scholarly journals Slope deformation, reservoir variation and meteorological data at the Khoko landslide, Enguri hydroelectric basin (Georgia), during 2016–2019

2021 ◽  
Alessandro Tibaldi ◽  
Federico Pasquaré Mariotto ◽  
Paolo Oppizzi ◽  
Fabio Luca Bonali ◽  
Nino Tsereteli ◽  

Abstract. The Greater Caucasus mountain belt is characterized by deep valleys, steep slopes and frequent seismic activity, the combination of which results in major landslide hazard. Along the eastern side of the Enguri water reservoir lies the active Khoko landside, whose head scarp zone affects the important Jvari-Khaishi-Mestia road, one of the few connections with the interior of the Greater Caucasus. Here, we present a database of measurement time series taken over a period of 4 years (2016–2019) that enable to compare slope deformation with meteorological factors and man-induced perturbations owing to variations in the water level of the reservoir. The monitoring system we used is composed of two digital extensometers, placed within two artificial trenches excavated across the landslide head scarp. The stations are equipped also with internal and near ground surface thermometers. The data set is integrated by daily measurements of rainfall and lake level. The monitoring system was set up in the framework of a NATO-funded project, aimed at assessing different types of geohazards affecting the Enguri artificial reservoir and the related hydroelectrical plant. Our results indicate that the Khoko landslide displacements appear to be controlled by variations in hydraulic load, in turn induced by lake level oscillations, with a delay of months between lake infilling and extension rate increase. Rainfall and temperature variations do not seem to affect slope deformations. The full databases are freely available online at DOI: (Tibaldi et al., 2020).

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 3321-3335
Alessandro Tibaldi ◽  
Federico Pasquaré Mariotto ◽  
Paolo Oppizzi ◽  
Fabio Luca Bonali ◽  
Nino Tsereteli ◽  

Abstract. The Greater Caucasus mountain belt is characterized by deep valleys, steep slopes and frequent seismic activity, the combination of which results in major landslide hazard. Along the eastern side of the Enguri water reservoir lies the active Khoko landslide, whose head scarp zone affects the important Jvari–Khaishi–Mestia road, one of the few connections with the interior of the Greater Caucasus. Here, we present a database of measurement time series taken over a period of 4 years (2016–2019) that enables us to compare slope deformation with meteorological factors and human-induced perturbations owing to variations in the water level of the reservoir. The monitoring system we used is composed of two digital extensometers, placed within two artificial trenches excavated across the landslide head scarp. The stations are also equipped with internal and near-ground surface thermometers. The dataset is integrated by daily measurements of rainfall and lake level. The monitoring system – the first installed in Georgia – was set up in the framework of a NATO-funded project, aimed at assessing different types of geohazards affecting the Enguri artificial reservoir and the related hydroelectrical plant. Our results indicate that the Khoko landslide displacements appear to be mainly controlled by variations in hydraulic load, in turn induced by lake level oscillations. Rainfall variations might also have contributed, though this is not always evident for all the studied period. The full databases are freely available online at the following DOI: (Tibaldi et al., 2020).

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1050 ◽  
Emre Özşahin ◽  
Çağlar Kıvanç Kaymaz ◽  
Leman Albayrak

