scholarly journals El espacio y el tiempo en la Nueva filosofía de la naturaleza del hombre (1587), de Oliva o Miguel Sabuco

2021 ◽  
pp. 607-631
Catalina García-Posada Rodríguez

RESUMEN: En este artículo se analizan las referencias espaciales y temporales de la Nueva filosofía de la naturaleza del hombre (1587), obra compuesta de siete diálogos. A pesar de que este tipo de indicaciones no son indispensables en el diálogo, aquellas que presenta el texto de Sabuco sirven para reforzar dos características esenciales del género: por un lado, ayudan a simular el transcurso de una conversación real; por otro, junto a otros elementos ficcionales, se colocan al servicio del proceso argumentativo. ABSTRACT: This article analyses the references to space and time in Sabuco’s New Philosophy of Human Nature (1587), a book composed of seven dialogues. Despite these specifications not being necessarily required in dialogues, those of Sabuco’s text serve to reinforce two essential features of this genre: on the one hand, they help simulate the illusion of a real conversation taking place; on the other hand, along with other fictional elements, they are subordinated to the argumentative process.

2018 ◽  
pp. 761-769
Olga A. Ginatulina ◽  

The article analyzes the phenomenon of document as assessed in the study of value. To begin with, it poses a problem of contradictory axiological status of document in modern society. On the one hand, document is objectively important, as it completes certain practical tasks, and yet, on the other hand, documents and document management are receive a negative assessment in public consciousness. In order to understand this situation, the article analyzes the concept of ‘value’ and concludes that certain objects of the material world receive this status, if they are included in public practice and promote progress of society or human development. Although this abstract step towards a better understanding of values does not provide a comprehensive answer to the question of axiological nature of document, it however indicates a trend in development of thought towards analysis of the development of human nature. The document is an artifact that objectifies and reifies a certain side of human nature. Human nature is a heterogeneous phenomenon and exists on two levels. The first abstract level is represented by the human race and embodies the full range of universal features of humanity. The second level is the specific embodiment of generic universal human nature in specific historical type of individuals. Between these two levels there is a contradiction. On the one hand, man by nature tends toward universality, on the other hand, realization of his nature is limited by the frameworks of historical era and contributes to the development of only one side of the race. Accordingly, document has value only within a certain historical stage and conflicts with the trend of universal development of human nature, and thus receives a negative evaluation. However, emergence of a new type of work (general scientific work) will help to overcome this alienation between generic and limited individual human being, and therefore will make a great impact on the nature of document, making it more ‘human,’ thus increasing its value in the eyes of society.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Axelle Vatrican

<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Abstract. This paper presents a semantic analysis of a periphrastic construction which has not been studied at this time in Spanish: <em>soler </em>+ stative (<em>Un poeta suele ser un hombre normal, “A poet usually is a normal man</em>”). Whereas the habitual construction has been largely studied (<em>Juan suele cantar “Juan usually sings”</em>), it seems that the first one does not carry the same interpretation. We will claim that we need to distinguish between two readings: the habitual reading on the one hand and the generic reading on the other hand. According to Menéndez-Benito (2013), Krifka et al. (1995) and Shubert &amp; Pelletier (1989), among others, we will argue that <em>soler </em>contains a frequentative adverb of quantification <em>Q</em>. In the habitual reading, the <em>Q</em> adverb quantifies over an individual participating in an event at a time t (<em>Juan está cantando</em>, <em>“Juan is singing”</em>), whereas in the generic reading, <em>Q</em> adverb quantifies over a characterizing predicate (<em>un poeta es un hombre normal, “A poet is a normal man”</em>). In the habitual reading, the NP must refer to an individual and the VP to a dynamic event anchored in space and time. In the generic reading, the NP must refer to a class of objects and the VP to a stative predicate.</span></p>

