scholarly journals Air pollution slows down surface warming over the Tibetan Plateau

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 881-899 ◽  
Aolin Jia ◽  
Shunlin Liang ◽  
Dongdong Wang ◽  
Bo Jiang ◽  
Xiaotong Zhang

Abstract. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays a vital role in regional and global climate change. The TP has been undergoing significant surface warming starting from 1850, with an air temperature increase of 1.39 K and surface solar dimming resulting from decreased incident solar radiation. The causes and impacts of solar dimming on surface warming are unclear. In this study, long-term (from 1850 to 2015) surface downward radiation datasets over the TP are developed by integrating 18 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) models and satellite products. The validation results from two ground measurement networks show that the generated downward surface radiation datasets have a higher accuracy than the mean of multiple CMIP5 datasets and the fused datasets of reanalysis and satellite products. After analyzing the generated radiation data with four air temperature datasets, we found that downward shortwave radiation (DSR) remained stable before 1950 and then declined rapidly at a rate of −0.53 W m−2 per decade, and that the fastest decrease in DSR occurs in the southeastern TP. Evidence from site measurements, satellite observations, reanalysis, and model simulations suggested that the TP solar dimming was primarily driven by increased anthropogenic aerosols. The TP solar dimming is stronger in summer, at the same time that the increasing magnitude of the surface air temperature is the smallest. The cooling effect of solar dimming offsets surface warming on the TP by 0.80±0.28 K (48.6±17.3 %) in summer since 1850. It helps us understand the role of anthropogenic aerosols in climate warming and highlights the need for additional studies to be conducted to quantify the influence of air pollution on regional climate change over the TP.

2019 ◽  
Aolin Jia ◽  
Shunlin Liang ◽  
Dongdong Wang ◽  
Bo Jiang ◽  
Xiaotong Zhang

Abstract. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays a vital role in regional and global climate change. The TP has been undergoing significant surface warming since 1850, with an air temperature increase of 1.39 K and surface solar dimming resulting from decreased incident solar radiation. The causes and impacts of solar dimming on surface warming are unclear. In this study, long-term (from 1850–2015) surface downward radiation datasets over the TP are developed by integrating 18 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models and satellite products. The validation results from two ground measurement networks show that the generated downward surface radiation datasets have higher accuracy than the mean of multiple CMIP5 and the fused datasets of reanalysis and satellite products. After analyzing the generated radiation data with four air temperature datasets, we found that downward shortwave radiation (DSR) remained stable before 1950 and then declined rapidly at a rate of −0.53 W m−2 per decade and that the fastest decrease in DSR is in the southeastern TP. Evidence from site measurements, satellite observations, reanalysis, and model simulations suggested that TP solar dimming was primarily driven by increased anthropogenic aerosols. The TP solar dimming is stronger in summer, at the same time that the increasing magnitude of the surface air temperature is the smallest. The cooling effect of solar dimming offsets surface warming on the TP by 0.80 ± 0.28 K (48.6 ± 17.3 %) in summer. It helps us understand the role of anthropogenic aerosols in climate warming, and highlights the need for additional studies to be conducted to quantify the influence of air pollution on regional climate change over the TP.

