Economic and technical regulation

2018 ◽  
pp. 55-81
Peter S. Morrell ◽  
Thomas Klein
2009 ◽  
pp. 110-123
P. Kryuchkova

The article considers the development of the technical regulation reform in Russian Federation and the potential impact of technical regulation on competition and competitiveness of industries and the Russian economy as a whole. It concludes that the reform has been actually reduced, and it is demanded for in the framework of the modernization scenario of Russia’s economy development.

At present, the current legislative and regulatory documents do not contain a clear and unambiguous answer to the question, what buildings and structures should be designed resistant to progressive collapse. In this regard, the analysis of the legal and regulatory requirements of the need for calculations to prevent the progressive collapse of buildings and structures due to hypothetical or suspected local destruction is presented. The main legislative requirements of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the mechanical safety of buildings and structures, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the design of the protection of building and structures against progressive collapse are considered. The analysis of the fundamental principles features of the calculation for the structural protection against progressive collapse is given. Some issues discussed by the professional community in the direction of possible ways of solving the actual problems of the presented problem are considered. The conclusion is made about the need for further dialogue of the professional community on the development of a common position on the protection of buildings and structures from progressive collapse, which should be reflected in the legislative and regulatory requirements.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-57 ◽  
A.F. Zharkin ◽  
V.O. Novsky ◽  
S.O. Palachov ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 772 (7) ◽  
pp. 28-31

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-18
E.A. Sysoeva ◽  
T.A. Rozhkova ◽  

The Eurasian economic Union has adopted the technical regulation «On energy efficiency requirements for energy-consuming devices» (TR EEU 048/2019), which is applied to widely used energy-consuming devices that have a significant share in the energy consumption balance and produce a significant impact on the energy security of the EEU member States. In TR EEU 048/2019 updated quantitative requirements to energy consuming devices, with new, additional requirements for energy efficiency, corresponding to modern level of the development of energy-saving technologies, and harmonization gradually introduced requirements on energy efficiency of energy consuming devices installed in a TR EEU 048/2019, with the requirements of the directives and regulations of the European Union, suggests that energy efficiency in energy-consuming products manufactured in the member States of the Eurasian economic Union, will steadily increase and it should have a positive impact on the competitiveness of energy-consuming goods produced in the territory of the Eurasian economic Union. The introduction of the EAEU TR 048/2019 is an urgent solution for ensuring energy security of the economies and the energies of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union and will promote the promotion of competitive energy-consuming products produced on the territory of the countries of the Eurasian economic Union to the international market and will allow the population to save money on acquisitions of energy efficient energy consuming devices.

G. Samburskii ◽  
O. Ustinova ◽  
Svetlana, Leont’eva

Распространенным технологическим приемом удаления из воды грубодисперсных примесей, находящихся во взвешенном состоянии, а также коллоидных органических загрязнений, присутствующих в растворенном виде, является процесс коагуляции. Эффективными коагулянтами для систем с водной дисперсионной средой являются соли поливалентных металлов. Цель работы заключалась в создании нового государственного стандарта, предназначенного для обеспечения единообразной оценки качества коагулянтов. Рассмотрена область применения коагулянтов в процессе водоподготовки и проведен их сравнительный анализ. Показана необходимость унификации в области процессов контроля качества коагулянтов. Сформулированы общие требования к контролю качества полиоксихлорида алюминия. Представлен разработанный и утвержденный новый национальный стандарт ГОСТ Р 58580-2019 Полиоксихлорид алюминия. Технические условия , который учитывает требования санитарного законодательства, технического регулирования, безопасности процессов производства и транспортировки полиоксихлорида алюминия.Coagulation process has been a widespread process technology for removing coarse suspended impurities from water, as well as colloidal organic contaminants present in dissolved form. Polyvalent metal salts are effective coagulants for the systems with aqueous disperse medium. The purpose of the work was developing a new state standard to provide for a uniform assessment of the quality of coagulants. The scope of coagulants in the process of water treatment is considered and their comparative analysis is carried out. The general requirements to the control of polyaluminium chloride quality are formulated. The developed and approved new national standard GOST R 58580-2019 Polyaluminium chloride. Technical conditions is presented that takes into account the requirements of sanitary legislation, technical regulation, safety of the processes of production and transportation of polyaluminium chloride.

