scholarly journals Litter size components traits in two Algerian rabbit lines

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Rafik Belabbas ◽  
Maria de la Luz García ◽  
Hacina AinBaziz ◽  
Ali Berbar ◽  
Maria José Argente

<p>The aim of this study was to estimate the limiting litter size components in rabbit females from a Synthetic line (n=32) and a Local population (n=34). Ovulation rate, number of implanted and live embryos were counted by laparoscopy at 12 d after mating. Prolificacy (total newborn, number born alive and mortality) and embryonic, foetal and prenatal survival at day of birth of the 3<sup>rd</sup> gestation were measured. The analysed traits were body weight of the female at mating, ovulation rate, implanted, live and resorbed embryos, embryonic, foetal and prenatal survival, as well as total newborn, number born alive and mortality at birth. Synthetic line females had a higher ovulation rate compared to the Local population (11.03±0.23 vs. 8.41±0.23 corpora lutea; <em>P</em>&lt;0.0001). Synthetic line displayed a higher number of implanted embryos (10.00±0.25 vs. 7.85±0.25 embryos; <em>P</em>&lt;0.0001). No difference was found between groups for number of resorbed embryos. Similar embryonic, foetal and prenatal survival rates were reported between the Synthetic line and the Local population. Additionally, total newborn was higher in the Synthetic line than in the Local population (+1.46 kits; <em>P</em>&lt;0.05). A principal components analysis was performed. The first four principal components (PC) explained more than 90% of the total variation in both lines. Total newborn, number born alive and live embryos were the main variables defining the 1<sup>st</sup> PC. Resorbed embryos and foetal survival were located in the 2<sup>nd</sup> PC. Ovulation rate and embryonic survival were the predominant variables defining the 3<sup>rd</sup> PC. The body weight of females was located in the 4<sup>th</sup> PC. The phenotypic correlation between total newborn and its components were high and positive in both lines, except for ovulation rate and total newborn, where it was moderate in Synthetic line. In conclusion, the females from Synthetic line have a higher total newborn than those from Local population, as a consequence of a higher number of released oocytes and embryos that successfully reach implantation. However, a higher uterine crowding in Synthetic line seems to limit survival of foetuses that reach term of gestation, while ovulation rate is the principal limiting factor of total newborn in Local population.</p>

1984 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-85 ◽  
Forbes D. Brien ◽  
Gillian L. Sharp ◽  
William G. Hill ◽  
Alan Robertson

SummaryFemale reproductive performance is reported in mice selected for ten generations for one of three criteria: either appetite (A), fat percentage (F) or total lean mass (P). For each criterion lines were selected for high (H) or low (L) performance, with contemporary unselected controls (C). In the A and P lines, litter size changed in the direction of the selected criterion, the changes being larger and more rapidly established in the A than in the P lines. At generation 10, the differences in litter size between high and low lines were 2·6 live young born in the A lines, and 1·0 live young born in the P lines. The differences in 6-week weight between the high and low lines were 3·5 g in the A lines, 6·5 g in the P lines. Changes in ovulation rate were the primary reason for changes in litter size, the differences between the high and low lines being 3·8 corpora lutea for the A lines, and 3·1 corpora lutea for the P lines. Fitting body weight at mating as a covariate within lines in the analysis of ovulation rate and live foetus number removed the differences between the high and low selected P lines, but not those in the A lines. The high and low selected A and P lines did not differ in prenatal survival. There were no consistent differences in litter size, ovulation rate or pre-natal survival in the F lines.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 275 ◽  
R. Belabbas ◽  
M.L. García ◽  
H. AinBaziz ◽  
A. Berbar ◽  
G. Zitouni ◽  

