scholarly journals Eustatic Control on Superheavy δ34S Pyrite Trends from Late Ediacaran-early Cambrian Carbonate Successions of the West Gondwana: Sulfate Distillation Cycles in Shallow Water Platforms?

2020 ◽  
Sergio Caetano-Filho ◽  
Gustavo Paula-Santos ◽  
Pierre Sansjofre ◽  
Pierre Cartigny ◽  
Magali Ader ◽  
Jon R. Ineson ◽  
John S. Peel

NOTE: This article was published in a former series of GEUS Bulletin. Please use the original series name when citing this article, for example: Ineson, J. R., & Peel, J. S. (1997). Cambrian shelf stratigraphy of North Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin, 173, 1-120. _______________ The Lower Palaeozoic Franklinian Basin is extensively exposed in northern Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Islands. For much of the early Palaeozoic, the basin consisted of a southern shelf, bordering the craton, and a northern deep-water trough; the boundary between the shelf and the trough shifted southwards with time. In North Greenland, the evolution of the shelf during the Cambrian is recorded by the Skagen Group, the Portfjeld and Buen Formations and the Brønlund Fjord, Tavsens Iskappe and Ryder Gletscher Groups; the lithostratigraphy of these last three groups forms the main focus of this paper. The Skagen Group, a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf succession of earliest Cambrian age was deposited prior to the development of a deep-water trough. The succeeding Portfjeld Formation represents an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform that covered much of the shelf; marked differentiation of the shelf and trough occurred at this time. Following exposure and karstification of this platform, the shelf was progressively transgressed and the siliciclastics of the Buen Formation were deposited. From the late Early Cambrian to the Early Ordovician, the shelf showed a terraced profile, with a flat-topped shallow-water carbonate platform in the south passing northwards via a carbonate slope apron into a deeper-water outer shelf region. The evolution of this platform and outer shelf system is recorded by the Brønlund Fjord, Tavsens Iskappe and Ryder Gletscher Groups. The dolomites, limestones and subordinate siliciclastics of the Brønlund Fjord and Tavsens Iskappe Groups represent platform margin to deep outer shelf environments. These groups are recognised in three discrete outcrop belts - the southern, northern and eastern outcrop belts. In the southern outcrop belt, from Warming Land to south-east Peary Land, the Brønlund Fjord Group (Lower-Middle Cambrian) is subdivided into eight formations while the Tavsens Iskappe Group (Middle Cambrian - lowermost Ordovician) comprises six formations. In the northern outcrop belt, from northern Nyeboe Land to north-west Peary Land, the Brønlund Fjord Group consists of two formations both defined in the southern outcrop belt, whereas a single formation makes up the Tavsens Iskappe Group. In the eastern outcrop area, a highly faulted terrane in north-east Peary Land, a dolomite-sandstone succession is referred to two formations of the Brønlund Fjord Group. The Ryder Gletscher Group is a thick succession of shallow-water, platform interior carbonates and siliciclastics that extends throughout North Greenland and ranges in age from latest Early Cambrian to Middle Ordovician. The Cambrian portion of this group between Warming Land and south-west Peary Land is formally subdivided into four formations.The Lower Palaeozoic Franklinian Basin is extensively exposed in northern Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Islands. For much of the early Palaeozoic, the basin consisted of a southern shelf, bordering the craton, and a northern deep-water trough; the boundary between the shelf and the trough shifted southwards with time. In North Greenland, the evolution of the shelf during the Cambrian is recorded by the Skagen Group, the Portfjeld and Buen Formations and the Brønlund Fjord, Tavsens Iskappe and Ryder Gletscher Groups; the lithostratigraphy of these last three groups forms the main focus of this paper. The Skagen Group, a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf succession of earliest Cambrian age was deposited prior to the development of a deep-water trough. The succeeding Portfjeld Formation represents an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform that covered much of the shelf; marked differentiation of the shelf and trough occurred at this time. Following exposure and karstification of this platform, the shelf was progressively transgressed and the siliciclastics of the Buen Formation were deposited. From the late Early Cambrian to the Early Ordovician, the shelf showed a terraced profile, with a flat-topped shallow-water carbonate platform in the south passing northwards via a carbonate slope apron into a deeper-water outer shelf region. The evolution of this platform and outer shelf system is recorded by the Brønlund Fjord, Tavsens Iskappe and Ryder Gletscher Groups. The dolomites, limestones and subordinate siliciclastics of the Brønlund Fjord and Tavsens Iskappe Groups represent platform margin to deep outer shelf environments. These groups are recognised in three discrete outcrop belts - the southern, northern and eastern outcrop belts. In the southern outcrop belt, from Warming Land to south-east Peary Land, the Brønlund Fjord Group (Lower-Middle Cambrian) is subdivided into eight formations while the Tavsens Iskappe Group (Middle Cambrian - lowermost Ordovician) comprises six formations. In the northern outcrop belt, from northern Nyeboe Land to north-west Peary Land, the Brønlund Fjord Group consists of two formations both defined in the southern outcrop belt, whereas a single formation makes up the Tavsens Iskappe Group. In the eastern outcrop area, a highly faulted terrane in north-east Peary Land, a dolomite-sandstone succession is referred to two formations of the Brønlund Fjord Group. The Ryder Gletscher Group is a thick succession of shallow-water, platform interior carbonates and siliciclastics that extends throughout North Greenland and ranges in age from latest Early Cambrian to Middle Ordovician. The Cambrian portion of this group between Warming Land and south-west Peary Land is formally subdivided into four formations.

