scholarly journals The Relationship Between Corporate Governance Practices and Financial Performance: Evidence from Amman Stock Exchange

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-87
Hussein Ahmad Bataineh ◽  
Sulaiman Salim Al Harthy ◽  
Raqiya Ali Al Balushi

The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between corporate governance Index and financial performance and evidence from Amman stock exchange. To achieve this objective, this study applied descriptive research structure. In this case, the research focused on the 181 firms listed at the Amman Stock Exchange (Appendix I). The statistical techniques that was applied to analyze collected data included descriptive statistics. The information analyzed revealed that the model summary indicated that the R² to be 0.243. This meant that 24.3% of the variation in performance (ROA) was due to the predictor variable captured in the study. This also implied that 75.7% of the variation in ROA was attributed to the measurements of error and other factors that could have had an effect on the ROA but were not captured in the study. The estimated model showed that ROA when other factors are held constant was 1.610. The outcomes also revealed that governance score had a beta coefficient of 0.573 indicating that for every unit increase in governance score on the ROA went up by 0.573. This relationship is significance since P-value of 0.025<0.05. Therefore, the model qualified as a good predictor. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Financial Performance, Amman stock Exchange.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
Heriberto García

Abstract. After the adoption of the Corporate Governance Code (Code) in Mexico, many companies increased financial performance and the leveraged during the following five years; we investigated the effect of how those firms improved the corporate governance practices and how was translated into better risk return company. We analyzed how and where better corporate governance practices affects performance and what was the relationship with Transparency, New Regulation and Governance Practices. Also we explored the gaps between transparency and information disclosure of Mexican Firms listed in U.S stockexchange and non U.S listed firms our findings were related to the potential growth of the Mexico Financial Market, Law and Finance.Keywords: corporate governance, financial performance, regulationResumen. Después de la adopción del Código de Gobierno Corporativo en México, algunas compañías incrementaron el desempeño financiero y el uso de deuda durante los siguientes cinco anos, nuestra investigación se enfoca en como dichas compañías mejoraron sus prácticas de gobierno corporativo y como estas prácticas se han traducido en un mejor relación de riesgo y rendimiento. En esta investigación exploramos cómo y en dónde mejores prácticas de gobierno corporativo afectan el desempeño y qué relación tiene con laTransparencia, Nuevas Regulaciones y prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo. Con lo anterior también identificamos aquellas compañías que cotizan fuera de México para identificar potenciales diferencias en dichas prácticas.Palabras clave: desempeño financiero, gobierno corporativo, regulación

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-61
Tirthankar Nag ◽  
Chanchal Chatterjee

This study explores the influence of corporate governance practices in corporate boards on firm performance and draws insights on the relative importance for companies for fostering the development of governance mechanisms in business. The study examines 50 firms belonging to the benchmark index of the National Stock Exchange of India (NIFTY 50) and tracks them for over a five-year period. The study uses fixed and random effect econometric models to explore the relationship between corporate governance variables, and firm performance using both accounting returns (EVA, ROA and ROE) and market returns (MVA). The study finds that corporate governance variables significantly improve firm performance or value creation. Especially, multiple directorships, involvement of foreign institutional investors and increase in promoter holdings may significantly affect returns of the firm. The study suggests that it may be useful to foster better corporate governance practices and monitor linkages with firm performance as the effect is influenced by other control variables also.

Jonty Tshipa ◽  
Leon M. Brummer ◽  
Hendrik Wolmarans ◽  
Elda Du Toit

Background: Premised on agency, resource dependence and stewardship theories, the study investigates empirically the existence of industry nuances in the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance of companies listed in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Aims: The main objective of the study is to understand the relationship between internal corporate governance and company performance from the perspective of three distinct economic periods, as well as industry nuances, cognisant of endogeneity issues. Setting: South Africa, as an emerging African market, offers an interesting research context in which the corporate governance and financial performance nexus can be examined empirically. Method: A sample of 90 companies from the five largest South African industries, covering a 13-year period from 2002 to 2014 (1170 firm-year observations) was examined with three estimation approaches. Results: Two key trends emerged from this study. First, the relationship between corporate governance and company performance differed from industry to industry. Second, the association between corporate governance and company performance also changes during steady and non-steady periods, which is an indication that the nexus is driven by the state of the global economy and the type of the industry. Conclusion: Evidence from the study suggests that companies should be allowed to optimise rather than maximise their corporate governance options. This finding questioned the approach of the recently published King IV Code of Good Corporate Governance, which requires Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed companies to ‘apply and explain’ as opposed to ‘apply or explain’ as pronounced by King III Code of Good Corporate Governance.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Hidayatullah ,