<p>A higher litter size at birth has been reported in female rabbits from a Synthetic line than in those of the Local Algerian population. The aim of this work was to analyse whether this difference in litter size was due to a higher ovulation rate and/or embryonic survival rate in Synthetic line than in Local Algerian population. In total, 24 multiparous female rabbits from Synthetic line and 23 from Local population were used in this experiment. Litter size at birth was recorded up to the first 3 parities. Litter size was 20% higher in Synthetic line than Local population. At their 4th gestation, the females were euthanized at 72 h post coitum. Synthetic line females had 50% more ova and embryos than those of Local population (+4.42 ova and +3.92 embryos, respectively). Synthetic line displayed a lower percentage of normal embryos and a larger number of unfertilized oocytes than Local population (–2.81% and +0.64 oocytes, respectively), but differences were not relevant. Synthetic line showed a lesser embryonic stage of development at 72 h post coitum, showing a higher percentage of early morulae (31.50 vs. 8.50%) and a lower percentage of compact morulae (51.45 vs. 78.65%) than Local population. No relevant difference was found for early embryonic survival rate between Synthetic line and Local population. In conclusion, the difference in litter size was mainly due to a higher ovulation rate in the Synthetic line, allowing more embryos to develop in this line.</p>

2000 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-209 ◽  
H Michels ◽  
E Decuypere ◽  
O Onagbesan

1988 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-81 ◽  

Reproductive performance and body weight were studied on 361 ewes, representing Finnsheep (F), DLS (a population of 1/2 Dorset, 1/4 Leicester, 1/4 Suffolk) and seven combinations ranging from 1/8 to 7/8 Finnsheep breeding. Conception rate in yearlings was 61.5% for DLS compared to 89.0% for F with the crosses being intermediate. Conception rate in older ewes was similar in the different genetic groups (avg. 94%). Ovulation rate and litter size at birth of DLS ewes were 1.72 and 1.44 lambs, which was less than half those of F ewes (3.51 and 2.86 lambs, respectively). Both traits increased progressively with an increase in F breeding in crosses and with advances in age. DLS ewes weaned 1.22 lambs compared to 2.03 lambs for F ewes and 1.84 lambs for 4/8 F ewes. The heaviest litters at weaning (31.7 kg) were raised by 4/8 F ewes, followed by 7/8 F (30.8 kg) while those raised by DLS ewes weighed 23.0 kg and F ewes 29.1 kg. Percentage of ova lost per ewe mated averaged 24% and ranged between 18% (DLS and 1/8 F) and 29% (6/8 F). About 3.6% of lambs were born dead and a further 13.8% died before weaning. Preweaning mortality rate was highest in F (22.9%) and lowest in 3/8 F (9.4%). Average kilograms of lambs weaned per ewe exposed was highest in 4/8 F (27.6 kg) followed by F (26.0 kg), whereas that of DLS was the lowest at 18.1 kg. The 4/8 F cross showed 25% heterosis in kg of lambs weaned per ewe exposed and 52.5% increase over DLS. Significant positive linear regressions were calculated for ovulation rate, litter size and preweaning mortality rate on proportion of Finnsheep breeding in crosses. The relation was quadratic for percent ova lost and lamb mortality at weaning. Yearling DLS females weighted 36 kg compared to 44 kg for F yearlings. However, at 5 yr of age DLS ewes weighed 62 kg, 5 kg heavier than F ewes. The heaviest ewes at all ages were the 4/8 F (45 kg at 1 yr, 65 kg at 5 yr). Key words: Reproduction, DLS sheep, Finnsheep, crossbreeding, heterosis, repeatabilities

Reproduction ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 143 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-201 ◽  
C Joy McIntosh ◽  
Steve Lawrence ◽  
Peter Smith ◽  
Jennifer L Juengel ◽  
Kenneth P McNatty

