scholarly journals A Study of Fauna Assemblages and Their Relation to the Sediment Accumulation in the Coral Reef Area, NW of the Arabian Gulf

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1D) ◽  
pp. 114-128
Zainab Al-Humaidan

The discovery of coral reefs in Iraqi marine waters is a new event in 2012 and it covers an area of approximately 28 km2 at the southern end of Khor Al-Amia. A team of divers from the German Freiburg Institute for Mining and Technology and Marine Science Center at the University of Basra were able to find coral reefs in the NW part of the Arabian Gulf. The aim of this article is to study fauna assemblages and try to understand the relationship between the accumulation of sediments and fauna assemblages in the Coral Reef area NW of the Arabian Gulf, southern of Iraq. Four surface samples of sediments of the area were studied and determined the relationship between the types of texture and the amount of fauna and shell fragments. Mollusca was chosen from among the existing groups of fauna due to the great number of species and large sizes, also Bryozoa studied in the region. The sand texture is predominant in the sediments of the area and the sand ratio was between 55-97% most of their grains are fine and round. The sediments of the region were distinguished by a high percentage of shells between 24–69% from the total percentage of sand. The phenomenon of multiple colors of sand and fauna revealed this due to the presence of minerals and oxides, impurities and pollution in the region, and genetic factors concerning fauna. Many species were diagnosed in the sediments of the region, reaching 62 species of Mollusca and Bryozoa. Mollusca is classified into three types (Gastropod, Pelecypoda and Scaphopoda). Some species were recorded for the first time in the region such as Japonactaeonpusillus, Cylichna cylindracea and Cuna majeeda.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Firman Herdiansyah ◽  
Ali Jambak ◽  
Dewi Syavitri ◽  
Surya Darma Hafiz

<p>Pari Cay was known as one of significant growth of coral reef area for marine ecosystem. Pari Cay belongs to the Seribu Islands which is located in the Jakarta Bay. The islands are formed from the assemblage of marine biota assemblage. Coral reefs are a comfortable environment for the life of various underwater biota which must be preserved and protected from damage and extinction. Fish catches of fishers in Jakarta Bay are strongly influenced by the preserved of the surrounding coral reefs. The reduced number of coral reefs will reduce the catch of fishermen's fish. Through this socialization is expected that citizens can take part and participate in preserving the marine and coastal environment, especially Pari Cay coral reefs. The increasing participation of the surrounding inhabitant in marine life sustainability is expected to improve the livelihoods of the communities both from fishing and tourism. The society enthusiasm of the Pari Island with this socialization at least can find out the desire of the Pari Island Citizens to preserve the coral reefs. These a continuation of the previous socialization and changes in the awareness of the Pari Island Citizens to preserving coral reefs have been look significant.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Jurnal Segara ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim ◽  
Dini Purbani ◽  
Agustin Rustam ◽  
Yulius Yulius ◽  
Devi Suryono ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 1051-1055
Ariyo KANNO ◽  
Yukio KOIBUCHI ◽  
Masahiko ISOBE

Nature ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 273 (5659) ◽  
pp. 225-226 ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 302-310
Rio Januardi ◽  
Agus Hartoko ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo

ABSTRAK Perairan Indonesia menyimpan keanekaragaman hayati laut karang tertinggi, diperkirakan luas ekosistem terumbu karang Indonesia mencapai 50.000 km2 yaitu 25 persen dari luas terumbu karang dunia. Penggunaan teknologi penginderaan jauh merupakan salah satu alternatif yang tepat untuk mendeteksi terumbu karang bagi negara yang mempunyai wilayah yang sangat luas dan memerlukan waktu yang relatif singkat serta biaya murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, kondisi, perubahan luasan dan tingkat akurasi monitoring terumbu karang di Pulau Menjangan Besar menggunakan citra satelit Landsat 8. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada November 2015-Januari 2016 di Pulau Menjangan Besar dan di Laboratorium Marine Geometric Center, Jurusan Perikanan UNDIP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksploratif untuk mengetahui jenis dan kondisi terumbu karang menggunakan metode Line Intersept Transect dan metode koreksi kolom air atau Lyzenga. Hasil penelitian  menemukan kondisi terumbu karang di Pulau Menjangan Besar masih dalam kondisi baik dengan persentase penutupan karang sebesar 51,6 persen. Jenis terumbu karang yang terdapat di Pulau Menjangan Besar yaitu Acropora sp, Stylopora sp, Porites sp, Favia sp, Heliopora sp, Euphylia sp, Pocilopora sp, Goniopora sp dan Favites sp dengan nilai keaneragaman sebesar 1.28 tergolong sedang/moderat dan nilai dominasi sebesar 0.58. Terumbu karang mengalami penurunan luasan sebesar 7,92 Ha dari tahun 2013-2015. Tingkat akurasi penggunaan citra satelit Landsat 8 yaitu 81,25 persen. Kata kunci :Persentase penutupan karang; Luasan habitat; Menjangan Besar; Penginderaan jauh ABSTRACTThe ocean of Indonesia has the highest biodiversity of Coral Reef, the extent of Indonesian’s coral reefs widely predicted 50.000 km2 which is about 25% of the world’s. The use of remote sensing technology is one the alternatives that is appropriate for the detection of coral reefs for a country that has a very wide area and requires a relatively short time and reasonable cost. This study aimed to determine the type; condition; changes in the area; and the level of monitoring coral reefs accuracy in Menjangan Besar Island used Landsat 8 satellite. The study was conducted on November 2015 until January 2016 in Menjangan Besar Island and the Marine Geometric Center, Fisheries Department at Diponegoro University. This research uses an explorative method to determine the type and condition of coral reefs using line intercept transect method and correction on water column method or Lyzenga. The result of this research is the condition of coral reefs in Menjangan Besar in the good condition with the cover percentage of coral at 51.6%. The species of Coral reefs in Menjangan Besar are identified as Acropora sp, Stylopora sp, Porites sp, Favia sp, Heliopora sp, Euphylia sp, Pocilopora sp, Goniopora sp and Favites sp with the value of diversity about 1.28 classified as moderate and the value of dominance of 0.58. The coral reef area decreased by 7.92 ha of the year 2013 to 2015. The accuracy level used Landsat 8 imagery satellite is 81.25%. This level of accuracy using Landsat 8 satellite imagery is 81.25%. Keywords :Percentages of coral reef cover; Extents habitat; Menjangan Besar; Remote sensing.