2021 ◽  
Dongfeng Li ◽  
Xixi Lu ◽  
Ting Zhang

<p>Sediment flux in cold environments is a crucial proxy to link glacial, periglacial, and fluvial systems and highly relevant to hydropower operation, water quality, and the riverine carbon cycle. However, the long-term impacts of climate change and multiple human activities on sediment flux changes in cold environments remain insufficiently investigated due to the lack of monitoring and the complexity of the sediment cascade. Here we examine the multi-decadal changes in the in-situ observed fluvial sediment fluxes from two types of basins, namely, pristine basins and disturbed basins, in the Tibetan Plateau and its margins. The results show that the fluvial sediment fluxes in the pristine Tuotuohe headwater have substantially increased over the past three decades (i.e., a net increase of 135% from 1985–1997 to 1998–2017) due to the warming and wetting climate. We also quantify the relative impacts of air temperature and precipitation on the increases in the sediment fluxes with a novel attribution approach and finds that climate warming and intensified glacier-snow-permafrost melting is the primary cause of the increased sediment fluxes in the pristine cold environment (Tuotuohe headwater), with precipitation increase and its associated pluvial processes being the secondary driver. By contrast, the sediment fluxes in the downstream disturbed Jinsha River (southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau) exhibit a net increase of 42% from 1966-1984 to 1985-2010 mainly due to human activities such as deforestation and mineral extraction (contribution of 82%) and secondly because of climate change (contribution of 18%). Then the sediment fluxes dropped by 76% during the period of 2011-2015 because of the operations of six cascade reservoirs since 2010. In an expected warming and wetting climate for the region, we predict that the sediment fluxes in the pristine headwaters of the Tibetan Plateau will continue to increase throughout the 21st century, but the rising sediment fluxes from the Tibetan Plateau would be mostly trapped in its marginal reservoirs.</p><p>Overall, this work has provided the sedimentary evidence of modern climate change through robust observational sediment flux data over multiple decades. It demonstrates that sediment fluxes in pristine cold environments are more sensitive to air temperature and thermal-driven geomorphic processes than to precipitation and pluvial-driven processes. It also provides a guide to assess the relative impacts of human activities and climate change on fluvial sediment flux changes and has significant implications for water resources stakeholders to better design and manage the hydropower dams in a changing climate. Such findings may also have implications for other cold environments such as the Arctic, Antarctic, and other high mountainous basins.</p><p>Furthermore, this research is under the project of "Water and Sediment Fluxes Response to Climate Change in the Headwater Rivers of Asian Highlands" (supported by the IPCC and the Cuomo Foundation) and the project of "Sediment Load Responses to Climate Change in High Mountain Asia" (supported by the Ministry of Education of Singapore). Part of the results are also published in Li et al., 2018 Geomorphology, Li et al., 2020 Geophysical Research Letters, and Li et al., 2021 Water Resources Research.</p>

2020 ◽  
Shuyu Zhao ◽  
Tian Feng ◽  
Xuexi Tie ◽  
Zebin Wang

Abstract. Impacts of global climate change on the occurrence and development of air pollution have attracted more attentions. This study investigates impacts of the warming Tibetan Plateau on air quality in the Sichuan Basin. Meteorological observations and ERA-interim reanalysis data reveal that the Tibetan Plateau has been rapidly warming during the last 40 years (1979–2017), particularly in winter when the warming rate is approximately twice as much as the annual warming rate. Since 2013, the winter temperature over the plateau has even risen by 2 °C. Here, we use the WRF-CHEM model to assess the impact of the 2 °C warming on air quality in the Sichuan Basin. The model results show that the 2 °C warming causes an increase in the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) height and a decrease in the relative humidity (RH) in the basin. The elevated PBL height strengthens vertical diffusion of PM2.5, while the decreased RH significantly reduces secondary aerosol formation. Overall, PM2.5 concentration is reduced by 17.5 % (~ 25.1 μg m−3), of which the reduction in primary and secondary aerosols is 5.4 μg m−3 and 19.7 μg m−3, respectively. These results reveal that the recent warming plateau has improved air quality in the basin, to some certain extent, mitigating the air pollution therein. Nevertheless, climate system is particularly complicated, and more studies are needed to demonstrate the impact of climate change on air quality in the downstream regions as the plateau is likely to continue warming.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 1895-1909 ◽  
Georgiy Kirillin ◽  
Lijuan Wen ◽  
Tom Shatwell

