scholarly journals Future projections of temperature and mixing regime of European temperate lakes

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 1533-1551 ◽  
Tom Shatwell ◽  
Wim Thiery ◽  
Georgiy Kirillin

Abstract. The physical response of lakes to climate warming is regionally variable and highly dependent on individual lake characteristics, making generalizations about their development difficult. To qualify the role of individual lake characteristics in their response to regionally homogeneous warming, we simulated temperature, ice cover, and mixing in four intensively studied German lakes of varying morphology and mixing regime with a one-dimensional lake model. We forced the model with an ensemble of 12 climate projections (RCP4.5) up to 2100. The lakes were projected to warm at 0.10–0.11 ∘C decade−1, which is 75 %–90 % of the projected air temperature trend. In simulations, surface temperatures increased strongly in winter and spring, but little or not at all in summer and autumn. Mean bottom temperatures were projected to increase in all lakes, with steeper trends in winter and in shallower lakes. Modelled ice thaw and summer stratification advanced by 1.5–2.2 and 1.4–1.8 days decade−1 respectively, whereas autumn turnover and winter freeze timing was less sensitive. The projected summer mixed-layer depth was unaffected by warming but sensitive to changes in water transparency. By mid-century, the frequency of ice and stratification-free winters was projected to increase by about 20 %, making ice cover rare and shifting the two deeper dimictic lakes to a predominantly monomictic regime. The polymictic lake was unlikely to become dimictic by the end of the century. A sensitivity analysis predicted that decreasing transparency would dampen the effect of warming on mean temperature but amplify its effect on stratification. However, this interaction was only predicted to occur in clear lakes, and not in the study lakes at their historical transparency. Not only lake morphology, but also mixing regime determines how heat is stored and ultimately how lakes respond to climate warming. Seasonal differences in climate warming rates are thus important and require more attention.

2018 ◽  
Tom Shatwell ◽  
Wim Thiery ◽  
Georgiy Kirillin

Abstract. The physical response of lakes to climate warming is regionally variable and highly dependent on individual lake characteristics, making generalisations about their development difficult. To qualify the role of individual lake characteristics in their response to regionally homogeneous warming, we simulated temperature, ice cover and mixing in four intensively studied German lakes of varying morphology and mixing regime with a one-dimensional lake model. We forced the model with an ensemble of 12 climate projections (RCP4.5) up to 2100. The lakes were projected to warm at 0.10–0.11 °C decade−1, which is 75–90 % of the projected air temperature trend. In simulations, surface temperatures increased strongly in winter and spring, but little or not at all in summer and autumn. Mean bottom temperatures were projected to increase in all lakes, with steeper trends in winter and in shallower lakes. Modelled ice thaw and summer stratification advanced by 1.5–2.2 and 1.4–1.8 d decade−1 respectively, whereas autumn turnover and winter freeze timing was less sensitive. The projected summer mixed layer depth was unaffected by warming but sensitive to changes in water transparency. By mid-century, the frequency of ice and stratification-free winters was projected to increase by about 20 %, making ice cover rare and shifting the two deeper dimictic lakes to a predominantly monomictic regime. The polymictic lake was unlikely to become dimictic by the end of the century. A sensitivity analysis predicted that decreasing transparency would dampen the effect of warming on mean temperature but amplify its effect on stratification. However, this interaction was only predicted to occur in clear lakes, and not in the study lakes at their historical transparency. Not only lake morphology, but also mixing regime determines how heat is stored and ultimately how lakes respond to climate warming. Seasonal differences in climate warming rates are thus important and require more attention.

V. M. Stepanenko ◽  
I. A. Repina ◽  
G. Ganbat ◽  
G. Davaa

A new version of 1D thermodynamic and hydrodynamic model LAKE 2.1 is presented. The model is supplemented with description of dynamics and vertical distribution of salinity in ice layer. Simulation results are compared to in situ and satellite data on water temperature and ice cover at Lake Uvs (Mongolia) from 2000 to 2015. We demonstrate that underestimation of mixed-layer depth by the model with standard k–ε closure during summer and autumn leads to significant shift of ice-on to earlier dates. If the effects of water salinity are neglected in the model, ice cover establishes 16–17 before the observed dates. This error is removed, if influence of salinity on water density and freezing point is included, still assuming the fresh ice. However, in this case, LAKE model underestimates the maximal winter ice thickness on average by ≈0.2 m. In turn, this discrepancy decreases an order of magnitude if dynamics and vertical distribution of salinity in ice are reproduced. Such an effect does not take place when using constant salinity value in ice.

