Ilfan Bereki ◽  
Widya Murdhanata Saputra

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Perilaku belajar, Kecedasan Emosional dan Tingkat pemahaman akuntansi terhadap Stres belajar mahasiswa akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Pasifik Morotai. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa akuntansi pada Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pasifik. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara parsial, seluruh variabel independen yakni perilaku belajar, kecerdasan emosional, tingkat pemahaman akuntansi pengaruh positif terhadap variable Stres Belajar mahasiswa akuntansi.Kata kunci:    Perilaku Belajar, Kecerdasan Emosional, Tingkat Pemahaman Akuntansi. Stres Belajar This study aims to analyze the effect of learning behavior, emotional anxiety and the level of understanding of accounting towards accounting student-learning stress in the Faculty of Economics Universitas Pasifik Morotai. Population in this study is accounting students at the Faculty of Economics, Pacific University. The type of data used is primary data with a data collection method using a questionnaire. The sampling method uses purposive sampling technique. The results showed partially, all independent variables namely learning behavior, emotional intelligence, the level of understanding of accounting a positive influence on the variable of Learning Stress of accounting students.Keywords: Learning Behavior, Emotional Intelligence, Level of Understanding of Accounting, Learning Stress

2018 ◽  
pp. 988
Ida Ayu Clara Agustin ◽  
I Ketut Sujana

Accounting understanding is a process of an accounting student in understanding matters related to accounting. Students' accounting understanding is not only shown from the values ??obtained in the course but also influenced by several factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and learning behavior on the level of understanding of accounting for non-regular students of the 2014 accounting department at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Udayana University. The method of determining the sample of this study uses purposive sampling method using the Slovin formula. Data collection using questionnaires distributed directly to students as many as 126 questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results shows that emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and learning behavior have a positive effect on the level of understanding of accounting. Keywords: understanding, emotional, spiritual, learning behavior

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-127
Komang Krishna Yogantara

This study aims to examine the effect of lectures while working, learning behavior and emotional intelligence on the level of understanding of regular afternoon accounting students of accounting study programs at Triatma Mulya University. The dependent variable in this research is accounting understanding (Y). While the independent variables in this study are lectures while working (X1), learning behavior (X2) and emotional intelligence (X3). The population in this study were all regular evening students of the 2016-2019 accounting study program who are still active at Triatma Mulya University. The sample in this study was selected by purposive sampling method and obtained a sample of 96 students. The research method used is quantitative research and for data analysis using multiple regression analysis. The results of the study stated that lecture while working had a positive effect on accounting understanding, seen from the X1 significance value of 0,000. The positive influence between lectures while working with the level of understanding of accounting identifies that students who are active in carrying out two activities at once, namely lecturing and working together and supporting each other. Furthermore, learning behavior has a positive effect on accounting understanding, seen from the X2 significance value of 0,000. This indicates that the better the student's learning behavior, the better the level of understanding of the student's accounting. While emotional intelligence also has a positive effect on accounting understanding, it can be seen from the X3 significance value of 0.002. This emotional intelligence shows that someone who is able to control his emotional intelligence well, then understanding accounting will also increase.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Andi Gusnawati ◽  
Titik Agus Setiyaningsih

This study aims to examine the effect of intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, learning behavior, and accounting practicum on the level of understanding of accounting as well as looking at the differences based on a gender perspective. This research uses primary data. This study includes research with a quantitative approach. Determination of the sample in this study using Stratafied random sampling technique and technical analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression analysis. The population in this study were S1 Accounting students in 2014 at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, UIN Jakarta, and STIE Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta, with a total sample of 214 respondents. The results showed that partially intellectual quotient, spiritual quotient, learning behavior, and accounting practicum had a positive and significant effect on the level of accounting understanding while emotional quotienthad no positive and significant effect on the level of accounting understanding. And found differences in intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual quotient between male and female students. While learning behavior, accounting practicum, the level of understanding of accounting there is no difference between male students and female students.

