scholarly journals Journalism and Numeracy in Context: Four Case Studies

Numeracy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Steven Harrison

Although research into the relationship between quantitative literacy (QL) and news reporting is sparse, the consensus among researchers is that journalists tend not to place QL very highly among their professional values and that journalism suffers as a consequence. This paper is an attempt to provide concrete examples of the ways in which news reports systemically misinterpret, misrepresent, or misuse numerical data as part of the reporting process. Drawing on scenarios ranging from elections and healthcare to the mundane world of food preparation, it shows how a lack of rigour in the fields of reporting and news production can lead to a diminution in the quality of journalism presented to the public. It is argued that while the effect of this can sometimes be trivial, on occasion it is literally a matter of life and death.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Wiwin Fitriyani ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

Freedom of the Press is the right to express, disseminate ideas, organize, and so forth. Freedom of the Press is based on the provisions made by the Press Council called the Journalistic Code of Ethics. The Journalistic Code of Ethics is the professional ethics of journalists. As the party that disseminates information to the public, journalists need to practice the provisions of the Journalistic Code of Ethics which consists of 11 articles, because various news reports that journalists report should have an impact on society. Then, one of the news that received more attention from the public, namely regarding the relocation of the Indonesian capital. At that time, the news received various responses from various parties. Therefore, various media are aggressively producing news related to this, such as In this study, the Journalistic Code of Ethics analyzed with the news included article 1, 2, and 3. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the Journalistic Code of Ethics in reporting the removal of the Indonesian Capital City on Theories used include news reporting and the Journalistic Code of Ethics. Then, for the research method used, namely quantitative content analysis using coding sheets to process, and analyze the data. The results of this study indicate has implemented a Journalistic Code of Ethics, although of the 55 news samples there are still 19 news that do not meet the element of balance.Kebebasan pers merupakan hak untuk berekspresi, menyebarluaskan gagasan, dan berorganisasi. Kebebasan pers dilandasi oleh ketentuan yang dibuat Dewan Pers yang disebut Kode Etik Jurnalistik. Kode Etik Jurnalistik adalah etika profesi wartawan. Sebagai pihak yang menyebarkan informasi kepada khalayak, jurnalis perlu mempraktikan ketentuan Kode Etik Jurnalistik yang terdiri dari 11 pasal. Hal ini karena berbagai berita yang jurnalis laporkan akan memberi dampak pada masyarakat. Salah satu pemberitaan yang mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari masyarakat, yaitu mengenai pemindahan ibu kota Indonesia. Pada saat itu, kabar tersebut mendapatkan berbagai respon dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, berbagai media gencar dalam memproduksi berita terkait hal tersebut, salahsatunya Pada penelitian ini, Kode Etik Jurnalistik yang dianalisis dengan pemberitaan tersebut, antara lain pasal 1, 2, dan 3. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui penerapan Kode Etik Jurnalistik pada pemberitaan pemindahan Ibu Kota Indonesia di Teori yang digunakan diantaranya pemberitaan, dan Kode Etik Jurnalistik. Metode penelitian yang dipakai yakni analisis isi kuantitatif dengan memakai lembar codinguntuk mengolah, dan menganalisis datanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan sudah menerapkan Kode Etik Jurnalistik, meskipun dari 55 sampel berita masih terdapat 19 berita yang tidak memenuhi unsur keberimbangan.

1985 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-186 ◽  
John Hudson

The past decade has seen the growth of a considerable literature on the link between government popularity, as reflected by the proportion of the public indicating their intention to vote for the government in opinion polls, and the state of the economy, as represented by certain key variables. The work began in the early 1970s with articles by Goodhart and Bhansali, Mueller, and Kramer. It continued through the decade; some of the more recent contributions can be found in a set of readings edited by Hibbs and Fassbender. However, despite the amount and quality of this work, problems remain. Principal amongst these, as Chrystal and Alt have pointed out, is the inability to estimate a relationship which exhibits any degree of stability either over time or between researchers. Nearly all the studies have been successful in finding a significant relationship for specific time periods, but when these are extended, or when the function is used to forecast outside the original estimation period, the relationship appears to break down.

