Parsimonious representation of plant water use strategies via non-dimensional parameter groups

Maoya Bassiouni ◽  
Stefano Manzoni ◽  
Giulia Vico

<p>Process-based models are needed to improve estimates of water and carbon cycles in variable climatic conditions. Yet, their utility is often limited by our inability to directly measure plant stomatal and hydraulic traits at scales suitable to quantify characteristics of whole ecosystems. Inferring such parameters from ecosystem-scale data with parsimonious models offers an avenue to address this limitation. To this aim, we use a simple representation of the water flux through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) and derive a parameterization of Feddes-type soil water-limitation constraints on transpiration (expressed via a soil moisture dependent function β). This parameterization explicitly accounts for community-effective plant eco-physiological traits as encoded in the SPAC model parameters. We express analytically the fractional loss of conductivity in well-watered conditions and the soil saturation thresholds at which transpiration is down-regulated from its well-watered rate and at which transpiration ceases, as a function of non-dimensional parameter groups. These non-dimensional groups combine plant stomatal and hydraulic traits, soil texture and climate. We implement the theoretical β function into a soil water balance and infer distributions of plant traits which best-match FLUXNET observations in a range of biomes. Finally, we analyze the resulting non-dimensional groups to explore patterns in plant water use strategies. Our results indicate that non-dimensional groups reflect combinations of plant traits which are adapted to growing season environmental conditions and these groups may be more meaningful model parameters than individual traits at ecosystem scales. Additionally, using non-dimensional groups instead of focusing on individual parameters reduces risks of equifinality and provides future opportunities to exploit satellite data to quantify robust ecosystem-scale parameters. This analysis provides a parsimonious and functionally accurate alternative to account for ecosystem hydraulic controls and feedbacks and can help overcome limitations of commonly used empirical water-limitation constraints.</p>

2008 ◽  
pp. 397-422 ◽  
Ronald J. Ryel ◽  
Carolyn Y. Ivans ◽  
Michael S. Peek ◽  
A. Joshua Leffler

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 3045-3069 ◽  
Sylvain Kuppel ◽  
Doerthe Tetzlaff ◽  
Marco P. Maneta ◽  
Chris Soulsby

Abstract. We introduce EcH2O-iso, a new development of the physically based, fully distributed ecohydrological model EcH2O where the tracking of water isotopic tracers (2H and 18O) and age has been incorporated. EcH2O-iso is evaluated at a montane, low-energy experimental catchment in northern Scotland using 16 independent isotope time series from various landscape positions and compartments, encompassing soil water, groundwater, stream water, and plant xylem. The simulation results show consistent isotopic ranges and temporal variability (seasonal and higher frequency) across the soil profile at most sites (especially on hillslopes), broad model–data agreement in heather xylem, and consistent deuterium dynamics in stream water and in groundwater. Since EcH2O-iso was calibrated only using hydrometric and energy flux datasets, tracking water composition provides a truly independent validation of the physical basis of the model for successfully capturing catchment hydrological functioning, both in terms of the celerity in energy propagation shaping the hydrological response (e.g. runoff generation under prevailing hydraulic gradients) and flow velocities of water molecules (e.g. in consistent tracer concentrations at given locations and times). Additionally, we show that the spatially distributed formulation of EcH2O-iso has the potential to quantitatively link water stores and fluxes with spatiotemporal patterns of isotope ratios and water ages. However, our case study also highlights model–data discrepancies in some compartments, such as an over-dampened variability in groundwater and stream water lc-excess, and over-fractionated riparian topsoils. The adopted minimalistic framework, without site-specific parameterisation of isotopes and age tracking, allows us to learn from these mismatches in further model development and benchmarking needs, while taking into account the idiosyncracies of our study catchment. Notably, we suggest that more advanced conceptualisation of soil water mixing and of plant water use would be needed to reproduce some of the observed patterns. Balancing the need for basic hypothesis testing with that of improved simulations of catchment dynamics for a range of applications (e.g. plant water use under changing environmental conditions, water quality issues, and calibration-derived estimates of landscape characteristics), further work could also benefit from including isotope-based calibration.

2021 ◽  
Nicola Damiano ◽  
Giovanna Battipaglia ◽  
Chiara Cirillo ◽  
Arturo Erbaggio ◽  
Paolo Cherubini ◽  

<p>In the Mediterranean region, climate-change-driven increasing temperature and frequency of prolonged drought periods are affecting physiological behaviour and vine growth, with consequences on berry yield and quality. Assessing how plants have reacted to past environmental fluctuations can help understanding current plant behaviour and forecast possible responses to climate changes. The improvement of knowledge about the plasticity of morpho-functional traits in vines as response to climatic stress conditions can help the management of vineyards.</p><p>In this study, we applied a wood-sciences approach to reconstruct past vine hydraulic behaviour in four vineyards of <em>Vitis vinifera</em> L. subsp. <em>vinifera</em> ‘Falanghina’ located in southern Italy (La Guardiense farm, Benevento, Campania region), cultivated in different pedo-climatic conditions onto the same rootstock. Wood cores were extracted by the vine trunk and prepared for microscopy and stable isotope analyses to quantify functional wood anatomical traits and δ<sup>13</sup>C to assess plant water use efficiency.</p><p>Vineyard performances were also monitored <em>in vivo</em> at the main phenological phases (flowering, fruit set, veraison, ripening), through the analysis of morphological, eco-physiological and production parameters. Stable isotopes were also traced in leaves and must. Soil profiles were characterised at the four sites that were also monitored for main climatic factors.</p><p>All parameters linked with vine hydraulics, resource use and growth efficiency showed a site-specific precise coordination linked with different water and resource availability as influenced by pedo-climatic conditions. The different vines hydraulic behaviour at the four sites, derived from the analysis of the tree-ring series and confirmed by <em>in vivo</em> plant monitoring, contributed to different vines productivity and quality of musts. The isotopic signal of wood and must showed a similar trend, suggesting that they both record the same ecophysiological information. These innovative results suggest the possibility to use must as a good matrix to perform carbon isotope analysis and derive information on plant water use in response to pedo-climatic factors.</p><p>The overall information gained through the proposed methodological approach seem to be promising to better understand plant-environment relations in the <em>continuum</em> soil/plant/atmosphere, useful for the management of vineyard to achieve a more sustainable wine production.</p>

1997 ◽  
Vol 122 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-289 ◽  
Marc van Iersel

Mechanical conditioning can be used to control the height of vegetable and ornamental transplants. Previous research indicated that brushing plants increases cuticular water loss from detached leaves, which may be an indication of decreased drought resistance. This might decrease post-transplant survival of the plants. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of brushing on growth and gas exchange by tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and quantify whole-plant water use during a slow dry-down period. Tomato plants were grown from seed in a greenhouse during Fall 1995. The brushing treatment started 11 days after seeding and consisted of 40 strokes, twice each day. After 39 days of treatment, brushing reduced height 32%, leaf area 34%, and shoot dry mass 29% compared to control plants. Brushing did not affect leaf gas exchange. Brushed plants had a higher stem water flux than control plants during the first 3 days of a 6-day dry-down period. Stem water flux was lower than that of control plants later in the cycle, presumably because brushed plants used more of the available water during the first 3 days. On the third day of the dry-down period, leaf conductance of brushed plants was 35% higher than that of control plants, resulting in a 10% higher transpiration rate per unit leaf area. Because brushed plants had less leaf area than controls, differences in whole-plant water use were small. Time to wilting was similar for the brushed and unbrushed plants (6 days after withholding water). It seems unlikely that brushing would have a major effect on drought tolerance of plants.

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