<p>Tourism climatology is a popular field of study that deals with the relationship between tourism and climate through approaches such as applied climatology and human biometeorology. One of the subjects studied most in this field is the evaluation of bioclimatic comfort conditions. In recent years, inferences of this sort have been able to be made easily by use of certain indices. This study aims at evaluating and analyzing the bioclimatic comfort conditions of Artvin province by use of GIS. Within the scope of the research aim, monthly values belonging to SET*, PET, PMV, TCI, THI and SSI indices were calculated by use of meteorological data. SET*, PET, and PMV indices were determined via RayMan 1.2 while TCI, THI, and SSI indices were ascertained through Microsoft Excel 2013 supported analyses of various formulas. The obtained values were analyzed through GIS techniques. Also, statistical methods were utilized to make the research findings more meaningful. All in all, the province was seen to have comfortable conditions. This is because; the comfortable (1) class (68.9%) covers a wider area than uncomfortable (0) class (31.1%) in the province. Bioclimatic comfort classes are shaped by geographical position, elevation, and topography in Artvin province. Valleys with an elevation of less than 2000 m and coastal area are comfortable while mountainous areas (Rize, Kaçkar, Karçal, and Yalnızçam mounts) with a higher elevation are uncomfortable. The results of one-way analysis of variance (one-sample t-test) show that bioclimatic conditions have not been taken into consideration much during the planning of tourism accommodation facilities set up in Artvin province. This study evidences that GIS techniques are efficient in research on tourism climatology or bioclimatology and thus they may be used widely.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Özet</strong></p><p>Turizm klimatolojisi, uygulamalı klimatoloji ile insan biyometeorolojisi gibi yaklaşımlarla turizm ve iklim arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyen popüler bir çalışma sahasıdır. Bu sahada çalışılan öncelikli konulardan birisi de biyoklimatik konfor şartlarının değerlendirilmesidir. Son yıllarda bu tür çıkarımlar CBS (Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri) destekli olarak bazı indisler yardımıyla kolayca yapılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada CBS kullanılarak Artvin ilinin biyoklimatik konfor şartlarının değerlendirilmesi ve analizinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma amacı kapsamında meteorolojik veriler kullanılarak SET*, PET, PMV, TCI, THI ve SSI indislerine ait aylık değerler hesaplanmıştır. SET*, PET ve PMV RayMan 1.2 yazılımı, TCI, THI ve SSI ise çeşitli formüllerin Microsoft Excel 2013 destekli çözümlenmesiyle saptanmıştır. Ulaşılan değerler CBS teknikleriyle analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışma bulgularını daha anlamlı kılmak amacıyla istatistiksel analiz yöntemlerinden de faydalanılmıştır. Sonuçta ilin konforlu şartlar taşıdığı saptanmıştır. Zira ilde konforlu (1) sınıf (% 68,9) konforsuz (0) sınıfa (% 31,1) oranla daha fazla alan kaplamaktadır. Diğer yandan ildeki biyoklimatik konfor sınıflarının coğrafi konum, yükseklik ve topoğrafik şartlara göre şekillendiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda 2000 m yükselti basamağının altındaki vadiler ile kıyı sahası konforlu, üzerindeki dağlık kesimler (Rize, Kaçkar, Karçal ve Yalnızçam dağları) ise konforsuz özelliklere sahiptir. Ayrıca tek yönlü varyans analizi (tek örneklem t-testi) sonuçlarına göre Artvin ilinde yapılmış turizm konaklama tesislerinin planlamalarında biyoklimatik koşulların çok fazla dikkate alınmadığı da belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma sayesinde turizm klimatolojisine veya biyoklimatolojiye yönelik araştırmalarda CBS tekniklerinin verimli olduğu ve yaygın bir şekilde kullanılabileceğini bir kez daha somut olarak anlaşılmıştır.</p>

1990 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-36 ◽  
Svante Björck

AbstractIn an area north of the Giants Range in northeastern Minnesota the late Wisconsin glacial and extraglacial lithostratigraphy shows that, apart from one occurrence of red clayey till, the deposits can be related to the deglaciation of the Rainy Lobe, the margin of which retreated northward, leaving debris-rich ice behind. By a combination of pollen stratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy of lake sediments in this area, together with multivariate numerical analyses of the data set, a “hiatus” stratigraphy was set up. Combined with the glacial and extraglacial stratigraphy, it shows that the area of Glacial Lake Norwood was possibly later filled with sediments, between masses of stagnant ice, following a damming of drainge in the south by the St. Louis Sublobe. The area was drained through the Embarrass channel when the St. Louis Sublobe retreated. Then followed the drainage of Lake Koochiching through the Embarrass channel. At ca. 10,200 14C yr B.P. the area apparently became free of stagnant ice as normal lake sedimentation began in all lakes studied. A lake-level rise is indicated ca. 1000 yr later. Apart from a long-lasting phase of birch tundra parkland between ca. 12,000 (or 11,500?) and 10,600 14C yr B.P., the general pollen stratigraphy fits into the regional picture with a more or less undisturbed and gradual plant immigration from the time of the culmination of the St. Louis Sublobe.

