Exponential Estimates for the Conjugate Function on Locally Compact Abelian Groups

1990 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
Nakhlé Habib Asmar

AbstractLet G be a locally compact Abelian group, with character group X. Suppose that X contains a measurable order P. For the conjugate function of f is the function whose Fourier transform satisfies the identity for almost all χ in X where sgnp(χ) = - 1 , 0, 1, according as We prove that, when f is bounded with compact support, the conjugate function satisfies some weak type inequalities similar to those of the Hilbert transform of a bounded function with compact support in ℝ. As a consequence of these inequalities, we prove that possesses strong integrability properties, whenever f is bounded and G is compact. In particular, we show that, when G is compact and f is continuous on G, the function is integrable for all p > 0.

1990 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-125
Nakhlé Asmar

(1.1) The conjugate function on locally compact abelian groups. Let G be a locally compact abelian group with character group Ĝ. Let μ denote a Haar measure on G such that μ(G) = 1 if G is compact. (Unless stated otherwise, all the measures referred to below are Haar measures on the underlying groups.) Suppose that Ĝ contains a measurable order P: P + P ⊆P; PU(-P)= Ĝ; and P⋂(—P) =﹛0﹜. For ƒ in ℒ2(G), the conjugate function of f (with respect to the order P) is the function whose Fourier transform satisfies the identity for almost all χ in Ĝ, where sgnP(χ)= 0, 1, or —1, according as χ =0, χ ∈ P\\﹛0﹜, or χ ∈ (—P)\﹛0﹜.

1995 ◽  
Vol 118 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-313 ◽  
Karl H. Hofmann ◽  
Sidney A. Morris ◽  
Sheila Oates-Williams ◽  
V. N. Obraztsov

An open subgroup U of a topological group G is always closed, since U is the complement of the open set . An arbitrary closed subgroup C of G is almost never open, unless G belongs to a small family of exceptional groups. In fact, if G is a locally compact abelian group in which every non-trivial subgroup is open, then G is the additive group δp of p-adic integers or the additive group Ωp of p-adic rationale (cf. Robertson and Schreiber[5[, proposition 7). The fact that δp has interesting properties as a topological group has many roots. One is that its character group is the Prüfer group ℤp∞, which makes it unique inside the category of compact abelian groups. But even within the bigger class of not necessarily abelian compact groups the p-adic group δp is distinguished: it is the only one all of whose non-trivial subgroups are isomorphic (cf. Morris and Oates-Williams[2[), and it is also the only one all of whose non-trivial closed subgroups have finite index (cf. Morris, Oates-Williams and Thompson [3[).

Walter R. Bloom ◽  
Joseph F. Sussich

AbstractIn 1953 P. P. Korovkin proved that if (Tn) is a sequence of positive linear operators defined on the space C of continuous real 2π-periodic functions and limn→rTnf = f uniformly for f = 1, cos and sin. then limn→rTnf = f uniformly for all f∈C. We extend this result to spaces of continuous functions defined on a locally compact abelian group G, with the test family {1, cos, sin} replaced by a set of generators of the character group of G.

1989 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 429-439
Nakhlé H. Asmar ◽  
Kent G. Merryfield

Let G be a locally compact abelian group, with character group Ĝ. Let ψ be an arbitrary continuous real-valued homomorphism defined on Ĝ. For f in LP(G), 1 < p ≤ 2, letwhere 1[−ν, ν] is the indicator function of the interval [ − ν, ν ], and I is an unbounded increasing sequence of positive real numbers. Then there is a constant Mp, independent of f, such that ‖M#f‖p ≤ Mp ‖f‖p. Consequently, the pointwise limit of the function exists, almost everywhere on G, as ν tends to infinity. Using this result and a generalised version of Riesz's theorem on conjugate functions, we obtain a pointwise inversion for Fourier transforms of functions on Ra × Tb, where a and b are nonnegative integers, and on various other locally compact abelian groups.

1965 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 347-379 ◽  
G. A. Reid

AbstractWe introduce the concepts of a local seminorm on a topological group and of a locally convex group, showing that discrete groups, locally compact Abelian groups and compact groups are locally convex, and that a topological vector space is locally convex as a linear space if and only if it is locally convex as a group. We show that notions of differentiability, analyticity and derivability can be defined for locally convex groups and that these notions are suitably related and well behaved. We prove that for a locally compact Abelian group G the Fourier transforms of measures of compact support on the character group Ĝ are analytic, and for G compact the coefficients of continuous irreducible unitary representations are. Using these spaces of analytic functions we define the basic concepts of a differential geometry.

Edwin Hewitt ◽  
Herbert S. Zuckerman

Introduction. A famous construction of Wiener and Wintner ((13)), later refined by Salem ((11)) and extended by Schaeffer ((12)) and Ivašev-Musatov ((8)), produces a non-negative, singular, continuous measure μ on [ − π,π[ such thatfor every ∈ > 0. It is plain that the convolution μ * μ is absolutely continuous and in fact has Lebesgue–Radon–Nikodým derivative f such that For general locally compact Abelian groups, no exact analogue of (1 · 1) seems possible, as the character group may admit no natural order. However, it makes good sense to ask if μ* μ is absolutely continuous and has pth power integrable derivative. We will construct continuous singular measures μ on all non-discrete locally compact Abelian groups G such that μ * μ is a absolutely continuous and for which the Lebesgue–Radon–Nikodým derivative of μ * μ is in, for all real p > 1.

1995 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-245
Nakhlé Asmar ◽  
Earl Berkson ◽  
T. A. Gillespie

AbstractIn the context of a locally compact abelian group, we establish maximal theorem counterparts for weak type (1,1) multipliers of the classical de Leeuw theorems for individual strong multipliers. Special methods are developed to handle the weak type (1,1) estimates involved since standard linearization methods such as Lorentz space duality do not apply to this case. In particular, our central result is a maximal theorem for convolutions with weak type (1,1) multipliers which opens avenues of approximation. These results complete a recent series of papers by the authors which extend the de Leeuw theorems to a full range of strong type and weak type maximal multiplier estimates in the abstract setting.

Sergey S. Platonov

Let G be a zero-dimensional locally compact Abelian group whose elements are compact, C(G) the space of continuous complex-valued functions on the group G. A closed linear subspace H⊆ C(G) is called invariant subspace, if it is invariant with respect to translations τ_y ∶ f(x) ↦ f(x + y), y ∈ G. We prove that any invariant subspace H admits spectral synthesis, which means that H coincides with the closure of the linear span of all characters of the group G contained in H.

1974 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66 ◽  
Walter R. Bloom

If f is a p–th integrable function on the circle group and ω(p; f; δ) is its mean modulus of continuity with exponent p then an extended version of the classical theorem of Jackson states the for each positive integer n, there exists a trigonometric polynomial tn of degree at most n for which‖f-tn‖p ≤(p; f; 1/n).In this paper it will be shewn that for G a Hausdorff locally compact abelian group, the algebra L1(G) admits a certain bounded positive approximate unit which, in turn, will be used to prove an analogue of the above result for Lp(G).

2019 ◽  
Vol 484 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-276
G. M. Feldman

Let x1, x2, x3 be independent random variables with values in a locally compact Abelian group X with nonvanish- ing characteristic functions, and aj, bj be continuous endomorphisms of X satisfying some restrictions. Let L1 = a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3, L2 = b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3. It was proved that the distribution of the random vector (L1; L2) determines the distributions of the random variables xj up a shift. This result is a group analogue of the well-known C.R. Rao theorem. We also prove an analogue of another C.R. Rao’s theorem for independent random variables with values in an a-adic solenoid.

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