scholarly journals Studies of the Freezing of Green Plantains (Musa paradisiaca) IV. Effect of Cold Storage on the Quality of Frozen Sliced Green Plantains

1969 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 239-244
F. Sánchez Nieva ◽  
I. Hernández ◽  
C. E. Bueso

Green plantains stored at 7° C (45° F) showed chilling injury about the 10th day. Slight changes in texture and a decrease in the starch content occurred during a storage period of 20 days. Dark spots in both peel and pulp caused by chilling injury affected the appearance of the fried tostones but did not lower the overall quality of the product. High quality tostones could be prepared from plantains stored at 13° C (55° F) for as long as 20 days. No significant difference could be found in the quality of tostones prepared from fruit stored at 7° and 13° C for 20 days. The time of storage had no effect on the yield of slices prepared from the refrigerated fruit at these temperatures.

2004 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-185 ◽  
L. Arnal ◽  
M. A. Del RÌo

Cold storage and removal of astringency effects on quality of persimmon fruit cv. Rojo brillante were determined. Persimmon fruit were stored at 1, 8, 11 and 15 ºC (85–90% RH) and after 6, 13, 20, 27 and 34 days of storage at these temperatures, astringency was removed. Fruit quality was assessed after the removal of the astringency and after a simulated retail storage period of 6 days at 20 ºC. Storage temperature affected fruit firmness, colour, appearance, acetaldehyde and ethanol production but not total soluble solids or flavour. Fruit stored at 15 ºC followed by 6 days at 20 ºC maintained the best commercial firmness and the lowest ethanol and acetaldehyde production. Chilling injury was observed after storage at 20 ºC on those fruits previously stored at 1 or 8 ºC.

E. Somogyi ◽  
J. Lázár ◽  
P. Bodor ◽  
T. Kaszab

AbstractColour is one of the most important phenotypic characters of the table grape cultivars, which has high importance in the consumer's preference. This morphological trait is variable and not consistently uniform within a cultivar or even a bunch. Between harvest and consumption fruits are stored for several weeks which time is influencing the colour of the berry. In this study 10 grapevine accessions (Agaphante, KM98, Korai piros veltelini, Korona, Pinot gris, Pozsonyi, Ros de Minis, Tramini piros, T9, Zenit) were collected from the germplasm collection of the Research Institute for Viticulture and Oenology of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre of Kecskemét. The samples were investigated by ColorLite Sph850 spectrophotometer. The colour of 30 berries per accessions were measured in 3 replicates per berry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the colour and the effect of cold storage. L✻, a✻, b✻ values of each accessions were evaluated after the sampling and until a visible reduction in the quality of the grapes, at most 4 weeks with 1-week intervals from the harvest. Results showed that there is a significant difference among the cultivars in the L∗, a∗, b∗ values. The length of cold storage also has a significant effect on the colour of the accessions as the values are changing in some cases of the 1-week storage period.

2003 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 328-332 ◽  
Keri L. Morrelli ◽  
Betty M. Hess-Pierce ◽  
Adel A. Kader

The variation in chilling sensitivity of mature-green specialty bananas (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum) and plantains (Musa paradisiaca var. paradisiaca) was examined using four cultivars of bananas and one plantain cultivar stored under various time and temperature combinations. Cold storage for 1 day at 5.0, 7.2, or 10.0 °C (41, 45, or 50 °F) resulted in acceptable fruit quality for up to 8 days at 20.0 °C (68 °F) for `Petite' and `Red Macabu' bananas and `Dominico Harton' plantains. `Grand Nain' and `Yangambi' bananas were considered unmarketable due to moderate to severe graying after 8 days at 20.0 °C when fruit were previously stored for 1 day at 5.0 or 7.2 °C. Storage for 3 days at 10.0 °C was acceptable for all cultivars tested, however 5 days at 10.0 °C resulted in moderate to severe browning and graying of the `Grand Nain' fruit. The traditional Cavendish-type, `Grand Nain', as well as `Petite' and `Yangambi', required temperatures greater than 10.0 °C for a 7-day storage duration while `Red Macabu' bananas could be safely stored for 7 days at 10.0 °C. Plantains could be stored at 7.2 °C for 7 days without visible chilling injury symptoms. The storage of specialty bananas and plantains at or above their minimum safe temperatures resulted in improved uniformity of ripening and overall quality of the fruit due to a decrease in chilling injury symptoms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 4437
Han Ryul Choi ◽  
Min Jae Jeong ◽  
Min Woo Baek ◽  
Jong Hang Choi ◽  
Hee Cheol Lee ◽  