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 463
Aan Satria ◽  
Okki Trinanda

The e-commerce business has now developed rapidly, the impact of development is that the number of prosuct varies and easily earned. The ease of such information will result in consumers will be more consumptive infulfilling their needs, even they tend to make impuse buying. As one of the emerest e-commerece in Indonesia, Lazada should be able to see this as a great opportunity in as effort to increase the company’s sales and sustainability. One effort in increasing impulse buying is of external factors ranging from the promotion and quality of websites that are launched on e-commerce bussines. This study aims to know and prove how much influence promotion and website quality to impulse buying e-commerce Lazada in Padang City. The samples were taken using Cochran formula with 100 respondents. This sampling technique is based on nonprobability sampling method. The type of data used in this study is primary data. Data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis technique using SPSS version 20. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Promotion has positive influence and significant effect toward impulse buying e-commerce Lazada in Padang city (0,014 < 0,05). (2) Website Quality has positive influence and significant effect toward impulse buying e-commerce Lazada in Padang city (0,046 < 0,05)Keyword: promotion, website quality, impulse buying.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 442-469
Tisa Windayani

Art 80 and Art 76C  of Law No. 35/2014 purports to protect children from domestic violence (including most importantly those committed by the mother of the child).  This article using empirical juridical purports to analyze what factors are influential in determining compliance.  Primary data is collected using purposive sampling technique and subsequently is analyzed qualitatively.  The main result of the research is that avoidance of penal sanction is not a significant role in determining legal compliance.  More significant or influential are factors such as the extent or level of understanding the rule’s purpose or values behind the existing rule (prohibiting domestic violence), the need to maintain good relationship with the child; identification of the mother with certain groups in society and personal values. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Luh Kade Datrini ◽  
Komang Adi Kurniawan Saputra ◽  
Made Andika Pradnyana Wistawan

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh perilaku belajar, motivasi belajar, kecerdasan emosional, kecerdasan intelektual dan kecerdasan spiritual terhadap keberhasilan mahasiswa akuntansi meraih gelar sarjana. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui survey menggunakan kuesioner. Untuk menguji antar variabel dilakukan uji regresi linear berganda, tetapi sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap instrument penelitian serta uji asumsi klasik yang meliputi uji normalitas, heterokedastisitas dan multikolinearitas. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa akuntansi pada perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta di provinsi Bali berjumlah 8.652 orang pada tahun 2018. Teknik sampling dibantu dengan rumus slovin sehingga didapatkan sampel sejumlah 100 orang mahasiswa yang tersebar diseluruh Kabupaten di Provinsi Bali. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perilaku belajar, motivasi belajar, kecerdasan emosional, kecerdasan intelektual dan kecerdasan spiritual berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keberhasilan mahasiswa akuntansi meraih gelar sarjana.Kata kunci: kecerdasan emosional, kecerdasan intelektual, kecerdasan spiritual, sarjana akuntansiABSTRACTThis study aims to examine the effect of learning behavior, learning motivation, emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the success of accounting students achieving a bachelor's degree. This research was conducted using quantitative methods through surveys using questionnaires. To refer between variables, multiple linear regression tests were carried out, but the validity and reliability of the research instruments and the classical assumption tests were carried out which included tests of normality, heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity. The population of this study is accounting students in state and private universities in the province of Bali, amounting to 8,652 people in 2018. The sampling technique is assisted by the Slovin formula so that a sample of 100 students is spread throughout the regencies of Bali Province. The results of this study are learning behavior, learning motivation, emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence and spiritual intelligence have a significant effect on the success of accounting students achieving a bachelor's degree.Keywords: emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, spiritual intelligence, bachelor of accounting

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-146
Novianti Zalukhu ◽  
Susi Hendriani ◽  
Kurniawaty Fitri

