scholarly journals Analysis of the Surface Mass Balance for Deglacial Climate Simulations

2020 ◽  
Marie-Luise Kapsch ◽  
Uwe Mikolajewicz ◽  
Florian Andreas Ziemen ◽  
Christian B. Rodehacke ◽  
Clemens Schannwell

Abstract. Most studies analyzing changes in the surface mass balance (SMB) of the Greenland ice sheet are limited to the last century, due to the availability of observations and the computational limitations of regional climate modeling. Using transient simulations with a comprehensive Earth System Model (ESM) we extend previous research and study changes in the SMB and equilibrium line altitude (ELA) for deglacial climate conditions. An energy balance model (EBM) is used to downscale atmospheric processes. It determines the SMB on higher spatial resolution and allows to resolve SMB variations due to topographic gradients not resolved by the ESM. An evaluation for historical climate conditions (1980–2010) shows that derived SMBs compare well with SMBs from regional modeling. Throughout the deglaciation changes in insolation dominate the Greenland SMB: 1) The increase in insolation and associated warming early in the deglaciation result in an ELA and SMB increase. The SMB increase is caused by compensating effects of melt and accumulation, as a warmer atmosphere precipitates more. After 13 ka before present (BP) melt begins to dominate and the SMB decreases. 2) The decline in insolation after 9 ka BP leads to an increasing SMB and decreasing ELA. Superimposed on these long-term changes are episodes of significant SMB/ELA decreases, related to slowdowns of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) that lead to cooling over most of the Northern Hemisphere. To study associated changes in the ice sheet geometry, the SMB data set is made available to the ice sheet modeling community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1131-1156
Marie-Luise Kapsch ◽  
Uwe Mikolajewicz ◽  
Florian A. Ziemen ◽  
Christian B. Rodehacke ◽  
Clemens Schannwell

Abstract. A realistic simulation of the surface mass balance (SMB) is essential for simulating past and future ice-sheet changes. As most state-of-the-art Earth system models (ESMs) are not capable of realistically representing processes determining the SMB, most studies of the SMB are limited to observations and regional climate models and cover the last century and near future only. Using transient simulations with the Max Planck Institute ESM in combination with an energy balance model (EBM), we extend previous research and study changes in the SMB and equilibrium line altitude (ELA) for the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets throughout the last deglaciation. The EBM is used to calculate and downscale the SMB onto a higher spatial resolution than the native ESM grid and allows for the resolution of SMB variations due to topographic gradients not resolved by the ESM. An evaluation for historical climate conditions (1980–2010) shows that derived SMBs compare well with SMBs from regional modeling. Throughout the deglaciation, changes in insolation dominate the Greenland SMB. The increase in insolation and associated warming early in the deglaciation result in an ELA and SMB increase. The SMB increase is caused by compensating effects of melt and accumulation: the warming of the atmosphere leads to an increase in melt at low elevations along the ice-sheet margins, while it results in an increase in accumulation at higher levels as a warmer atmosphere precipitates more. After 13 ka, the increase in melt begins to dominate, and the SMB decreases. The decline in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation after 9 ka leads to an increasing SMB and decreasing ELA. Superimposed on these long-term changes are centennial-scale episodes of abrupt SMB and ELA decreases related to slowdowns of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) that lead to a cooling over most of the Northern Hemisphere.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 3999-4036 ◽  
C. L. Vernon ◽  
J. L. Bamber ◽  
J. E. Box ◽  
M. R. van den Broeke ◽  
X. Fettweis ◽  

Abstract. Four simulations of the surface mass balance (SMB) of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) are compared over the period 1960–2008. Total SMB estimates for the GrIS are in agreement within 34% of the four model average when a common ice sheet mask is used. When models' native land/ice/sea masks are used this spread increases to 57%. Variation in the spread of components of SMB from their mean: runoff 42% (29% native masks), precipitation 20% (24% native masks), melt 38% (74% native masks), refreeze 83% (142% native masks) show, with the exception of refreeze, a similar level of agreement once a common mask is used. Previously noted differences in the models' estimates are partially explained by ice sheet mask differences. Regionally there is less agreement, suggesting spatially compensating errors improve the integrated estimates. Modelled SMB estimates are compared with in situ observations from the accumulation and ablation areas. Agreement is higher in the accumulation area than the ablation area suggesting relatively high uncertainty in the estimation of ablation processes. Since the mid-1990s each model estimates a decreasing annual SMB. A similar period of decreasing SMB is also estimated for the period 1960–1972. The earlier decrease is due to reduced precipitation with runoff remaining unchanged, however, the recent decrease is associated with increased precipitation, now more than compensated for by increased melt driven runoff. Additionally, in three of the four models the equilibrium line altitude has risen since the mid-1990s, reducing the accumulation area at a rate of approximately 60 000 km2 per decade due to increased melting. Improving process representation requires further study but the use of a single accurate ice sheet mask is a logical way to reduce uncertainty among models.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 599-614 ◽  
C. L. Vernon ◽  
J. L. Bamber ◽  
J. E. Box ◽  
M. R. van den Broeke ◽  
X. Fettweis ◽  