Cold storage of peach fruit at low temperatures may induce chilling injury (CI). Pre-storage 1-MCP and high CO2 treatments were reported among the methods to ameliorate CI and reduce softening of peach fruit. However, molecular data indicating the changes associated with pre-storage 1-MCP and high CO2 treatments during cold storage of peach fruit are insufficient. In this study, a comparative analysis of the difference in gene expression and physico-chemical properties of fruit at commercial harvest vs. stored fruit for 12 days at 0 °C (cold-stored (CS), pre-storage 1-MCP+CS, and pre-storage high CO2+CS) were used to evaluate the variation among treatments. Several genes were differentially expressed in 1-MCP+CS- and CO2+CS-treated fruits as compared to CS. Moreover, the physico-chemical and sensory data indicated that 1-MCP+CS and CO2+CS suppressed CI and delayed ripening than the CS, which could lead to a longer storage period. We also identified the list of genes that were expressed commonly and exclusively in the fruit treated by 1-MCP+CS and CO2+CS and compared them to the fruit quality parameters. An attempt was also made to identify and categorize genes related to softening, physiological changes, and other ripening-related changes. Furthermore, the transcript levels of 12 selected representative genes from the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the transcriptome analysis were confirmed via quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). These results add information on the molecular mechanisms of the pre-storage treatments during cold storage of peach fruit. Understanding the genetic response of susceptible cultivars such as ‘Madoka’ to CI-reducing pre-storage treatments would help breeders release CI-resistant cultivars and could help postharvest technologists to develop more CI-reducing technologies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (12) ◽  
pp. 2249-2256 ◽  
Camila Batista da Silva ◽  
Eveline Lopes Almeida ◽  
Yoon Kil Chang

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to verify the performance of xylanase and its interaction with oxidants agents (glucose oxidase and ascorbic acid) on the quality of whole wheat bread. The experiment was based on a central composite rotational design and the Response Surface Methodology was used to analyze the results. None of the xylanase, glucose oxidase or ascorbic acid concentrations within the studied range led to a significant difference in the specific volume. The highest moisture content and the lowest firmness values were reported in the bread with lower and intermediate levels of xylanase and larger amounts of glucose oxidase and ascorbic acid. This effect was observed mainly at the end of the storage period. A minimum amount of xylanase (from 33 to 63 EDX kg-1 flour) showed to be essential for obtaining best results. Levels of ascorbic acid above 63mg kg-1 and glucose oxidase above 91 SRU kg-1 proved to be necessary to offer the beneficial effect of xylanase.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-121
Alvita Sekar Sarjani ◽  
Endah Retno Palupi ◽  
Muhammad Rahmad Suhartanto ◽  
Y. Aris Purwanto

