Q-Divisible Modules

1971 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 491-494 ◽  
Efraim P. Armendariz

Let R be a ring with 1 and let Q denote the maximal left quotient ring of R [6]. In a recent paper [12], Wei called a (left). R-module M divisible in case HomR (Q, N)≠0 for each nonzero factor module N of M. Modifying the terminology slightly we call such an R-module a Q-divisible R-module. As shown in [12], the class D of all Q-divisible modules is closed under factor modules, extensions, and direct sums and thus is a torsion class in the sense of Dickson [5].

1973 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 627-645 ◽  
Stuart A. Steinberg

An f-ring R with zero right annihilator is called a qf-ring if its Utumi maximal left quotient ring Q = Q(R) can be made into and f-ring extension of R. F. W. Anderson [2, Theorem 3.1] has characterized unital qf-rings with the following conditions: For each q ∈ Q and for each pair d1, d2 ∈ R+ such that diq ∈ R(i) (d1q)+ Λ (d2q)- = 0, and(ii) d1 Λ d2 = 0 implies (d1q)+ Λ d2 = 0.We remark that this characterization holds even when R does not have an identity element.

1972 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 703-712 ◽  
A. G. Heinicke

J. Lambek and G. Michler [3] have initiated the study of a ring of quotients RP associated with a two-sided prime ideal P in a right noetherian ring R. The ring RP is the quotient ring (in the sense of [1]) associated with the hereditary torsion class τ consisting of all right R-modules M for which HomR(M, ER(R/P)) = 0, where ER(X) is the injective hull of the R-module X.In the present paper, we shall study further the properties of the ring RP. The main results are Theorems 4.3 and 4.6. Theorem 4.3 gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the torsion class associated with P to have property (T), as well as some properties of RP when these conditions are indeed satisfied, while Theorem 4.6 gives necessary and sufficient conditions for R to satisfy the right Ore condition with respect to (P).

1975 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-33 ◽  
Victor P. Camillo

All rings considered here have units. A (non-commutative) ring is right Goldieif it has no infinite direct sums of right ideals and has the ascending chain condition on annihilator right ideals. A right ideal A is an annihilator if it is of the form {a ∈ R/xa = 0 for all x ∈ X}, where X is some subset of R. Naturally, any noetherian ring is Goldie, but so is any commutative domain, so that the converse is not true. On the other hand, since any quotient ring of a noetherian ring is noetherian, it is true that every quotient is Goldie. A reasonable question therefore is the following: must a ring, such that every quotient ring is Goldie, be noetherian? We prove the following theorem:Theorem. A commutative ring is noetherian if and only if every quotient is Goldie.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 499-503 ◽  
J. S. Alin ◽  
E. P. Armendariz

For a ring R with unit, let RM denote the category of unitary left R-modules. Following S.E. Dickson [3], a(non-empty) class of R-modules is a torsion class in rM if is closed under factors, extensions, and direct sums. If, in addition, is closed under submodules, then is said to be hereditary.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (06) ◽  
pp. 1750103
V. V. Bavula

Let [Formula: see text] be a ring, [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] be the set of regular and left regular elements of [Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text]). Goldie’s Theorem is a semisimplicity criterion for the classical left quotient ring [Formula: see text]. Semisimplicity criteria are given for the classical left regular left quotient ring [Formula: see text]. As a corollary, two new semisimplicity criteria for [Formula: see text] are obtained (in the spirit of Goldie).

1994 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-144 ◽  
Zhou Zhengping

AbstractLet RM be a nonsingular module such that B = EndR(M) is left nonsingular and has as its maximal left quotient ring, where is the injective hull of RM. Then it is shown that there is a lattice isomorphism between the lattice C(M) of all complement submodules of RM and the lattice C(B) of all complement left ideals of B, and that RM is a CS module if and only if B is a left CS ring. In particular, this is the case if RM is nonsingular and retractable.

1984 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 899-913 ◽  
Ibrahim Assem

Let k be a commutative field, and A a finite-dimensional k-algebra. By a module will always be meant a finitely generated right module. Following [8], we shall call a module TA a tilting module if (1) pdTA ≦ 1, (2) Ext1A(T, T) = 0 and (3) there is a short exact sequencewith T’ and T” direct sums of direct summands of T. Given a tilting module TA, the full subcategories andof the category modA of A -modules are respectively the torsion-free class and the torsion class of a torsion theory on modA[8]. The aim of the present paper is to find conditions on a torsion theory in order that it be induced by a tilting module.

1972 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 835-850 ◽  
E. P. Armendariz ◽  
Gary R. McDonald

Throughout, we assume all rings are associative with identity and all modules are unitary. See [7] for undefined terms and [3] for all homological concepts.Let R be a ring, E(R) the injective envelope of RR, and H =HomR(E(R),E(R)). Then we obtain a bimodule RE(R)H. Let Q = HomH(E(R), E(R)). Q is called the maximal left quotient ring of R. Q has the property that if p, q ∈ Q, p ≠ 0, then there exists r ∈ R such that rp ≠ 0, rq ∈ R, i.e., Q is a ring of left quotients of R.A left ideal I of R is dense if for every x,y ∈ R,x ≠ 0, there exists r ∈ R such that rx ≠ 0, ry ∈ I. An alternate description of Q is Q = {x ∈ E(RR) : (R : x) is a dense left ideal of R{, where (R : x) = {r ∈ R : rx ∈ R}.The left singular ideal of R is Zl(R) = {r ∈ R : lR(r) is an essential left ideal of R}, where lR(r) = {x ∈ R : xr = 0}. If Zl(R) = (0), then Q is a left self-injective von Neumann regular ring [7, § 4.5]. Most of the previous work on maximal left quotient rings has been done in this case.

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