Abstract. The hydrology of the lake-rich Tibetan Plateau is important for the global climate, yet little is known about the thermal regime of Tibetan lakes due to scant data. We (i) investigated the characteristic seasonal temperature patterns and recent trends in the thermal and stratification regimes of lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and (ii) tested the performance of the one-dimensional lake parameterization scheme FLake for the Tibetan lake system. For this purpose, we combined 3 years of in situ lake temperature measurements, several decades of satellite observations, and the global reanalysis data. We chose the two largest freshwater Tibetan lakes, Ngoring and Gyaring, as study sites. The lake model FLake faithfully reproduced the specific features of the high-altitude lakes and was subsequently applied to reconstruct the vertically resolved heat transport in both lakes during the last 4 decades. The model suggested that Ngoring and Gyaring were ice-covered for about 6 months and stratified in summer for about 4 months per year with a short spring overturn and a longer autumn overturn. In summer the surface mixed boundary layer extended to 6–8 m of depth and was about 20 % shallower in the more turbid Gyaring. The thermal regime of the transparent Ngoring responded more strongly to atmospheric forcing than Gyaring, where the higher turbidity damped the response. According to the reanalysis data, air temperatures and humidity have increased, whereas solar radiation has decreased, since the 1970s. Surprisingly, the modeled mean lake temperatures did not change, nor did the phenology of the ice cover or stratification. Lake surface temperatures in summer increased only marginally. The reason is that the increase in air temperature was offset by the decrease in radiation, probably due to increasing humidity. This study demonstrates that air temperature trends are not directly coupled to lake temperatures and underscores the importance of shortwave radiation for the thermal regime of high-altitude lakes.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 3084
Chunxiao Wang ◽  
Yaoming Ma ◽  
Binbin Wang ◽  
Weiqiang Ma ◽  
Xuelong Chen ◽  

Analysis of long-term, ground-based observation data on the Tibetan Plateau help to enhance our understanding of land-atmosphere interactions and their influence on weather and climate in this region. In this paper, the daily, monthly, and annual averages of radiative fluxes, surface albedo, surface temperature, and air temperature were calculated for the period of 2006 to 2019 at six research stations on the Tibetan Plateau. The surface energy balance characteristics of these six stations, which include alpine meadow, alpine desert, and alpine steppe, were then compared. The downward shortwave radiation at stations BJ, QOMS, and NAMORS was found to decrease during the study period, due to increasing cloudiness. Meanwhile, the upward shortwave radiation and surface albedo at all stations were found to have decreased overall. Downward longwave radiation, upward longwave radiation, net radiation, surface temperature, and air temperature showed increasing trends on inter-annual time scales at most stations. Downward shortwave radiation was maximum in spring at BJ, QOMS, NADORS, and NAMORS, due to the influence of the summer monsoon. Upward shortwave radiation peaked in October and November due to the greater snow cover. BJ, QOMS, NADORS, and NAMORS showed strong sensible heat fluxes in the spring while MAWORS showed strong sensible heat fluxes in the summer. The monthly and diurnal variations of surface albedo at each station were “U” shaped. The diurnal variability of downward longwave radiation at each station was small, ranging from 220 to 295 W·m−2.The diurnal variation in surface temperature at each station slightly lagged behind changes in downward shortwave radiation, and the air temperature, in turn, slightly lagged behind the surface temperature.

2019 ◽  
Aolin Jia ◽  
Shunlin Liang ◽  
Dongdong Wang ◽  
Bo Jiang ◽  
Xiaotong Zhang

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 2093-2109 ◽  
Dongsheng Su ◽  
Xiuqing Hu ◽  
Lijuan Wen ◽  
Shihua Lyu ◽  
Xiaoqing Gao ◽  

