight, and pod length. Therefore, attention should be paid to these characters in any breeding program during the selection criteria for improving the seed yield.

Santosh Kalauni ◽  
Deependra Dhakal

This research aims to determine the relationship between yield and yield components of French bean using multivariate statistical techniques. The study was conducted at Horticulture Research Station, Dailekh, Nepal for consecutive three year of 2016-2018. In this study, six French bean genotypes were used. The following measurements and observations were made: germination (%), pod length (cm), pod diameter (mm), individual pod weight and number of seeds pod-1 , number of dry pods plant-1, dry pod yield plant-1 and dry pod yield (t/ha), 100 seed weight (g) and seed yield (t/ha). Highly significant and positive correlation was recorded between seed yield and individual pod weight (r= 0.659***), number of seed pod-1 (r=0.548**) and pod length (0.459*). Conversely, pod diameter showed a negative and non-significant (-0.025) correlation on seed yield. Based on simple regression analysis, linear regression of individual pod weight, number of seed pod-1 and pod length leads to an increase in the seed yield (t/ha) by 0.188, 0.285 and 0.103 units respectively. From the path coefficient analysis maximum positive direct effect on seed yield was recorded by number of seeds pod-1 (0.767) followed by 100 seed weight (0.530) and individual pod weight (0.429). Also, stepwise multiple linear regression analysis revealed that three traits individual pod weight, 100 seed weight and number of dry pod plant-1 account for 68.22% of the total variation in seed yield, while only 31.78% was explained by rest of the variables. Summarizing outcomes of four statistical methods showed that individual pod weight appeared to be the most effective contributor of seed yield followed by the number of seed pod-1, 100 seed weight, and pod length. Therefore, focus should be laid on these characters in future breeding program while selecting genotypes for sub-tropics for improving the seed yield.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  

The study of the effect of three well known mutagens, ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS), methyl methane sulphonate (MMS) and gamma rays (GR) on the yield contributing traits of the urdbean variety TPU-4 were carried out in the M3 generation. Effect of selected mutagenic treatments/doses of EMS (0.02, 0.03 and 0.04 M), MMS (0.0025, 0.05 and 0.01 M) and (GR) (30, 40 and 50 KR) on different yield contributing traits like plant height, plant spread, number of pods per plant, pod length, number of seeds per pod, seed yield per plant and 100 seed weight were analyzed in the M3 populations of the variety TPU-4. Seeds of M2 plants and control were harvested separately and sown to raise M3 population.. Genetic variabilty in the mutagen administered M3 progeny of the urdbean variety TPU-4 was analyzed by employing statistical methods. Data on mean values and shift in the mean of seven quantitative traits was evaluated on individual plant basis. The experimental findings revealed that concentrations / dose of the all these mutagens showed inhibitory effect on plant height, number of pods per plant, pod length and number of seeds per pod. Lower concentrations of mutagens exerted a promotory effect on plant spread, 100 seed weight and seed yield per plant while higher concentrations of these mutagens inhibited them to different extent.

1994 ◽  
Vol 126 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-66 ◽  
R.W. Kieckhefer ◽  
N.C. Elliott ◽  
W.E. Riedell ◽  
B.W. Fuller

AbstractThe effect of greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), infestations on yield components of early- and late-planted spring wheat, Triticum aestivum L., were measured in 2 successive years in eastern South Dakota. Greenbug populations in plots generally increased rapidly and peaked when wheat plants were in boot stage. Populations then began a steady decrease until anthesis, at which time they were near zero. The number of seeds per spikelet and the number of spikelets per square metre were consistently significantly negatively correlated with aphid-days, whereas average seed weight was significantly negatively correlated with aphid-days for only one planting. A linear regression model that included different intercepts for each spring wheat planting and a common slope relating yield to greenbug feeding days (aphid-days) provided a good fit to the data. Based on the model, a loss of 41 kg of grain per hectare is expected for each 100 aphid-days that accumulate per tiller.

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-231
Nargis Jahan ◽  
M M Golam Adam

A field experiment was carried out at University of Dhaka from March to July, 2011 to study the effect of time of sowing on the growth and yield of BARI mung-5. The treatments consisted of three dates of sowing viz. March 15, April 15 and May 15. The crop responded significantly to sowing time and 15 April sowing seeds produced plants having maximum plant height (68.4 cm), leaves/plant (29.33), total dry matter/plant (17.99), branches/plant (8.17), pods/plant (11.33), pod length (8.78 cm), seeds/pod (11.17), 1000 seed weight (46.52 g), seed yield/plant (5.33 g), yield/ha (1.77 t) and harvest index (29.58 %) at harvest. The seed yield decreased by 36.8 and 49.9% when seed sown early (15 March) or late (15 May) due to production of lower yield components.   DOI:   Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 36, No. 2, 227-231, 2012    

1970 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 489-502 ◽  
Frank E. Sansone ◽  
Floyd W. Emanuel

Twenty normal-speaking adult males sustained productions of each of the vowels /u/, /i/, /Λ/, /a/, and /æ/ first normally and then with simulated vocal roughness at one intensity. A tape recording of each production was rated for roughness on a five-point equal-appearing-intervals scale by 11 trained judges and was also analyzed to produce its 3-Hz bandwidth frequency-by-amplitude acoustic spectrum. The median roughness rating and the level of inharmonic spectral components, i.e., noise components, for each production were examined and related. Noise levels for the productions of each vowel averaged over selected spectral ranges between 100 Hz and 8000 Hz correlated highly with the median roughness ratings for those productions. Multiple correlation coefficients indicating the relationship between the median roughness rating and multiple measures of spectral noise in the range from 100 Hz to 2600 Hz for the individual productions of each test vowel were high (≥0.97) and significant for all five vowels.

1973 ◽  
Vol 13 (65) ◽  
pp. 676 ◽  
JG McIvor ◽  
DF Smith

Two experiments were done in pots to assess the effect of defoliation at different times on the seed yield of capeweed (Arctotheca calendula). Yield components measured were: number of seedheads per plant, number of seeds per seedhead, number of seeds per plant, and weight of individual seeds. Of the components of yield, number of florets per seedhead and individual seed weight were maintained under all treatments; number of seedheads and number of seeds per seedhead were more affected by defoliation. Whether grown as spaced plants or in swards, leaf removal did not significantly reduce the number of seeds produced unless combined with bud and flower removal at late flowering only. The results are discussed in relation to the growth and persistence of capeweed in pastures.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-359 ◽  
Helen W. Bland ◽  
Bridget F. Melton ◽  
Elaine S. Marshall ◽  
Jacquelyn A. Nagle

Background and Purpose: This study assessed the psychometric properties of a modified self-efficacy scale—the Pregnancy-Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale (P-ESES). Methods: Pregnant women completed the P-ESES and physical activity questionnaires (N = 88). Results: Internal consistency was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha (α = 0.838) and equal-length Spearman–Brown (α = 8.22). Squared multiple correlation coefficients were calculated showing 9 of 10 items with values greater than the desired .5. A nonrotated exploratory principal components analysis confirmed the same 9 of 10 items loaded on a single factor, accounting for 46.1% of the variance. Each item had an acceptable load value of .40 or higher. Conclusions: Initial testing of the P-ESES confirmed validity and reliability with the exception of 1 item from the original measure: “Exercising without physician approval.”

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