2019 ◽  
pp. 26
Antonio Díaz Sotelo

ResumenEl objeto de este texto es la exposición y análisis de los procedimientos de intervención pública en el paisaje urbano de la ciudad de Madrid. El objetivo último de ese análisis es identificar el modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid.  Este texto se centra en la exposición analítica de documentos oficiales antes que en sus conclusiones definitivas, por lo que le corresponde la denominación de Informe.  Este informe se organiza en dos partes: una exposición teórica que enmarca el posterior análisis de instrumentos administrativos de intervención en el paisaje.  Se concibe como parte de la investigación de Tesis Doctoral titulada “Transformación Reciente del Paisaje Comercial en el Centro Histórico”, acotada en un marco temporal de apenas diez años, marcado por la crisis y la desregulación económica, y en un marco territorial limitado al centro histórico de Madrid. Esa investigación se enmarca en una reflexión general sobre la relación entre actividad económica y paisaje urbano. El interés de este informe para la investigación es sobre la utilidad de ese modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid como parámetro para valorar la rentabilidad de los esfuerzos públicos y privados en la mejora de la calidad del paisaje urbano.AbstractThe purpose of this text is the exhibition and analysis of public intervention procedures in the urban landscape of the city of Madrid. The ultimate goal of this analysis is to identify the public model for the urban landscape in Madrid. This text focuses on the analytical exposition of official documents rather than on their final conclusions, for which reason the denomination of Report corresponds. This report is organized in two parts: a theoretical exposition that frames the subsequent analysis of administrative instruments of intervention in the landscape. It is conceived as part of the Doctoral Thesis research titled "Recent Transformation of the Commercial Landscape in the Historic Center", bounded within a period of just ten years, marked by the crisis and economic deregulation, and in a territorial framework limited to the historic center of Madrid. This research is part of a general reflexion on the relationship between economic activity and urban landscape. The interest of this report for the investigation is about the utility of that public model for the urban landscape in Madrid as a parameter to assess the profitability of public and private efforts in improving the quality of the urban landscape.

Jan Lauren Boyles

Decades after the public journalism movement attempted to redefine the relationship between news outlets and the communities they cover, local journalists are still grappling with how best to cultivate audiences in civic spaces. Community news providers—battling against diminished levels of trust in media institutions—are seeking to counter these sentiments by building closer partnerships with their readers. In this light, data journalism is often heralded for its ability to coalesce fragmented audiences in conversation around salient civic issues. Yet despite its promise, successful storytelling requires basic data literacy skills on behalf of both practitioners and the public. To understand the story, all parties must understand the data. This chapter tackles programmatic efforts to address societal shortfalls in data knowledge and accessibility across the news production/consumption spectrum (with an emphasis on journalism experiments in community news).

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Tade M Spranger

AbstractBoth the confidence of the international scientific community and the public hopes risen by stem cell technology were shaken one year ago by what is called the Korean stem cell scandal. The forgery conducted by one of Korea's major scientists led to several fundamental questions. Some of them refer to ethical aspects, while others concern legal facets: Are law and ethics really able to control scientific research in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine ? Which effects are exerted by the ”publish or perish” policy as well as the commercialisation of basic research on the quality of scientific work ? Is the practical relevance of stem cell research overestimated ? Has the relationship between principal researchers and their staff to be reviewed or even controlled according to tightened ethical and legal standards ?

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-52
Luãn José Vaz Chagas ◽  
Aline Figueiredo ◽  
Anne Bertuzzi ◽  
Nayara Chagas