2016 ◽  
Margaret W Miller ◽  
Jocelyn Karazsia ◽  
Carolyn E Groves ◽  
Sean Griffin ◽  
Tom Moore ◽  

The federal channel at Port of Miami, Florida, USA, was dredged between late 2013 and early 2015, to widen and deepen the channel. While the precise effects of the dredging on surrounding coral reefs are not well quantified, previously published remote sensing analyses, as well as agency and anecdotal reports suggest the most severe and largest area of sedimentation occurred on a coral reef feature referred to as the Inner Reef, particularly in the sector north of the channel. A regional warm-water mass bleaching event followed by a coral disease outbreak during this same time frame confounded the assessment of dredging-related impacts to coral reefs adjacent to the federal channel. In-water field assessments conducted after the completion of dredging and a time series analysis of tagged corals photographed pre-, during, and post-dredging, are used to discern dredging-related sedimentation impacts for the Inner Reef north. Results indicate increased sediment accumulation, severe in certain times and places, and an associated biological response, including significantly greater proportion of live coral tissue loss, occurred within coral reef sites located closer to the channel. Dredging projects near valuable and sensitive habitats subject to local and global stressors require monitoring methods capable of discerning non-dredging related impacts and adaptive management to ensure predicted and unpredicted project-related impacts are quantified. Anticipated increasing frequency and intensity of warming stress also suggests that manageable- but- unavoidable local stressors such as dredging should be partitioned from the warmest times of year.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Tiara Permata Sari ◽  
Abd. Rahman As-syakur ◽  
Yulianto Suteja ◽  
Dwi Budi Wiyanto

Marine intertidal region is an area that is affected by the mainland. One of the ecosystems found in the intertidal area is the coral reef ecosystem. Urchin is one that lives on these ecosystems. Sanur Beach area has coral reefs and the intertidal zone is quite extensive. The many activities and cruise tourism in Sanur Beach will indirectly affect the life of coral reefs and associated animal in it in this case urchins. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship density of sea urchins and coral reefs cover percentage in the intertidal area on Sanur Beach. Research done during low tide. Coral reef data collection method and the density of sea urchins using 5x5m quadratic transects were analyzed using Pear Person bivariate correlations. Urchin densities ranging between 0-2.04 ind/m2. The percentage cover coral reefs ranged from 0.1- 17.9%. High and low density of sea urchins and the percentage of coral reefs affected allegedly incompatibility place their lives and because of pressure from community activities in Sanur. The density of sea urchins and the percentage of coral cover has a significant relationship with a strong degree of correlation is 0.79. Positive direction on that relationship means that the higher percentage of coral reefs, the higher density of sea urchins. This assume in which they live almost the same that is in need of a hard substrate and urchins use of coral reefs as a shelter.

2020 ◽  
Aishah Norashikin Abdul A’ziz ◽  
Fatin Izzati Minhat ◽  
Pan Hui-Juan ◽  
Hasrizal Shaari ◽  
Wan Nurzalia Wan Saelan ◽  

Abstract Pulau Tioman is one of the famous tourism islands in Peninsular Malaysia due to the beautiful terrestrial and coral reefs ecosystem. This study aims to assess and monitor the health of coral reef sites surrounding Pulau Tioman based on the application of Foraminifera in Reef Assessment and Monitoring (FORAM) Index. A total of ten selected sampling sites from west and east side of Pulau Tioman were setup in front of the major beach areas around Pulau Tioman. At each site, 100 m transect was laid out from shore towards the reef slope and surface sediment samples were collected at 50 m intervals. Eight orders, 41 families, 80 genera and 161 species of benthic foraminifera were identified around Pulau Tioman. Amphistegina lessonii found to be the most dominant species and the least dominant species (< 4%) are Bolivina vadescens, Elphidium neosimplex, Heterolepa dutemplei, Heterolepa subhaidingerii, Mikrobelodontos bradyi, Milliolinella suborbicularis, Operculina discoidalis, Parahourinoides fragillissimus, Quinqueloculina incisa, Quinqueloculina sulcate, Triloculinella bertheliniana and Triloculinella parisa. The highest and lowest numbers of species was recorded at station J3 and station F3. The agglutinated type of foraminifera contributed between 2–8% of the total assemblages. Meanwhile, calcareous hyaline and porcelaneous group represent 79% and 19% of total assemblages respectively. Based on the functional groups, symbiont-bearing taxa were the most common foraminiferal found in most of the stations. The present study indicates that majority of sampling sites around Pulau Tioman are conducive for coral reef growth and could recover from any future bleaching events or temporary damage in the ecosystem. However, several areas with higher coastal development and tourism activities has reduced water quality (FI < 4) and chances of better reef recovery. Thus, the number of visitors and tourists should be revised in order to produce a better condition for coral reefs to grow. This assumption is based on the established results of the FORAM index. Thus, we suppose that FORAM index could be used together with coral reef health index in other reef ecosystems around Malaysia to determine the condition and status of coral reef area.

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