This study aims to determine the effect of recruitment and training on the commitment and performance of Village Bussiness Entity managers in Kampar district. The population in this study were all managers who were members of Village Bussiness Entity in Kampar Regency. Primary data in this study were collected by using questionnaire as research instrument to prove the results of the study. Multiple regression analysis with the assistance of the SPSS program was used to test the hypothesis in this study. The sampling technique was purposive sampling method (30 Village Bussiness Entity in 30 Kampar District Villages). The results showed that: 1) There's is positive and significant influence between recruitment and commitment of Village Bussiness Entity, 2) There was positive but not significant effect between training and commitment of Village Bussiness Entity managers, 3) There is positive and simultaneously significant effect between recruitment and training towards Village Bussiness Entity, 4) There is positive and significant effect between the commitment and performance of Village Bussiness Entity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 853
Valeria Kiky Tiomantara ◽  
I Gede Adiputra

This research is conducted with the aim of examining the effect of work environment and organizational culture on employee job satisfaction at Aston Hotel in Pontianak. The respondents used in this study are 100 samples of active hotel employees. The primary data in this study are collected from questionnaires distributed online via GoogleForm, then processed using the SmartPLS software version 3.3.3. The sampling technique is carried out by purposive sampling method. The results of this study indicate that the work environment and organizational culture have a significant influence on employee job satisfaction.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan budaya organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan Hotel Aston di Pontianak. Responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 100 sampel karyawan hotel yang aktif. Data primer pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari kuisioner yang disebarkan secara online melalui GoogleForm, kemudian diolah menggunakan bantuan software SmartPLS versi 3.3.3. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan kerja dan budaya organisasi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Anissa Hakim Purwantini

<p><em>This study empirically examine the influence of professional commitment, ethical judgements, and the components of planned behavior to the intention of internal whistleblowing. The data in this study are primary data which obtained by distributing questionnaires directly to the respondents, undergraduated accounting students at the University of Muhammadiyah. The sampling technique using purposive sampling method. Hypothesis testing is done by multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the only variable subjective norms has positive effects on internal whistleblowing intentions, while the other variables are professional commitment, ethical judgements, attitudes, and perceived behavior control is not having an effect to the intention of internal whistleblowing. Results of regression estimates indicate the predictive ability of the model by 39.2% while the remaining 60.8% is influenced by other factors outside the research model.</em><em></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-178
Detman Detman

This research is motivated by the problem of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting SMA Ekasakti. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the influence of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting students of class XI Social SMAN Ekasakti Padang.  The hypothesis of this study is suspected that there is positive and significant correlation between emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting students of class XI Social SMA Ekasakti Padang. This research is a quantitative approach Correlational the entire population of students of class XI Social SMA Ekasakti Padang as many as 78 students. Sampling was done by way of random sampling technique in which the individual is drawn at random from the class XI IPS1, IPS2 to class XI XI IPS3. Samples were taken by 43 students by using Slovin formula. The independent variable in this paper is emotional intelligence (X1), the discipline of learning (X2) and the dependent variable is the student learning outcomes (Y). Data emotional intelligence and discipline of student learning gained from the questionnaire / questionnaire.             Analysis of the data used is a statistical data analysis techniques to find the influence of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes and tested multiple regression analysis and coefficient of determination. From the results penalitian, multiple regression coefficients obtained for emotional intelligence variable Y = 88.580 + 0.051 + e shows the r-sig 0.000 alpha ≤ 0.05. and the regression coefficient for the variable Y = 87.580 learn discipline + 0.077 + e shows r-sig ≤ 0.001 alpha of 0.05. R Square of 0.704 or 70.40%. So it is concluded that in this penalitian a positive influence of emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on learning outcomes of accounting students of class XI Social SMAN Ekasakti. The results of this study are expected to be material information and the input of the academic community, especially the teachers as teachers, parents and the community in order to improve emotional intelligence and discipline of learning on the learner.    

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