scholarly journals Active fault databases: building a bridge between earthquake geologists and seismic hazard practitioners, the case of the QAFI v.3 database

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. 1447-1459 ◽  
Julián García-Mayordomo ◽  
Raquel Martín-Banda ◽  
Juan M. Insua-Arévalo ◽  
José A. Álvarez-Gómez ◽  
José J. Martínez-Díaz ◽  

Abstract. Active fault databases are a very powerful and useful tool in seismic hazard assessment, particularly when singular faults are considered seismogenic sources. Active fault databases are also a very relevant source of information for earth scientists, earthquake engineers and even teachers or journalists. Hence, active fault databases should be updated and thoroughly reviewed on a regular basis in order to keep a standard quality and uniformed criteria. Desirably, active fault databases should somehow indicate the quality of the geological data and, particularly, the reliability attributed to crucial fault-seismic parameters, such as maximum magnitude and recurrence interval. In this paper we explain how we tackled these issues during the process of updating and reviewing the Quaternary Active Fault Database of Iberia (QAFI) to its current version 3. We devote particular attention to describing the scheme devised for classifying the quality and representativeness of the geological evidence of Quaternary activity and the accuracy of the slip rate estimation in the database. Subsequently, we use this information as input for a straightforward rating of the level of reliability of maximum magnitude and recurrence interval fault seismic parameters. We conclude that QAFI v.3 is a much better database than version 2 either for proper use in seismic hazard applications or as an informative source for non-specialized users. However, we already envision new improvements for a future update.

2017 ◽  
Julián García-Mayordomo ◽  
Raquel Martín-Banda ◽  
Juan M. Insua-Arévalo ◽  
José A. Álvarez-Gómez ◽  
José J. Martínez-Díaz ◽  

Abstract. Active fault databases are a very powerful and useful tool in seismic hazard assessment, particularly when singular faults are considered as seismogenic sources. Active fault databases are also a very relevant source of information for earth scientists, earthquake engineers and even teachers or journalists. Active fault databases, hence, should be updated and through reviewed on a regular basis in order to keep a standard quality and uniformed criteria. Desirably, active fault databases should indicate somehow the quality of the geological data and, particularly, the reliability attributed to crucial fault-seismic parameters, as Maximum Magnitude and Recurrence Interval. In this paper we explain how we tackled these issues during the process of updating and reviewing the Quaternary Active Fault Database of Iberia (QAFI) to its current version 3. We devote particular attention to describing the scheme devised for classifying the quality and representativeness of the geological evidence of Quaternary activity and the accuracy of the slip rate estimation in the database. Subsequently, we use this information as input for a straightforward rating of the level of reliability of Maximum Magnitude and Recurrence Interval fault seismic parameters. We conclude that QAFI v.3 is a much better database than version 2 either for a proper use in seismic hazard applications or as an informative source for non-specialized users. However, we already envision new improvements for a future update.

2011 ◽  
Vol 182 (4) ◽  
pp. 347-365 ◽  
Stéphane Baize ◽  
Marc Cushing ◽  
Francis Lemeille ◽  
Céline Gelis ◽  
David Texier ◽  

Abstract The Vuache fault is a prominent structure cutting the southernmost Swiss Molasse basin, from the Subalpine massifs to the Jura range. It controls a superficial (0 to 3 km), moderate (moment magnitude ≤ 5) and recurrent (a few events per century) seismicity. In order to address the seismic hazard associated to this fault, we compiled existing data, performed new field investigations and reprocessed existing seismic lines. The newly acquired data validate the hypothesis of an active structure. Its imprint in the landscape and its Quaternary long-term activity are demonstrated, especially by the offset of incised small valleys. Some sites also reveal the occurrence of Quaternary deposits deformed along the fault. Despite the alternative interpretation (glacitectonism) already published, we favour the hypothesis of a tectonic origin for some of them. Concerning the fault slip rate, dating problems preclude definitely addressing the issue, but regional correlations suggest that long-term slip rate ranges from 0.15 to 0.4 mm/a. In addition, as previously concluded by other authors, there is probably a basement fault beneath the surface structure. A connection between the two is not completely demonstrated because of the poor quality of the seismic line at the key point, but this hypothesis should nonetheless be considered in seismic hazard assessment. The relative weight of a deep-seated fault (up to 10 or 15 km into the brittle crust) hypothesis may be low because the well-established data fit more with a scenario of shallow fault producing moderate to low magnitude earthquake. This hypothesis – which would drastically increase the possible maximum magnitude – should not however be neglected in seismic hazard assessment, especially because the coseismic origin of deformations in La Petite Balme is still a possible alternative.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Phan Trinh ◽  
Hoang Vinh ◽  
Nguyen Huong ◽  
Ngo Liem

