scholarly journals Formation of anoxia and denitrification in the bottom waters of a tropical estuary, southwest coast of India

2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1751-1782 ◽  
G. D. Martin ◽  
K. R. Muraleedharan ◽  
J. G. Vijay ◽  
G. Rejomon ◽  
N. V. Madhu ◽  

Abstract. Hydrographic characteristics of the southwest coast of India and its adjoining Cochin backwaters (CBW) were studied during the summer monsoon period. Anomalous formation of anoxia and denitrification were observed in the bottom layers of CBW, which have not been previously reported elsewhere in any tropical estuarine systems. The prevalent upwelling in the Arabian Sea (AS) brought cool, high saline, oxygen deficient and nutrient-rich waters towards the coastal zone and bottom layers of CBW during the high tide. High freshwater discharge in the surface layers brought high amount of nutrients and makes the CBW system highly productive. Intrusion of AS waters seems to be stronger towards the upstream end (~15 km), than had been previously reported, as a consequence of the lowering of river discharges and deepening of channels in the estuary. Time series measurements in the lower reaches of CBW indicated a low mixing zone with increased stratification, 3 h after the high tide (highest high tide) and high variation in vertical mixing during the spring and neap phases. The upwelled waters (O2≤40 μM) intruded into the estuary was found to lose more oxygen during the neap phase (suboxic O2≤4 μM) than spring phase (hypoxic O2≤10 μM). Increased stratification coupled with low ventilation and presence of high organic matter have resulted in an anoxic condition (O2=0), 2–6 km away from barmouth of the estuary and leads to the formation of hydrogen sulphide. The reduction of nitrate and formation of nitrite within the oxygen deficient waters indicated strong denitrification intensity in the estuary. The expansion of oxygen deficient zone, denitrification and formation of hydrogen sulphide may lead to a destruction of biodiversity and an increase of green house gas emissions from this region.

Oceanologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Arunpandi Nagarathinam ◽  
Jyothibabu Retnamma ◽  
Jagadeesan Loganathan ◽  
Parthasarathi Singaram ◽  
Savitha Mohanan ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 112389
K. Radhakrishnan ◽  
V. Sivapriya ◽  
A. Rajkumar ◽  
N. Akramkhan ◽  
P. Prakasheswar ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
S. Muthusamy ◽  
A. Shanmugasundharam ◽  
M. Jayaprakash

Lathika Cicily ◽  
K. Padmakumar ◽  
C. Asha Devi ◽  
V. Sanjeevan

AbstractThe present communication reports on the occurrence of a multi-species diatom bloom in the upwelled waters along the southwest coast of India. During the late summer monsoon season (September 2009) a multi-species diatom bloom with a pale green discoloration of the sea surface was observed in the coastal waters of southwest coast of India. The bloom spread over an area of approximately 15 km2 along the coastal waters off Kannur (Lat. 11°59.471 N, Long. 75°03.446 E). Total diatom cell density of the bloom area was 16 × 104 cells l−1. Proboscia (=Rhizosolenia) alata (Brightwell) Sandstrom constituted 90% of the total phytoplankton population. Other phytoplankton groups that contributed to the bloom population included Chaetoceros spp., Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Rhizosolenia spp., Coscinodiscus sp., Leptocylindrus danicus, Thalassiosira sp., and Bacteriosira sp. Among these Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries, a toxic species with the ability to produce potent neurotoxin domoic acid, was observed with a cell density of 4 × 103 cells l−1. Surface chlorophyll a concentration of the bloom region was 14.1 μg l−1. Nutrient concentrations of the bloom area were 0.01 μmol l−1 for NO2-N, 0.1 μmol l−1 for NO3-N, 0.83 μmol l−1 for PO4-P and 11.44 μmol l−1 for SiO4.

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