The transforming growth factor β (TGFB) superfamily proteins bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), are essential for mammalian fertility. Recent in vitro evidence suggests that the proregions of mouse BMP15 and GDF9 interact with their mature proteins after secretion. In this study, we have actively immunized mice against these proregions to test the potential in vivo roles on fertility. Mice were immunized with either N- or C-terminus proregion peptides of BMP15 or GDF9, or a full-length GDF9 proregion protein, each conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). For each immunization group, ovaries were collected from ten mice for histology after immunization, while a further 20 mice were allowed to breed and litter sizes were counted. To link the ovulation and fertility data of these two experimental end points, mice were joined during the time period identified by histology as being the ovulatory period resulting in to the corpora lutea (CL) counted. Antibody titers in sera increased throughout the study period, with no cross-reactivity observed between BMP15 and GDF9 sera and antigens. Compared with KLH controls, mice immunized with the N-terminus BMP15 proregion peptide had ovaries with fewer CL (P<0.05) and produced smaller litters (P<0.05). In contrast, mice immunized with the full-length GDF9 proregion not only had more CL (P<0.01) but also had significantly smaller litter sizes (P<0.01). None of the treatments affected the number of antral follicles per ovary. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the proregions of BMP15 and GDF9, after secretion by the oocyte, have physiologically important roles in regulating ovulation rate and litter size in mice.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2003 ◽  
pp. 82-82
F. Forcada ◽  
J.A. Abecia ◽  
J.A. Valares

The efficacy of melatonin implants inserted around the spring equinox to improve fertility and ovulation rate or litter size in Mediterranean ewes has been previously reported (Chemineau et al., 1996; Forcada et al., 2002a.), indicating the ability of the hormone to regulate the hypothalamic activity (Viguié et al., 1995). Moreover, a direct effect of melatonin on corpora lutea and embryonic development has been also reported (Wallace et al., 1988; Abecia et al., 2002). The use of prolific Rasa Aragonesa (RA) ewes (a Mediterranean breed) before culling as embryo donors has been previously tested in the breeding season (Forcada et al., 2002b.). The aim of this experiment was to improve embryo production during the seasonal anoestrus period in selected superovulated RA ewes at the end of their reproductive lives through the use of melatonin.

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Andrey Kurtenkov

It is related leg problems to the realization of the necessity of doing a detailed analysis of the phenotype correlations between body weight and exterior measurements. As a result of the study, lower coefficients have been obtained of the correlation between the girth of the tarso metatarsus on one hand, and the body weight and the girth behind the wings, on the other hand (respectively 0.563 and 0.608), compared with the one between the body weight and the girth behind the wings (0.898). It is advisable in the selection of ostriches to take into consideration the necessity of a higher phenotypic correlation between the girth of the tarso metatarsus on the one hand, and the body weight and the girth behind the wings on the other hand, with a view to preventing leg problems.

1981 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-229 ◽  
A. Lahlou-Kassi ◽  
M. Marie

ABSTRACTThe elements of prolificacy have been analysed for the D'man sheep, a prolific Moroccan breed, by laparotomy on 38 animals. The average ovulation rate was 2·50 (s.e.0·45); a slight difference was observed between nulliparous and multiparous ewes due to high simultaneous activity by both ovaries in the latter group. Embryonic survival (42% overall) was 94% (87 to 100%) for multiparous and 44% (36 to 52%) for the nulliparous ewes at one ovulation, decreasing with increasing numbers of corpora lutea. The average litter size showed an optimum at four ovulations.

1967 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-80 ◽  
J. C. McCarthy

Twenty-four lines were bred from a base population of outbred Q mice by continued full-sib mating. Inbreeding depression in litter size at birth was observed. This decline in litter size was analysed in terms of ovulation rate, the incidence of preimplantation mortality and the incidence of postimplantation mortality. Pregnant females were dissected at 17½ days' gestation and the numbers of corpora lutea, or eggs, and of live and dead embryos were counted. Matings were arranged so that separate estimates of the effects of inbreeding in the mother and in the litter on the components of litter size could be obtained.In the first generation of inbreeding when the inbreeding coefficient of the litter was raised from 0 to 25% decline in litter size was attributable to an increased incidence of preimplantation mortality.In the second and fourth generations decline in litter size was attributable to (1) a reduction in the number of eggs ovulated by the inbred mothers, (2) an increased incidence of preimplantation mortality which resulted from inbreeding in the mother. No evidence of significant effects on mortality of inbreeding in the litter was obtained in the later generation of inbreeding.These findings are discussed in the context of previous work on the effects of inbreeding and crossing on litter size and its components in mice and pigs.

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