AbstractBased on remote sensing, geological data, geomorphologic analysis, and field observations, we determine the fault system which is a potential source of earthquakes in Hoa-Binh reservoir. It is the sub-meridian fault system composed of fault segments located in the central part of the eastern and western flanks of the Quaternary Hoa-Binh Graben: the Hoa-Binh 1 fault is east-dipping (75–80°), N-S trending, 4 km long, situated in the west of the Hoa-Binh Graben, and the Hoa-Binh 2 is a west-dipping (75–80°), N-S trending; 8.4 km long fault, situated in the east of the Hoa-Binh Graben. The slip rate of normal fault in Hoa-Binh hydropower dam was estimated at 0.3–1.1 mm/yr. The Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) and Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) in the Hoa-Binh hydropower dam have been assessed. The estimated MCE of HB.1 and HB.2 is 5.6 and 6.1 respectively, and the maximum PGA at Hoa-Binh dam is 0.30 g and 0.40 g, respectively. The assessment of seismic hazard in Hoa-Binh reservoir is a typical example of seismic hazards of a large dam constructed in an area of low seismicity and lack of law of seismic attenuation.

2020 ◽  
Jack N. Williams ◽  
Hassan Mdala ◽  
Åke Fagereng ◽  
Luke N. J. Wedmore ◽  
Juliet Biggs ◽  

Abstract. Seismic hazard is frequently characterised using instrumental seismic records. However, in regions where the instrumental record is short relative to earthquake repeat times, extrapolating it to estimate seismic hazard can misrepresent the probable location, magnitude, and frequency of future large earthquakes. Although paleoseismology can address this challenge, this approach requires certain geomorphic settings and carries large inherent uncertainties. Here, we outline how fault slip rates and recurrence intervals can be estimated through an approach that combines fault geometry, earthquake-scaling relationships, geodetically derived regional strain rates, and geological constraints of regional strain distribution. We then apply this approach to the southern Malawi Rift where, although no on-fault slip rate measurements exist, there are theoretical and observational constraints on how strain is distributed between border and intrabasinal faults. This has led to the development of the South Malawi Active Fault Database (SMAFD), the first database of its kind in the East African Rift System (EARS) and designed so that the outputs can be easily incorporated into Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. We estimate earthquake magnitudes of MW 5.4–7.2 for individual fault sections in the SMAFD, and MW 6.0–7.8 for whole fault ruptures. These potentially high magnitudes for continental normal faults reflect southern Malawi's 11–140 km long faults and thick (30–35 km) seismogenic crust. However, low slip rates (intermediate estimates 0.05–0.8 mm/yr) imply long recurrence intervals between events: 102–105 years for border faults and 103–106 years for intrabasinal faults. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the large range of these estimates can be reduced most significantly from an improved understanding of the rate and partitioning of rift-extension in southern Malawi, earthquake scaling relationships, and earthquake rupture scenarios. Hence these are critical areas for future research. The SMAFD provides a framework for using geological and geodetic information to characterize seismic hazard in low strain rate settings with few on-fault slip rate measurements, and could be adapted for use elsewhere in the EARS or globally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
Andrej Gosar

