An isotopic and trace element investigation of gossans from Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus

Nina Zaronikola ◽  
Vinciane Debaille ◽  
Sophie Decree ◽  
Ryan Mathur ◽  
Christodoulos Hadjigeorgiou ◽  

<p>The Troodos ophiolite is widely accepted to be a fragment of Mesozoic oceanic crust, which uplifted during Alpine orogeny, due to the collision of Eurasia and Africa (Gass and Masson-Smith, 1963; Vibetti, 1993; Adamides, 2011; Antivachis, 2015). It belongs to supra-subduction ophiolites, which probably set up during subduction initiation associated with back-arc spreading (Pearce, 1975; Rautenschlein et al., 1985; Pearce and Robinson, 2010; Martin et al., 2019). The Troodos ophiolite is mentioned to be one of the most well studied and well-preserved ophiolitic sequences (Moores and Vine, 1971; Benn and Laurent, 1987; Patten et al., 2017), presenting significant Cyprus-type sulphide deposits (Constantinou and Govett, 1973; Adamides, 2014).</p><p>Cyprus-type deposits are generally, considered as mafic type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS), mainly rich in copper and subsidiary zinc, with average grade of 1.3 ± 1.1% Cu and 0.8 ± 0.4% Zn (Hannington et al., 1998; Barie and Hannington, 1999; Patten et al., 2016). VMS deposits are formed in the sea floor, along mid-ocean ridges, by the circulation of high temperature hydrothermal fluids, which their source is seawater (Gillis and Robinson, 1988; Richards et al., 1989; Patten et al., 2017; Martin et al., 2019). In many different regions along the Troodos ophiolite, the VMS deposits are covered by thick, Fe oxides enriched gossans (Bear, 1960; Herzig et al., 1991). In general, those can be formed, when the VMS deposits are exposed to weathering and oxidizing conditions (Herzig et al., 1991), but still the conditions for their formation are debated. The studied gossans from Troodos ophiolite are variegated due to the presence of white silica, red hematite and yellow jarosite. Gossans are always a very interesting part of the ophiolitic sequence from an economic point of view, as they present not only significant amount of extractible copper and zinc, but also, gold and silver (Bear, 1960; Herzig et al., 1991).</p><p>We aim to examine the major and trace elements of gossans, which have been collected from different mines (West Apliki, Skouriotissa and Agrokipia mines) of Troodos ophiolite, and define their enrichment or depletion in copper and zinc, by coupling copper and zinc stable non-traditional isotopes. We combined copper with zinc isotopes in a very novel and original approach in order to give information about the conditions prevailing in the system of interest. As many authors mentioned before, supergene enriched environments are the best places to examine the behavior of Cu isotope fractionation under the weathering conditions of ore deposits (Mathur et al., 2008). On the other hand, Zn isotopes are not redox sensitive, but pH-sensitive (Pons, 2016). By coupling them, it can bring light in understanding the way, the nature of fluids that led to gossans formation and their enrichment in copper and zinc in different locations of Troodos ophiolite.</p>

Tetyana Fomina

Introduction. The need to set up a private enforcement institute arose from the problem of enforcement of court decisions. The activities of state executors are clearly regulated, have experience and achievements. A private contractor is authorized by the state to carry out enforcement activities, but from an economic point of view, he is a self-employed person, which means that he is financially interested in the results of his work. The economic aspect of private contractor activity is not well understood to date. Methods. The study is based on the use of the historical and comparative method in determining the prerequisites for establishing an institute of private performers in Ukraine and in the world. A generalization method was used to determine general properties in the taxation of private contractors. The efficiency of the work and the feasibility of introducing a “private” element in the enforcement of court decisions was proved by the method of analysis. The method of grouping was used to determine the taxation base for the performance of private contractors. Results. The organizational and legal aspects of the activity of private contractors have been determined. The economic advantages and disadvantages of introducing the Institute of Private Performers are presented. The procedure for recognition of income and formation of costs of private contractors is outlined. It is proved inadmissible to identify the concepts of “costs of enforcement proceedings” and “costs of private executors”. The necessity of accounting and control of results of activity of private contractors is substantiated. Discussion. Prospects for further researches will be to develop recommendations for accounting for deposit accounts; accounts intended to be credited to enforcement proceedings; accounts intended to account for the principal and additional remuneration of private contractors; payroll calculations; payments with budget for taxes, fees, other required payments private artist revenue and expenses, etc. Keywords: enforcement proceedings, self-employed entities, private contractor, remuneration of private contractor, costs of enforcement proceedings, costs of private contractor, income of private contractor.

