Alfin Siregar

This paper aims to illustrate the important value of religion in humanlife in the Modern era. However, internalization of religious understanding canonly be disseminated through education (counseling guidance). Furthermore,many Indonesians embrace eastern culture, so that the implementation ofcounseling guidance at the educational level should have considered theReligion side in the face of changing times. This paper uses a library researchapproach, where data is obtained and collected from literature studies. Analysisof the data in this paper requires the author's important role in interpreting thedata. The findings resulted that religion became a basic milestone in educationalservices (counseling guidance). Science and Religion must be balanced, so thatreligion can be a guide for someone to act, so does Science become a drivingforce in sustaining the progress of the times.

Fenomena ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-148
Mursalim Mursalim ◽  
Hatta Hatta

Innovation is a necessity, because there is no stagnant life. Times keep changing, only people or institutions continue to innovate for surviving. While institutions which have no innovation are slow or fast, they are abandoned, stale, not marketable and do not keep up with the times. The innovation of pesantren-based schools is an effort to ensure that an institution continues to withstand the onslaught of modern era. Above destructive reality if not responded quickly, precisely, and intelligently will have more severe impact. In educational context, innovative ideas about pesantren-based schools and PAI learning innovation are one of the solutions which must be taken. Generally, PAI is as a nomenclature in schools, but it is not in Junior High School of Raudatut Tholabah, PAI learning developed at the school are Al-Qur'an - Hadith, Fiqh, SKI, and Aqidah Akhlak. The innovation of Islamic Learning Education Through Extracurricular Activities in SMP Raudatut Tholabah Jenggawah of Jember. It is the strengthening of religious values through the activities of having Dhuha Prayer and Dhuhur together, Reading and writing, tahfidzul and reading Al Qur'an together, Academic Guidance and Counseling Services, Scouting, Sports and the arts.

2019 ◽  
Arista Octaviano

In The development of an age that is increasingly racing and can not be avoided in terms of economic, cultural, educational, and social greatly affect human culture and can also affect one's behavior and one's mentality. Many people are dragged into the changing times of the current era. Even many choose the wrong way of life. Therefore the family is the smallest unit that is useful to be able to guide and foster their children to avoid negative times, but if the family has a dysfunction in its members, there will be gaps in the development of children and children will become victims of the times the more sophisticated and fast .Guidance and Counseling Services is one component of Education, given that guidance and counseling is an activity of assistance and guidance given to individuals in general, and students in particular in schools in order to improve their quality. Guidance and Counseling Services carried out from humans, and for humans. Guidance and Counseling Services is a service carried out by a supervisor / counselor to counselees / students to help in the optimization of their potential, especially problems that existed in the era of 5.0. The purpose of the guidance and counseling services can understand how the process and procedures as well as the methods carried out during the guidance and counseling services so that readers can understand and in the future can understand the guidance and counseling service methods. The method used is qualitative information in the form of writing and not numbers. Counselors and Teachers especially guidance and counseling must provide guidance and counseling services in an appropriate and appropriate manner so that it can help solve problems related to the era of 5.0

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Pancawati Dewi

Title: Learning from the Local Intelligence: Study in Kampung Naga Changes that occur in Kampung Naga houses can not be avoided. Change is adapted to the development of the times adjusting to the evolving socio-economic and cultural conditions. The method used in this study is the Interpretive-Historical. The key to this research method is interpretation. This is done to try to understand the phenomena that exist in the field (a subjective group of people) and bring them to an objective interpretation. Material changes to the layout and the house can not be avoided in order to customize their new needs and technology of today. Changing patterns of house structure and the addition of new space shows the friendliness and openness of Kampung Naga society in welcoming the tourists. The effort to preserve their traditions still shows strong identity in Kampung Naga society in the face of changing times. Placement the hearth at this time is tend to be permanent, though it can be shifted layout. The hearth has an important role in people's daily lives in Kampung Naga since old time to be maintained to this day.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 409-434
Ibnu Chudzaifah

Pondok Pesantren is one of the Islamic educational institutions that aim to form human beings who have noble character, so that created a human who has a balance between physical and spiritual. Some educational institutions offer various models of learning to balance the current development so that its existence is still recognized by the community. While boarding school in dealing with the development of the times, has a commitment to make new innovations by presenting the pattern of education that can give birth to a reliable Human Resources. Especially pesantren currently has a challenging enough weight in facing the era of "Demographic Bonus". Demographic bonus is a phenomenon in which the structure of the population greatly benefits the community from the side of development in various sectors, because the productive age is more than the non productive age. This means that the dependency burden will decrease with the ratio of 64 percent of the productive age population to bear only 34 percent of the nonproductive age population. With all kinds of scholarships and skills given to students, students are expected to compete in all fields, especially in the face of Indonesia gold in 2020 to 2035.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Salman Zahidi

Ali Bin Abi Talib once said that children should be educated in accordance with the  development of the times. The Ali bin Abi Talib’s statement could be considered as his attention more to the development of human civilization. For that reason, there should be studies focused on the role of educational institutions in facing the challenges of the times. On this stand, the writer raises the existence of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) for being considered to have been able to survive amid the onslaught of civilization increasingly obscuring cultural identity. In addition, this study also aims to identify and discuss the role of pesantren in the modern era. This is a literature study using a descriptive and exploratory approach. It can be concluded that pesantren are non-formal Islamic educational institutions. Pesantren have permanent and distictive methods and learning models. The purpose of pesantren education is the same as Islamic education in general, instilling a sense of virtue, familiarizing themselves with courtesy, preparing for a holy, sincere and honest life entirely. Pesantren could be seen from three aspects: (a) pesantren that are seen from facilities and infrastructures, (b) pesantren that are seen from disciplines taught, and (c) pesantren that are seen from the fields of knowledge.

