scholarly journals Application of fuzzy representation of geographic boundary to the soil loss model

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-133 ◽  
G.-S. Lee ◽  
K.-H. Lee

Abstract. The polygon boundaries on the digital map of land surface characteristic are conventionally represented as a sharp change (categorical format), which results in discrepancy between real world phenomena and the information presented by boundaries on map, and it is especially true for soil properties. This paper presents a probable impact of the representation of geographic boundary for the soil loss model. To do this, the Revise Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model is facilitated at a small basin in Korea and then the fuzzy representation of geographic boundary, which is presumably better description of soil properties in nature, was introduced into the soil factors in the RUSLE. The model results were compared to the conventional representation of sharp change in relative terms. The model results show the impact of the fuzzy representation on the RUSLE model is considerable and the soil loss model is expected to use more realistic description for geographic boundaries of land surface characteristics. The method suggested herein is relatively simple and has wide applicability.

2007 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 439-446 ◽  
Dagang Wang ◽  
Guiling Wang

Abstract Representation of the canopy hydrological processes has been challenging in land surface modeling due to the subgrid heterogeneity in both precipitation and surface characteristics. The Shuttleworth dynamic–statistical method is widely used to represent the impact of the precipitation subgrid variability on canopy hydrological processes but shows unwanted sensitivity to temporal resolution when implemented into land surface models. This paper presents a canopy hydrology scheme that is robust at different temporal resolutions. This scheme is devised by applying two physically based treatments to the Shuttleworth scheme: 1) the canopy hydrological processes within the rain-covered area are treated separately from those within the nonrain area, and the scheme tracks the relative rain location between adjacent time steps; and 2) within the rain-covered area, the canopy interception is so determined as to sustain the potential evaporation from the wetted canopy or is equal to precipitation, whichever is less, to maintain somewhat wet canopy during any rainy time step. When applied to the Amazon region, the new scheme establishes interception loss ratios of 0.3 at a 10-min time step and 0.23 at a 2-h time step. Compared to interception loss ratios of 0.45 and 0.09 at the corresponding time steps established by the original Shuttleworth scheme, the new scheme is much more stable under different temporal resolutions.

M. K. Firozjaei ◽  
M. Makki ◽  
J. Lentschke ◽  
M. Kiavarz ◽  
S. K. Alavipanah

Abstract. Spatiotemporal mapping and modeling of Land Surface Temperature (LST) variations and characterization of parameters affecting these variations are of great importance in various environmental studies. The aim of this study is a spatiotemporal modeling the impact of surface characteristics variations on LST variations for the studied area in Samalghan Valley. For this purpose, a set of satellite imagery and meteorological data measured at the synoptic station during 1988–2018, were used. First, single-channel algorithm, Tasseled Cap Transformation (TCT) and Biophysical Composition Index (BCI) were employed to estimate LST and surface biophysical parameters including brightness, greenness and wetness and BCI. Also, spatial modeling was used to modeling of terrain parameters including slope, aspect and local incident angle based on DEM. Finally, the principal component analysis (PCA) and the Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) were used to modeling and investigate the impact of surface characteristics variations on LST variations. The results indicated that surface characteristics vary significantly for case study in spatial and temporal dimensions. The correlation coefficient between the PC1 of LST and PC1s of brightness, greenness, wetness, BCI, DEM, and solar local incident angle were 0.65, −0.67, −0.56, 0.72, −0.43 and 0.53, respectively. Furthermore, the coefficient coefficient and RMSE between the observed LST variation and modelled LST variation based on PC1s of brightness, greenness, wetness, BCI, DEM, and local incident angle were 0.83 and 0.14, respectively. The results of study indicated the LST variation is a function of s terrain and surface biophysical parameters variations.

2012 ◽  
Vol 549 ◽  
pp. 610-614
Xue Lin Huang

The different paper has the different Surface Characteristic, which has the different influences on the printing color Reproduction. Through the paper printability, the color gamut experiments of digital printing, The influence of surface characteristics of paper on digital printing color reproduction was analyzed according to color rendering ability, The results indicated that the printed matter had better color efficiency, greater color gamut and smaller hue error and grayscale which had higher paper smoothness and glossiness, the higher paper whiteness is in favor of color reproduction. The surface characteristic of paper limits color reproduction. To ensure printing quality, should choose better color efficiency of paper.

R. V Byizigiro ◽  
G Rwanyiziri ◽  
M. Mugabowindekwe ◽  
C. Kagoyire ◽  
M. Biryabarema

The problem of soil erosion in Rwanda has been highlighted in previous studies. They have shown that half of the country’s farmland suffers moderate to severe erosion, with the highest soil loss rates found in the steeper and highly rainy northern and western highlands of the country. The purpose of this study was to estimate soil loss in Satinskyi, one of the catchments located in Ngororero District of Western Rwanda. This has been achieved using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model, which has been implemented in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. The methods consisted of preparing a set of input factor layers including Slope Length and Steepness (LS) factor, Rainfall Erosivity (R) factor, Soil Erodibility (K) factor, Support Practice (P) factor, and Land Surface Cover Management Factor (C) factor, for the model. The input factors have been integrated for soil loss estimates computation using RUSLE model, and this has enabled to quantitatively assess variations in the mean of the total estimated soil loss per annum in relation to topography and land-use patterns of the studied catchment. The findings showed that the average soil loss in Satinskyi catchment is estimated at 38.4 t/ha/year. It was however found that about 91% of the study area consists of areas with slope angle exceeding 15°, a situation which exposes the land to severe soil loss rates ranging between 31 t/ha/year and 41 t/ha/year. Apart from the steep slope, changes in land use also contribute to high rates of soil loss in the catchment. Keywords: Soil Erosion Estimation, GIS, RUSLE, Satinskyi Catchment, Rwanda