<p class="Style1">This Thesis investigated the influence of financial performance toward corporate value by exposing Corporate Sosial Responsibility (CSR) and Good Corporate Governance (GCG) as Moderating Variables. Corporate Financial performance as independent variable is represented by the Financial Value Added (FVA) and Corporate Value as Dependent Variable is represented by Tobin `s Q value. CSR value is indexed based on the 78 items of exposure themes and GCG value is indexed using the 18 items of exposure themes which the researcher called Corporate Governance Perception Index. After selecting 149 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange, the researcher found 39 manufacture companies<sup>.</sup>  qualified as the research objects based on the defined criteria, with observation timeframe from the year of2005 to 2008. The result of the research concludes that: Financial Performance (FVA) significantly influences the corporate value (Tobins 'Q); Corporate Sosial Responsibility also influences the relationship of corporate financial performance and the corporate value; and Good Corporate Governance influences the relationship of corporate financial performance and the corporate value as well.</p><p class="Style1">Keywords: Financial value Added, Tobin 's Q, CSR, GCG</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 178-186 ◽  
Khaled Erieg Abu-Risheh ◽  
Mo’taz Amin Al-Sa’eed

The main objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the good corporate governance practices on the financial reporting quality of Jordanian listed companies. Specifically, we focus on the board’s independence, board’s transparency, and separate audit committee. A listing of Share -Traded Jordanian Companies was available from the Amman Stock Exchange as of 31 December 2011. A total of (167) company shares were traded as of 31 of December 2011. It was decided to distribute (160) questionnaires to the related external auditors, the expertise members of the Audit Committees, and the Jordanian regulatory bodies that oversight the corporate reporting of those companies, which include the Jordanian Securities Commission, Insurance Commission, and Central Bank of Jordan. The empirical study is realized based on a sample of the companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. Our research results shows that the good corporate governance practices impact the financial reporting quality, were Independence is considered one of the determinants of the success of financial reporting quality (T = 3.709, 008) and (R= 0.676), in addition to that; the independent variables are able to explain the variance in the dependent variable, a multiple regression test was carried out to test the relationship between board of directors’ transparency, board of directors’ independence, and audit committees, and financial reporting quality (FRQ), they are able to explain nearly 0.805% (R=0.805% P< 0.000) of the variance in financial reporting quality. The correlation analysis allows testing the strength of relationships between several independent variables and one dependent variable, which is the case in this study. The results of correlation analysis shows that the relationships between boards of directors’ transparency, board of directors’ independence, and separate audit committees, and the dependent variable which is financial reporting quality (FRQ), are significant.

Sani, Abdulrahman Bala ◽  
Aliyu, A. Almustapha ◽  
Bakare, Taophic Olarewaju

Effective supervision of financial institutions is premised on existence of sound corporate governance. Corporate governance refers to the extent to which companies are run in an open and honest manner. Despite the relative stability experienced by financial institutions post-consolidated era, the health of financial institutions in Nigeria today appears to have worsen due to the weak corporate governance. It is as a result of this, the study examine the effect of corporate governance on financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. This study obtained secondary data from the annual report of deposit money banks quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) spanning from 2011 to 2018 with the use of purposive sampling technique. Panel regression technique was adopted to analyse data collected. The result showed that corporate governance has significant effects on financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria as indicated by the p-value of Wald x2 of (0.0000) with coefficient (10.92) at 5% significance level. When individual element of corporate governance is considered, CEO duality has no significance effect on ROA with coefficient 2.1903 and p-value 0.943 while management equity holding has significant effect on ROA as indicated by p-value of 0.0000 and coefficient 10.958 at 5% significant level. The study then concluded that corporate governance has significant effect on financial performance of selected banks in Nigeria. Therefore the study recommends that CEO duality should be discourage in the deposit money banks in Nigeria and mandates a three years cooling off period where this is the case. This will assist to minimize potential conflicts of interests.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Riana Christel Tumewu ◽  
Stanly Alexander