2021 ◽  
pp. geochem2020-043
Madison A. Schmidt ◽  
Matthew I. Leybourne ◽  
Jan M. Peter ◽  
Duane C. Petts ◽  
Simon E. Jackson ◽  

There is increasing acceptance of the presence of variable magmatic contributions to the mineralizing fluids in the formation of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits. The world-class Windy Craggy Cu-Co-Au deposit (>300 MT @ 2.12 wt.% Cu) in northwestern British Columbia is of interest because, unlike most VMS deposits, quarts fluid inclusions from within the deposit range from relatively low to intermediate salinity (most 6-16 wt.% equivalent). In this study we used an excimer (193 nm) laser ablation system interfaced to a quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer to quantify key metals and metalloids that are considered by many to be indicative of magmatic contributions to hydrothermal ore deposits. Although LA-ICP-MS signals from these low-salinity inclusions are highly transient, we were able to quantify Na, Mg, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Sr, Sn, Ba, Ce, Pb and Bi consistently – of the 34 elements that were monitored. Furthermore, Cl, Sb, Cd, Mo, Rb, Br, and As were also measured in a significant number of inclusions. Comparison of the fluid inclusion chemistry with unaltered and altered mafic volcanic and sedimentary rocks and mineralized samples from the deposit indicate that enrichment in the main ore metals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb) in the inclusions reflects that of the altered rocks and sulfides. Metals and metalloids that may indicate a magmatic contribution typically show much greater enrichments in the fluid inclusions much greater over the host rocks at the same Cu concentration; in particular Bi, Sn and Sb are significantly elevated when compared to the host rock samples. These data are consistent with the ore-forming fluids at Windy Craggy having a strong magmatic contribution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 469-488
Massimo D’Antoni

Abstract In this paper, we discuss the limits of the architecture of the euro from an economic point of view. We first highlight how the choice to create a monetary union was not supported by the accepted theory of optimal currency areas, and how its institutional set-up responded to a special and questionable view of the functioning of the economy, which recognized only a limited role to active macroeconomic policies. We continue by reconstructing the reasons for the emergence of the 2010–2011 debt crisis that can be traced back to the dynamics triggered by the single currency itself, and we highlight the role played by structural differences between various models of capitalism. Finally, we argue that the proposals currently on the table are by no means sufficient to correct the flaws in the European monetary architecture. The prospects are therefore pessimistic about the possibility of monetary union evolving towards a fiscal and political union.