Михаил Асмус

Второй раздел статьи посвящён анализу образного мира Леонтия как одному из факторов, подтверждающих принадлежность текстов одному автору, а также выявляющих уровень риторической подготовки и мастерства проповедника. Анализ символических образов Леонтия (Церковь и Её священнодействия, Агнец Божий, Хлеб Небесный, царская власть Христа) демонстрирует, с одной стороны, его приверженность евхаристическому реализму и цельной экклезиологии, объединяющей тайносовершительную и социальную функции Церкви, с другой стороны - выявляет некоторую размытость границ между символом и передаваемой им реальностью, увлечение художественной завершённостью образа, которое иногда приводит проповедника к отступлению от отстаиваемых им же богословских положений. Сдержанность Леонтия в развитии идеи царской власти Христа по человечеству хорошо объясняется его дохалкидонским христологическим мышлением, а также тем, что проповедник находился под свежим впечатлением от ересей конца IV в. (Маркелл Анкирский) и их осуждения на II Вселенском Соборе. Последнее позволяет более уверенно датировать леонтиевский корпус концом IV - началом V в. Analysis of the symbolic images of Leontius (the Church and her sacraments, the Lamb of God, the Bread of Heaven, the royal power of Christ) demonstrates, on the one hand, Leontius’ commitment to Eucharistic realism and integral ecclesiology, uniting the sacramental and social functions of the Church, on the other hand, reveals some blurring of the boundaries between the symbol and the reality, and the fascination with the literary completeness of the image, which sometimes leads the preacher to deviate from the theological positions defended by him. The restraint of Leontius in the development of the idea of the royal power of Christ by His human nature is well explained by his pre-Chalcedonian Christology, as well as by the fact that the preacher was under a fresh impression of the heresies of the late 4th century (Marcellus of Anсyra) and their condemnation at the II Ecumenical Council. The latter makes it possible to more confidently date the Corpus Leontianum of the late 4th - early 5th centuries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 199-216
Claire Mercier

This paper considers the graphic work of the Chilean artist Claudio Romo from a post-human perspective. Romo's work realizes an opening of imaginaries, above all, new configurations of human being, in order to reconsider the boundaries of human nature and propose a new humanism in relation to a new understanding of modernity. After a theoretical tour of post-humanism, especially of Rosi Braidotti's philosophical nomadism, the paper will approach the post-human bestiary that elaborates Romo, on the one hand, as a questioning of access to empirical realities and, on the other hand, as a presentation of potential life forms. The paper will conclude on the presence, in Romo’s work, of a new affirmative humanism, that is, the experimentation of new modes of subjectivization, as well as the approach of new modes of knowledge.

Оксана Федотова ◽  
Oksana Fedotova

The paper presents fiction as a multi-layer unit. On the one hand, there is fictional reality in which characters live and act. On the other hand, there is a specific form of presentation of the plot to the reader, fiction narrative metadiscourse. The paper shows that metadiscourse unites the plot and the author’s metadiscourse into fiction text. Metadiscourse is presented as a two-layer structure, which consists of the inner conceptual layer and the outer layer, which includes the system of language means the choice of which is made on the basis of conceptual frame models. The paper describes frame models of metadiscourse forming the inner structure of the text. They are: the frame model of space and time, the frame model of generalization and the frame model of communicative interaction between the writer and the reader.

2012 ◽  
Vol 70 ◽  
pp. 1-28 ◽  
Richard Samuels

There is a puzzling tension in contemporary scientific attitudes towards human nature. On the one hand, evolutionary biologists correctly maintain that the traditional essentialist conception of human nature is untenable; and moreover that this isobviouslyso in the light of quite general and exceedingly well-known evolutionary considerations. On this view, talk of human nature is just an expression of pre-Darwinian superstition. On the other hand, talk of human nature abounds in certain regions of the sciences, especially in linguistics, psychology and cognitive science. Further, it is very frequently most common amongst those cognitive-behavioral scientists who should be most familiar with the sorts of facts that putatively undermine the very notion of human nature: sociobiologists, evolutionary psychologists, and more generally, theorists working on the evolution of mind and culture.