ABSTRAK Sejak krisis ekonomi tahun 1997 pelaksanaan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, atau lebih dikenal dengan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) menjadi isu yang mengemuka di Indonesia. Akibat buruknya tata kelola perusahaan di Indonesia pada masa itu, menyebabkan perekonomian jatuh. Sehingga setiap orang setuju untuk mengcover kesulitan indonesia dimulai dengan tata kelola perusahaan. Objek dari penelitian ini yaitu dampak dari penerapan good corporate governance terhadap ROE. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang pengaruh penerapn good corporate governance pada kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor perbankan yang terdaftar di BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia) dalam periode 2009-2013. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 16 perusahaan yang diambil melalui purposive sampling. Metode analisis dari penelitian ini menggunakan regresi berganda dan regresi sederhana program SPSS 20. Kata Kunci: Good Corporate Governance, Profitabilitas  ABSTRACT Since the economic crisis 1997 the implementation of good corporate governance being an issue in indonesia. The bad thing of governance’s company in those days causing indonesian economy being slump. So, every one agree to recovered from adversity, indonesia have to start with governance good corporate. The main objective of this research was to determine the effect of implementation of good corporate governance (GCG) to return on equity. The purpose of this research is to know about the influence of empirical evidence of Good Corporate Governance practices to the company's financial performance. The independent variable in this research is the implementation of GCG and the dependent variable is the financial performance using a ratio of profitability. The sample in this study were banking sector companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in the periode 2009-2013. The number of sample used were 16 companies listed were taken by purposive sampling. The method of analysis of this research used simple regression with SPSS 20 Program. Keyword: Good Corporate Governance, Profitability

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 149 ◽  
Rizwan Ali ◽  
Muhammad Safdar Sial ◽  
Talles Vianna Brugni ◽  
Jinsoo Hwang ◽  
Nguyen Vinh Khuong ◽  

We have performed a focalized investigation to explore how corporate social responsibility (CSR) moderates the relationship between corporate governance and firms’ financial performance. We applied a panel regression to examine this relationship from a sample of 3400 Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) listed firms, based on yearly observations from 2009 to 2018. Our results show that the presence of female directors on the board is associated with improved firms’ performance and that corporate social responsibility (CSR) moderates this relation, thus indicating that sharing strategic decision-making with female board members revealed a better relationship between CSR and firms’ financial performance. Our findings showed that foreign institutional investors positively influenced firms’ financial performance and that CSR moderates the relation between foreign institutional shareholders and the firm’s financial performance. Supported by corporate governance theories, such as resource dependence and stakeholder theory, our results help to better understand the nexus among corporate governance, firms’ performance and corporate social responsibility. These findings are advantageous to government departments in emerging countries in terms of encouraging marketing practitioners and participants to implement CSR practices and change the attitude associated with CSR implications. This study highlighted the problems of the foreign institutional investors’ scheme, which was the main contribution to the financial market reform of China after 2003. These findings offer significant implications to corporate affairs executives and managers, practitioners, academicians, state officials, and policy-makers, and might provide China with the opportunity to extend its market liberalization to the global markets. This research also contributes to the existing literature, which investigates how CSR moderates the relationship between corporate governance and firms’ financial performance in the Chinese market context.

2013 ◽  
Vol 03 (01) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Demeh Ahmad Daradkah ◽  
Moh'd Mahmoud Ajlouni

This study aims at investigating the relationship between corporate governance measures and dividends policy, along with other control variables, such as tax charges, growth rate, market valuation of the bank’s book value and profitability. Using all banks listed in Amman Stock Exchange during the period 2001-2009, the analysis is performed by employing each of the institutional ownership and top shareholders, separately, as a proxy of corporate governance (GC) and dividends payout ratio (DPR) as a proxy for the dividends. The empirical results show strong evidence on the importance of one simple CG measure, i.e. institutional ownership concentration or top shareholders, on bank’s DPR. Similarly, there were evidences on the effect of tax charges, total assets growth rate, market valuation (MVBV) and profitability (ROE) on dividends policy. Thus, banks with more institutional investors or top shareholders have higher DPR, which is consistent with agency models of dividends. In addition, taxes, market valuation and profitability are negatively associated with DPR, which is consistent with stock valuation models.

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