As influências tecnológicas e sociais que o telejornalismo sofreu ao longo dos anos, desde as mudanças nas rotinas produtivas, alteração no perfil do âncora até o advento das novas mídias digitais perpassam diferentes níveis da construção das notícias. Neste artigo a reflexão parte de uma entrevista e análise sobre as mudanças do caminho profissional do jornalista e âncora da TV Centro América em Cuiabá, Elias Neto. Assim, buscamos compreender como a reestruturação profissional somada com as mutações do fazer jornalístico fizeram com que a busca de novos modelos estruturais levassem a novas forma de trabalho na relação entre o apresentador, o público e a produção noticiosa.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Âncora; Telejornalismo; Reestruturação profissional; Televisão.       ABSTRACT The technological and social influences that television journalism has undergone over the years, from changes in production routines, changes in the profile of the anchor to the advent of new digital media permeate different levels of the construction of news. In this article the reflection starts from an interview and analysis about the changes of the professional path of the journalist and anchor of Central America TV in Cuiabá, Elias Neto. Thus, we seek to understand how the professional restructuring together with the mutations of journalistic making have made the search for new structural models lead to new ways of working in the relationship between the presenter, the public and news production.   KEYWORDS: Host; Journalism; Professional restructuring; Television.       RESUMEN Las influencias tecnológicas y sociales que el periodismo televisivo ha experimentado a lo largo de los años, desde los cambios en las rutinas de producción, los cambios en el perfil del ancla hasta la llegada de los nuevos medios digitales impregnan diferentes niveles de la construcción de noticias. En este artículo, la reflexión parte de una entrevista y un análisis sobre los cambios en la trayectoria profesional del periodista y presentador de la televisión de América Central en Cuiabá, Elías Neto. Por lo tanto, buscamos comprender cómo la reestructuración profesional junto con las mutaciones de la creación periodística han hecho que la búsqueda de nuevos modelos estructurales conduzca a nuevas formas de trabajar en la relación entre el presentador, el público y la producción de noticias.     PALABRAS CLAVE: Ancla; Periodismo; Reestructuración profesional; Televisión.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-186
Cristina Todi

Abstract This article examines the relationship between performing arts, the multidisciplinary aspect of them, thereafter seeking to address a few similarities and differences in approaching a live performance. The confluence between ballet, theatre and opera is obvious and a brief overview of the main interlaced stages in the development of performing arts will also prove that they have always been related and dependant on one another. Every performing art crosses its boundaries and not only does it explore issues or topics specific to the other arts, but it also uses their tools. Thus, this article integrates a few contemporary tendencies of intersection in performing arts, mainly the pervasive presence of ballet and theatre. Subsequently, in considering live performance, the impact on the audience is also assessed, as well as the harmony of perception created between the performer and the public. Further on, the paradigm development in performing arts is determined due to the augmenting of the new technological tools being used. The aim of using these tools is to create special effects that emphasize the quality of the performance. In addition to a comprehensive influence, this article explains how contemporary social and political changes, scientific and technological progress have determined more changes in the performing arts than they had in the previous centuries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Martin Gluchman

Abstract The paper presents different approaches to the relationship of life and death among selected authors as a review of their articles within the last volume of the Ethics & Bioethics (in Central Europe) journal. The resource of the review is an article by Peter Singer The challenge of brain death for the sanctity of life ethics. Firstly, I try to analyze the issue when death occurs and when we can talk about death as a phenomenon that each and every living human being must come to terms within the course of their lives. Ethics of social consequences is used to analyze different approaches and states a conclusion defending the principles of humanity and human dignity within the scope of this ethical theory applied to various problem cases. I strive to support the question of the quality of life through the paternalistic approach of physicians influenced by their humane and dignified understanding of their relationship towards the patients. Ethics of social consequences offers many solutions to the discussed issues throughout the reviewed articles.

Nuri Mohamad M. Otman

This study presents a review of the Quality of Higher Education through the incidence of learning styles. The quality is important l element the private sector, as well as for the public sector since it evaluates services, supply and working conditions, and the relationship with the environment where they carry out their activities. Therefore, higher education organizations cannot be exempt from the importance of quality. However, there are several factors that affect the quality of education, being one of the most important learning styles. Generally, from this background, the main objective of this study to define the role and quality concepts of higher education the analysis of the key aspects of quality assurance and its relationship with student learning styles, by briefly reviewing the literature in this regard that allows for defining this relationship and its importance. The results showed through these studies that there is no single style of learning, and that this must be flexible within the classroom to improve the educational experience of students, but that this cannot lead to the choice of a single style considered as suitable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 106-112
Tatiana Kolomoiets ◽  
Oleksii Makarenkov ◽  
Georgiy Samoylenko