2021 ◽  
Гульфия Гафиятовна Камалова

Статья посвящена некоторым проблемам сотрудничества в рамках ЕАЭС и БРИКС в сфере технического регулирования цифровых технологий. На основе проведенного исследования сделан вывод о ключевой роли совершенствования технического регулирования указанных союзов в целях развития современной технологической основы национальных экономик, что особо важно для государств в условиях обостряющейся конкуренции. The article is devoted to some problems of cooperation within the EAEU and BRICS in the field of technical regulation of digital technologies. On the basis of the study, it is concluded that the key role of improving the technical regulation of these unions in order to develop the modern technological basis of national economies is made, which is especially important for states in the context of intensifying competition.


Современный рынок молочной продукции претерпевает существенные изменения, в основе которых лежит тенденция на удешевление продукции. Российские молочные продукты, произведенные из классического сырья по традиционным технологиям, зачастую подвергаются фальсификации продуктами с пониженными массовыми долями жира и белка, заменой молочных компонентов и живых заквасочных культур вследствие отсутствия системы идентификационных характеристик. Реформой технического регулирования, проведенной в Российской Федерации в 2000 году, правила идентификации как способ отнесения продукта к определенной группе продукции посредством сопоставления его характеристик с установленными были законодательно закреплены на федеральном уровне. В настоящее время идентификация служит неотъемлемой частью оценки (подтверждения) соответствия продукции и является главным средством борьбы с фальсификацией. Критериями идентификации выступают регламентированные показатели продукта. Технический регламент Таможенного союза 033/2013 «О безопасности молока и молочной продукции» включает понятие «национальный молочный продукт», однако критерии идентификации этой группы продукции отсутствуют. Целью исследования был поиск уникальных характеристик российских молочных продуктов для их идентификации среди аналогичной продукции. В качестве метода был применен ретроспективный анализ литературы с глубиной поиска до 1930-х гг. Установлено, что в качестве критериев идентификации молочных продуктов использовали не только сырьевой и технологический признаки, но и упаковку. Выявленные критерии будут положены в основу формирования системы идентификации российских молочных продуктов. The modern dairy market is undergoing significant changes, which are based on the trend towards cheaper products. Russian dairy products made from classical raw materials using traditional technologies are often falsified by products with reduced mass fractions of fat and protein, replacing dairy components and live starter cultures due to the lack of an identification system. The reform of technical regulation carried out in the Russian Federation in 2000, the identification rules as a way of classifying a product as a specific product group by comparing the characteristics with the established ones were legally fixed at the federal level. Currently, identification is an integral part of the assessment (confirmation) of product conformity and is the main means of combating falsification. Identification criteria are regulated product indicators. The technical regulation of the Customs Union 033/2013 «On the safety of milk and dairy products” includes such a concept as «national dairy product», however, there are no criteria for identifying this group of products. The aim of the research was to search for unique characteristics of Russian dairy products and classical technologies that distinguish them from similar products. As a method, a retrospective analysis of the literature with a search depth of up to the 1930s was used. It was established that not only raw and technological characteristics, but also packaging were used as criteria for identifying dairy products. The identified criteria will be the basis for the formation of an identification system for Russian dairy products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 421-427
Oleg A. PRODOUS ◽  
Alexander S. CHERNIKH ◽  

Objective: To compare the characteristics of hydraulic potential in worn steel pipes with internal deposits subjected to cleaning by mechanical and chemical methods. Methods: Calculated dependencies are used for hydraulic calculation of new metal pipes and pipes with internal deposits. Results: A calculated dependence was obtained to determine the value of the inner diameter of pipes with any thickness of the layer of internal deposits. The concept of an efficient pipeline is introduced and a comparison made of the values of head losses in new pipes and in pipes with internal deposits. A specific practical example is considered. For the given example, compare the values of energy consumption of pumping equipment for two methods of cleaning the inner surface of pipes. Measures are indicated to ensure the efficiency of operation of water supply networks. Practical importance: It is shown that the chemical method of technical regulation of the hydraulic characteristics of new steel pipes provides an extension of the period of their further use.

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