Aliyev Z.H.

In recent years, sharp changes have occurred in the state of sloping lands of Azerbaijan. There was tension from the influence of the anthropogenic factors on the mountain slopes. The fact that the erosion process is rein-forced in the research site. Due to lack of agrotechnical measures on the slopes erosion process has been strength-ened, soil flooded with soil, physical and chemical properties of the soil have deteriorated, nutritional elements are reduced, vegetation is reduced and destruction limit. For some reason, the purpose of the research was Aqsu, two land cuts were set up to determine the degree of actual erosion in the Qizmeydan village. prevent erosion intensity, take preventive measures to take and implement appropriate measures.

Landslides ◽  
2021 ◽  
Lorenzo Brezzi ◽  
Alberto Bisson ◽  
Davide Pasa ◽  
Simonetta Cola

AbstractA large number of landslides occur in North-Eastern Italy during every rainy period due to the particular hydrogeological conditions of this area. Even if there are no casualties, the economic losses are often significant, and municipalities frequently do not have sufficient financial resources to repair the damage and stabilize all the unstable slopes. In this regard, the research for more economically sustainable solutions is a crucial challenge. Floating composite anchors are an innovative and low-cost technique set up for slope stabilization: it consists in the use of passive sub-horizontal reinforcements, obtained by coupling a traditional self-drilling bar with some tendons cemented inside it. This work concerns the application of this technique according to the observational method described within the Italian and European technical codes and mainly recommended for the design of geotechnical works, especially when performed in highly uncertain site conditions. The observational method prescribes designing an intervention and, at the same time, using a monitoring system in order to correct and adapt the project during realization of the works on the basis of new data acquired while on site. The case study is the landslide of Cischele, a medium landslide which occurred in 2010 after an exceptional heavy rainy period. In 2015, some floating composite anchors were installed to slow down the movement, even if, due to a limited budget, they were not enough to ensure the complete stabilization of the slope. Thanks to a monitoring system installed in the meantime, it is now possible to have a comparison between the site conditions before and after the intervention. This allows the evaluation of benefits achieved with the reinforcements and, at the same time, the assessment of additional improvements. Two stabilization scenarios are studied through an FE model: the first includes the stabilization system built in 2015, while the second evaluates a new solution proposed to further increase the slope stability.

2017 ◽  
Vol 62 (10) ◽  
pp. 2232-2274 ◽  
Shivaji Mukherjee

What are the long-term effects of colonial institutions on insurgency? My article shows the historical origins of insurgency by addressing the puzzle of why the persistent Maoist insurgency, considered to be India’s biggest internal security threat, affects some districts along the central eastern corridor of India but not others. Combining archival and interview data from fieldwork in Maoist zones with an original district-level quantitative data set, I demonstrate that different types of British colonial indirect rule set up the structural conditions of ethnic inequality and state weakness that facilitate emergence of Maoist control. I address the issue of selection bias, by developing a new instrument for the British choice of indirect rule through princely states, based on the exogenous effect of wars in Europe on British decisions in India. This article reconceptualizes colonial indirect rule and also presents new data on rebel control and precolonial rebellions.