Res Publica ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-356
Jef Maton

The Belgian steel industry falls apart into four groups. The Flemish industry consists mainly of a very modern steel plant Sidmar near the port of Ghent controlled by the industrial holding Arbed. The Walloon industry falls apart into three basins : Cockerill in Liège; the holy triangleof Charleroi, controlled by Frère-Bourgeois, Cobepa (Paribas) and Bruxelles-Lambert (this three holdings being associated in the Financière du Ruau) ; the independents.In the Walloon industry the successive processes of steel making are distributed over a great number of plants, most of the equipment is outdated, labour relations are bad and so is management.The finances required to renew this ancient industry are so large that the holdings cannot do so without the aid of the Belgian Government and the European Communities.Beginning of 1977, Davignon (CEE), proposes to freeze the production and market shares of the member countries, and to increase the European steel price by EEC tariff measures, in this way protecting the low productivity concerns ; not in the least the walloon concerns.  The European Communities promise financial help for restructuring.The implicit condition is comparative advantage of enterprises. In the Belgian context, this would mean that Sidmar would be extended and part of the Walloon industry closed down. The next move of the Brussels-Walloon concerns is, therefore, to corner Sidmar.During the course of 1977 and the first half of 1978 the Government negotiates with employers and unions a restructuring plan and general steel agreement, the «Plan Claes». The plan foresees in a lasting ceiling imposed on Sidmar; in a very large fiow of restructuring aid,mainly from public funds and the set-up of an intricate network of semi-governmental institutions.The Plan Claes is a purely political compromise. From the economic point of view, the plan wilt only speed up the definite emigration of traditional steel making processes towards the semi-industrialized countries.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1013
Dana Rouchalova ◽  
Kamila Rouchalova ◽  
Iva Janakova ◽  
Vladimir Cablik ◽  
Sarah Janstova

Globally, the amounts of metal ore deposits have been declining, so the research directions investigating the extraction of metals from materials that are classified as waste are gaining more importance every year. High concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Fe were analyzed in the sludge sediment (Zlaté Hory, Czech Republic), which is a waste product of the mining industry. In the bioleaching process, bacterial cells have been established as being able to convert metals from solid to liquid phase. However, the most important parameters of bioleaching are particle size, pH, and pulp density, thus our research focused on their optimization. The acidophilic and mesophilic bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans were applied due to the high Fe content in the sample. The recovery of metals in the leachate was determined by F-AAS and the residual metal concentrations in the waste fraction were analyzed by XRF. The grain size fractions <40 µm –200 µm were investigated. The atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) results show that the highest Fe (76.48%), Cu (82.01%), and Pb (88.90%) recoveries were obtained at particle size of 71–100 μm. Zn was dissolved for all fractions above 90%. Experiments with different pH values were performed at a pH of 1.6–2.0. The highest dissolution rates of Zn, Fe, and Cu were achieved with a suspension pH of 1.8, where 98.73% of Zn, 85.42% of Fe, and 96.44% of Cu were recovered. Due to the high percentage dissolution of metals, experiments were performed under pilot conditions in a bioreactor at a pulp density of 2.5% and 4.2% (w/v). From an economic point of view, the leaching time of 28 days was evaluated as sufficient.

2007 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 1527-1537 ◽  
L. Barkaszi ◽  
A. Arutyunjan ◽  
K. Takács-György

R. R. Palmer

In 1792, the French Revolution became a thing in itself, an uncontrollable force that might eventually spend itself but which no one could direct or guide. The governments set up in Paris in the following years all faced the problem of holding together against forces more revolutionary than themselves. This chapter distinguishes two such forces for analytical purposes. There was a popular upheaval, an upsurge from below, sans-culottisme, which occurred only in France. Second, there was the “international” revolutionary agitation, which was not international in any strict sense, but only concurrent within the boundaries of various states as then organized. From the French point of view these were the “foreign” revolutionaries or sympathizers. The most radical of the “foreign” revolutionaries were seldom more than advanced political democrats. Repeatedly, however, from 1792 to 1799, these two forces tended to converge into one force in opposition to the French government of the moment.

2003 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-172
Mir Annice Mahmood

To implement any successful policy, research about the subject-matter is essential. Lack of knowledge would result in failure and, from an economic point of view, it would lead to a waste of scarce resources. The book under review is essentially a manual which highlights the use of research for development. The book is divided into two parts. Part One informs the reader about concepts and some theory, and Part Two deals with the issue of undertaking research for development. Both parts have 11 chapters each. Chapter 1 asks the basic question: Is research important in development work? The answer is that it is. Research has many dimensions: from the basic asking of questions to the more sophisticated broad-based analysis of policy issues. The chapter, in short, stresses the usefulness of research which development workers ignore at their own peril.

Francesco Russo ◽  
Maarten Pieter Schinkel ◽  
Andrea Guenster ◽  
Martin A. Carree

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