Relevance. In terms of revising the provisions of legal regulation of relations in the field of transport with the borrowing of competitive principles of the European institutes to ensure the integration of transport into European and world transport area, with revision of models of relations between relevant public administration entities and private entities, ensuring balance of their interests , including in the context of national and supranational threats and focus on expanding the implementation of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the latter in the field of transport, strengthening of the principles of decentralization of power in the system of public authorities occurs, resulting in a significant increase in the number and diversity of regulatory and legal acts aimed at settling the above relations. Unfortunately, at the same time the processes of "growth" and a variety of forms of corruption in the activities of public servants, whose professional sphere is directly related to transport relations with the involvement of municipal transport, are also active. Analysis of law enforcement activities of anti-corruption entities in all its manifestations shows a fairly steady trend towards an increase in the number of detected acts of corruption committed by public servants directly related to the exercise of their authority over the procedure for admission to municipal passenger transportation. The specifics of the legislative regulation of the latter presupposes the presence of many "defects", which create the basis for variable manifestations, including illegal, of the activities of public servants with a subjective arbitrary interpretation of the latest provisions of the law. "Low-quality" regulation of the provisions of the activity of public servants to exercise power over the admission to municipal passenger transportation has a negative impact not only on the implementation of passenger rights (of various categories), but also provision of the public interest, and contributes to the formation of a national threat with a "corrosive" sign of power within administrative and territorial units, especially the country in general. An integrated approach to clarifying the problems of "municipal passenger transportation" with an emphasis on eliminating corruption risks in the activities of public servants at the stage of exercising their power to admit to transportation, which will contribute to the "quality" of such entities and will form an effective regulatory framework for the relevant component of transport in general, its effective existence, the realization of the public interest and its correlation with the interests of individuals. The purpose of the paper is the justification of the relationship of the "quality" of standardization of the procedure for admission of entities to municipal passenger transportation and corruption risks in the professional activities of public servants, which is related to this area, formulating proposals for their multi-balance ratio to minimize these risks and "qualitative" standardization of the relevant component of passenger transportation and transport relations in general based on the analysis of various sources. The objects of the article are public relations directly related to municipal passenger transportation. The subject of the article is the "quality" of standardization of relations in admission to municipal passenger transportation and its connection with corruption risks in activity of public servants connected with the specified sphere of relations. Methods of research. Both general legal and special methods of scientific cognition were used in research. As the basis, the dialectic method was used, which allowed to reveal problematic issues in dynamics; juridical and logical method allowed to form options for borrowing positive and avoiding negative experience of relevant rulemaking and law enforcement in foreign countries; forecasting and modeling were used for making proposals to strengthen "quality" of standardization of the procedure of admission to municipal passenger transportation in order to eliminate corruption risks in the activities of public servants. Results. Admission to municipal passenger transportation should be considered as a form of public procedure, the subjects of which are servants of local public authorities. Given the specifics of municipal transport in general, any activity associated with its use, objectively anticipates the risks of possible, including illegal, priority satisfaction of private interests of public servants and the interests of relatives during the exercise of the public authority, which causes "corrosion" of public authority. The procedure of admission to the relevant transportation, the "corruption freedom" of which depends on the "quality" of normalization of its provisions, is not an exception. The relationship between the "quality" of legislation and the "corruption risk" of professional activity of public servants, which is associated with the procedure of admission to the services mentioned, is interdependent (the lower the quality of legislation, the higher the risks of "corrosion" of professional activity of public servants and vice versa). In order to improve the "quality" of standardization of the procedure for admission to the transportation and minimize corruption risks in the professional activities of public servants associated with the above procedure, it is appropriate to strengthen the provisions of certainty of the content of relevant legislation, their systematization (including in the form of codification), streamlining the thematic definition series, meaningful consolidation of the principles of transparency, publicity, participation, public-private partnership, guarantee of all elements and admission procedures in general.

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