scholarly journals Improved methods for monitoring Botrytis cinerea sensitivity to fludioxonil and its prevalent sensitivity status in Gifu Prefecture, Japan

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (0) ◽  
pp. 109-113
Kazuki Kojima ◽  
Hideki Watanabe
2020 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34
G. Zadehdabagh ◽  
K. Karimi ◽  
M. Rezabaigi ◽  
F. Ajamgard

The northern of Khuzestan province in Iran is mainly considered as one of the major areas of miniature rose production. Blossom blight caused by Botrytis cinerea has recently become a serious limiting factor in rose production in pre and post-harvest. In current study, an attempt was made to evaluate the inhibitory potential of some local Trichoderma spp. strains against B. cinerea under in vitro and in vivo conditions. The in vitro results showed that all Trichoderma spp. strains were significantly able to reduce the mycelial growth of the pathogen in dual culture, volatile and non-volatile compounds tests compared with control, with superiority of T. atroviride Tsafi than others. Under in vivo condition, the selected strain of T. atroviride Tsafi had much better performance than T. harzianum IRAN 523C in reduction of disease severity compared with the untreated control. Overall, the findings of this study showed that the application of Trichoderma-based biocontrol agents such as T. atroviride Tsafi can be effective to protect cut rose flowers against blossom blight.

1983 ◽  
C.-K. LIU ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 16-19
Е.В. Янченко

Цель исследований – дать оценку сохраняемости и болезнеустойчивости современных сортов и гибридов моркови столовой и определить корреляционные зависимости влияния биохимических показателей качества на сохраняемость и степень поражения моркови столовой различными видами болезней в процессе хранения. Исследования проводились в 2011–2016 годах во ВНИИО – филиале ФГБНУ ФНЦО по общепринятым методикам. В биохимической лаборатории отдела земледелия и агрохимии содержание сухого вещества определяли высушиванием до абсолютно сухого веса, общего сахара – по Бертрану, аскорбиновой кислоты – по Мурри, нитраты – ионоселективным методом. При характеристике моркови столовой важнейший показатель, определяющий его качество – количество сухого вещества и сахаров. В процессе хранения были выявлены следующие болезни моркови: серая гниль (Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.), белая гниль (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.)), белая парша (Rhizoctonia carotae Rad.), альтернариоз (Alternaria radicina M., Dr. et E.). В большей степени сортообразцы моркови столовой поражались серой гнилью. Лучшими по сохраняемости сортообразцами были Корсар (94,6%), F1Берлин (94,5%), Берликум Роял (94,1%) и F1 Звезда (94%). Сохраняемость у зарубежных сортов и гибридов моркови столовой была немного выше, чем у отечественных (на 0,4%) как за счет меньшей величины убыли массы (6,3% против 6,4%), так и потерь от болезней (1,6% против 1,9%). Сохраняемость корнеплодов моркови находится в прямой корреляционной зависимости от содержания сухого вещества (r=+0,41), каротиноидов (r=+0,39), моносахаров (r­=+0,30) и суммы сахаров (r=+0,27). Проявление серой гнили находится в обратной корреляционной связи с содержанием сухого вещества и каротиноидов (r=-0,37 и r=-0,35 соответственно), белой парши – в прямой корреляции с содержанием сухого вещества , моносахаров и дисахаров (r= +0,21; r= +0,39; r= -0,41 соответственно), белой гнили в обратной корреляционной связи с содержанием сухого вещества, моносахаров и дисахаров. The purpose of the research is to assess the persistence and disease resistance of modern varieties and hybrids of carrots and to determine the correlation between the influence of biochemical quality indicators on the persistence and degree of damage to carrots by various types of diseases during storage. The research was conducted in 2011–2016 at ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, according to generally accepted methods. In the biochemical laboratory of the Department of Agriculture and Agrochemistry, the dry matter content was determined by drying to absolutely dry weight, total sugar – by Bertran, ascorbic acid – by Murri, nitrates – by the ion-selective method. When describing carrots, the most important indicator that determines its quality is the amount of dry matter and sugars. During storage, the following diseases of carrots were detected: gray rot (Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.), white rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.), white scab (Rhizoctonia carotae Rad.), alternariasis (Alternaria radicina M., Dr. et E.). To a greater extent, varieties of table carrots were affected by gray rot. The best preserved varieties were Corsar (94.6%), F1 Berlin (94.5%), Berlicum Royal (94.1%) and F1 Zvezda (94%). The persistence of foreign varieties and hybrids of table carrots was slightly higher than that of domestic ones by 0.4%. both due to a smaller amount of weight loss (6.3% vs. 6.4%) and losses from diseases (1.6% vs. 1.9%). The persistence of carrot root crops is directly correlated with the content of dry matter (r=+0.41), carotenoids (r=+0.39), monosaccharides (r=+0.30) and the amount of sugars (r=+0.27). The manifestation of gray rot is in inverse correlation with the content of dry matter and carotenoids (r=-0.37 and r=-0.35, respectively), white scab is in direct correlation with the content of dry matter (r= +0.21; r= +0.39; r= –0.41, respectively), white rot is in inverse correlation with the content of dry matter, monosaccharides and disaccharides.

2018 ◽  
Andrew S. Fox ◽  
Regina Lapate ◽  
Alexander J. Shackman ◽  
Richard J Davidson

Emotion is a core feature of the human condition, with profound consequences for health, wealth, and wellbeing. Over the past quarter-century, improved methods for manipulating and measuring different features of emotion have yielded steady advances in our scientific understanding emotional states, traits, and disorders. Yet, it is clear that most of the work remains undone. Here, we highlight key challenges facing the field of affective sciences. Addressing these challenges will provide critical opportunities not just for understanding the mind, but also for increasing the impact of the affective sciences on public health and well-being.

Z. Bolatbekova ◽  
S. Assylbekova ◽  
B. Kulatayev ◽  
S. Koishybayeva ◽  
N. Bulavina

The aryicle presents the results of a comparative study of the biochemical composition of earthworms of dendrobene and prospector rocks, the peculiarities of their cultivation and their use for feeding when growing juvenile tilapia and clary catfish. The experience of cultivating earthworms of two breeds using the improved methods of foreign authors is described. The results of a study of the biochemical composition of cultivated objects that determine their nutritional value for feeding fish are presented. The fish-breeding and biological indicators of juvenile tilapia and clary catfish, obtained during the cultivation of dendrobene and prospector in fish farming in the Almaty region (VI fish-breeding zone) during worm feeding, are analyzed. A comprehensive analysis of the studied indicators made it possible to assign a certain rating place to each worm breed in relation to its use as fish feed.

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