2020 ◽  
Mitiku Badasa Moisa ◽  
Daniel Assefa Negash ◽  
Biratu Bobo Merga ◽  
Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda

Abstract BackgroundThe impact of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) conversion on soil resources is getting global attention. Soil erosion is one the critical environmental problems worldwide with high severity in developing countries due to land degradation. This study integrates the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model with a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to estimate the impacts of LU/LC conversion on the mean annual soil loss in Temeji watershed. In this study, LU/LC change of Temeji watershed were assessed from 2000 to 2020 by using 2000 Landsat ETM+ and 2020 Landsat OLI/TIRS images and classified using supervised maximum likelihood classification algorithms. ResultsResults indicates that majority of the LU/LC in the study area is vulnerable to soil erosion. Our findings show that cultivated land had the highest average soil loss rate in Temeji watershed. High soil loss is observed when grass and forest land were converted into cultivated land with mean soil loss of 88.8t/ha/yr and 86.9t/ha/yr in 2020. Results revealed that about 6608.5ha (42.8%) and 8391.8ha (54.4%) were categorized under severe classes in 2000 and 2020, respectively.ConclusionsThe results can definitely support policy makers and environmental managers in implementation of soil and water conservation practices and erosion risk prevention and mitigation strategies in Temeji watershed.

2020 ◽  
Hong Zhao ◽  
Yijian Zeng ◽  
Bob Su ◽  
Xujun Han

<p>Accurate basic soil properties information is fundamental for obtaining reliable soil moisture using land surface models. In view of the passive microwave remote sensing, basic soil properties have an impact on soil dielectric constant, together with soil moisture and temperature. The common link enables to use coupled land surface model with microwave emission model for retrieving basic soil properties in space, especially in remote areas such as the third pole region. The Maqu site in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, including ELBARA-III radiometry observations, was taken as the case. This paper employed an improved observation operator— a discrete scattering-emission model of L-band radiometry with an air-to-soil transition model embedded in, which considers both geometric and dielectric roughness impacts from heterogeneous topsoil structure on surface emission. Community Land Model 4.5 together with Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter algorithm were used by mean of the Open Source Multivariate Land Data Assimilation Framework. The retrieved basic soil properties were compared to in situ measurements, as well as the update soil moisture and temperature and energy fluxes. The impacts from surface roughness consideration and polarization configuration on parameter retrieval were also evaluated. To gain an insight on the impact from time interval of observations on parameter retrieval, results using observations at SMAP descending and ascending time were discussed.</p>

2008 ◽  
Vol 136 (10) ◽  
pp. 3822-3847 ◽  
Sytske K. Kimball

Using an idealized landfalling model hurricane, the impact of different land surface characteristics on hurricane rainfall distribution before, during, and after landfall is investigated. Before landfall, maximum rainfall occurs on the right side of the storm track as a result of dry air intrusion from both the environmental flow behind the vortex and the land surface ahead of the vortex. These sources of dry air combine to destabilize the right side and stabilize the left side of the storm. Upon landfall, the rainfall maximum shifts to the left of the storm track over land, near the coast. Increased friction over land drives a region of convergence in the entire front half of the storm. While mean rainfall rates decrease, localized areas of large rainfall accumulations may occur as a result of this frictional forcing. Over land, the rainfall area broadens and mean rainfall rates decrease. No differences are detected in inner-core rainfall rates between cases, but outer-core rainfall rates and rainfall coverage increase with moister land surfaces. Hence, significant differences in rainfall accumulations occur depending on moisture availability of the land surface. Since reconnaissance planes cannot fly over land, forecasters are often forced to make extrapolations from reconnaissance data over water. They should take extreme caution in doing so, since rainfall distributions may change suddenly upon landfall as different forcing mechanisms take over.

2021 ◽  
Vol 314 ◽  
pp. 04004
Nabil Aouichaty ◽  
Yassine Bouslihim ◽  
Said Hilali ◽  
Abdeljalil Zouhri ◽  
Yahya Koulali

Topographic slope information is one of the critical variables, which governs soil erosion. This topographic slope can be derived from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Significant discrepancies are found in the estimation of soil erosion using different DEMs of different resolutions. In the present study, the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was used for soils in the Settat province (Morocco) to assess the risk of water erosion caused by abandoned quarries. The soil erosion rate was divided into five classes to illustrate the erosion rate variability using two DEMs (30m and 90m). The impact of topography on erosion was determined by calculating the value of the LS factors. In this case, the values obtained vary between 0 - 120.623 for ASTER DEM (30m) and 0 - 10.225 for DEM SRTM (90m). The results also show that most quarries have a soil loss rate that varies between 0 t/ha/year and 8.1 t/ha/year for ASTER DEM (30 m). However, for DEM SRTM (90 m), the soil loss rate is zero. This suggests that RUSLE model users should use high-resolution input data for a close representation of reality and capture the maximum results with reasonable accuracy.

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