Paleobiology ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-351 ◽  
Tatsuo Oji

The number of regenerated arms was counted on specimens of two distinct phenotypes of the stalked crinoidEndoxocrinus parrae(Gervais) from a wide bathymetric range in the Caribbean (178-723 m). In one phenotype, the sample was divided into two groups, one from shallower (< 500 m) depths, the other from deeper (≥ 500 m); in the other phenotype the group divided at 550 m. In both phenotypes, the frequency of regenerated arms is significantly higher in specimens from shallower water than in those from deeper water. If the regenerated arms inEndoxocrinus parraewere the result of sublethal predation, as previously suggested, then predation intensity is higher in shallow water than deep water. These results are consistent with the idea of the late Mesozoic marine revolution—that there has been stronger predation on various invertebrates in shallow-water environments since the late Mesozoic. The stalked crinoids may have been unable to cope with increased predation in shelf environments, and they migrated to offshore environments.

2002 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 287-305 ◽  
Ed Landing ◽  
Gerd Geyer ◽  
Kenneth E. Bartowski

Latest Early Cambrian continental slope deposition of the early Hatch Hill dysaerobic interval (new name, latest Early Cambrian—earliest Ordovician) is recorded by dark grey shales and turbidite limestones in the Bacchus slice at Ville Guay, Québec. Platform-derived microfaunas of the Bicella bicensis trilobite assemblage were transported into a dysoxic environment of the upper “Anse Maranda Formation,” and many organisms were buried alive. Phosphatization preserved a diverse skeletal fossil assemblage that includes four agnostid trilobites, echinoderm debris, and twenty small shelly fossil taxa. The latter include five helcionellids; Pelagiella Matthew, 1895b, classified herein as a gastropod; a bivalve (Fordilla Barrande, 1881); the brachiopod Linnarssonia taconica Walcott, 1887; two conodontomorphs; four hyoliths; and such phosphatic and calcareous problematica as Coleoloides Walcott, 1889, emend. Most small shelly fossil taxa, including Discinella micans Billings, 1872, range through much of the Olenellus Zone and Elliptocephala asaphoides assemblage interval. Trilobites allow a more resolved correlation into the uppermost Olenellus Zone. A comparable stratigraphy occurs in Cambrian—Ordovician slope facies of the Bacchus slice and the Giddings Brook slice in eastern New York. The “Anse Maranda Formation” correlates with the West Granville—Browns Pond—lower Hatch Hill formations in eastern New York and brackets two dysaerobic intervals (Browns Pond and early Hatch Hill). Sea-level change associated with the Hawke Bay regression between the Browns Pond and Hatch Hill onlap/dysaerobic intervals led to the longest period of oxygenated green shale and sandstone deposition on the east Laurentian slope in the late Early Cambrian-earliest Ordovician.

2000 ◽  
Vol 74 (5) ◽  
pp. 858-878 ◽  
Stephen R. Westrop ◽  
Ed Landing

The Hanford Brook Formation, one of the classic Cambrian units of Avalonian North America, contains at least eight species of endemic trilobites, including Berabichia milleri Westrop n. sp., that are assigned to seven genera. The vertical succession of faunas is far more complex than has been recognized previously, with each member containing a lithofacies-specific assemblage. These are, in ascending order: a bradoriid-linguloid Association without trilobites in the nearshore St. Martin's Member, a Protolenus Association in dysaerobic siltstones and sandstones of the Somerset Street Member, and a Kingaspidoides-Berabichia Association in hummocky cross-stratified sandstones of the Long Island Member that overlie a parasequence boundary at Hanford Brook. Due to the breakdown of biogeographic barriers in the late Early Cambrian, two new species-based zones, the Protolenus elegans and Kingaspidoides cf. obliquoculatus zones, share trilobite genera with the Tissafinian Stage of Morocco. This generic similarity has been the basis for correlation of this upper Lower Cambrian interval on the Avalon continent with the West Gondwanan lowest Middle Cambrian. However, the clear facies control on the occurrence of genera in the Hanford Brook Formation and the presence of an abrupt faunal break and unconformity at the base of the Tissafinian in Morocco makes this correlation questionable. The Hanford Brook Formation may represent a late Early Cambrian interval unknown in Gondwana. Sequence-stratigraphic criteria even raise the possibility that the Protolenus Association is the biofacies equivalent of Callavia broeggeri Zone faunas of the Brigus Formation of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Massachusetts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 132 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 2221-2240 ◽  
Jiyuan Yin ◽  
Wenjiao Xiao ◽  
Min Sun ◽  
Wen Chen ◽  
Chao Yuan ◽  

