A Review of Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output for 5G Communication: Benefits and Challenges
2020 ◽
Vol 1
pp. 22-26
Massive MIMO (mMIMO) systems become a primary advantage to overcome the problem of bandwidth restrictions. It improves the channel capacity of remote systems.The paper reviews about mMIMO systems. mMIMO consists of several number of antennas at base station (BS) which improves spectrum efficacy. The extra benefit of the mMIMO system is that the components cost is low because of utilization of less power components. The paper also discusses about the channel estimation at the BS and generally time division mode (TDD) is assumed for mMIMO systems. The paper also discusses system model, benefits for 5G wireless communication and its challenges.
2020 ◽
Vol 1
pp. 22-26
2021 ◽
Vol 11
pp. 5180
2022 ◽
Vol 12
pp. 1650
2019 ◽
Vol 8
pp. 2938-2943
1970 ◽
Vol 5
pp. 22-30