ABSTRACTThe fluctuative price of shallot in Indonesia is mainly due to discontinuous supply. Shallot is usually planted three times a year. Lack of supply occurs during July to October. Therefore, the produce need to be stored to ensure its availability during off season, not only for consumption but also as seed bulb for the following planting season. The research was aimed to maintain the quality of seed bulbs during twelve weeks storage and to evaluate productivity of the seed bulbs after storage. Shallot seed bulbs of Bima Brebes was used for the research that was devided into two steps. The first step was arranged in nested design, in which seed bulb was stored at 0 0C, 5 0C, 10 0C and ambient temperature nested into storage period i.e 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks with four replications. The second step was evaluation of productivity of the seed bulbs that was arranged in nested design. The seed bulbs, after being stored at diferent condition, was subjected to different acclimatization treatments i.e. gradual increase of temperatures for 3 days and direct change to ambient temperature for one day, to devernalize the seed bulbs and replicated our times. The results showed that the dormant period of shallot seed bulbs lasted for 8 weeks after harvest (6 week after storage) as indicated by germination and vigor index of >90%. The termination of dormancy coincided with a rise in GA, IAA and cytokines as well as ABA. Storing the seed bulbs for 3 months in 5 0C could maintain its viability and vigor >90%, with 9.8% of total damage and 15.6% of weight loss. The seed bulbs grew normally and produced 30.2 g of bulb per plant. The percentage of flowering plant of gradually acclimatized seed bulbs previously stored at 5 0C (10.3%) was not significantly different from those directly acclimatized at ambient temperature (12%).Keywords: ABA, cytokinin, dormancy, GA, weight lossABSTRAKPenyebab utama fluktuasi harga bawang merah di pasar adalah ketersediaan umbi bawang merah yang tidak stabil. Di daerah sentra produksi, bawang merah ditanam tiga kali dalam setahun. Bulan Juli sampai Oktober adalah periode hasil panen rendah. Penyimpanan umbi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menjamin ketersediaannya di luar musim panen, tidak hanya untuk konsumsi tetapi juga memastikan ketersediaan umbi sebagai benih pada musim tanam selanjutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempertahankan kualitas benih umbi selama 12 minggu disimpan dan mengevaluasi produktivitasnya setelah penyimpanan. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih umbi bawang merah varietas Bima Brebes. Penelitian dibagi dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah penyimpanan benih umbi dirancang dalam nested design yang mana benih umbi disimpan pada suhu 0 0C, 5 0C, 10 0C dan suhu ruang tersarang pada waktu penyimpanan yang terdiri atas 0, 3, 6, 9 dan 12 minggu dan diulang empat kali. Tahap kedua adalah evaluasi produktivitas benih umbi setelah disimpan dirancang dalam nested design. Umbi yang telah disimpan (12 minggu) pada masing-masing kondisi simpan diberi perlakuan aklimatisasi, yaitu suhu berjenjang (3 hari) dan suhu ruang langsung (1 hari), untuk mencegah pembungaan. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali (ulangan tersarang pada aklimatisasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa benih umbi mengalami dormansi sampai 8 minggu setelah panen (6 minggu setelah simpan), ditandai dengan daya berkecambah dan indeks vigor di atas 90%. Berakhirnya dormansi benih umbi bersamaan dengan peningkatan kandungan giberelin, auksin, dan sitokinin mengimbangi peningkatan asam absisat. Penyimpanan benih selama 12 minggu pada suhu 5 0C dapat mempertahankan viabilitas dan vigor di atas 90% dengan kerusakan (umbi bertunas, chilling injury, hampa atau busuk) sebesar 9.8% dan susut bobot sebesar 15.6%. Setelah disimpan selama 12 minggu benih dapat tumbuh normal dan memproduksi 30.2 g umbi per tanaman. Aklimatisasi suhu berjenjang umbi benih yang telah disimpan pada suhu 5 0C menghasilkan persentase pembungaan (10.3%) yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan aklimatisasi suhu ruang langsung (12%).Kata kunci: ABA, dormansi, GA, sitokinin, susut bobot

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 373-402 ◽  
Sakineh Hajebrahimi ◽  
Ali Janati ◽  
Morteza Arab-Zozani ◽  
Mobin Sokhanvar ◽  
Elaheh Haghgoshayie ◽  