A recent slip-rate of an active fault is a very important seismotectonic parameter, but not easy to determine. Idrija fault, 120 km long, is a prominent geomorphologic feature with large seismogenic potential, still needed to be researched. Measurements of tectonic micro-displacements can provide insight into its recent activity. The Učja valley extends transversally to the Idrija fault and was therefore selected for the installation of TM 71 extensometer. Measurements on the crack within its inner fault zone are conducted from the year 2004. In 14 years of observations a systematic horizontal displacements with average rate of 0.21 mm/year and subordinate vertical displacements of 0.06 mm/year were established, proving the activity of this fault. An overview of methods of displacement measurements related to active faults and of newer interdisciplinary investigations of the Idrija fault is given. Displacement rates are beside for geodynamic interpretations important for improvement of seismotectonic models and thus for better seismic hazard assessment.

2021 ◽  
Laurent Bollinger ◽  
Yann Klinger ◽  
Steven Forman ◽  
Odonbaatar Chimed ◽  
Amgalan Bayasgalan ◽  

Abstract The spatial distribution of large earthquakes in Slowly Deforming Continental Regions (SDCR) is poorly documented and, thus, has often been deemed to be random. Unlike in high strain regions, where seismic activity concentrates cyclically along major active faults, earthquakes in SDCR may seem to occur more erratically in space and time. This questions classical fault behavior models, posing paramount issues for seismic hazard assessment. Here, we investigate the M7, 1967, Mogod earthquake in Mongolia, a region recognized as a SDCR. Despite the absence of visible cumulative deformation at the ground surface, we found evidence for at least 3 surface rupturing earthquakes during the last 50,000 years, associated to a slip-rate of 0,06 ± 0,01 mm/yr. These results show that in SDCR, like in faster deforming regions, deformation localizes on specific structures. However, the excessive length of return time for large earthquakes along these structures makes it more difficult to recognize earthquake series, and could conversely lead to the misconception that in SDCR earthquakes would be randomly located. Thus, our result emphasizes the need for systematic appraisal of the potential seismogenic structures in SDCR in order to lower the uncertainties associated with the seismogenic sources in seismic hazard models.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 69-90 ◽  
Teraphan Ornthammarath ◽  
Pennung Warnitchai ◽  
Chung-Han Chan ◽  
Yu Wang ◽  
Xuhua Shi ◽  

We present an evaluation of the 2018 Northern Southeast Asia Seismic Hazard Model (NSAHM18) based on a combination of smoothed seismicity, subduction zone, and fault models. The smoothed seismicity is used to model observed distributed seismicity from largely unknown sources in the current study area. In addition, due to a short instrumental earthquake catalog, slip rate and characteristic earthquake magnitudes are incorporated through the fault model. To achieve this objective, the compiled earthquake catalogs and updated active fault databases in this region were reexamined with consistent use of these input parameters. To take into account epistemic uncertainty, logic tree analysis has been implemented incorporating basic quantities such as ground-motion models (GMMs) for three different tectonic regions (shallow active, subduction interface, and subduction intraslab), maximum magnitude, and earthquake magnitude frequency relationships. The seismic hazard results are presented in peak ground acceleration maps at 475- and 2475-year return periods.

2017 ◽  
Zeynep Gülerce ◽  
Kadir Buğra Soyman ◽  
Barış Güner ◽  
Nuretdin Kaymakci

Abstract. This contribution provides an updated planar seismic source characterization (SSC) model to be used in the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for Istanbul. It defines planar rupture systems for the four main segments of North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) that are critical for the PSHA of Istanbul: segments covering the rupture zones of 1999 Kocaeli and Düzce earthquakes, Central Marmara, and Ganos/Saros segments. In each rupture system, the source geometry is defined in terms of fault length, fault width, fault plane attitude, and segmentation points. Activity rates and the magnitude recurrence models for each rupture system are established by considering geological and geodetic constraints and are tested based on the observed seismicity that associated with the rupture system. Uncertainty in the SSC model parameters (e.g. b-value, maximum magnitude, weights of the rupture scenarios) is considered in the logic tree. To acknowledge the effect of earthquakes that are not associated with the defined rupture systems on the hazard, a background zone is introduced and the seismicity rates in the background zone are calculated using smoothed-seismicity approach. The state-of-the-art SSC model presented here is the first fully-documented and ready-to-use fault-based SSC model developed for the PSHA of Istanbul.