Abstract. Lakes are sensitive indicators of climate change. There are thousands of lakes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), and more than 1200 of them have an area larger than 1 km2; they respond quickly to climate change, but few observation data of lakes are available. Therefore, the thermal condition of the plateau lakes under the background of climate warming remains poorly understood. In this study, the China regional surface meteorological feature dataset developed by the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITPCAS), MODIS lake surface temperature (LST) data and buoy observation data were used to evaluate the performance of lake model FLake, extended by simple parameterizations of the salinity effect, for brackish lake and to reveal the response of thermal conditions, radiation and heat balance of Qinghai Lake to the recent climate change. The results demonstrated that the FLake has good ability in capturing the seasonal variations in the lake surface temperature and the internal thermal structure of Qinghai Lake. The simulated lake surface temperature showed an increasing trend from 1979 to 2012, positively correlated with the air temperature and the downward longwave radiation while negatively correlated with the wind speed and downward shortwave radiation. The simulated internal thermodynamic structure revealed that Qinghai Lake is a dimictic lake with two overturn periods occurring in late spring and late autumn. The surface and mean water temperatures of the lake significantly increased from 1979 to 2012, while the bottom temperatures showed no significant trend, even decreasing slightly from 1989 to 2012. The warming was the strongest in winter for both the lake surface and air temperature. With the warming of the climate, the later ice-on and earlier ice-off trend was simulated in the lake, significantly influencing the interannual and seasonal variability in radiation and heat flux. The annual average net shortwave radiation and latent heat flux (LH) both increase obviously while the net longwave radiation and sensible heat flux (SH) decrease slightly. Earlier ice-off leads to more energy absorption mainly in the form of shortwave radiation during the thawing period, and later ice-on leads to more energy release in the form of longwave radiation, SH and LH during the ice formation period. Meanwhile, the lake–air temperature difference increased in both periods due to shortening ice duration.

2021 ◽  
Yong Yang ◽  
Rensheng Chen ◽  
Guohua Liu ◽  
Zhangwen Liu ◽  
Xiqiang Wang

Abstract. Snowmelt is a major fresh water resource, and quantifying snowmelt and its variability under climate change is necessary for planning and management of water resources. Spatiotemporal changes in snow properties in China have drawn wide attention in recent decades; however, country-wide assessments of snowmelt are lacking. Using precipitation and temperature data with a high spatial resolution (0.5 seconds, approximately 1 km), this study calculated the monthly snowmelt in China for the 1951–2017 period using a simple temperature index model, and the model outputs were validated using snowfall, snow depth, snow cover extent and snow water equivalent. Precipitation and temperature scenarios developed from five CMIP5 models were used to predict future snowmelt in China under three different representative concentration pathways (RCP) scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). The results showed that the mean annual snowmelt in China from 1951 to 2017 was 2.41 × 1011 m3. The mean annual snowmelts in Northern Xinjiang, Northeast China, and the Tibetan Plateau – China’s three main stable snow cover regions – were 0.18 × 1011 m3, 0.42 × 1011 m3 and 1.15 × 1011 m3, respectively. From 1951 to 2017, the snowmelt increased significantly in the Tibetan Plateau and decreased significantly in North, Central and Southeast China. In the whole of China, there was a decreasing trend in snowmelt, but this was not statistically significant. The mean annual snowmelt runoff ratios were generally more than 10 % in almost all third-level basins in West China, more than 5 % in third-level basins in North and Northeast China, and less than 2 % in third-level basins in South China. From 1951 to 2017, the annual snowmelt runoff ratios decreased in most third-level basins in China. Under RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, the projected snowmelt in China in 2030s (2050s, 2090s) may decrease by 13.4 % (16.3 %, 13.8 %), 19.1 % (19.8 %, 22.5 %), 17.1 % (24.7 %, 42.8 %) compared with the historical period (1951–2017), respectively. Most of the projected mean annual snowmelt runoff ratios in third-level basins in different decades (2030s, 2050s and 2090s) were lower than those in the historical period. Low temperature regions can tolerate more warming, and the snowmelt change in these regions is mainly influenced by precipitation; however, the snowmelt change in warm regions is more sensitive to temperature increases. The spatial variability of snowmelt changes may lead to regional differences in the impact of snowmelt on water supply.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 1230
Fumei Xin ◽  
Jiming Liu ◽  
Chen Chang ◽  
Yuting Wang ◽  
Liming Jia