Purpose Visit time is a crucial aspect of patient–physician interaction; its inadequacy can negatively impact the efficiency of treatment and diagnosis. In addition, visit time is a fundamental demand of patients, and it is one of the rights of every patient. The purpose of this paper is to determine factors influencing the consultation length of physicians and to compare consultation length in different countries. Design/methodology/approach MEDLINE (PubMed), Web of Science, Cochrane, ProQuest, Scopus, and Google Scholar were searched. In addition, references of references were checked, and publication lists of individual scholars in the field were examined. We used data sources up to June 2018, without language restriction. We used a random-effects model for the meta-analyses. Meta-analyses were conducted using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version (CMA) 3.0. Findings Of 16,911 identified studies, 189 studies were assessed of which 125 cases (67 percent) have been conducted in the USA. A total of 189 studies, 164 (86.77 percent) involved face-to face-consultations. The effects of three variables, physician gender, patient gender, and type of consultation were analyzed. According to moderate and strong evidence studies, no significant difference was found in the consultation lengths of female and male doctors (Q=42.72, df=8, I2=81.27, p=0.891) and patients’ gender (Q=55.98, df=11, I2=80.35, p=0.314). In addition, no significant difference was found in the telemedicine or face-to-face visits (Q=41.25, df=5, I2=87.88, p=0.170). Originality/value In this systematic review and meta-analysis, all of physicians’ visits in 34 countries were surveyed. The evidence suggests that specified variables do not influence the length of consultations. Good relationship is essential to a safe and high-quality consultation and referral process. A high-quality consultation can improve decisions and quality of visits, treatment effectiveness, efficiency of service, quality of care, patient safety and physician and patient satisfaction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e1499-e1506
Sofya Pintova ◽  
Ryan Leibrandt ◽  
Cardinale B. Smith ◽  
Kerin B. Adelson ◽  
Jason Gonsky ◽  

PURPOSE: To describe the length of encounter during visits where goals-of-care (GoC) discussions were expected to take place. METHODS: Oncologists from community, academic, municipal, and rural hospitals were randomly assigned to receive a coaching model of communication skills to facilitate GoC discussions with patients with newly diagnosed advanced solid-tumor cancer with a prognosis of < 2 years. Patients were surveyed after the first restaging visit regarding the quality of the GoC discussion on a scale of 0-10 (0 = worst; 10 = best), with ≥ 8 indicating a high-quality GoC discussion. Visits were audiotaped, and total encounter time was measured. RESULTS: The median face-to-face time oncologists spent during a GoC discussion was 15 minutes (range, 10-20 minutes). Among the different hospital types, there was no significant difference in encounter time. There was no difference in the length of the encounter whether a high-quality GoC discussion took place or not (15 v 14 minutes; P = .9). If there was imaging evidence of cancer progression, the median encounter time was 18 minutes compared with 13 minutes for no progression ( P = .03). In a multivariate model, oncologist productivity, patient age, and Medicare coverage affected duration of the encounter. CONCLUSION: Oncologists can complete high-quality GoC discussions in 15 minutes. These data refute the common misperception that discussing such matters with patients with advanced cancer requires significant time.

2011 ◽  
Vol 50 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 74-80 ◽  
A. Sommer ◽  
M. Vodňanský ◽  
P. Petrikovič ◽  
R. Požgaj

It was confirmed in metabolic experiments with 4 individuals of roe deer (2 males and 2 females with the live weight of 20.8 and 17.9 kg, respectively) that due to the animals&rsquo; selective choice of a part of feeds there was no significant difference in the intake of lucerne hay of different quality and high-quality meadow hay (515.86 &plusmn; 66.97 and 597.82 &plusmn; 94.87 g, respectively). However, different quality of lucerne hay influenced the animals&rsquo; intake of crude protein and crude fibre. When the animals were fed meadow hay, they took in significantly less crude protein and fibre and significantly more nitrogen-free extract, fat and ash. Digestibility of crude protein was observed to be significantly decreased in hay of lower quality (by 10.1%). Digestibility coefficients for crude protein, crude fibre, organic matter and fat were significantly lower in grass hay compared to lucerne hay. Based on the coefficients of nutrient digestibility it can be stated that meadow hay, even if of excellent quality, is not a suitable supplement for the roe deer. &nbsp;

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