scholarly journals Foreword: creative industries and intellectual property

Ian Hargreaves
2016 ◽  
Aaron Perzanowski

The U.S. tattoo industry generates billions of dollars in annual revenue. Like the music, film, and publishing industries, it derives value from the creation of new, original works of authorship. But unlike rights holders in those more traditional creative industries, tattoo artists rarely assert formal legal rights in disputes over copying or ownership of the works they create. Instead, tattooing is governed by a set of nuanced, overlapping, and occasionally contradictory social norms enforced through informal sanctions. And in contrast to other creative communities that rely on social norms because of the unavailability of formal intellectual property protection, the tattoo industry opts for self-governance despite the comfortable fit of its creative output within the protections of the Copyright Act.This Article relies on qualitative interview data drawn from more than a dozen face-to-face conversations with professionals in the tattoo industry. Based on those interviews, it offers a descriptive account of the social norms that have effectively displaced formal law within the tattoo community, provides a set of complementary cultural and economic explanations for the development of those norms, and outlines the broader implications of this research for intellectual property law and policy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 132-141
Svetlana Kodaneva ◽  

Artificial intelligence is becoming an indispensable assistant not only in solving technical problems, but also in various creative industries and even in creativity, which has always been considered a human prerogative. In April 2021 at the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov was held an international scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the discussion of the key problems of legal regulation of various aspects of intellectual property both for human-created neural networks and for works (inventions) created by artificial intelligence. This review presents the problems and issues raised in the framework of this conference.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 396-409
T. G. Filosofova

It is shown that active processes of digitalization and development of creative industries form new trends of the world economy development. Possession of the right to use IP, in particular the results of the latest scientific research and technological developments (especially in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, blockchain, processing large databases, quantum computing systems, cloud technologies, etc.) significantly expands the capabilities of the owner of IP rights in world economy, its participation in global value chains. Intellectual property is becoming not only the main instrument of socio-economic development, but also the center of global technological confrontation and a fierce struggle for the right to own it, a significant factor of success in geoeconomic competition. The main long-term trend in the development of world IP markets is the dynamic growth of the volume of commercial transactions with goods and services containing IP objects with a significant expansion of the range of the latter. The IP market is growing at a rate exceeding the rate of growth of “material” markets. The countryleader in the number of valid patents for a long period is the United States. The main competitor for the United States is China. Among the main technological trends, the development of the IP market in terms of assistive technologies should be highlighted, which allow producing products according to digital description anywhere in the world. A large share of the IP markets is occupied by trade in licenses. It is shown that for the further successful and effective development of IP markets, it is necessary to take into account the prospects for the functioning of IP markets and the movement of goods containing IP objects in a new technological order.

2020 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 01007
Jana Centárová

Creativity is a fundamental manifestation of human existence and is present in every human being in different forms. The creative economy is a natural environment for innovative ideas, development and exploitation of creative potential. Over the last two decades, it has been observed that creativity is gradually becoming a driving force for economies, and as a result the importance of creative industries is also increasing. The creative industry is increasingly becoming part of EU documents and policies. The governments of the creative countries gradually introduced the concept of the creative industry, the creative class and the creative city and their importance. The creative industry refers to those parts of the economy that create economic value on the basis of individual creative input or artistic talent. It is a sector based on the exploitation of intellectual property. The aim of this work is to briefly map the concept of creative economy and its measurement in the work of foreign and Slovak authors and describe the possible potential of this industry.

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