Abstract. A number of high resolution reconstructions of the surface mass balance (SMB) of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) have been produced using global re-analyses data extending back to 1958. These reconstructions have been used in a variety of applications but little is known about their consistency with each other and the impact of the downscaling method on the result. Here, we compare four reconstructions for the period 1960–2008 to assess the consistency in regional, seasonal and integrated SMB components. Total SMB estimates for the GrIS are in agreement within 34% of the four model average when a common ice sheet mask is used. When models' native land/ice/sea masks are used this spread increases to 57%. Variation in the spread of components of SMB from their mean: runoff 42% (29% native masks), precipitation 20% (24% native masks), melt 38% (74% native masks), refreeze 83% (142% native masks) show, with the exception of refreeze, a similar level of agreement once a common mask is used. Previously noted differences in the models' estimates are partially explained by ice sheet mask differences. Regionally there is less agreement, suggesting spatially compensating errors improve the integrated estimates. Modelled SMB estimates are compared with in situ observations from the accumulation and ablation areas. Agreement is higher in the accumulation area than the ablation area suggesting relatively high uncertainty in the estimation of ablation processes. Since the mid-1990s each model estimates a decreasing annual SMB. A similar period of decreasing SMB is also estimated for the period 1960–1972. The earlier decrease is due to reduced precipitation with runoff remaining unchanged, however, the recent decrease is associated with increased precipitation, now more than compensated for by increased melt driven runoff. Additionally, in three of the four models the equilibrium line altitude has risen since the mid-1990s, reducing the accumulation area at a rate of approximately 60 000 km2 per decade due to increased melting. Improving process representation requires further study but the use of a single accurate ice sheet mask is a logical way to reduce uncertainty among models.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 2361-2377 ◽  
Brice Noël ◽  
Willem Jan van de Berg ◽  
Horst Machguth ◽  
Stef Lhermitte ◽  
Ian Howat ◽  

Abstract. This study presents a data set of daily, 1 km resolution Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) surface mass balance (SMB) covering the period 1958–2015. Applying corrections for elevation, bare ice albedo and accumulation bias, the high-resolution product is statistically downscaled from the native daily output of the polar regional climate model RACMO2.3 at 11 km. The data set includes all individual SMB components projected to a down-sampled version of the Greenland Ice Mapping Project (GIMP) digital elevation model and ice mask. The 1 km mask better resolves narrow ablation zones, valley glaciers, fjords and disconnected ice caps. Relative to the 11 km product, the more detailed representation of isolated glaciated areas leads to increased precipitation over the southeastern GrIS. In addition, the downscaled product shows a significant increase in runoff owing to better resolved low-lying marginal glaciated regions. The combined corrections for elevation and bare ice albedo markedly improve model agreement with a newly compiled data set of ablation measurements.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 575-585 ◽  
I. Rogozhina ◽  
D. Rau

Abstract. This study aims to demonstrate that the spatial and seasonal effects of daily temperature variability in positive degree-day (PDD) models play a decisive role in shaping the modeled surface mass balance (SMB) of continental-scale ice masses. Here we derive monthly fields of daily temperature standard deviation (SD) across Greenland from the ERA-40 (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 40 yr Reanalysis) reanalysis spanning from 1958 to 2001 and apply these fields to model recent surface responses of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). Neither the climate data set analyzed nor in situ measurements taken in Greenland support the range of commonly used spatially and temporally uniform SD values (~ 5 °C). In this region, the SD distribution is highly inhomogeneous and characterized by low values during summer months (~ 1 to 2.5 °C) in areas where most surface melting occurs. As a result, existing SMB parameterizations using uniform, high SD values fail to capture both the spatial pattern and amplitude of the observed surface responses of the GIS. Using realistic SD values enables significant improvements in the modeled regional and total SMB with respect to existing estimates from recent satellite observations and the results of a high-resolution regional model. In addition, this resolves large uncertainties associated with other major parameters of a PDD model, namely degree-day factors. The model appears to be nearly insensitive to the choice of degree-day factors after adopting the realistic SD distribution.