Abstract The west Kunlun orogenic belt, located on the northwest margin of the Tibetan Plateau, represents a crucial tectonic junction between the central Asia and Tethys domains. Its evolution was closely related to the Paleozoic subduction and closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean, which was formed by the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent following the Neoproterozoic. However, the early evolution of Proto-Tethys oceanic subduction (e.g., subduction initiation timing, polarity, and process) remains controversial. The source of the Early Cambrian granitoids is also unclear. To explore these questions, four Cambrian plutons (i.e., two Tianshuihai monzogranites and south Kunlun diorite and monzogranite) were chosen for geochronological and geochemical studies. Zircon U-Pb dating reveals that these plutons formed at ca. 533–513 Ma and thus represent the oldest arc-related magmatism in the west Kunlun orogenic belt. The Tianshuihai monzogranites have positive εNd(t) values (+0.76 to +1.34) and zircon εHf(t) values of +0.25 to +6.42, with low δ18Ozrn values of +5.11‰ to +7.38‰, suggesting that their source includes juvenile material. These rocks are weakly peraluminous and have relatively old Hf model ages of 1.09–1.48 Ga. Mass balance calculations show that the Tianshuihai monzogranites were derived from partial melting of Mesoproterozoic meta-igneous rocks with the addition of 22% of juvenile material. The south Kunlun monzogranites in this study are weakly peraluminous, and their lowest εNd(t) values are –9.24 to –9.27 and zircon εHf(t) values are –7.80 to –11.2. The oldest Hf model ages are 1.97–2.18 Ga, and the highest zircon δ18Ozrn values are +8.11 to +9.73‰. Their isotopic compositions are different from those of the magmas derived from partial melting of just Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic basement rocks but can be produced by a mixing source of 32% meta-igneous rock and 68% meta-sedimentary rock. The south Kunlun diorites are characterized by high Sr contents and relatively high Sr/Y (52–63) ratios but low Y, Yb, Cr, and Ni contents, like those of the thickened continental crust-derived adakites. Their Sr-Nd–Hf-O isotopic compositions indicate that their parental magma was derived from a Mesoproterozoic metaigneous basement in the garnet stability field. Based on the newly identified, oldest island arc magmatic records in the west Kunlun orogenic belt, the subduction initiation of the Proto-Tethys oceanic slab must have occurred prior to the Early Cambrian (&gt;533 Ma). Our results, with previously published data, show that the west Kunlun orogenic belt was in an extensional setting during the Early Cambrian and that the magmatism migrated northeastward along the axis of the south Kunlun terrane between 533 Ma and 513 Ma. Therefore, considering the spatial and temporal distribution and petrogenesis of the Early–Middle Cambrian plutons in the west Kunlun orogenic belt, we propose that the Early Cambrian magmatism was most plausibly triggered by asthenospheric upwelling in response to the rollback of southward-subducted Proto-Tethys oceanic slab.

Geology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 441-445 ◽  
F.A. Sundberg ◽  
K.E. Karlstrom ◽  
G. Geyer ◽  
J.R. Foster ◽  
J.W. Hagadorn ◽  

Abstract Trilobites appeared and diversified rapidly in the Cambrian, but it is debated as to whether their radiations and extinctions were globally synchronous or geographically restricted and diachronous. The end of the early Cambrian is a classic example—it has traditionally been defined by the extinction of olenellid and redlichiid trilobites and the appearance of paradoxidid trilobites. Here we integrate the global biostratigraphy of these three trilobite groups with high-precision tuff and tandem detrital zircon U-Pb age constraints to falsify prior models for global synchronicity of these events. For the first time, we demonstrate that olenellid trilobites in Laurentia went extinct at least 3 Ma after the first appearance of paradoxidids in Avalonia and West Gondwana (ca. 509 Ma). They also disappeared before the extinction of redlichiids and prior to the base of the Miaolingian at ca. 506 Ma in South China. This indicates that these three trilobite groups (paradoxidids, olenellids, and redlichiids) and their associated biotas overlapped in time for nearly 40% of Cambrian Epoch 2, Age 4. Implications of this chronological overlap are: (1) trilobite transitions were progressive and geographically mediated rather than globally synchronous; and (2) paleontological databases underestimate the diversity of the early Cambrian. This ∼3 Ma diachroneity, at a critical time in the early evolution of animals, also impacts chemostratigraphic and paleoclimatic data sets that are tied to trilobite biostratigraphy and that collectively underpin our understanding of the Cambrian Earth system.

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