2021 ◽  
Sumit Dandapat ◽  
Arun Chakraborty ◽  
Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath ◽  
Chirantan Bhagawati ◽  
Radharani Sen

2021 ◽  
Bérengère Dubrulle ◽  
François Daviaud ◽  
Davide Faranda ◽  
Louis Marié ◽  
Brice Saint-Michel

Abstract. According to everyone’s experience, predicting the weather reliably over more than 8 days seems an impossible taskfor our best weather agencies. At the same time, politicians and citizens are asking scientists for climate projections severaldecades into the future to guide economic and environmental policies, especially regarding the maximum admissible emissions of CO2. To what extent is this request scientifically admissible? In this lecture we will investigate this question, focusing on the topic of predictions of transitions between metastable statesof the atmospheric or oceanic circulations. Two relevant exemples are the switching between zonal and blocked atmosphericcirculation at midlatitudes and the alternance of El Niño and La Niña phases in the Pacific ocean. The main issue is whetherpresent climate models, that necessarily have a finite resolution and a smaller number of degrees of freedom than the actualterrestrial system, are able to reproduce such spontaneous or forced transitions. To do so, we will draw an analogy betweenclimate observations and results obtained in our group on a laboratory-scale, turbulent, von Kármán flow, in which spontaneoustransitions between different states of the circulation take place. We will detail the analogy, and investigate the nature of thetransitions, the number of degrees of freedom that characterizes the latter and discuss the effect of reducing the number ofdegrees of freedom in such systems. We will also discuss the role of fluctuations and their origin, and stress the importance ofdescribing very small scales to capture fluctuations of correct intensity and scale.

Signithia Fordham

The third chapter follows the ethnographical narrative of one of the girls of the study, Nadine. Specifically, it examines the role of language in class and racialized intra-/inter gender issues between and among the Black, White and biracial study participants and their unending quest for status and normalcy. This is done by chronicling how a Black girl’s physical response to being called two of the vilest racial and gender terms—the n-word and the b-word—in the same sentence lead immediately to a 5-day suspension, while the White girl who uttered the words was deemed blameless in the conflict.

E. P. Abrahamsen

Polar oceans present a unique set of challenges to sustained observations. Sea ice cover restricts navigation for ships and autonomous measurement platforms alike, and icebergs present a hazard to instruments deployed in the upper ocean and in shelf seas. However, the important role of the poles in the global ocean circulation provides ample justification for sustained observations in these regions, both to monitor the rapid changes taking place, and to better understand climate processes in these traditionally poorly sampled areas. In the past, the vast majority of polar measurements took place in the summer. In recent years, novel techniques such as miniature CTD (conductivity–temperature–depth) tags carried by seals have provided an explosion in year-round measurements in areas largely inaccessible to ships, and, as ice avoidance is added to autonomous profiling floats and gliders, these promise to provide further enhancements to observing systems. In addition, remote sensing provides vital information about changes taking place in sea ice cover at both poles. To make these observations sustainable into the future, improved international coordination and collaboration is necessary to gain optimum utilization of observing networks.

2013 ◽  
Vol 120 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 45-51 ◽  
Shupo Ma ◽  
Libo Zhou ◽  
Han Zou ◽  
Meigen Zhang ◽  
Peng Li

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 2369-2386
Maksymilian Solarski ◽  
Mirosław Szumny

Abstract This research aimed to identify the impact of local climatic and topographic conditions on the formation and development of the ice cover in high-mountain lakes and the representativeness assessment of periodic point measurements of the ice cover thickness by taking into consideration the role of the avalanches on the icing of the lakes. Field works included measurement of the ice and snow cover thickness of seven lakes situated in the Tatra Mountains (UNESCO biosphere reserve) at the beginning and the end of the 2017/2018 winter season. In addition, morphometric, topographic and daily meteorological data of lakes from local IMGW (Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) stations and satellite images were used. The obtained results enabled us to quantify the impact of the winter eolian snow accumulation on the variation in ice thickness. This variation was ranging from several centimetres up to about 2 meters and had a tendency to increase during the winter season. The thickest ice covers occurred in the most shaded places in the direct vicinity of rock walls. The obtained results confirm a dominating role of the snow cover in the variation of the ice thickness within individual lakes.

Fisheries ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2-8 ◽  
J. D. Meisner ◽  
J. S. Rosenfeld ◽  
H. A. Regier

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