К.А. Панченко

Abstract The article examines the conquest of the County of Tripoli by the Mamelukes in 1289, and the reaction of various Middle Eastern ethnoreligious groups to this event. Along with the Monophysite perspective (the Syriac chronicle of Bar Hebraeus’ Continuator and the work of the Coptic historian Mufaddal ibn Abi-l-Fadail), and the propagandist texts of Muslim Arabic panegyric poets, we will pay special attention to the historical memory of the Orthodox (Melkite) and Maronite communities of northern Lebanon. The contemporary of these events — the Orthodox author Suleiman al-Ashluhi, a native of one of the villages of the Akkar Plateau — laments the fall of Tripoli in his rhymed eulogy. It is noteworthy that this author belongs to the rural Melkite subculture, which — in spite of its conservative character — was capable of producing original literature. Suleiman al-Ashluhi’s work was forsaken by the following generations of Melkites; his poem was only preserved in Maronite manuscripts. Maronite historical memory is just as fragmented. The father of the Modern Era Maronite historiography — Gabriel ibn al-Qilaʿî († 1516) only had fragmentary information on the history of his people in the 13th century: local chronicles and the heroic epos that glorified the Maronite struggle against the Muslim lords that tried to conquer Mount Lebanon. Gabriel’s depiction of the past is not only biased and subject to aims of religious polemics, but also factually inaccurate. Nevertheless, the texts of Suleiman al-Ashluhi and Gabriel ibn al-Qilaʿî give us the opportunity to draw conclusions on the worldview, educational level, political orientation and peculiar traits of the historical memory of various Christian communities of Mount Lebanon.

Alison G. Vredenburgh ◽  
Rodrigo J. Daly Guris ◽  
Kevin G. Welner ◽  
Sreekanth R. Cheruku

By October, we will have learned a great deal about responding to an epidemic or pandemic that has proved to have a level of transmission unprecedented in the modern era. The possible and likely responses include many unknowns. Coordinated and collaborative implementation has been complicated by conflicting information from multiple governments and organizations in several languages. What will we learn about how the United States can improve its ability to respond? How do we develop consistent and accurate warnings and messaging to the public in order to increase compliance regarding a new, and not well understood, epidemic? What factors increase or decrease compliance? How are US education policymakers deciding about face-to-face instruction? How have physicians and hospitals adapted their workflows in the face of uncertainty and supply chain inconsistencies? This panel will include a warnings expert, an expert on education law and policy, and two physicians.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 3629-3634

The Changes have survivalbenefits for an organization. And with out any change, it can be ascertained that the age of the organization will not last long. The Change sint end to make the organization notastatic but remained dynamic in the face of changing times. A leadershouldhave a vision and a change in the strategy based on assumptions about future condition sthatare expected to occur. The only leader who have the personality, be havior, and the sense of power that are able to deal with change. This paper analyzed the several literature study from national journals and books in Indonesia and international journals to see the change management concept from two perspective. And the results showed the similarity research funding from the researcher in Indonesia and the other countries about change management strategies and challenges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nunnun Bonafix

Young generation nowadays has lack of knowledge on the culture of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) which is a heritage that has a high value of art and philosophy. This is caused by the impact of foreign cultures rapidly entering Indonesia. The rapid development of the information technology through internet & game has led to globalization that seems to be not limited to space and time. The speed of information and foreign cultures cannot be stopped. The culture of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) is getting eroded and is not much known by the modern society nowadays. This is an irony to a big nation which has a rich heritage, so it is our obligation as a citizen to maintain and preserve it. Based on the formulae of AIGA 2015 that defines (time + content + context) / time = experience design, the game of wayang kulit (shadow puppet) Gatotkaca put forbattled different experience to users in exploring the information and entertainment in those media. Having the spirit of moderate Postmodernism, the design plan called User Interface which combines the modern and classic traditional elements will encourage new experience to the users (Experience Design). The design recognizes times and trends, and it keeps changing as the development of the times. The design can be a pace setter to next individuals who are called to maintain and preserve national cultures, in general, and wayang kulit purwa, in particular, through digital media. The development in the modern era will not change the identity of shadow puppet (wayang kulit) culture since it has solid foundation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-90
Marwazi Marwazi ◽  
Abul Khoir

In the modern era, competition in various lines of life is getting tougher, education has not escaped the demands of the modern era so that the term education modernization appears. Modernization of education wants a learning model with sophisticated technology, focusing its expertise to be able to talk a lot in the field of work. Related to this, Salafiah Islamic Boarding School which is identical with its old, old education system is considered to be no longer relevant to the development of the times demanded to be able to maintain its existence with renewal efforts which certainly does not leave its characteristics as Salafiah Islamic Boarding School. This research took place in the Salafiah Sa'a Islamic Boarding School, Seberang, Jambi City. This study aims to determine the existence of the Salafiah Islamic Boarding School in the modernization era of education, what constraints faced by the Salafiah Islamic Boarding School in the modernization era of education, and what efforts have been made by the Islamic Boarding School in the era of education. education. The method used in this research is qualitative. The types of data used are primary and secondary. The data source is the informant associated with the existence of the Salafiah Sa' adatuddaren Islamic Boarding School in the era of education modernization, which was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The findings of this study indicate that in the current era of education modernization, the Salafiah Islamic Boarding School 'adatuddaren still exists even though the number has indeed decreased but not too significantly. The efforts made by the Salafiah Sa'a adatuddaren Islamic Boarding School to maintain its existence in the era of education modernization are good enough, only it needs to be continuously evaluated by looking at existing obstacles, and the demands and demands of the times both in the world of education and employment.

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