2005 ◽  
Vol 110 (F4) ◽  
pp. n/a-n/a ◽  
Marion Bougamont ◽  
Jonathan L. Bamber ◽  
Wouter Greuell

2005 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 107-117 ◽  
Wouter Greuell ◽  
Johannes Oerlemans

AbstractThis paper explores the potential of using satellite-derived albedos to estimate the surface mass balance of the Kangerlussuaq transect (K-transect; Greenland ice sheet). We first retrieved surface albedos from Advanced Very High Resolution Radar data by using, among other techniques, a new cloud detection algorithm based on the relation between brightness temperature and surface elevation. We then computed the ‘satellite-derived mass balance’ (bsat) from the mean albedo for the transect, by taking fixed values for atmospheric transmissivity and the longwave and turbulent fluxes. We found that bsat explains 7 1% of the variance in 13 years of stake mass-balance measurements (bm). Our method also provides good estimates of the magnitude of the interannual variability in bm. The performance of the method degrades considerably without correction for anisotropic reflection at the surface and recalibration of the satellite sensors with dry snow at the top of the ice sheet. Sensitivity tests indicate that the method’s performance is hardly sensitive to uncertainties in parameters. Therefore, we expect that the method could be successfully applied on other glaciers and parts of ice sheets and ice caps, especially where accumulation rates are relatively small. We show that the investigated method performs best just below the mean equilibrium-line altitude.

J.M Gregory ◽  
P Huybrechts

Accurate simulation of ice-sheet surface mass balance requires higher spatial resolution than is afforded by typical atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs), owing, in particular, to the need to resolve the narrow and steep margins where the majority of precipitation and ablation occurs. We have developed a method for calculating mass-balance changes by combining ice-sheet average time-series from AOGCM projections for future centuries, both with information from high-resolution climate models run for short periods and with a 20 km ice-sheet mass-balance model. Antarctica contributes negatively to sea level on account of increased accumulation, while Greenland contributes positively because ablation increases more rapidly. The uncertainty in the results is about 20% for Antarctica and 35% for Greenland. Changes in ice-sheet topography and dynamics are not included, but we discuss their possible effects. For an annual- and area-average warming exceeding in Greenland and in the global average, the net surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet becomes negative, in which case it is likely that the ice sheet would eventually be eliminated, raising global-average sea level by 7 m.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-242 ◽  
S. H. Mernild ◽  
G. E. Liston ◽  
K. Steffen ◽  
M. van den Broeke ◽  
B. Hasholt

Abstract. This study provides insights into surface mass-balance (SMB) and runoff exiting the Watson River drainage basin, Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland during a 30 year period (1978/1979–2007/2008) when the climate experienced increasing temperatures and precipitation. The 30-year simulations quantify the terrestrial freshwater output from part of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and the land between the GrIS and the ocean, in the context of global warming and increasing GrIS surface melt. We used a snow-evolution modeling system (SnowModel) to simulate the winter accumulation and summer ablation processes, including runoff and SMB, of the ice sheet: indicating that the simulated equilibrium line altitude (ELA) was in accordance with independent observations. To a large extent, the SMB fluctuations could be explained by changes in net precipitation (precipitation minus evaporation and sublimation), with 8 out of 30 years having negative SMB, mainly because of relatively low annual net precipitation. The overall trend in net precipitation and runoff increased significantly, while SMB increased insignificantly throughout the simulation period, leading to enhanced precipitation of 0.59 km3 w.eq. (or ~60%), runoff of 0.43 km3 w.eq. (or ~55%), and SMB of 0.16 km3 w.eq. (or ~85%). Runoff rose on average from 0.80 km3 w.eq. in 1978/1979 to 1.23 km3 w.eq. in 2007/2008. The GrIS satellite-derived melt-extent increased significantly, and the melting intensification occurred simultaneously with the increase in local Kangerlussuaq runoff, indicating that satellite data can be used as a proxy (r2=0.64) for runoff from the Kangerlussuaq drainage area.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-144 ◽  
A. Robinson ◽  
R. Calov ◽  
A. Ganopolski

Abstract. In order to explore the response of the Greenland ice sheet (GIS) to climate change on long (centennial to multi-millennial) time scales, a regional energy-moisture balance model has been developed. This model simulates seasonal variations of temperature and precipitation over Greenland and explicitly accounts for elevation and albedo feedbacks. From these fields, the annual mean surface temperature and surface mass balance can be determined and used to force an ice sheet model. The melt component of the surface mass balance is computed here using both a positive degree day approach and a more physically-based alternative that includes insolation and albedo explicitly. As a validation of the climate model, we first simulated temperature and precipitation over Greenland for the prescribed, present-day topography. Our simulated climatology compares well to observations and does not differ significantly from that of a simple parameterization used in many previous simulations. Furthermore, the calculated surface mass balance using both melt schemes falls within the range of recent regional climate model results. For a prescribed, ice-free state, the differences in simulated climatology between the regional energy-moisture balance model and the simple parameterization become significant, with our model showing much stronger summer warming. When coupled to a three-dimensional ice sheet model and initialized with present-day conditions, the two melt schemes both allow realistic simulations of the present-day GIS.

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