2020 ◽  
Tim Hahn ◽  
Jonas Kley ◽  
Diethelm Kaiser ◽  
Thomas Spies ◽  
Jörg Schlittenhardt ◽  

<p>Seismotectonic regions are a basic input in seismic hazard assessment. Several seismotectonic regionalizations for Germany were proposed in the past. We are presently developing a new regionalization based on the definition in the Safety Standard of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission KTA 2201.1 (2011-11): “A seismotectonic unit is a region for which uniformity is assumed regarding seismic activity, geological structure and development and, in particular, regarding neotectonic conditions. A seismotectonic unit may also be an earthquake source region.” Our new concept focusses on a transparent implementation of the required geological criteria. Our approach is to initially analyze those separately from present-day seismicity. Compared to existing source area models we strive for a better documentation and justification of the geological elements used to delimit seismotectonic regions. This includes an analysis of the geological history of structures in six time slices from the Permian to the Present that will be considered in the regionalization. The time slices are (1) Permian, (2) Triassic, (3) Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, (4) Late Cretaceous, (5) Cenozoic > 20 Ma and (6) Recent (< 20 Ma). They were chosen because they are separated by marked changes of stress and kinematic regimes and were associated with the evolution of new fault systems or reactivation of existing ones. The tectonic characteristics of the time slices are briefly described.</p><p>The present-day observable fault network comprises faults from all time slices. For each time slice, a subset of active faults will be extracted based on geological evidence for fault activity at that time, e.g. syntectonic deposits. The uncertainties of these age assignments will be documented. The fault subset will be used to estimate overall kinematics, a paleo-stress field and to delimit little deformed or stable areas. Faults, kinematics, stress and stable areas can then be compared to present-day seismicity/active faults, slip directions, stress and undeformed areas as well as other parameters such as crustal and lithospheric thickness. These steps are repeated for each time slice. The superposition of active faults and stable regions across all time slices will identify faults prone to reactivation and regions that remained undeformed over geological time, potentially indicating areas of increased or reduced present-day seismic hazard.</p><p>A comparison with seismicity of the last 1000 years shows partial agreement between regions of strong (or repeated) deformation and regions of higher seismicity. On the other hand, stronger earthquakes occasionally cluster in regions appearing stable since Permian time, the Anglo-Brabant Massif being a prominent example of this type.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
pp. 2365-2381 ◽  
Zeynep Gülerce ◽  
Kadir Buğra Soyman ◽  
Barış Güner ◽  
Nuretdin Kaymakci

Abstract. This contribution provides an updated planar seismic source characterization (SSC) model to be used in the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for Istanbul. It defines planar rupture systems for the four main segments of the North Anatolian fault zone (NAFZ) that are critical for the PSHA of Istanbul: segments covering the rupture zones of the 1999 Kocaeli and Düzce earthquakes, central Marmara, and Ganos/Saros segments. In each rupture system, the source geometry is defined in terms of fault length, fault width, fault plane attitude, and segmentation points. Activity rates and the magnitude recurrence models for each rupture system are established by considering geological and geodetic constraints and are tested based on the observed seismicity that is associated with the rupture system. Uncertainty in the SSC model parameters (e.g., b value, maximum magnitude, slip rate, weights of the rupture scenarios) is considered, whereas the uncertainty in the fault geometry is not included in the logic tree. To acknowledge the effect of earthquakes that are not associated with the defined rupture systems on the hazard, a background zone is introduced and the seismicity rates in the background zone are calculated using smoothed-seismicity approach. The state-of-the-art SSC model presented here is the first fully documented and ready-to-use fault-based SSC model developed for the PSHA of Istanbul.

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