The Principal Doctrines Governing Medicine in the XVIIth Century

Charles Greene Cumston
2009 ◽  
pp. 3-30
Alessandro Buono

- Through the case study of Spanish Lombardy during the Thirty years' war, the Author tries to link the latest results of military history with the politico-institutional framework, with a view to overcome the narrowness of an exclusive military approach. By focussing on the agenda of a commission for the control of the army composed of civil and military authorities from 1638 to 1679 and on the careers of some financiers and military entrepreneurs, the Author suggests the need to abandon the pattern of the militarization of society in order to describe the processes affecting the Milanesado. The military tool appears to be purposefully used to strengthen political and social ties between centre and periphery and also to integrate emerging social, economic and political groups into the Lombard power elite. The interpretation underlying the essay is therefore based on the idea of a «compromise of interests» between centre and periphery of the Spanish imperial system as a way to stabilize the situation of Lombardy.Keywords: Milan, Spanish Monarchy, XVIIth century, power élites, military history, institutional history, Thirty Years' WarParole chiave: Lombardia, Monarchia spagnola, secolo XVII, elites dominanti, storia militare, storia delle istituzioni, Guerra dei Trent'anni

2021 ◽  
Anastasia Palamarchuk ◽  
Ekaterina Terenteva ◽  
Sergey Fyodorov ◽  

The monograph is a study of main trends of emergence and evolution of the national historical writing in Western Europe in the XVIIth century. Based on a complex analysis of several phenomena which defined the development of the Early Modern historical writing, it provides a comparative analysis of the regional schools of historical writing (particularly those of the English antiquaries and French érudits) in the process of their respective growth and formation accomplished by the end of XVIIth century with the advent of the national historiography. The conceptual unity of the book is verified within the context of the rise of the national states in England and France, which stipulated a consistent demand for reinforcing the nationally orientated discourses not only in a historical writing but also in legal and political thought. The perception of England as an empire, entrenched in the insular historical and legal consciousness, recurring during the reigns of the Stuarts and extending to the whole British archipelago, determined the establishment of chorography as a prevalent form characteristic of the English historiography. Chorographic structure of the narrative unfolding the space of the territorial “empire” to the reader corresponded to the method of “intellectual appropriation” of the British Isles by the English antiquarians which could be defined as “cultural-historical”. A considerable role was devoted to reactualization of ethnogenetic myths at different levels: while some of them (primarily – the Galfridian myth) were regarded as relevant to the pan-British cultural and historical past, others emphasized autonomous dimensions of the past and present of distinct composites (Scotland, Ireland, Wales) The continental French variant of proto-national historiography also utilized the idea of empire but in a different mode defined by the formula “rex in regno suo imperator est”. The emerging school of érudits modelled principles of its narratives on patrimonial structures rooted in the feudal medieval society (dynasty; royal family; aristocratic lineages; seigneurial rights and vassal obligations; the system of offices created by the monarch stemming from the royal household etc.). The unity of the subjects of the French kingdom was ensured not by the shared territorial commonality but by their loyalty to the king. Therefore, the French variant of “intellectual appropriation” was developed in a socio-political direction in contrast to the territorial.

Rafal Reichert

El presente texto es la introducción de autor y la transcripción del manuscrito que fray Ignacio Muñoz preparó para el rey Carlos II y el Consejo de Indias en respuesta al proyecto enviado a dichas autoridades por don Andrés de Medina Dávila, quien propuso la conquista de las Islas Salomón aprovechando los buques de la nao de China que circulaban entre las Filipinas y la Nueva España, así como el fortalecimiento de la fe católica en las Islas Marianas.

1931 ◽  
Vol XVII (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  

1910 ◽  
Vol 5 (84) ◽  
pp. 202
W. W. Rouse Ball

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