Ramus ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 33 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 20-34 ◽  
Elaine Fantham

Let me start by quoting a paragraph from a century old edition of Terence, which will serve as a reminder of changes in our background knowledge of both comedy and this particular comic playwright: Of the six extant Terentian comedies the Andria is the most pathetic, the Adelphoe in general more true to human nature than the rest, the Eunuchus the most varied and lively, with the largest number of interesting characters, and the Hecyra the one of least merit. All six are remarkable for the art with which the plot is unfolded through the natural sequence of incidents and play of motives. Striking effects, sharp contrasts and incongruities, which meet us in many plays of Plautus, are almost wholly absent. All is smooth, consistent and moderate, without any of the extravagance of exuberant humour or even creative fancy which characterizes the writing of the older poet. But Terence was essentially an imitative artist and his distinguishing feature was his artistic finish, a fact fully recognized by Horace (Epistle 2.1.59).There is plenty here to question, if not correct. What does it mean to call Adelphoe more true to human nature? What defines an ‘interesting character’? And do present day readers still find Hecyra the play of least merit? As for the art with which Terence’s plots are unfolded, we still cannot guess how much of this is his own contribution rather than derived from Menander (whose plays were still unknown when this edition was written). However, scholars have used both the evidence given by Terence in the prologues and his commentator Donatus to identify where he has himself innovated in his plots—removing the expository prologues to replace irony with suspense, introducing a second lover and slave into Andria, working a braggart soldier and his parasite into Eunuchus and inserting an abduction scene into the second act of Adelphoe. And yet it was Terence’s immediate predecessor Caecilius whom Varro, most learned of ancient critics, praised for his superior plots. Certainly Terence does not indulge in the extravagance of Plautus, but is this because he is ‘essentially an imitative artist’? On the other hand I would not challenge the editor’s evaluation of his scripts as ‘smooth, consistent and moderate’ or his praise for the playwright’s ‘artistic finish’. Instead I would ask if this is what we want, or ought to want from comedy.

2019 ◽  
pp. 287-311
Kristóf Fülöp

The cremation rite is well-defined in space and time as it is the central part of a series of complex ritual events. Although it is one of the most significant and representative elements of the funeral, yet we know very little about it due to its destructive nature, the scarcity of pyre sites and the indirect character of cremated bones and artefacts found in graves. The two experimental cremations presented in this article, on the one hand, address this rare occurrence of pyre sites. On the other hand, by the detailed documentation of the cremation process and the formation of pyre sites, it is possible to examine in detail several new issues related to the pyre sites. Thus, the shape, orientation, dimension, and structure of the funeral pyre, as well as some moments of the cremation are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the representation of the body and pyre goods after the pyre’s burndown, the movement of artefacts during burning, and the watering of pyre remains, as well as the problem of the mixture are also examined. At the same time, the experimental observations also draw attention, besides the investigational possibilities, to the archaeological limitations of pyre sites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-41
Restu Ashari Putra ◽  
Reza Pahlevi Dalimunthe ◽  
Rizal Abdul Gani

Benefit as the core of maqâshid al-syariah has an important role in the development of Islamic law. Because Islamic law was revealed with the aim of presenting the benefit of humans, both in this world and in the hereafter. One of the benefits that are protected is the protection of lineage. Nasab is human nature, because humans have the instinct to regenerate. On the other hand, humans have the nature of obedience to God. So that the two natures accumulate in lineage protection. Lineage protection is concerned with quantity on the one hand, and quality on the other. The exact point proportions of the two are seen from the bounded realm of reality. Lineage protection is not only about regeneration, but also includes all intermediaries (wasilah) that support it, both in terms of quantity and quality. The purpose of this study is to find out what things can damage the lineage, such as adultery, incest marriage, prostitution and so on.

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-194
Mauro Senatore ◽  

This article explores the hypothesis formulated by Derrida in his early work that structuralism is Aristotelian in foundation. To this end, it traces Derrida’s engagement with Aristotle’s Physics between the seminal essays “Force and Signification” (1963) and “Ousia and Grammē” (1968). On the one hand, it demonstrates that Derrida reads Aristotle’s concept of time as the presupposition of what he designates as structuralism, that is, the teleological understanding of movement from its achieved structure and thus from a theological simultaneity. On the other hand, it shows that Derrida finds in the very text of Physics the index (grammē) for understanding movement otherwise: as the irreducible articulation of space and time, namely, the trace, inscribed in a non-simultaneous volume.

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