2021 ◽  
Daniel Ariztegui ◽  
Clément Pollier ◽  
Andrés Bilmes

&lt;p&gt;Lake levels in hydrologically closed-basins are very sensitive to climatically and/or anthropogenically triggered environmental changes. Their record through time can provide valuable information to forecast changes that can have substantial economical and societal impact.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Increasing precipitation in eastern Patagonia (Argentina) have been documented following years with strong El Ni&amp;#241;o (cold) events using historical and meteorological data. Quantifying changes in modern lake levels allow determining the impact of rainfall variations while contributing to anticipate the evolution of lacustrine systems over the next decades with expected fluctuations in ENSO frequencies. Laguna Carrilaufquen Grande is located in the intermontane Maquinchao Basin, Argentina. Its dimension fluctuates greatly, from 20 to 55 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; water surface area and an average water depth of 3 m. Several well-preserved gravelly beach ridges witness rainfall variations that can be compared to meteorological data and satellite images covering the last ~50 years. Our results show that in 2016 lake level was the lowest of the past 44 years whereas the maximum lake level was recorded in 1985 (+11.8 m above the current lake level) in a position 1.6 km to the east of the present shoreline. A five-years moving average rainfall record of the area was calculated smoothing the extreme annual events and correlated to the determined lake level fluctuations. The annual variation of lake levels was up to 1.2 m (e.g. 2014) whereas decadal variations related to humid-arid periods for the interval 2002 to 2016 were up to 9.4 m. These data are consistent with those from other monitored lakes and, thus, our approach opens up new perspectives to understand the historical water level fluctuations of lakes with non-available monitoring data.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Laguna de los Cisnes in the Chilean section of the island of Tierra del Fuego, is a closed-lake presently divided into two sections of 2.2 and 11.9 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;, respectively. These two water bodies were united in the past forming a single larger lake. The lake level was&amp;#160; ca. 4 m higher than today as shown by clear shorelines and the outcropping of large Ca-rich microbialites. Historical data, aerial photographs and satellite images indicate that the most recent changes in lake level are the result of a massive decrease of water input during the last half of the 20&lt;sup&gt;th&lt;/sup&gt; century triggered by an indiscriminate use of the incoming water for agricultural purposes. The spectacular outcropping of living and fossil microbialites is not only interesting from a scientific point of view but has also initiated the development of the site as a local touristic attraction. However, if the use of the incoming water for agriculture in the catchment remains unregulated the lake water level might drop dangerously and eventually the lake might fully desiccate.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;These two examples illustrate how recent changes in lake level can be used to anticipate the near future of lakes. They show that ongoing climate changes along with the growing demand of natural resources have already started to impact lacustrine systems and this is likely to increase in the decades to come.&lt;/p&gt;

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 300-307 ◽  
Gyles Glover

Since the start of the National Health Service, data have been collected on admissions to psychiatric in-patient units, first as the Mental Health Enquiry, then as part of Hospital Episode Statistics. Some details have changed but many have stayed remarkably consistent. Published literature on the wide range of research and policy work undertaken using this data source is reviewed. Early work was central to the government's deinstitutionalisation policy in the early 1960s. Subsequent studies cover a wide range of epidemiological and health services research issues. A new statistical base, the Mental Health Minimum Data Set, covering individuals receiving all types of health care is currently being set up. This will supplement (but not replace) admission statistics.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (17) ◽  
pp. 10087-10092 ◽  
L. Kattner ◽  
B. Mathieu-Üffing ◽  
J. P. Burrows ◽  
A. Richter ◽  
S. Schmolke ◽  

Abstract. In 1997 the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted MARPOL Annex VI to prevent air pollution by shipping emissions. It regulates, among other issues, the sulfur content in shipping fuels, which is transformed into the air pollutant sulfur dioxide (SO2) during combustion. Within designated Sulfur Emission Control Areas (SECA), the sulfur content was limited to 1 %, and on 1 January 2015, this limit was further reduced to 0.1 %. Here we present the set-up and measurement results of a permanent ship emission monitoring site near Hamburg harbour in the North Sea SECA. Trace gas measurements are conducted with in situ instruments and a data set from September 2014 to January 2015 is presented. By combining measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) and SO2 with ship position data, it is possible to deduce the sulfur fuel content of individual ships passing the measurement station, thus facilitating the monitoring of compliance of ships with the IMO regulations. While compliance is almost 100 % for the 2014 data, it decreases only very little in 2015 to 95.4 % despite the much stricter limit. We analysed more than 1400 ship plumes in total and for months with favourable conditions, up to 40 % of all ships entering and leaving Hamburg harbour could be checked for their sulfur fuel content.

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