The ecosystems across the Tibetan Plateau are changing rapidly in response to climate change, which poses unprecedented challenges for the control and mitigation of desertification on the Tibetan Plateau. Sophora moorcroftiana (Benth.) Baker is a drought-resistant plant species that has great potential to be used for desertification and soil degradation control on the Tibetan Plateau. In this study, using a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) niche model, we characterized the habitat distribution of S. moorcroftiana on the Tibetan Plateau under both current and future climate scenarios. To construct a robust model, 242 population occurrence records, gathered from our field surveys, historical data records, and a literature review, were used to calibrate the MaxEnt model. Our results showed that, under current environmental conditions, the habitat of S. moorcroftiana was concentrated in regions along the Yarlung Tsangpo, Lancang, and Jinsha rivers on the Tibetan Plateau. Elevation, isothermality, and minimal air temperature of the coldest month played a dominant role in determining the habitat distribution of S. moorcroftiana. Under future climate scenarios, the increased air temperature was likely to benefit the expansion of S. moorcroftiana over the short term, but, in the long run, continued warming may restrict the growth of S. moorcroftiana and lead to a contraction in its habitat. Importantly, the Yarlung Tsangpo River valley was found to be the core habitat of S. moorcroftiana, and this habitat moved westwards along the Yarlung Tsangpo River under future climate scenarios, but did not detach from it. This finding suggests that, with the current pace of climate change, an increase in efforts to protect and cultivate S. moorcroftiana is necessary and critical to control desertification on the Tibetan Plateau.

2020 ◽  
Xin Wen ◽  
Ji Zhou ◽  
Xiaodong Zhang ◽  
Jin Ma

<p>Over the past several decades, global climate change, particularly the rising temperature has caused public concerns. In the context of climate warming, many environmental and water problems such as decreasing runoff, shrinking glaciers and permafrost, vegetation degradation and desertification can be attributed to rapid climate change. Surface air temperature (SAT) plays a key role in land-atmospheric interactions and is an important parameter for climate change studies. Traditional SAT data are collected by ground meteorological observation. Nevertheless, such traditional measurements at ground stations cannot capture the spatial variations of SAT, especially over complicated areas such as the Tibetan Plateau, where meteorological stations are with large elevation variability and unreasonable spatial distribution. In contrast, satellite remote sensing provides an direct observation of land surface temperature (LST) and, thus, also provides an possible way to obtain SAT since LST and SAT are generally closely related to each other. The scientific communities have developed various methods to estimate SAT from LST through statistical or physical models. The widely used satellite LST, however, is derived from satellite thermal infrared remote sensing and thus, significantly affected by the clouds.</p><p>In this study, we report an examination of the estimation of daily 1-km SAT from the all-weather satellite LST over the Tibetan Plateau. The estimation of SAT is based on a noval method that dynamicall integrates the newly published 1-km all-weather LST data by merging satellite thermal infrared and microwave remote sensing observations based on the random forest. The matchups of the ground measured SAT at stations and the corresponding all-weather LST were separated into the training set and valiation set. In addition, independent SAT measured at experimental ground sites were used to evaluate the SAT method. Results indicate that reasonably integrating multiple LST terms provides daily average all-weather SAT with satisfactory accuracies over the Tibetan Plateau. The estimated SAT based on the proposed method has ignorable systematic error and low root-mean squared error when validated with ground measured SAT under all-weather conditions. Further comparison demonstrates that the SAT estimate agree well with other SAT estimated from satellite thermal infrared LST under cloud-free condition. In addition, the SAT method has the potential to be generalized and extended to various complicated areas. With this method, the daily 1-km SAT for the entire Tibetan Plateau from 2003 to 2018 were produced. This dataset is of great value to examine recent climate warming trend and the land-atmospheirc interactions in the entire Tibetan Plateau.</p>

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